Labyrinth Academy 1: Trials: an Urban Fantasy academy romance

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Labyrinth Academy 1: Trials: an Urban Fantasy academy romance Page 16

by JA Wren

  “And,” he added, already stepping back from her now that he’d finished with her dress. “Since I could never hurt you—would never harm a single red hair on your beautiful head—the fire doesn’t either.”

  “Beautiful?” She latched onto that one word, the rest too much to process just then.

  A hint of dimple appeared in his cheek and she wished she could see his eyes, see if they’d brightened to liquid copper. “Doesn’t even begin to describe you.” He leaned back against the wall. “But right now you need to shower. Something tells me the Siren won’t be impressed if you get those new PJs covered in blood.”



  That’s what she had to focus on.

  Not how much she wanted to feel his lips pressed against hers.

  With brisk movements, she shed her underwear, stepped into the shower, and got the water going. At this rate she should probably make it a cold shower, but her muscles were aching from the long day, and she needed heat. While she was warmer than ever with Asher by her side, cold water would only have her stiff muscles contracting even further.

  She ducked under the hot spray, then reached up to spear her hands through the wet strands. Only to hear a grunt as Asher’s hand was jerked with her, his awkward half-lean into the shower looking so uncomfortable a wave of guilt slammed into her.

  “Oh, this is ridiculous,” she muttered. “We might as well share the shower.”

  His body stilled, gone rigid at her words. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, then remembered he’d shut his eyes to give her privacy. “I might not remember last night, but I’m guessing you do. Which means you’ve already seen every part of me. It’ll be easier for both of us if you just get naked and get your sexy butt in here.”

  She was trying to lighten the tension coiling between them, but her humor fell flat because his butt was really damn sexy.

  And she was about to get a great look at it.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he growled.

  Eyes still closed, Asher undressed until he stood in front of her in all his gorgeous glory. Unlike him, she couldn’t force her eyes to shut. Or get her gaze to stop roaming over all the hard muscles rippling with his every movement.

  She finally wrenched her stare away before it could settle on another very hard part of him, refusing to let herself go down that particular road. Or trail of dark hair travelling from his navel, in this particular instance.

  He stepped into the shower, wedging himself behind her without even brushing against her. But heat rose from his body, hotter than the steam billowing around them. “Better?”



  Well, in some ways. It was easier to move, to get her hands into her hair so she could actually wash herself, but even the slightest twitch made her acutely aware of him. Insanely close. Behaving like an absolute gentleman. Infuriating because all she wanted was for him to reach out and touch her.


  “Yes. Better.” She cleared her throat and grabbed the bottle of shampoo Evelyn had added to her goodie bag. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t respond, merely stood like a wall of hot granite behind her, his arm moving with hers. It kept brushing lightly against her here and there, sending tingles sparking through her, while she washed the blood from her hair and then scrubbed her skin.

  She studied the spot where the marble feather had stabbed her, but there was barely even a mark, just a faint, jagged scar and a little redness.

  Focused on the magically healed wound, Rayna only noticed Asher’s ragged breathing when it ghosted over her shoulder. She glanced back at him. His features were held tight, jaw clamped and lips pressed together. Lines crinkled around his eyes as he squeezed them closed.

  Almost like he was in agony.

  She reached up and cupped his prickly jaw. “Ash?”

  His eyes flew open, gone all coppery again, and his gaze collided with hers. “What did you call me?”

  Rayna bit her lip, then dropped her hand. Or tried to. He caught it, holding it to his face. “Sorry, I didn’t—”

  “Rayna.” He stepped closer and leaned into her touch. “Did you remember something?”

  “From last night?” She shook her head. “Was I supposed to?”

  The glint in his eyes disappeared, some of the dark brown returning, and she mourned the loss, wishing they’d go back to their beautiful amber glow.

  She tugged her hand free from his grip. “This has to do with those secrets you’re keeping, doesn’t it?”

  He flinched. “Please, Rayna—”

  “I know.” Her voice was clipped even when she tried to soften it. “It’s for my own good. I can acknowledge that and still be pissed about it, you know?”

  He stared at her, a million different emotions rushing through his eyes. His lips and jaw twitched, like he was fighting himself. Wanting to blurt it all out but forcing himself to keep it all bottled inside. “Someone used to call me Ash. A long time ago. It—I thought—well, I wondered why you’d used that nickname.”

  “Oh.” Did he mean his soulmate? The woman he’d mentioned earlier? Rayna wondered again what had happened to her. Why she wasn’t still with him. But she was too scared to ask. Especially with the sorrow in his eyes as he stared at her. She shrugged. “It just—felt right.”

  He gave her a sad smile. “I like it.”

  Tension billowed around them along with the steam.

  “You better clean up before we run out of hot water,” she mumbled, getting distracted by the rivulets sluicing down his body. She worked hard at keeping her eyes up top, refusing to follow the watery path.

  He nodded, then got busy with the shampoo in quick, jerky movements. At least until he realized it was pulling on her arm. “Shit, sorry.”

  “We really need to get this thing off.”

  He raised his brows and then looked down at his hard erection, smirking like he too was trying to defuse the tension between them. “Got any ideas?”

  It worked and she laughed, couldn’t hold it in at the subtle innuendo. “Okay, I walked into that one. But seriously, if you could at least tell me enough so I’d know how to remove the thread, we wouldn’t be in this awkward position.”

  “I could find a better position, if it would make you more comfortable.” His voice had gone all dark and husky again, sending a flood of heat through her and settling between her legs.

  How could he be such a gentleman and a dirty flirt at the same time?

  “You’re such a tease,” she told him, smiling up at him and hoping to God her cheeks weren’t bright red.

  He shook his head and edged closer, invading her personal space in the best possible way. She licked her lips as he leaned one hand against the shower wall behind her, then dipped his head so his mouth brushed her ear. “It’s not a tease, love. I’m yours. Anytime you want me. Any way you want me.”


  Any way you want me.

  His words had been going through her brain, on loop, for at least an hour. All through the dinner they shared, camped out on the bed with the array of food sprawled between them. Rayna had eaten her weight in protein and carbs, then loaded up on sugar for dessert. Part of it was her never-fading hunger, but it had also been a great distraction.

  Well, at least it kept her from jumping Asher.

  The heat radiating from him called to her, demanded she drown herself in it. Barely clothed in simple shorts and sans tee due to the thread around their wrists, he was the sexiest guy she’d ever laid eyes on.

  Her own tank—straps torn and knotted over her shoulders again—and plaid PJ pants irritated her oversensitive skin until she was tugging at the neckline and drawing his attention.

  Which of course caused her skin to flush as he settled those beautiful brown eyes on her.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  When she’d cleaned her plate of every last crumb, she scooped up the tray of dishes, but Asher took it from her
, the two of them having to work together to get the stupid thing to the floor.

  She wriggled her wrist. “Do you know why we’re tied together?”

  He shrugged and wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I have my suspicions.”

  He didn’t offer any more than that and she got the hint. Secrets. She was getting really tired of arguing with him about it, so instead of begging for answers or lashing out at him—again—she reached for the folder Evelyn had left her.

  Inside, she found her class schedule right at the front, followed by the syllabus and list of requirements. Finally, a set of campus rules and regulations, and a map, showing the circular grounds surrounded by the labyrinth.

  “Aerial labs?” she mumbled, spotting the label above what she assumed were the huge trees she’d seen at the entrance.

  Asher kept his focus on the bedspread, toying with a loose thread on the blanket. “For flight training.”

  “Flight?” she repeated. “You mean like your wings?”

  He nodded. “Students here haven’t mastered their unique powers yet and those who have the ability to fly would need lessons. Kind of the point of the academy.”

  She glared at him. “I know that. I just—didn’t really give it much thought.” She traced a finger over the label. “What’s it like?”


  “Being able to fly,” she said softly. She didn’t know why she’d fixated on the whole wings thing, but she desperately wanted to know more. “How does it feel to have the wind rushing over your wings and soaring up into the clouds?”

  She wished she could do that. Fly high enough the world disappeared and there was only her.

  Asher was quiet so long, she didn’t think he’d answer. When he finally spoke, his voice was low. Hesitant. “I could show you sometime. Take you up there so you could feel it for yourself.” He cleared his throat. “If you want.”

  “I do want.” A smile cracked her lips. “Preferably without those wolf things chasing us.”

  He nodded, lips twitching, but his eyes were still downcast as he focused on the fraying thread.

  His whole demeanor had changed since the shower. Gone was the flirting teases, the seductive smiles, and worst of all, those brief touches. He’d gone out of his way to keep from brushing against her while they’d dressed, only putting his hands on her when absolutely necessary.

  With a sigh, she paged to the list of classes, eyes widening as she read through it.

  Introduction to Physical Realm with Professor Faulkner

  History of Physical Realm with Professor Greve

  Physical Realm Biology with Professor Koestner

  Your Inner Beast with Professor Brutus

  Physical Education with Professor Svein

  Asher slipped it from her hands. “Uh, that would be mine. See it says Physical Realm 101? You’re Spiritual, remember?”

  She frowned at him, trying to figure out all this new stuff and failing pretty miserably. “What’s the difference, anyway?”

  He shrugged. “Spirituals are usually descendants from deities or celestial beings, meaning your abilities come from within—from your spirit, and powers manifest in infinite ways. Physicals cover everything from shapeshifters to those with physical powers. Psych students, as I’m sure you can guess, don’t have any innate abilities. They can learn, master things like spells and incantations. They can channel power through runes and talismans, but only from what they’re taught.”

  Ah, that explained why they were bottom of Evelyn’s list.

  “But you were created by Apollo,” she said. “Why are you placed in Physical? Shouldn’t you be Spiritual as well? Like me.”

  He scratched his jaw, looking impossibly uneasy, then cleared his throat again. “Hale thought it was best to keep my origins a secret. As far as the rest of the academy is concerned, I’m simply a phoenix shifter, which places me squarely with the Physicals as a regular old shapeshifter.”

  She stared at him while he fidgeted, unable to sit still for more than a heartbeat. “More secrets to keep me safe, right?” He jerked his head in a lone nod, a clipped answer she suspected he didn’t really want to give. “Why? Why all this effort to protect me? Shouldn’t I know more so I can be prepared to protect myself?”

  He closed his eyes, shoulders sagging as he let out a heavy breath. “Rayna—”

  “Forget it.” She shook her head and focused back on the folder in her hands. “I don’t want any more excuses.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “Or apologies,” she grunted at him, her skin growing more irritated but for a totally different reason. “Sorry means, I won’t do it again. Not, please don’t be angry with me while I keep doing shit to piss you off.”

  She tried to pretend she didn’t notice the hurt expression crossing his face. Or the guilt and sorrow. If she did, she might forgive him and right then she didn’t feel like letting him off the hook. Didn’t care if she should really blame her so-called mother, the mysterious Nyx who hadn’t even bothered to show her face.

  The food sat in her belly like liquid silver, swirling around with a heavy weight as she flipped to the class list for Spiritual Realm 101.

  Introduction to Spiritual Realm with Professor Kalypso

  History of Spiritual Realm with Professor Sorenson

  Light and Dark Mythos and Deities with Professor Holsten

  Power Infinitum with Professor Luther

  Physical Education with Professor Bjerk

  There was a note at the bottom pointing out that all classes except for Physical Education would take place in Spiritual lab. And below it, a handwritten message.

  Miss Knox,

  A reminder that you will also be tutored, every day at the conclusion of your classes. While Asher has volunteered to assist you, I’ve arranged for Professor Kalypso to tutor you. I expect you to be up-to-date with all your classes within two weeks. Failure to do so will result in you being withdrawn from the program and invited to reapply next year where you will join classmates at the beginning of the semester.

  I hope you understand this is not to punish you, but to ensure you are able to progress with your studies accordingly.


  Headmistress Hale

  Two weeks?

  She might not be so concerned if she knew how much she’d missed—how much she’d need to catch up before her deadline. And she had to catch up. No way was she returning to her life before she got the answers they were so damn reluctant to give her. Before she found out exactly who she was—what she was—beyond Nyx’s daughter. And why Asher was going to so much effort to protect her from this unseen danger.

  Maybe she could quiz this professor who’d tutor her every day. Get some details that way.

  Asher moved on the bed, tugging gently on the thread connecting them. She’d need to get rid of that before she could demand answers from the professor or he’d just intervene and prevent any real information from being uttered.

  Rayna sighed, then packed up the folder without looking at the class schedule or syllabus and set it all on the bedside table. She was exhausted and maybe after a good night’s sleep, she might feel better equipped to handle things.


  “Mind if we call it a night?” she asked without meeting Asher’s eyes.

  She half expected a sexy quip, but nothing came. He simply reached for the lamp and switched off the light, moving with her so they could crawl under the covers. Rayna lay on her back, Asher mirroring her, with their bound hands between them.

  The narrow bed meant they were far too close, barely even a breath of space separating them, forced to wedge the two pillows right next to each other and dangling off each side of the mattress.

  Awkward didn’t even begin to describe it.

  She fluffed her pillow, just for something to do, then stared at the vaulted ceiling, trying to will herself to sleep. But no matter how much she told her body to relax, her muscles stayed coiled tight.

n her necklace hummed against her chest, she carefully pulled it over her head, but the chain snagged in her damp hair.

  “Here.” Asher helped her untangle it, huge hands unbelievably gentle as he worked to get her hair free from the metal links without hurting her.

  He was infuriating. One minute he pissed her off, and the next he was being impossibly sweet and setting her necklace—Tink—on the table with infinite care.

  “You’ll need to choose another familiar,” he murmured as he lay back down. “Hale’s orders.”

  “I don’t even know what that means. Or what my options are.”

  He twisted his head to look at her. “Not everyone has them, but since you bonded with the WillowWisp, and Hale doesn’t approve, you’ll need to find a replacement.”

  She didn’t want to bond with anything else. Hadn’t even meant to bond with Tink in the first place.

  “Maybe we can visit the stables in the morning, find something more appropriate for you.”

  Instantly an image of the winged horse came to mind, his glossy black coat and feathers shimmering in the sunlight. “How do I bond with a familiar?”

  He shrugged and turned back to stare at the ceiling. “It’s a mutual thing. If the familiar doesn’t bond back, you’re shit out of luck.”

  Hm, maybe she didn’t stand much chance with the winged horse, in that case.

  Rayna shifted onto her side, facing away from Asher, but left her arm draped behind her. Not exactly comfortable, but better than lying on her back. She never could sleep like that.



  She hadn’t thought of that particular problem until now. Too busy with everything else going on to worry about her quirks and how they often manifested when she was sleeping.

  Was that a daughter of the night thing? Or a Rayna thing?


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