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Riley's Pride

Page 29

by Sandra R Neeley

  “I do! I love it. Thank you, Riley,” she said as she reached behind her head, fastening the clasp of the crucifix he’d gotten her.

  “You’re welcome, Libs.”

  “Now open mine!” Maia called out, excited for them each to see what she’d gotten them.

  Lucas opened his package from her first and laughed, “Perfect!” he said, pulling a pair of snow boots from the box. He peered closer, “And they’re the right size! Thank you, Maia. How’d you know?”

  “Because if I heard you complain about your cold feet once, I heard it a hundred times. You needed new boots. So, I looked at your old ones to be sure I had the right size.”

  Roman opened his and found a matching sweatshirt and sweatpants; he held them up very happily. “Thank you, Reigna. Thank you so much. I will wear them with pride.”

  “You’re welcome, Roman. You needed some comfy clothes — all you have is work stuff. So, that’s why I got them for you.”

  “I do, you’re right. Thank you, again.”

  Richie opened his and was touched by her thoughtful gift, “Maia, it’s perfect. Thank you,” he said, holding up the cook book, with page after page of empty lines, waiting for him to fill in his own recipes on each. The cover was inscribed with his name, “Richie’s Recipes.”

  “You’re welcome, Richie,” Maia told him, smiling at his appreciation of her gift.

  Libby opened hers and squealed with delight at the bracelet she’d admired in Cooper’s. “How did you know?” Libby asked, hugging the bracelet to her chest.

  “I saw you admiring it. The moment you walked away, I bought it for you.”

  Libby opened the sweater that Maia had chosen for her, “Oh, Maia. It’s so pretty. Thank you so, so much.”

  “You’re welcome, it’ll look great on you.”

  Riley opened the shirt box lying on the floor at his feet, and at his confused look, Richie, Lucas, Libby and Roman all burst into laughter.

  Riley grinned and looked up at them. He turned the box around, so Maia could see it. It was a picture of a barbecue grill and smoker taped in the bottom of the box.

  “We pooled our resources and got it for you. It’s out front on the porch, but we decided it would be too hard to wrap, so we just wrapped up a picture of it instead,” Richie said.

  “You guys didn’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, we did. We wanted to.”

  “Yeah, now, please tell me you gonna char some meat for us soon,” Lucas teased.

  “You do know how to do it right? I mean, it won’t be ashen will it?” Richie asked.

  “I will have you know I can cook some kick-ass food on the grill,” Riley shot back at them.

  “We know. That’s what Maia told us.”

  Maia pushed a box closer to Riley, “Here, this one is from me.”

  Riley opened it and found a complete set of stainless steel barbecue utensils. “Thank you, Maia,” Riley said, weighing each piece appreciatively in his hand.

  “You’re welcome. And here, this is from me, too.” She handed him a small box, wrapped in gold paper.

  Chapter 34

  Riley didn’t reach out to take the gold wrapped box from Maia. Riley sat on the couch, Maia sat on the floor facing him. He looked at the small gold box in her outstretched hand and slowly raised his eyes to meet hers. He smiled lovingly at her, then reached into his shirt pocket, withdrawing his own small gold box. “You open mine first,” he said, with just enough insistence.

  Everyone else in the room stopped chattering, stopped admiring their own gifts to watch what was happening between their Alpha and Reigna.

  “It’s wrapped in gold,” Maia said.

  “And so is yours for me,” Riley answered.

  They looked at the gifts they each held out to the other.

  “What’s with the gold,” Lucas asked Roman.

  Roman shrugged, “I don’t know.”

  Riley didn’t look his way, instead he kept his eyes on Maia, but he said, “We have a friend, one of Maia’s uncles, that’s a healer Bear. When he sees Mates, or people who are to be mated someday, he sees a golden aura around them. It gets brighter after they’ve met.”

  “Ohhh,” Richie said.

  Riley tilted his head a bit and held the small box in his hand out to Maia.

  She said, “I said I was going to claim you first.”

  “You did. You spoke the words, or we’d never be where we are right now.”

  Maia nodded.

  “Now, open my gift, Maia. Open mine first.”

  Maia took the box from Riley’s hand and carefully, so as not to tear the golden foil wrapping paper, unwrapped it. She lifted the lid of the small white cardboard box and found a velvet box inside. She took the velvet box in hand and opened it. Her breath caught; it was a beautiful wedding set. When she looked up, trying to blink away unshed tears to look at Riley, she found him on his knees right in front of her.

  “Maia, you are my happy. It is because of you that my world is right again. I never want to be apart from you, not for a single day. With you at my side, all things are possible. Please, tell me you’ll be my wife as well as my Mate.”

  Maia nodded, “Yes!” she said and threw herself into his arms.

  Riley kissed her soundly. Holding her, his eyes closed, his world complete.

  Their Pride cheered, whistled and clapped their appreciation.

  Maia leaned back, but remained in his arms, “Now you have to open mine.”

  Riley reached behind himself to the couch where he’d set down the box she’d offered him. He sat on the floor and as she had, removed the golden gift wrap from the box. He dumped the velvet box out into his hand and lifted the lid. He smiled, shaking his head unbelievingly. There in the box sat the perfect match, white gold and pave set diamonds to the wedding bands that matched her engagement ring.

  They’d both chosen the same style of ring for one another.

  But Maia wasn’t finished, now she was kneeling before Riley. She looked into his eyes, “I know this is a little out of place now, since I already said yes, but, here goes. Riley, I wronged you so badly.”

  Lucas and Roman shared a shocked look.

  “I jumped to conclusions, and I renounced you, causing us both to die a little inside. I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt that I don’t deserve another chance. But I love you with all that I am, and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I know you said the night we mated that you forgave me. But I’m having such a hard time forgiving myself. I was so wrong, Riley. I almost ruined both our lives.”

  Riley grabbed Maia and pulled her to him, “I forgave you the moment you stomped into my home yelling at your dad for bringing you here. The moment I saw your face and heard your voice. I knew that no matter what came before, you are the reason I breathe. There will never be another, Maia. Only you. I understand why you did what you did. You were hurt. You thought I’d been unfaithful.”

  Maia nodded, “But I was wrong. And though you beat me to it, I’m still going to ask, Will you marry me?”

  Riley grinned, “Of course, my Reigna, it’s a resounding yes.”

  “So, when you tell this story, who is going to be credited with asking the other to marry them?” Richie asked.

  “I am,” they both answered.

  Everyone laughed.

  Riley took the ring box from Maia and pulled the engagement ring from it, “Here, let’s make this official.”

  Maia held her hand out, and Riley slipped the cushion cut diamond framed by two triangular cut sapphires onto her finger. “Perfect fit,” he murmured.

  “How did you know my ring size? I don’t even know my ring size!”

  Riley held up his fingers, holding them apart a small distance, “I measured while you were sleeping.”

  “What else do you do when I’m sleeping?”

  “I plan for what I’m going to do when you wake up,” Riley said suggestively.

bsp; Lucas coughed, clearing his throat, “Kid in the room! Little ears present!”

  Richie laughed at him, then stood, “Let’s get this cleaned up. We have to go to bed early. Isn’t that right, Cristie?”

  “Yes!” she shouted, laughing and clapping, a mountain of torn wrapping paper surrounding her.

  “Naw, we’ll stay up late tonight. It’s Christmas Eve, we don’t want the party to end,” Riley teased.

  “Gotta seep, Doddy! Seep now! Santa is coming!”

  “Are you sure? Have you been a good girl?”

  Cristie nodded a time or two, then stopped and looked over toward Maia with a question in her eyes.

  Maia nodded, “You’ve been very, very good!”

  Cristie jumped and clapped her hands, “Yes! I very good! Mama sayed so!”

  “Well, then we better get you bathed and in bed. We can’t be awake when Santa comes.”

  “Mama bave me?”

  “Of course, come on, little girl. Let’s get you cleaned up and tucked into bed.”

  “I bring my stuff!” Cristie announced, trying to pick up all her new gifts.

  “You can’t bring it to the bath, but I’m sure it’ll be in your room when we’re finished. Okay?” Maia asked.

  As Maia and Cristie headed upstairs, everyone else got busy cleaning up the living room, throwing away the torn wrapping paper, and cleaning up the kitchen.

  There was a knock at the door, and Riley being the closest to it, pulled it open.

  “Hi, Riley,” Alex said. “Hope it’s not too late.”

  “No, not at all. Merry Christmas, Alex.”

  “Merry Christmas,” she replied.

  “Come on in. You hungry? We got plenty of food,” Riley offered.

  “No, thank you. My mom had more than we could eat in a week. How’s he doing?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “We looked in a few times, but he seemed to be sleeping.”

  “I’ll just go ahead and check on him.”

  “Help yourself,” Riley said, motioning her toward the back bedroom.

  With everyone helping pick up after their celebration, it was done so quickly that Riley wasn’t needed, so he headed up to bring Cristie’s gifts up to her room and to help Maia get Cristie into bed.

  Maia had finished bathing Cristie and tucked her into bed with her new doll and stuffed animals. But she was looking under and inside everything in Cristie’s room. “Baby, I don’t know where it is, where did you leave it?”

  “I no know!” Cristie wailed. “I need Doddy shirt!”

  “I know, it’s okay. Don’t cry. I’ll find it, or we’ll get him to give you another one.”

  Riley, standing outside Cristie’s room, had enlightenment hit him like a lightning flash. He was back in his apartment, trying to call Maia to beg her to give him some time to explain what his plans were, and Mrs. Farnsley was tearing up the apartment looking for his shirt that Cristie used as a security blanket and needed to fall asleep with. He was frustrated, trying to get Maia on the phone. Instead of helping Mrs. Farnsley look, he just ripped off his shirt, handed it to her and said, “Here, take the one I’m wearing, it smells like me.”

  “Fuck me!” Riley cursed under his breath.

  “Riley? Have you seen your shirt that Cristie sleeps with?” Maia asked, noticing him standing in the doorway.

  Riley shook his head, a weird look on his face.

  “Well, can I have another, so she can fall asleep?” Maia asked. Then, “Are you okay?”

  Riley nodded, then pulled his shirt off and held it out to her, “Here, take the one I’m wearing, it smells like me.”

  “Thanks,” Maia said, reaching out for it and turning to take it to Cristie. Only Riley didn’t let go. He held tight.

  Maia turned back to him, tugging on the shirt. “Let it go,” she said, laughing, tugging it again.

  Riley pinned her with a meaningful look, “Listen to me, Maia. You listening?”

  Maia stopped tugging on the shirt and watched Riley closely. “Yes, I’m listening.”

  “Here, take the one I’m wearing, it smells like me,” he said, slowly, emphasizing each word.

  It took a minute, then her eyes began to register recognition.

  Riley said it again slowly.

  Maia’s bottom lip began to tremble.

  “I was giving my shirt to Mrs. Farnsley for her to give to Cristie to sleep with. She’d lost the one she usually sleeps with. That’s what you heard, Maia.”

  Maia’s hand flew up to cover her mouth, her tears now freely falling. She couldn’t speak. She’d almost thrown away both their lives because he was giving his shirt to his daughter so she could fall asleep with it.

  Richie was coming up the stairs and saw Maia trying to control her sobs, Riley holding her, and Cristie calling from her bed for her snuggle shirt. He didn’t know what had happened, but he knew Maia was near inconsolable at the moment. He squeezed through the space between Maia and the door and pulled the shirt from Riley’s hand. “I got this. Take care of Maia,” Richie said, pushing Riley gently away from Cristie’s door.

  Riley nodded and took Maia to their bedroom. She was shaking her head and crying.

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I was such a fool.”

  “If I’d heard something similar, I may have jumped to conclusions, too. It’s okay, Maia.”

  Maia looked up into Riley’s eyes.

  Riley said, “I’m just glad we figured out what the hell it was.”

  Maia laughed through her tears. She stopped to sniffle and wipe her tears. “I cannot believe…”

  “No. Stop it. Stop,” Riley said. “We’ve already worked through all of this. We’ve both forgiven the other. I pulled away making you think there was a problem; otherwise, you may not have jumped to the conclusion you did. We’ve moved past it and are stronger for it. We know what it’s like to try to live without the other. Don’t bring it back into our lives. We’ve moved on.”

  Maia nodded, “You’re right.” She reached out and placed her hand on Riley’s face. “I love you, Riley.”

  “Love you, too, my Maia.” Riley ran his hand down the small of her back and cupped the round of her ass, “We have a little time before we can go back down and put out Santa for Cristie.”

  “And what do you suggest we do, Mr. Colter?”

  Riley pinched the mating mark on her right cheek. “I’m sure I can think of something to kill some time,” he said, dropping to his knees in front of her and pulling her shirt up to press a warm kiss to her stomach.

  “I’m sure you can,” Maia moaned, holding his head to her.

  Richie knocked on their door, “Ya’ll okay?”

  Riley, with Maia pressed beneath him, paused in his strategically placed licks and nibbles to answer, “Yep, just fine.”

  “Alright, just checking. Cristie’s asleep already, crashed out halfway through her bedtime story. Travis and Scotty headed home, and Libby is spending the night at Lucas’ since we have the bodyguard in the downstairs bedroom. They and Roman left a few minutes ago to head back across the road. They’ll be back a little later to help build Cristie’s play set. I’m going to rest for a bit until they come back. And I gotta make a phone call. So, whenever you feel like it, the downstairs is yours.”

  “Thanks, Rich.”

  Riley looked up at Maia from his position between her legs. “You in a hurry to go downstairs?”

  Maia raised an eyebrow, “If you stop now, I may have to kill you.”

  Riley chuckled, “I think we have time for us first. Lay back, my love. Let me remind you of one of the reasons you love me so much.”


  Richie softly closed his bedroom door. He sat on the end of his bed and checked his watch. Just a little before midnight, but close enough that he’d be deep in conversation when it actually struck midnight. He dialed the number he knew by heart and waited until his call was answered.

  “Hello?” came the
voice on the other end of the line.

  “Merry Christmas, Mother!” he said happily. “Am I the first to wish you Merry Christmas?”

  “You are! You always are. Merry Christmas to you. How are you my son?” Constance asked him.

  “I have never been better, Mother.”

  “Well, tell me. I want to know all about it.”

  So he did. Richie spent an hour on the phone with his mother, telling her in detail all about his Pride. About his friends and his best friend, his Alpha.

  “I’m telling you, Mother. It’s the best decision I ever made. You should be here with us.”

  “I’m thinking you’re right. I’ve been talking to Yvette. Trying to convince her to consider a change, to pack up her things, to come with me and join you there.”

  Richie, who’d laid back on his bed as he spoke to his mother, sat up, “Yvette? But what about her husband?”

  Constance hesitated, trying to word her response in such a way that Richie wouldn’t become alarmed. “It’s not as happy a marriage as she’d hoped. She’s considering leaving it.”

  “Is she okay?” he asked alarmed.

  Constance paused, treading the line between truth and lie very tightly, “Yes,” she said, stretching the truth just enough. She was okay for now — Constance just wasn’t sure how long she’d be okay.

  They talked for a while longer, then Richie heard the others out back starting to build the fort Riley had bought for Cristie. “I gotta go, Mother. We are building a cypress play fort for Cristie tonight to surprise her in the morning.”

  He could hear the smile in her voice as she responded, “Oh, that’s wonderful. I can’t wait to meet them all.”

  “I hope you will soon. Call me the moment you’re ready to come. I’ll drive up and get you. We can rent a truck and bring back all your things. And Yvette’s, too, if she’ll come with you.”

  “That will be wonderful. I’ll call you soon, Richie. I love you. Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mother. I love you, too.”

  Richie sat on the edge of his bed a moment longer, looking at the phone in his hand. He knew his mother hadn’t told him the complete truth, but he did believe that if Yvette was actually in trouble, she’d have told him.


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