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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

Page 4

by Irtania Adrien

  The second I was on my feet, the world started spinning, and I quickly laid back down.

  After my laughter finally died down, I looked over at Selene and said, "you're just joking right?"

  And she was so serious when she replied and said "No."

  Well shoot... I'm screwed.

  Chapter 8- “The journey”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  "Selene, you can't possibly be serious right now. I mean, Aden can't be in charge of my conscious mind and body, she's a wolf, she will work on instinct, not logically, and that could cause a lot of problems." I tried to reason.

  Selene opened her mouth to say something, but then she paused.

  She placed her hand on her chin, her facial features contorted into that of a pensive mask, then she shook her head and said "you do have a point. Okay, I got it. You will go on your journey, however that's when you are asleep. Throughout the day, you will be awake, and in charge of your body and mind, but at night, while your body rests, you will be on your journey." Explained Selene.

  "Okay, so why don't we forget about the journey, and just move on with our lives?" I tried my luck.

  "Don't push it." Warned Selene.

  "Okay, okay, it was worth a try. Anyway, can I wake up now?" I questioned eagerly.

  "No, not yet. We need Aden to get you out of the hospital." Said Selene.

  "I can get out of the hospital." I volunteered.

  "Can you heal yourself in seconds too? No, you cannot, so Aden has to take charge, heal your wounds and ribs quickly and get you out of the hospital. Once you're out then, you can be back in charge." Scolded Selene.

  "You know what? I'm just going to ignore the shade you just threw a few minutes ago. But tell me one thing, what is this journey all about? Like what happens on this journey?" I asked in sincere curiosity.

  "This journey is all about discovering who you are, how strong you truly are, and you get to discover the reason why I chose you as a Luna. I could sit here and tell you the reason why all day long, but you would never truly believe me until you see and live the reason for yourself. This journey also allows you to face your fears and biggest disappointments, your memories." Explained Selene.

  "My memories? I'm not afraid of my memories." I defended myself.

  "Oh but you are. Tell me, if you weren't afraid, or if you weren't trying to protect your heart, mind, and soul, why would you need to lock away all those negative feelings, emotions, and moments. In fact, why would anyone lock away parts of their lives if they weren't afraid or hesitant to come to terms with or better yet face those locked away moments? So, you see, sometimes it's not even fear, at times it's disappointment, or the negative effect those tiny fragments of our lives have on us. Throughout my centuries of being a goddess, I've encountered Lunas who were so closed up that it had to take major measures to help them open up and let go of the reasons why they were closed off. Some Lunas were close to committing suicide, while others couldn't build the courage to look at their reflections in the mirror, those claimed to despise what they saw staring back at them." Said Selene.

  "Wow." Was all I could honestly say.

  I was speechless. This woman could preach.

  "So, Adelina, don't take this journey as a punishment, or something to torture you. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, nor is it going to be a short journey. This journey will be as long as it was meant to be, you cannot rush through it because then, you're not actually facing your fears, you're just giving a quick glance, then you're moving on. This journey could take years, or a lifetime. We're all on our personal journeys you know. Even me." Admitted Selene.

  "So what hideous memories do you have to face?" I questioned.

  "None. Not all journeys relate Adelina. Just like no one's DNA are alike, no one's journey is alike, but I will tell you what's similar about these journeys, you tend to come across some pretty interesting factors, like I came across Trey and Aden." Answered Selene.

  "I see." I nodded my head, then took a deep breath as I looked over at the lake in my calm place.

  The view was so peaceful, the effect was calming.

  For once I felt safe, and calm.

  "It’s beautiful isn't it." Said a deep velvety voice on my right.

  "Yeah," I sighed, "it's ama-" wait a second.

  A slight anxious breath escaped my lips, I had to blink a few times, before I built the courage to turn my head and look over to my right.

  There, sitting comfortably with a smile on his face was Edwin.

  "Edwin?" I whispered, unable to fully comprehend what was taking place.

  He looked over at me, and gave me his signature smile as he said, "Hey little sis."

  I sighed in shock and gasped in breath of air.

  I blinked my eyes in a quick motion just to make sure that the picture in front of me was real.

  "Please tell me that this is not a joke." I found myself pleading, tears suddenly running down my cheeks.

  "This is not a joke." Said Edwin.

  "What's the one nickname you called me that no one knew about?" I questioned quizzically, still in a state of shock.

  "Addy-pear." Admitted Edwin with a chuckle.

  And short sob of relief slipped from my lips as I jumped in his arms.

  He collapsed to the ground while I held tightly onto him.

  Before I knew it, I shattered in his arms. I sobbed as tears blinded my view.

  His hands wrapped tightly around me, as he held me close.

  I tucked my head in the crook of his neck just to keep him close, afraid that if I didn't hold him close enough, I would lose him again.

  At some point I found myself whispering over and over "I'm sorry Edwin, I am so sorry." And all I'd receive in return is his hand caressing my hair as he soothed me and said "shh, it's okay, Aden, it's okay."

  We stayed embraced in each other's arms for God knows how long.

  I still couldn't believe that he was here, so when he finally pulled away, and my tears finally dried up, I chuckled in an embarrassed manner, then it finally clicked, so I found myself asking "How are you here?"

  "You allowed me to be here, holding on to that last memory of me, and blaming yourself for it caused for you to shut me out. You shut out all the wonderful moments we spent together. You didn't think of when we used to laugh, nor did you allow yourself to move on from what took place. But the truth is, you did nothing wrong, and if I had to do it a thousand times again, I would." Answered Edwin, his eyes never leaving mine.

  I smiled as another tear escaped me.

  I felt an air of relief blow over me, I opened my eyes and asked, "What was that you said right before you died?"

  "Stay strong Addy-pear, I will always love you." He quoted his words.

  A sob broke from my lips, mixed in with a relieved giggle.

  I closed my eyes once more, tears of sudden joy and a light heart swam their way down my cheeks, while a sense of peace started to run from my head to my toes.

  I felt a sudden warm breeze envelope me, and seconds later his presence was gone.

  I looked up to the sky with teary eyes and a bright smile as I whispered "thank you. And I will always love. Thank you."

  Chapter 9- “Naked with a stranger”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I was alone in the calm place for a while, until Selene, with her signature startling entrance, came back and said that it was time for Aden to heal me and get me out of the hospital.

  According to Selene, it was time for the evening shift change, so during the chaos, Aden would sneak around the halls and eventually get us out.

  What I didn't understand is how Aden was going to manage to evade the cameras that were constantly recording, but hey, I was willing to sit back and enjoy the show.

  In a flash I was back in my body, but in the similar paralyzing state as that of when Aden was in control during my heat.

  She abruptly got out of the bed and ripped the IV lines from each of my arms, I winced at
the blood, and the pain that shot through me, but as quick as the pain came, as quickly as it went, because Aden already healed them.

  She healed the sole of my foot, and shredded the cast that protected it, then she ripped the gown off her body, and stood naked as she searched around for our clothes.

  She was opening and shutting drawers when two quick knocks came from the door, and Dave made his way in.

  "Hey Lina- Oh shit, I am so sorry." Apologized Dave. I wanted to hide my body, but to Aden, being naked was natural. She stared straight at him and said, "Don't worry about it."

  "So... what are you doing? “asked Dave, with red cheeks, and a hand blocking his eyes.

  "Looking for some clothes, I'm leaving." Stated Aden.

  I wanted to smack her. Dave didn't need to know that.

  "You can’t leave. You're injured." Stated Dave.

  Based on the round about my eyes did, I figured Aden rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms and said, "do I look injured to you?"


  "Well?" Asked Aden, "you can look you know. I don't bite." Said Aden.

  Much... I wanted to add.

  "Uh, no it's fine really." Said Dave, his face as red as a beet. Poor Dave.

  "ugh, can you just look and tell me if you see any signs of injuries? Like it's not that difficult." Prompted Aden.

  "Uh... okay." Dave swallowed a gulp of saliva as he seemed to force himself to look.

  "What are you doing idiot?!" I asked her, aggravated by her actions.

  "I'm using the power of seduction to get him to help us escape... idiot." She replied back.

  "You can’t possibly be serious. He's a stranger. Aden, seriously for once think logically." I pleaded.

  "He's a stranger who saved your life. Can you just hush? I wish I could block you like you block me." Replied Aden bitchily.

  "Demitrey is going to kill us. Not thanks to you bitch." I snarled at her.

  "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Now please, hush." She said, then she uncrossed her arms, and placed them on her hips in the most vixen like manner, "Well? How do I look?" Asked Aden in a very sultry tone.

  "Delicious." muttered Dave, then he catched himself and cleared his throat as he said " I mean, you look good. Fine. Good. Sorry." He said, then looked away with an embarrassed expression.

  I suddenly got the urge to crawl under a rock and die.

  "Good, now, go get your car, and meet me downstairs at the main entrance." Ordered Aden.

  "What?" Asked Dave confused.

  " You said I looked fine right? Well, go get your car, and meet me downstairs. It's not very difficult." Snapped Aden.

  "Uh... bu-"

  "Nope, go. Now." Ordered Aden in a dark tone, and with one nod, Dave was out of the door.

  I was shocked, that actually worked.

  "Okay. What just happened?" I asked.

  "Adelina, I love you, but you're not the only bright one out of us, okay? I know how to handle certain situations too. We may be polar opposite, but you have to admit what I did there was pretty slick." Said Aden.

  "Yeah it was. Alright, now please put some clothes on. This never happened. We get back home, Demitrey will never have to know about this. Capische?" I prompted.

  "Yes ma'am." Replied Aden.

  *Dave's pnt. Of view*

  I turned the corner with a devious smile, and pulled out my phone, as I dialed the number under speed dial 3.

  With no hesitation after the first ring, she answered it.

  "Babe, it worked! It actually worked, she's going for her escape." I said, still chocked at what just took place.

  "Of course it worked. My dear best friend never noticed it until she got marked by her mate, but whenever Adelina found herself in a situation she couldn't handle, or in a situation where she needed help, her wolf would usually take over. I knew that this case would be no different, especially since she's desperate. With her mate fighting off Val's pack, he can't help her, so her wolf stepped in." Replied my love Clarissa on the phone.

  "Wow, babe, you're a real genius." I cooed at her.

  "Well, revenge demands the mind of a genius. Now, go get the car, and follow along with the plan. You know where to meet me and drop her off." Said Clarissa.

  "You got it. Later baby, love you." I said.

  "Yeah." Was her simple reply. Then just like that she hung up the phone, and I headed off the pick up the car.

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I was currently putting on my shoes when I felt a wave of nausea wash over me.

  I felt as though I was being swayed violently form side to side, as a splitting headache erupted from the center of my head.

  I stumbled back until I was lying on the bed.

  I rolled and thrashed around for the pain was unbearable, but the second I closed my eyes, I found myself in the calm place.

  "We have a problem. You can't go on your journey now." Said Selene anxiously behind me, as I turned to face her, my earlier symptoms completely gone.

  Guess that's the effect of being pulled into your mind when you're wide awake.

  "What? Why? I mean after all the pep talk and speeches, I was sort of looking forward to it. I need some closure anyway." I admitted.

  "Yes, I understand, however, there is something much bigger happening, and I'm going to need you on your best game as Luna. You need to head back and help your pack, however, make sure to always keep an eye out for your surroundings. Don't be too trusting, and you might want to start sleeping with an eye open." Instructed


  "Selene what are you talking about? What's going on? And I don't think the sleeping with one eye open thing is humanly possible." I said, instantly on edge.

  "I cannot say anymore. You have to go now."

  "But Selene-"

  *gasps* I gasped and opened my eyes to find Dave staring down at me.

  At first, he looked at me sort of strange, but then he asked in a very suspicious manner, "are you alright?" I was frozen on the bed breathing hard, not really sure what life was going to throw my way next.

  Chapter 10- “The Kiss and War”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I sat up rigidly on the bed as Dave took a step back.

  "Are you sure you're alright? I mean, you can stay here, it's a hospital, there's nothing to be afraid of. No one can hurt you here, and better yet, you can still talk to the police. Lina please." Protested Dave.

  "Dave, really, I'm fine. I just really want to go home. So, are you going to help me or not?" I asked back in full conscious control of my mind and body.

  "Of course. Okay, I'll help you. But first, where exactly is home?" Questioned Dave.

  "Southern Georgia." I answered with no hesitation.

  "S-southern Georgia? As in the US Georgia?!" Replied Dave.

  "Great! You know your states. But don't worry, all I need is for you to get me across the border. I can find my way home from there." I said picking up my bag, and walking out the room, with Dave in tow.

  Shift change was soon to end, so, I tried to be as invisible as possible, but then a few steps behind me I heard "excuse me? Miss, you're not allowed to leave your room without the nurse's approval? Miss? Miss?! Hey! Coke back here!" Said a male voice behind me.

  It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was a security guard.

  I looked back at Dave, and it's as if he read my mind.

  Without wasting a breath, we took off on a run.

  Seconds later, an alarm started blaring all over the place as a robotic female voice came over the intercom "Code Gray. Code Gray. All security personnel alerted. All security personnel alerted."

  The same warning repeated over and over.

  We reached the elevators, but they were already shut down, so we settled for the stairs.

  A few seconds later we heard pounding footsteps coming from both ends of the stairs.

  We already had made it three floors down, so in a hurry, we exit the stairwell, and barged on
to another floor.

  We ditched the main halls and tried to find shortcuts until another stairwell came into view.

  With quick footsteps and labored breaths, we entered the stairwells and instantly froze.

  A few flights down, a security guard was questioning a nurse, and going back up wasn't really an option.

  "Crap!" I muttered, a headache suddenly coming on.

  I was breathing hard, as well as Dave, and I had nowhere to turn.

  I placed my hand on my forehead, in effort to calm down long enough to think clearly.

  We heard the officer finish his interrogation with the nurse and started to make his way up.

  I thought to turn and exit the stairwell, but that wasn't an option either, when I spotted two more officers.

  "Hey, I'm sorry Dave. I got you into this mess." I said, already feeling as though I've lost a battle.

  "Hey no it's fine. Trust me okay?" Said Dave as he started making his way towards me, his eyes burning into my eyes.

  "What?" I asked confused, taking a step.

  "And please don't slap me after this." Said Dave in a hurry.

  "Dave wha-" my question was suddenly muffled when Dave grabbed my cheeks and placed his lips on mine.

  *Demitrey's pnt. Of view*

  The last resilient warrior from the High-rise pack retreated past our boundaries in the forest at the break of dawn. The usual routine, and like clockwork, the minute the safe bell rang, the warriors who weren't injured instantly picked up those who were in critical condition and brought them close to the cots by the castle.

  The clinic was already too full.

  Diana and her group of nurses made their way to those in critical need to try to mend their wounds and have them back on their feet by sundown.

  That's when the High-rise pack warriors always attacked.

  At sundown we start fighting, nonstop, warrior after warrior, dead body after dead body, then, at the break of day, they retreat and come back at sundown.

  The minute Diana's team was out the doors, the kitchen ladies rushed out with buckets of water and food. They always fed the wounded first, and those recovering second, then those of us still standing, we would help as much as we could.


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