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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

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by Irtania Adrien

  Irtania Adrien

  5735 Pierce Street

  Hollywood FL, 33021


  About Number words

  his mate and his mistress: the rise of a Luna

  By Irtania Adrien


  his mate and his mistress: the rise of a Luna

  By Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 1- “Betrayed”

  Chapter 2- “The Moon Goddess”

  Chapter 3- “What about Edwin”

  Chapter 4-“The calm Place”- Part 1

  Chapter 5- “Lina”

  Chapter 6- “Escaping” Part- 1

  Chapter 7- “Escaping” Part-2

  Chapter 8- “The journey”

  Chapter 9- “Naked with a stranger”

  Chapter 10- “The Kiss and War”

  Chapter 11- “The slap and run”

  Chapter 12- “The Over-thinker and the Idiot”

  Chapter 13- “The Killer and the Runner”

  Chapter 14- “Ready?”

  Chapter 15- “Get Set…”

  Chapter 16- “Final Countdown” Part- 1

  Chapter 17- “Final Countdown” Part-2

  Chapter 18-“Final Countdown” part- 3

  Chapter 19-“ Go.”

  Chapter 20-“ Plot Twist”

  Chapter 21-“Home”

  Chapter 22-“His Queen”

  Chapter 23- “Clarissa’s death” Part- 1

  Chapter 24-“Clarissa’s death” Part- 2

  Chapter 25-“He had me”

  Chapter 26-“Hot Confusion”

  Chapter 27-“Clarity”

  Chapter 28-“Shy”

  Chapter 29-“ The Jagged Scar”

  Chapter 30-“Dealing with Darrell”

  Chapter 31-“Raging Battle”

  Chapter 32-“Rise of a Luna”

  Chapter 33-“Trey and Aden”

  Chapter 34-“One of Our Own”

  Chapter 35-“Kade and Darrell”

  Author’s note

  Chapter 1- “Betrayed”

  *Third person's pnt. Of view*


  "Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Came Clarissa's voice, as Adelina gasped in surprise and discomfort, while the cold water trickled down her sore body.

  Adelina tried to catch her breath, but not in enough time, for the second bucket of ice-cold water to come into harsh contact with her sensitive skin.

  "Are you awake now?" Laughed Clarissa, while Adelina coughed out the water that entered her lips.

  She greedily tried to gasp in a gulp of air, but her lungs were exhausted from the quick air intake, and so she coughed violently, causing her body to shake, and for the restraining ropes to cruelly bite into her skin.

  Once she managed to calm down her breathing, she finally looked up into the eyes of her oppressor, the one she once considered a sister, Clarissa.

  Since the night she was captured, betrayed by her friend Kat, Clarissa has taken advantage of Adelina's vulnerability, and has tortured her nonstop.

  Adelina found herself center stage of the blame game, while Clarissa, Wanda, and Wilma took turns to torment her mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  When it all began, she spent her time counting how many days she was being held captive and in pain. She held on to hope that she would be rescued, and justice would be in her favor, but eventually, she started to lose hope, and she stopped counting.

  She has been trying to get in contact with Demitrey, however, she couldn't seem to mind link anyone, which only meant that they were no longer in Georgia.

  She was running on her last string of hope, and she could only pray that she was saved on time.

  "Hey! Hey!" Said Clarissa, as she snapped her fingers near her face, "You don't get to zone out, unless of course you want another bucket of water to drink. Now you already know the deal, are you going to eat today or not?"

  "You already know the deal, of course I won't eat, but you can take that plate of goop and shove it up your arse." Replied Adelina, not even sure why she constantly fights.

  Clarissa's smile fell, and in seconds, her hand came into harsh contact with Adelina's already bruised cheek.

  Adelina head swung harshly, and she kept it turned for a second.

  Adelina drew in a deep breath, and closed her eyes, a pounding headache drumming in her temples.

  She then rounded the blood red saliva that trickled into her mouth, then she spit out.

  Once she had gotten rid of the unwanted metallic taste in her mouth, she once again faced Clarissa.

  "If that's all you came to do, the door is right behind you. Don't let it hit you where the Lord split you." Voiced Adelina, and like the routine, Clarissa picked up the plate of moldy food, and left Adelina to the isolation of her quiet cell, and her blaring mind.

  She couldn't help it when she found her mind going back to that day at the buffet, when she was betrayed by Kat.


  I was nearing the last stall when, I heard Cilia call behind me, "Adelina."

  "Yeah?" I said, preoccupied with checking out the stalls.

  "Adelina." Said Cilia a bit more urgent.

  "What?" I said turning around, and instantly froze.

  I couldn't believe my eyes.

  I couldn't breathe, nor could I move.

  "No." I finally mustered to breathe out, paralyzed by the sight in front of me.

  "Hello Adelina." Said Clarissa with a smile, as she stood behind Cilia, holding a knife to her throat.

  No. I still could breathe, it wasn't until I started seeing stars, and my lungs started to burn that I forced myself to swallow a gulp of air.

  "Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you were-"

  "Dead? Yeah, that was the whole idea."

  "But why? What was the whole point of this? Why get Peter, Serena and Val involved?"

  "Well Peter that little leech had no idea what was going on, I just hitched a ride on his plan. And Val and Serena were just pawns in my game. Both eliminated now. And now," she added, and drew the knife closer to Cilia's neck, "this can play out two ways, you come willingly, and I'll let your friend go, you decide to be a badass, and your dear Besti here will pay the price. Your choice."

  I had to think quick, and I attempted to mind link Demitrey, but as quick as I tried, there came "don't even think about it, I know how your eyes go all glossy when you mind link someone so, don't even try it, if you do, your dear friend here will die."

  "Wait, how would you know that?" I questioned out of pure curiosity.

  "Well, you really are too trusting. That is one of your biggest weaknesses. All I had to do was ask my trusti Kat."


  "Yeah, me." Came Kat's voice as she appeared next to Clarissa.

  I let out a shattered and defeated breath.




  "Seriously? You?! Like what the heck did I ever do to you? Huh?! Please tell me, cause now I'm just confused." I exclaimed, my eyes wide, my mind and heart in a confused frenzy, while my anger was slowly rising.

  "Well, when you first came to Italy, and we met, everything was cool, but then I don't know how, or why, but you became the golden child that my parents never had. It was always "Adelina this, and Adelina that, why can’t you be more like Adelina?" I was sick of it! Before you came, I didn't have to even raise a finger for anything! But then you come along, and I'd have to work to get something from my parents! You're not their daughter! I AM!" She declared.


  Just wow.

  "Huh, well I'm sorry that I r
uined your spoiled princess party. But trust me, I wasn't looking to take your place anywhere. But you know what? If you didn't like me since the beginning, you should've said so. You shouldn't have befriended me, nor should you have gotten close to me enough for me to open up and let you in on some of my biggest secrets." I belted out.

  This was just ridiculous.

  "Well you-"

  "Hey! This conversation is not happening okay? This is my plan, and I'm the one calling the shots. Kat you did your part, your compensation will be as discussed. Now, Adelina, it's time to decide. You come with me willingly, and your friend goes free and unarmed." Voiced Clarissa.

  There wasn't much I could do, Cilia was pregnant, and I would never forgive myself if she got even a scratch on my behalf.

  "Tick tock sweetie, tick, tock." Said Clarissa as she caressed the knife against Cilia's skin, and sickly placed a kiss on the other side of her neck.

  Cilia cringed and shrugged her off, earning a chuckle from Clarissa.

  "Alright fine. I'll go with you, but first you have to let her go, and you have to promise that you won't let anything happen to her." I declared.

  "Fine. I'll let her go, she will step to the center of the room, while you step towards me. We walk out, I get you to the car, and she will be clear to go. One slip up and she's done for." Debated Clarissa.

  "Fine." I agreed.

  I looked over at Cilia, and she was begging me with her eyes to not do it.

  But I had to. I wasn't going to place her in the line of fire.

  Simultaneously, Cilia and I took steps towards each other.

  She crossed me, as I crossed her.

  I made it to Clarissa, and Cilia made it to my spot.

  She turned around, and I smiled at her, letting her know that I would be fine.

  Clarissa gripped onto my arm, and she dragged me out of the bathroom, with Kat in tow.

  We went through the back door, and once again I attempted to mind link Demitrey, but when I felt the teeth of the knife dig into my skin, drawing a bit of blood, I quickly retracted myself back.

  Clarissa opened the door, and to my surprise, there was a van and on each side of it, was Wilma and Wanda.

  Wanda was smiling like Cheshire cat as we drew closer.

  "Aden? Aden!"

  "Yeah?" Came Aden's voice in my head.

  "You think they can see that I'm talking to you?"

  "No, I'm in your head remember?" Asked Aden.

  "Oh yeah, cool. Look, I need you to get in contact with Trey, so he can warn Demitrey." I said.

  "Yeah, I can only do that if you're knocked out. When I did that you were in a coma remember?"

  "And there's seriously no other way?"

  "None that I can currently think of."

  "Ugh fine, but this is going to hurt." I said, then just as I was nearing the van, I started to struggle.

  And as expected, soon I felt the back of Clarissa's knife come in harsh contact with the back of my head, and next thing I knew, I woke up bound to this chair."

  *End of flashback*

  Till this day, she still couldn't believe that another friend of hers betrayed her, but then again, if they betrayed her, then they're not really her friends.

  Adeline sighed, she only wished she had someone to talk to.

  She was afraid to admit it, but for the first time in a while, she actually felt alone.

  "Need company dear?" Came a voice from behind her.

  And her heart stopped.

  Chapter 2- “The Moon Goddess”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  "Selene?" I questioned, my body too sore and drained to move.

  "Yes, of course." She said, then she walked around me, and stood facing me.

  "How are you dear?" She questioned, her hands closed formally in front of her.

  I took a second to really stare at her, like my eyes were just trained on hers, while she looked down at me with that motherly concerned look.

  "Are you serious?" Was all my brain could muster up.

  "Yes." She replied bluntly.

  "Oh... Wow." I sighed, this wasn't happening right now.

  I mean, I know she sees me strapped to a chair, my body bruised in various places, and I haven't eaten since I've been captured, so how can she possibly ask me how am I?

  "I mean of course I see in your physical state you're not all there, but I meant mentally and emotionally. I know that this whole ordeal has been an entire obstacle for you." Explained Selene.

  "Well, mentally, I think I'm still sane, but emotionally, I don't even know where I'm at." Was my honest reply.

  "So why don't you do something about it?" Asked Selene.

  "Like what exactly? Escape? Yeah, been there, done that." I grunted.

  This was irritating.

  I felt absolutely helpless.

  "So I'm guessing you already knew that this was going to happen huh." I stated.

  "Well yes, it is part of your destiny." Confirmed Selene then she questioned "what is the first thing James taught you when it came to survival and defense?"

  "Um that we need to get to know our surroundings." I answered.

  "And how did he suggest you do that?" Asked Selene.

  "By immobilizing our strongest sense. Sight." I replied positive, and suddenly very optimistic.

  "Good, then that's what you will do. Close your eyes, and get to know your surroundings, and once you're comfortable with your surroundings, channel your mind further, until you can fully map out this place in your mind." Guided Selene, as her voice became quite distant.

  "Thank you Se-"

  "Who are you talking to?" Questioned a voice outside of my cell.

  "The moon Goddess." I replied proudly.

  "Ha! Yeah right. Just admit it you're going insane." Chuckled Clarissa, as she opened the door, and made her way to my cell.

  "Why don't you believe me?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

  "Because the moon goddess doesn't exist. That's like you saying “I believe in fairies”." Mocked Clarissa.

  "And that's like you saying you don't believe in werewolves, which makes sense, since you don't even believe in yourself." I retorted, my turn to smirk.

  She made her way towards me, and I instantly braced myself, but then she held herself back and said "no, it's not my day today. Its Wilma’s turn to torture you, but I'll just keep count of these moments, and the next time I get to hurt you, yo-"

  "You won't be able to do any more damage than what you've already done, so save your breath will you? And I need to go back to my peaceful silence, so if you will, get out." I demanded, my eyes holding her gaze.

  We stared each other down, neither of us blinking, then just like that, Clarissa scoffed, and left my cell.

  The minute she was feet away I heard Selene say "And you wonder why I don't appear to some people."

  "What do you mean appear?" I asked.

  "Well sweetie I'm not really here. Don't forget your wolves conjured me, and what you see as my physical form is what you imagined me to look like, talk like, and be like." Explained Selene.

  "Oh... I was wondering why you've yet to help me get out of my restraints." I voiced my sarcastic thoughts.

  "Well that's because the restraints are not for me to get rid of. They're yours. I mean you're a werewolf, a few measly ropes in fancy knots can't hold you back. You're holding yourself back as well." Commented Selene, as she started pacing in the most graceful manner.

  "How am I holding myself back? Did you not see the first day I spent here? I had ropes painfully digging into my skin, I was bleeding, just in the effort to get out of the ropes." I protested.

  "Yes, but were you really trying to get out? Or was that just fear kicking in, and it instantly became fight or flight? See this is what I'm trying to tell you. You can't get out of your restraints until you will yourself to. Not driven by emotion, but by will. Same as No one can actually move past their conflicting emotional restraints because they're not willing themselve
s to let it go, to look forward to a bright future, to free themselves from the clutches of a painful past." Declared Selene passionately.

  I sighed, why did older personalities have to be so wise? And why did they always speak in puzzles?

  "Selene, as poetic as that was, it still doesn't tell me what I'm supposed to do. Can you at least tell me what to do? Or heck give me a clue, a parable, anything for heaven's sake." I whined, tired.

  "Adelina was I here to tell you how to fend off your father? Was I here to tell you how to take care of yourself when no one else looked out for you? Was I here to motivate you to come out swinging and fighting every day? Was I the one who told you to fight?" Questioned Selene, sounding sort of frustrated.

  "Well, no." I answered honestly.

  "Exactly, all of those came from you, from deep within your heart. So why would I give you the easy way out of this dilemma? When this is a test that you alone must pass. Do you think that I really made a mistake by writing Luna in your fate?" Asked Selene in such a spirited manner.

  "Well I-"

  "Do you think I've ever made a mistake? Especially when it came to choosing my leaders?" Questioned Selene.

  "Well, you did choose my pervert of a father, and my drunk of a mother to be leaders." I commented.

  "No, I chose them to be the bearers of a leader. Adelina, life is not easy, nor is it fair. Most people seem to think leaders must be elites and the wealthy. But a true leader knows that a good life is not handed to you on a silver platter. To be a leader you must learn to fight, survive, and defend. You must also be able to relate to one and to all, and you must always be humble. I chose you to be a Luna, because I saw your heart, and your intentions. You're strong, and you will get out of this. You just have to channel your inner queen, and your instincts." Declared Selene, and just like that, I no longer felt her presence.

  I sighed.

  Why did she always do this? Always prepping me and telling me that I'm meant to be a leader, yet she can't even give me a clue of how to get out of here.

  All she said was to channel my inner queen and instincts...but how am I supposed to do that?

  Then it felt as though a lightbulb clicked.

  Of course!

  Channel my inner instincts, my inner senses.

  I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes, my other senses instantly growing stronger.


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