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Garden Witchery

Page 19

by Ellen Dugan

  Amend (soil): To amend is to add organic matter to your soil to improve it.

  Annual: A plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season.

  Balefire: A small ritual fire, usually contained in a cauldron.

  Banishing: Repelling an unwanted person or psychic entity.

  Beltane: One of the greater sabbats, Beltane begins at sundown on April 30. May 1 is Beltane Day or May Day.

  Biennial: A plant that grows vegetatively the first year and then is fruiting or dormant the second year. Foxglove and Queen Anne’s lace are prime examples.

  Bonfire: A large outdoor fire.

  Book of Shadows: A witch’s recipe/note book. A place to save all your various research. Often a witch’s favorite charms and spells are listed as well.

  Brownies: A benevolent, industrious earth elemental. Brownies are considered to be “house faeries”—see chapter 7

  Cauldron: A large kettle, typically iron, with three legs. A witch’s tool representing the element of water and a goddess symbol of regeneration and rebirth.

  Charm: A rhyming series of words (a spell) used for a specific magickal purpose.

  Clairvoyance: The psychic ability to “see” or sense people, places, and events from the past, present, or future.

  Coven/Circle: A group of Wiccans that worship and study together.

  Cunning Man: An old term, traditionally meaning a male practitioner of magick and healing.

  The Craft: The witches’ name for the Old Religion and practice of witchcraft.

  Dead-head: To prune or pinch spent and withered foliage off a plant (not a follower of the band the Grateful Dead—that would be a Deadhead)!

  Deciduous: Trees, plants, and shrubs that shed their foliage in the fall and become dormant in the winter months.

  Deosil: Moving in a clockwise direction for casting circles and to bring forth positive influences.

  Divination: The art and practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or hidden knowledge. Divination may be accomplished by psychic means or with the help of Tarot cards, scrying, or runes.

  Elementals: Spirits or energies that coordinate with each element. Earth elementals are brownies and gnomes. Air elementals are faeries and sylphs. Water elementals are undines. Fire elementals are drakes, dragons, and djinns.

  Elements: Earth, air, fire, and water.

  Esbat: A coven meeting or observance of a full moon.

  Ethics: If you don’t know what these are, you are in a lot of trouble. See Witches’ Rede.

  Faery: A nature spirit. Usually an earth or air elemental.

  Fascination: The art of directing another’s consciousness or will toward you. To command interest, to bewitch. Flower fascinations are covered in chapter 4.

  Florigraphy: The language of flowers. See chapter 4.

  Garden Witch: A practical, down-to-earth type of practitioner. A witch who is well versed in herbal knowledge and its uses, and is a magickal gardener.

  Green Man: A well-liked, traditional interpretation of the God. Also, the Green Man sculpture is enjoying a current level of popularity as a garden ornament. The Green Man usually consists of a man’s face surrounded by foliage and greenery.

  Grounding and Centering: A visualization technique. A way to focus and relax before or after performing magick. You push out negativity and stress from your own body, then you pull back into your body healthy and strong energy from the earth. (See chapter 10.)

  Herbalism: The use of herbs in conjunction with magick to bring about positive change.

  Holly King: The god of the waning year. His reign begins at the summer solstice and ends at the winter solstice.

  Imbolc: A Wiccan sabbat. A cross-quarter day and one of four greater sabbats traditionally celebrated on February 2. Also known as Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, and Groundhog Day. The first spring festival.

  Intermediate Practitioner: Comparable to a second-degree witch, usually with three or more years of Craft experience under their belts.

  Kitchen Witch: A hearth and home practitioner. One who celebrates and practices their craft in a quiet way using household tools and herbs.

  Lughnasadh: A greater sabbat that begins at sundown on July 31. Celebrated on August 1. The first of three harvest festivals, also known as Lammas.

  Mabon: The autumnal equinox and a Wiccan sabbat. The witches’ Thanksgiving. Date changes year to year, from approximately September 21–23.

  Magick: The combination of your own personal power used in harmony with natural objects such as crystals, herbs, and the elements.

  Midsummer: The summer solstice and a Wiccan sabbat. Midsummer is celebrated on or around June 21. This sabbat is also known as Litha. An opportune time to communicate with the faeries.

  Natural Magician: A magician who works their magick mainly with the elements, in harmony with herbs and nature.

  Nosegay: See Posy.

  Novice: A beginner, a witch with less than a year’s experience.

  Oak King: The god of the waxing year. His reign begins at the winter solstice, and he rules over the year until he is defeated by his brother, the Holly King, at Midsummer.

  Ostara: The vernal equinox and a Wiccan sabbat that falls on or around March 20. This is a spring celebration of the Goddess Eostre, and is a time to rejoice in life and new beginnings.

  Perennial: A perennial plant is one that lives three or more years. Herbaceous perennials are plants that are nonwoody, and whose above-ground parts usually die to the ground each winter. They survive the winter by means of their vigorous root systems.

  Posy: An old term for a small, hand-held bouquet. Also known as a tussie-mussie and a nosegay.

  Sabbat: One of eight solar festivals or holidays celebrated by Pagan religions, including Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule. Often divided up as greater and lesser sabbats. The greater sabbats are Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. The lesser sabbats, Ostara, Midsummer, Mabon, and Yule, fall on the equinoxes and the solstices. A fast way to distinguish between the greater and the lesser sabbats is to realize that the dates of the greater sabbats never change. The solstices and equinoxes shift from year to year, depending on when the sun arrives into certain astrological signs.

  Samhain: Also known as Halloween, the witches’ New Year. The day when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. This greater sabbat is celebrated on October 31. This popular holiday for children is also a time to honor the souls of loved ones who have passed, and is a time to celebrate the coming year.

  Simple: A simple is described as a medicinal plant. Also known as a basic element, having only one ingredient such as a flower or herb. See chapter 4.

  Skyclad: Ritually naked.

  Talisman: An object similar to an amulet. Designed for a specific magickal purpose.

  Triple Moon Goddess: Refers to the three faces of the Goddess. The Maiden is symbolized by the waxing moon. The Mother is represented by the full moon, and the Crone is in sympathy with the waning moon. One example of such a trinity would be Artemis, Selene, and Hecate. See chapter 6.

  Tussie-Mussie: A small bouquet. See Posy.

  Wicca: The contemporary name for the religion of the witch. Wicca takes its roots from the Anglo-Saxon word wicce, which may mean “wise.” It is also thought to mean “to shape or bend.” A Pagan religion based on the cycles of nature and the belief in karma, reincarnation, and the worship of both a God and a Goddess.

  Widdershins: Working in a counterclockwise (banishing) direction.

  Wisewomen: The first witches and the custodians of the old herbal knowledge of benevolent spells and charms.

  Witchcraft: The craft of the witch.

  Witches' Rede: The absolute rule that witches and magicians live by. The Re
de states simply, “An’ it harm none, do what ye will.”

  Witches' Rune: A poem by Doreen Valiente. Doreen Valiente was considered to be “the mother of modern witchcraft.” She wrote many of the traditional rituals and spells that modern witches hold near and dear to their hearts today, such as the poem version of “The Charge of the Goddess” and “The Witches’ Rune” (below), a classic, all-purpose spell.

  The Witches' Rune

  Darksome night and shining Moon,

  East, then South, then West, then North,

  Harken to the Witches’ Rune,

  For here I stand to call you forth!

  Earth and Water, Air and Fire,

  Wand, Pentacle, and Sword,

  Work you all to my desire,

  Hark you now unto my word!

  Cords and censor, scourge and knife,

  Powers of the Witch’s blade,

  Wake you all now unto life,

  Come now as the charm is made!

  Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hel,

  Horned Hunter of the Night,

  Lend your power unto my spell,

  Work my will by magic rite!

  By all the power of Land and Sea,

  By all the might of Moon and Sun,

  As I do will, so mote it be!

  Chant the spell and be it done!

  Word Cunning: Herb craft.

  Yule: The Wiccan sabbat celebrated on or around December 21. The winter solstice is the longest night and the shortest day. It is traditionally the time when Pagans celebrate the Mother Goddess and the return of the newly born Sun God. Decorated trees, the Yule log, fresh holly, mistletoe, and evergreen wreaths feature prominently in our decorations.


  A morning glory at my window satisfies

  me more than the metaphysics of books.

  Walt Whitman


  Adams, Anton and Mina. The Learned Art of Witches and Wizards. New York, N.Y.: Barnes and Noble Books, 2000.

  Andrews, Ted. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993.

  Bartlett, John. Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, 14th ed. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, and Company, 1968.

  Bird, Richard. Annuals. New York, N.Y.: Lorenz Books, 1999.

  Blakeney, E. H. A Smaller Classical Dictionary. Great Britain: Temple Press, 1934.

  Brehmes, Lesley. Complete Book of Herbs. New York, N.Y.: Viking Studio Books, 1988.

  Briggs, K. M. The Fairies in English Tradition and Literature. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1967.

  Budapest, Zsuzsanna. The Grandmother of Time. San Francisco, Calif.: Harper and Row, 1989.

  Campanelli, Pauline. Ancient Ways. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993.

  Conway, D. J. Moon Magick. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1995.

  ———. Maiden, Mother and Crone. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1994.

  ———. Magick of the Gods and Goddesses. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1997.

  Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1992.

  ———. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1985.

  ———. Magical Aromatherapy. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1985 .

  ———. Magical Herbalism. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn,1982.

  Curran, Bob. A Field Guide to Irish Fairies. San Francisco, Calif.: Chronicle Books, 1988.

  Cusick, Dawn. The Book of Country Herbal Crafts. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press, 1991.

  Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs, The Everyman Edition. London, U.K.: Cathay Books, 1987.

  Dunwich, Gerina. The Pagan Book of Halloween. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Compass, 2000.

  Elliot, Charles. The Quotable Gardener. New York, N.Y.: The Lyons Press, 1999.

  Fairies and Elves. The Enchanted World Series. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1984.

  Farrar, Janet and Stewart. The Witches’ Way. Custer, Wash.: Phoenix Publishing, 1984.

  Ferguson, Diana. The Magickal Year. U.K.: Labyrinth Publishing, Ltd.,1996.

  Friend, Rev. Hilderic. Flowers and Flower Lore. London, U.K.: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1884.

  Gardening in the Shade. Des Moines, Iowa: Better Homes and Gardens Books, 1996.

  Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York, N.Y.: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1948.

  Grounds for Gardening. University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. (Master Gardener reference guide.)

  Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 2nd ed. New York, N.Y.: Checkmark Books, 1999.

  Hendrickson, Robert. Ladybugs, Tiger Lilies and Wallflowers, A Gardener’s Book of Words. New York, N.Y.: Prentice Hall, 1993.

  James, Theodore Jr. The Cut Flower Garden. New York, N.Y.: McMillian Publishing Company, 1993.

  Laufer, Geraldine Adamich. Tussie-Mussies: The Victorian Art of Expressing Yourself in the Language of Flowers. New York, N.Y.: Workman Publishing Company, 1993.

  Loewer, Peter. The Evening Garden. New York, N.Y.: McMillan Publishing Company, 1993.

  Manning, Al G. Helping Yourself with White Witchcraft. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Company, 1972.

  Mercatantae, Anthony S. The Magic Garden. New York, N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1976.

  Monaghan, Patricia. The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1990.

  Murray, Elizabeth. Cultivating Sacred Space, Gardening for the Soul. San Francisco, Calif.: Pomegranate Publishing, 1997.

  Nahmad, Claire. Earth Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1994.

  ———. Garden Spells. Philadelphia, Pa.: Running Press Books, 1994.

  Quinn, Vernon. Stories and Legends of Garden Flowers. New York, N.Y.: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1939.

  Randolph, Vance. Ozark Magic and Folklore. New York, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 1947.

  RavenWolf, Silver. To Stir a Magick Cauldron. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1995.

  Riotte, Louise. Sleeping with a Sunflower. Pownal, Vt.: Gardenway Publishing, 1987.

  Talbot, Rob, and Robin Whiteman. Brother Cadfael’s Herb Garden. New York, N.Y.: Bulfinch Press Book, 1997.

  Telesco, Patricia. A Victorian Grimoire. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993.

  Thiselton-Dyer, T. F. The Folk-Lore of Plants. London, U.K.: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1889.

  Tyas, Robert. The Language of Flowers or Floral Emblems. London, U.K.: George, Routlage, and Sons, 1869.

  Valiente, Doreen. An ABC of Witchcraft, Past and Present. Custer, Wash.: Phoenix Publishing, 1973.

  ———. Natural Magic. Custer, Wash.: Phoenix Publishing, 1975.

  Walker, Barbra G. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects. Edison, N.J.: Castle Books, 1988.

  Wizards and Witches. The Enchanted World Series. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1984.

  Wreaths and Other Nature Crafts: A Better Homes and Gardens Book. Des Moines, Iowa: Meredith Books, 1995.





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