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Riley's Pride

Page 22

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Then you should have paid more attention to clearing my tracks!”

  The young mountain lion’s whiskers twitched, and he rolled his bi-color eyes — one gold, one green — he was so fucking tired of this megalomaniac’s bullshit. He was new to the Pride and was steadily regretting his decision to join. “And maybe you could have stayed away from their damn house until we were ready. Then your tracks wouldn’t have needed clearing. Or you could have cleared them yourself when you made them!”

  The Alpha bristled, turning and reaching out with a clawed hand to swipe across the young male’s face. “Do not disrespect me, or you will find your family missing as well.”

  Lazarus didn’t flinch. He smiled, then slowly raised a hand to his own face to dramatically wipe away the blood that immediately raised from the deep cut across his cheekbone. He lowered his hand to his own mouth and licked the blood away from his palm. He saw the older male, the Alpha, so called, of his Pride cringe at his actions. “I don’t have a family,” he answered coldly. Then he licked his own blood from his palm again, smiled, his teeth stained red from the ingestion of his blood, turned his back and walked away. This old fucker’s days were numbered. Lazarus was headed further into the woods when he heard the Alpha tell the others, “We will attack tonight. My son will be captured. If force is necessary, I have no problem with it, but do not kill him. He must survive to be punished. That female? Do not harm her; see to it that she is not harmed in any way. She will be our new Reigna.”

  Several of the males, who had been with his Pride for so long they’d been suitably brainwashed, agreed readily. Some of the stronger males, who followed orders only because the Alpha threatened the safety of their own families, hesitated, but then agreed when the Alpha pinned them with a pressing stare.


  Riley was standing in the front office of the satellite company, making the final arrangements. “I need it to be active by the 28th.”

  “I’m not sure we can promise that, sir. Today’s the 22nd, and we are only working tomorrow; then, we are closing for Christmas. We won’t open again until the 27th.”

  “I understand that. But we have a business opening just after the first of the year, two in fact. And we’ll need Wi-Fi access for our computers and credit card machines, as well as our customers and our own house, which is just across from it.”

  “Give me just a moment, let me see what I can do,” the woman behind the counter told him. Moments later, she was back, “I can confirm the 29th for your businesses, but not the 28th. Our commercial division doesn’t return to work until the 28th, and they’re already booked for that day. We can get your residence done for the 28th though.”

  “Seriously? They are two hundred feet apart. You can’t do both at the same time?”

  “Unfortunately, no. The business has to be handled by the commercial division, and your residence will be handled by our residential department. But, both will be up and running by the end of the day on the 29th.”

  Riley looked around, irritated. “Since they’re done separately, can I get the residence set up before Christmas?”

  “That’s unlikely,” the woman answered.

  Riley smiled and leaned on the counter, tilting his head just so. He looked behind him at Cristie who was being held by Richie. “I know it’s the holidays, and I know it’s last minute, but, we’re new in town. And my little girl,” he indicated Cristie, “I got her a kid’s tablet for Christmas. Is there any way for us to get the house Wi-Fi up before Christmas? I can wait until the 29th for the business, but the house… we really need it before Christmas, so she won’t have to wait to play with her gift.”

  The woman looked Riley up and down appreciatively. He was a good looking man. And the fact that he had a little girl he was trying to make Christmas special for added to his charm. “You do know you need two satellites for each location, so it’s a little more than a standard television satellite installation?”

  “One for Wi-Fi, and one for TV access, right?”

  “Yes, sir. That’s right.”

  “I understand. And any help you can offer is appreciated,” Riley finished, flashing her a mega-watt smile.

  “Well. Let me see if there’s anything I can do.” She went to a computer on one of the desks behind her and tapped away for a few minutes. She made a face or two and continued to tap on the keyboard. “Can you pay the deposit for both locations in full today?”

  “Yes, I can.”

  She tapped some more, “Okay. I’ve set up an appointment for this afternoon. I squeezed you in as the last appointment, so it may be a bit late. But they should be there today. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am, it sure is. We’ll be waiting for ‘em,” Riley answered, a bright smile on his face. “Thank you very, very much. You’ve made my little girl’s Christmas very special.”

  “You’re welcome,” the woman replied, fluttering her eyes at Riley, though she was old enough to be his mother. “I do what I can.”

  “I’m sure you do, they’re very lucky to have you. And, should I expect the commercial installation on the 29th as you said?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Thanks, again. And Merry Christmas,” he leaned over to see her name-tag, “Gladys.”

  Her smile grew at his notice of her name, “Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Colter.”


  Riley headed to Cooper’s Mercantile next. “I need to pick up a few things. Can we do separate buggies?” Riley asked as they walked in.

  “I don’t know,” Richie teased, “Do you think we can find some more Christmas decorations we need, pretty-girl?” he asked Cristie.

  “Yes!” Cristie answered, clapping her hands.

  “Looks like we got a deal!” Richie said to Riley.

  Riley grabbed his own shopping cart, leaned over to kiss Cristie’s head as Richie strapped her in his cart and said, “Be good for Uncle Richie, and don’t pick out any more decorations. We have enough,” he said, tickling her belly.

  Riley pushed his shopping cart over toward the electronics, picked up three laptops and placed them in the bottom of his cart. He reached for a children’s Leapfrog tablet for Cristie and placed it in the cart as well. He went over to the cell phone activation counter and bought another cell phone. Had it activated, then repackaged and wrapped, along with all the other items in his cart. He was officially done with Christmas shopping. Typical Riley, efficient and without hesitation — done. Except for one item. He wandered over to the jewelry counter, refusing to acknowledge this had been the main reason for his stop at the store. He walked back and forth along the display cases, until the perfect one caught his eye. He tapped the top of the glass case, “That one. Can I see that one?”

  “Yes, sir.” The jewelry girl took the item from the display and handed it to him.

  He placed the ring on the tip of his pinkie finger, admiring the glitter and flash of the stones in it.

  “It’s a pretty one,” the girl told him.

  “It really is,” he agreed.

  The sales girl launched into a description of the ring, “The center diamond is cushion cut, and just shy of one carat. The two sapphires are triangles, one on each side, and each one a quarter carat. And the two matching bands are each another quarter carat, with twelve pave set two point diamonds across the top of each.”

  “Is this white gold or platinum?” Riley asked.

  “White gold.”

  Riley spread his thumb and forefinger the amount of space he’d measured Maia’s finger to be while she’d been asleep in his arms the night before. Then he held the ring up to the space. It was a perfect fit, he thought. “I think it fits.”

  “It’s a sign!” the girl said.

  “I think it is,” Riley answered. “I’ll take it. Please wrap it for me?”

  “Yes, sir. Anything else?”

  Riley looked around, “Yeah, you know what? I’ll take that silver cross pendant, too.”

�Same packaging?”

  “No, it’s for someone else.”


  Shopping done, Wi-Fi taken care of, and their stock for the store and supplies for the restaurant confirmed and scheduled for the 29th as well, Riley headed home. He was feeling like Christmas was in the air for the first time this year. He was excited. Until he got home and tried to walk into his front door. He found it locked. That was strange, he thought. Especially since Libby’s car was parked out front, and he could scent Lucas and Maia inside as well. He had Cristie in one hand and several bags in the other, Richie following him loaded down with bags. He lifted his leg and lightly tapped the door with his boot. “Hey! Ya’ll here?” he called.

  Footsteps sounded at his call, and soon the door was opening for him, Lucas standing back to allow them to enter.

  “Ya’ll alright?” Riley asked, walking in and setting Cristie down on her feet, so she could run off to find Maia while he put the packages under the tree.

  “Yeah,” Lucas said, closing the door behind Richie, who followed Riley to the tree and started handing him packages to add to those he’d already put under the tree. “Just some unusual things put us on alert. And being here with the females alone, I decided to be proactive.”

  “Good deal,” Riley answered, then, “What unusual things?”

  “Well, nothing too much on their own, but all together seems a little more than coincidence. Out back behind the house I came across some prints, some kind of big cat, but not yours. And they’d been brushed away for the most part with a branch or something. Then the last few days I been scenting another cat, maybe two, across the road there. Thought maybe they were just passing through, but now I’m not so sure. Then when Maia was out dealing with the gas delivery, I’d have sworn I saw the flash of a pair of ears before they ducked down behind the trees over there. My Bear was coming back from a run, so I shifted real quick, threw on some clothes I left on the back porch and hurried to Maia. She said she felt like she was being watched, and I could feel her tension. I brought her inside, and we pulled the blinds closed, and I told her to stay away from the front window. It’s very easy for anyone to see inside the house through it — keep an eye on comings and goings from there. I think we’re being watched, Riley. I’m not sure if it’s curious, or if it’s intentional or even dangerous intent, but I really feel we’re on somebody’s radar.”

  Riley had finished putting all the gifts under the tree and stood up. “You secured the rest of the house?” Riley asked.


  “Alright, let’s talk to the girls, then check it out.”

  Riley stood at the kitchen table, his hand resting on Maia’s shoulder where she sat in the chair before him. “So, until we are sure that we are just overreacting, no one goes anywhere alone. I cannot and will not risk the safety of any of you.”

  Libby looked around, squirming.

  “Is there a problem, Libby?” Riley asked.

  “Well, not really. I mean, I don’t have a change of clothes with me, and I’m supposed to go into work tomorrow.”

  “One of us can take you home to get some clothes. Work, if you want to go, we’ll drive you. If not, call in sick for a day or two. It won’t be much longer, and you’ll be working here for us anyway.”

  “Or you could wear some of my things for a few days,” Maia offered.

  “Thank you,” Libby said.

  Lucas stood at the other end of the table, “If you want to go to work, I’ll ride with you.”

  “I’ll call and see if I can get someone to cover my shift for tomorrow. It shouldn’t be a big deal — it’s only a few hours.”

  “Good,” Riley said, then, “Where’s Richie?”

  “I’m not sure,” Lucas answered.

  “He went out back while you and Lucas were talking,” Maia said.

  “What?!” Riley demanded. “Damn, Richie!” he mumbled stalking to the back door to fling it open and storm out of it. But before he could get there, it opened on its own and Richie rushed in.

  “I know who they are,” Richie announced.

  “So we are being watched,” Lucas stated.

  “Yep, and I know by whom. It’s my father.”

  “Your father? You’re sure?” Riley asked.

  “Yes. Absolutely. I picked up his scent out there behind the house.”

  “Is it just him or are others with him?” Riley asked.

  “I scented at least two others.” Richie turned his eyes to Riley, “I’m sorry, Alpha Riley. I’ve brought this trouble to your door. I should have stayed where I was.”

  “Bullshit! And don’t even think of saying that crap again. We’ll handle this.”

  “I know, but this is a direct result of me leaving his Pride.”

  “You are second in this Pride. Are you going to lay down and allow them to intimidate us. To tear down what we’ve built so far?”

  “No, Alpha!”

  “They don’t know we know who they are, or why they’re here. We have the upper hand,” Riley said confidently.

  “There may be more than the three of them. He rarely travels outside his own territory without at least a dozen males,” Richie said.

  Lucas shrugged, “Then I get to play a little longer than I hoped for.”

  “Play?” Richie asked.

  “Yep. Gonna play. Love kicking ass. Lets me work out my anxiety,” Lucas said, winking at Richie.

  Riley laughed, “You are a bit warped, you know that?”

  “Sure do,” Lucas answered, “It makes me more attractive to the ladies, though, don’t you think?” Lucas said, grinning at Libby. “I’m sexy when I’m talking about kicking ass, huh?”

  Libby and Maia both laughed, which was exactly what Lucas was aiming for. They were tense, he wanted them to relax. Wanted their fear to notch down a level or two. And the joke was the only thing he could think of.

  “Everybody know about the storm cellar?” Riley asked.

  “I don’t,” answered Libby.

  “Well, let me show you. Just for worst case scenario, you should all know where it is, how to get in and how to get out,” Riley said, standing to walk over to the pantry.

  Chapter 27

  Their signs were delivered that afternoon. The delivery included the installation of the electric signs above the store, still aptly named ‘The Only Stop’ and the diner, which they’d christened, ‘The Best Bite,’ and Maia spent the afternoon with Richie arranging the letters on the mobile one out front announcing their grand-opening date, the cost of gasoline per gallon, and the meal options Richie would be offering. They planned to change the meals listed on it each morning, so anyone going by would know what the specials were. They finished right before dark, just about the same time the satellite installation people showed up.

  It took a couple of hours, and finally, the satellites were installed, the wiring run and the house had Wi-Fi. The satellite boxes on the televisions in the bedrooms had been programmed, and the signs were on a timer over at the store and diner, so were glowing brightly, announcing both businesses. Libby was sitting in the front room engrossed in her Kindle, while Richie and Riley argued good naturedly over what they’d watch while they flipped through the hundreds of channels on the living room TV. Lucas had excused himself right after dinner, shifted and as was his customary practice, wandered off into the trees covering their land. Maia was upstairs bathing Cristie and getting her ready for bed. The sound of Maia’s laughter and Cristie’s shriek as she splashed Maia with water carried down the stairs to them. Riley glanced toward the stairs at the sound, smiling.

  Richie watched the smile take Riley’s face, “Life is good.”

  Riley met his eyes, “It is indeed. Everything is falling into place now. This is home. As it should be.”

  Almost the moment the words left his lips, the back door was thrust open, “Riley!”

  Riley stood, “Lucas? Is there a problem?”

  “Yes!” he shouted, running down the hall
— buck ass naked from having shifted back to human but not stopping for his clothes — toward them. “They’re coming. I was scouting around, staying out of sight, and I saw them. I counted at least sixteen, maybe more. They’re on their way, coming in this direction. They’re in stealth mode.”

  “Maia! Bring Cristie down here! Right now! Hurry!” Riley called.

  “I’ll go out and talk to them. It’s me they want after all,” Richie said.

  “Nope. My Pride. I’m Alpha. I got this.”

  “But Alpha…” Richie tried to object.

  “Zip it!” Riley snapped, before turning toward the stairs to meet Maia as she came down quickly, Cristie wrapped in a towel in her arms, and grasping Cristie’s pajamas in one hand. “What’s wrong?” she asked, anxiety clear in her voice.

  “Lucas saw the other Pride. They’re headed this way. I need you all inside the house, in the same place, on alert. I’m going to find out what the fuck this is all about.”

  “Riley…” Maia said, taking a step toward him.

  Riley was to her in three steps, he pulled her into a hug with Cristie still in her arms, “I need you to be Reigna, my Maia. I need you to stay here, keep everyone calm. Keep Cristie safe.” He dropped a kiss on Cristie’s forehead. “Stay with mama. She’ll take care of you ‘til I get back.”

  The look in Maia’s eyes went from anxious to determined. “Riley,” she whispered.

  “It’ll be fine. I’m going to shift and go out to see for myself what they’re up to. I won’t be long.”

  “Okay,” she answered quietly, having complete faith in Riley and his ability to take care of himself and them.

  “Too late,” Lucas called.

  Riley turned to find Lucas leaning over peeking through the curtains of the front window. Riley walked over to stand beside him to look out at what he was seeing. Across the highway, on the rise behind their trailer park, were sixteen large cats — Jaguars, Leopards, and Panthers. All standing shoulder-to-shoulder, stone still, facing the house.


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