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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

Page 8

by Irtania Adrien

  "Makes sense. Thanks." I chuckled and shook my head, if only he knew.

  "Okay, so Alpha Darrell has instructed his pack to not attack once we're one to two days away, so that would keep you guys on edge. So, you'd be unaware of their next move." I explained to Demitrey, along with the entire pack.

  "Soo... What is their next move exactly?" Asked Kade.

  "Hold on." I said, then I asked out loud "sooo... What is our next move exactly?"

  "Jeez you really are an idiot!" Exclaimed Raoul.

  "Takes one to know one." Was my reply.

  "Hey! Enough. Alpha is going to use the girl for his bargaining chip. If Demitrey refuses to accept his offer, he will kill her then the war will start, and it will not end until Demitrey is dead." Said the driver, which I still haven't heard his name.

  I snarled as something in me snapped, wanting to rip his head off for threatening Demitrey. The reaction caught me by surprise, but I straightened myself up and connected back into the pack link I explained what Darrell's plan was, and then I exit the entire pack out and connected to Demitrey.

  "Baby." He said, then he added "I miss you."

  "I miss you too." I replied longingly.

  "You're gonna be okay. You know that right? This will all be over soon." He reassured me.

  "I know. But as usual, patience is a virtue." I sighed.

  "I know, just know that I'm waiting for my prize when you get back." He said, and that woke me up.

  "Prize? What prize? For what?" I asked.

  "The tease and please challenge. I won." He said, and even in the link I could feel his smug smile.

  "Says who?" I asked.

  "Oh come on babe, you can't even argue that I won. Do you want me to remind you of what happened the night you got kidnapped?" He asked, and I felt my face get hot as the images from that evening flashed in front of my eyes.

  Him stepping up to me and taking me by surprise.

  "You're blushing right now aren't you." He stated, and a jolt of surprise ran through me at the shock that he knew me so well.

  "Babe, not now." Warned Adelina.

  "Okay, I have to work out a plan with the pack. Love you." He said.

  I was going to reply, but then I stopped myself, when I say I love you, I want to say it to his face.

  "And I have a surprise for you. But you're going to have to wait." I said.

  "Aww... okay." And just like that he was gone from my mind.

  I sighed, with a smile on my lips, I love him.

  *Clarissa's pnt. Of view*

  I leaned my head against the window as we drove on and on. My eyes scanned past the trees that flew by us.

  Although we were about a day away from reaching Adelina's pack, my heart couldn't help but to palpitate with excitement and anticipation.

  It was almost over.

  I'd get rid of the nightmare called Adelina forever.

  I looked over at Alpha Darrell and smiled, he seemed so focused on what he was doing, his determined face was fascinating, I couldn't help but admire him.

  "Babe, if you keep looking at me like this, we will never make it to our destination." He spoke up, his deep voice sending a wave of excitement through me.

  "I know baby. But I can't help it sometimes." I chuckled and looked back out the window.

  You see after I offed Val in the forest, and recruited Adelina's sisters, I made a pit stop by Alpha Darrell' pack.

  One night in the bedroom with him, and I had him wrapped around my fingers, and now, he's at my every beck and call.

  Having convinced him into marking me as his mate and Luna, we became part of the same team.

  I hated Adelina, and he loathed someone from Demitrey's pack.

  Kill two birds with one stone.

  And the more we drove on, the closer I got to killing Adelina. I could practically taste my victory.

  And once I was done taking her life, I'd wait a while, get Darrell's pack used to having me around, then a little powder in the alpha's food would keep him from waking up ever again, and I would be crowned Luna and ruler of his pack.

  Then, then I would finally get everything I wanted.

  I smiled deviously and tried to calm myself down.

  All in due time.

  "What are you smiling about?" Asked Darrell.

  "Oh nothing, just thinking of how we're going to celebrate our victory babe." I answered.

  "Oh, I have a few ideas of my own." He said then he winked.

  He really was an attractive specimen.

  Dark hair, hazel eyes, and that chiseled jaw, his features were absolutely captivating.

  Too bad he wouldn't live as long as he expected.

  I'd keep him around for entertainment, then once I was good and ready, I would kill him.

  *Darrell's pnt. Of view*

  I flickered my eyes over Clarissa, and mentally rolled my eyes.

  She thought she had me fooled.

  But sadly, I was just using her hatred for Adelina for a pass to get near Demitrey's pack.

  I always needed a way in, a bargaining chip, who knew it would come at the hands of a total hoe.

  I know Clarissa is not to be trusted, that's why I'm letting her think she's in control. I'll let her lead us to the pack and let her plan out our strategy to take over the pack. When everything is set, Gavin, Theo and Raoul already know how to take care of her.

  I know she is planning some random ways of outsmarting me, but I was already one step ahead of her.

  Word travels fast among the pack warriors. When she killed Val, I could've ended her life, but when she presented the idea that could finally help me get the revenge that I've been craving for so long, I couldn't help but take her up on that offer.

  I lost my mate in a rogue attack, and even though I would never place Clarissa in her position, she offered her body, so I bit her, and made her believe that I marked her.

  She's not my mate, so me marking her would never have the same effects as marking your mate.

  Anyway, with Clarissa believing that we were on the same side, she let me all up in her little plan.

  The only shocker was that she knew Adelina was going to kill her sisters, she knew that Adelina was going to escape, she knew exactly how to map out the place, so Adelina crashed through that window, and she knew exactly where to have Chris and Dave waiting. I must give her Kudos, she is one smart cookie, she's evil, but smart, nevertheless.

  But I didn't become alpha by being a pushover.

  I have a few tricks under my sleeve as well.

  Oh, dear Clarissa, if only you knew.

  Chapter 19- “Go.”

  *Third Person's pnt. Of view*

  It was about a day and a half later, when certain surroundings started to look familiar to Adelina.

  They drove through their city and there wasn't a wolf in sight.

  Adelina noticed the buffet she was kidnapped in as they rode by. Eventually, they ditched the highway until all you could see around were tall trees and thick branches.

  She felt the pull of her pack, she felt the mate bond grow, and she felt the call of the forest.

  She was home.

  "Babe, do you feel that?" Asked Adelina.

  "You're here!" Announced Demitrey, and she could feel the relief and happiness in his tone, then he added "where are you? How far are you from the pack?"

  "I'm still a good distance away, but we're not far from crossing over into the pack bounds." Replied Adelina.

  "Okay, sit tight. We'll be together soon." Said Demitrey, then they cut off their contact.

  Adelina learned her head back against the window, and she sighed, she was home.

  Yet somehow, there was no comfort in that thought, in fact, if anything, she felt uneasy.

  She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she knew it was going to be big.

  Eventually, they reached a stop, it was a clearing about an hour away from the famous cliff.

  Everyone exits the cars, and all-around Darrell
's warriors stood in respect for their alpha.

  Clarissa walked up to the trunk where Theo's body laid and opened it, she went to touch the body when she paused, Adelina noticed she cocked her head to the side as though she was examining something, then she turned around sharply, her eyes immediately locking with Adelina's.

  "Wait a second," said Clarissa as she squinted her eyes, then she walked right up to Adelina, and ripped the cap right off her head.

  Her hair came tumbling out of the bun into a wavy mess over her shoulders.

  "What the-"

  "Well, I totally underestimated you." Said Clarissa.

  "Grab her!" She ordered and Theo and Gavin started moving, but to Adelina's surprise, they both latched onto Clarissa arms, and held her hostage.

  "Wha- what is the meaning of this? Let me go you idiots! You're supposed to grab her! Not me!" She screamed hysterically, as she tried to pull her arms out their right grasps, but their fingers wouldn't budge.

  "Actually, they don't have to do anything you say. Don't forget, I'm the alpha." Said Darrell as he smirked and stood right in front of Clarissa.

  "Why you sniveling little snake-"

  "Silence her." Ordered Darrell, and Theo let go as Gavin effortlessly held on to a raging Clarissa, then Theo slipped out to pieces of rags, one which he balled up and placed in Clarissa's mouth as he forced her jaw open, and the other piece, he tied in between her lips.

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  For some reason, seeing her unable to speak gave me some satisfaction.

  But I knew that I wasn't out of the woods yet. No pun intended.

  Darrell turned to me with a straight face as he said "as for you, I have no intention on harming you, as long as you cooperate, you will not be harmed. You have done no wrong by me, so I have no right to hurt you. However, I do need you as a bargaining chip now."

  "And if I refuse?" I asked, somehow already knowing the answer.

  "Well, then one word from me, and you will be bound and gagged, and I will drag you along nevertheless for my plan to work. We can do this the hard way, or the easy way. Your choice." Replied Darrell.

  "And what exactly is your plan?" I asked.

  " Uh huh" said Darrell, as he waved his pointer finger in a "no" motion, "that's for me to know and for you to find out."

  I sighed and shrugged as I said, "it was worth a try." Darrell chuckled and for a minute he didn't seem like a total villain.

  As if he read my thoughts, he stopped laughing immediately, and something instantly felt familiar about him.

  His eyes became dark, and his demeanor went back to a serious aura, then he said, "so what is your choice?"

  "I'll cooperate, but there are conditions." I said holding my head up, leveling his eyes with mine.

  "No deal." He replied.

  "Did you come to start a war?" I demanded, the tone emitting from me feeling slightly alien, yet natural.

  "No. Not necessarily." Replied Darrell.

  "And do you plan on losing more men than you already have?" I asked again, the authority in my voice growing with every spoken word.

  "No." He replied, his alpha tone matching my vigorous voice.

  "Well then you have no choice but to listen to my conditions." I said smugly as I crossed my arms and stared him down.

  The picture was quite comical however, I was a few inches shorter than him, and so I was looking up at him, while he was looking down at me, his eyes didn't budge, and I could do this all day.

  He squinted his eyes, and I kept my gaze leveled.

  My eyes at some point started to burn.







  In a second, his eyes closed and opened back, he groaned, and I smiled in victory " your conditions?" He asked in a very exasperated tone.

  My smiled widened as I said "No harm will come to the pack members. You will arrive on our grounds, state your business, and move on. If any of your warriors slip up, punishment will be assigned accordingly. No women or children are to be preyed on for as long as you are on our grounds. Any sign of attack or force shown from your pack members to one of ours will be an act of treason, and that will trigger a war, and you and I both know that your pack doesn't stand a chance. Understood?"

  He scoffed, then chuckled, and then he shook his head and smiled "spoken like a true Luna. I like you. Okay, fine. But same thing goes for your pack." He said.

  "Deal." I replied, then we shook on it.

  After a second he said "we're gonna have to sell the story to your pack. I'm sorry."

  "Sorry? For wha-" before I could finish that sentence, someone's foot met with my jaw in harsh contact.

  Pain erupted where the foot had landed, and the metallic taste that erupted in my mouth did not go unnoticed.

  I turned sharply and found the she-wolf that hit me.

  I touched my lip, and saw blood on my finger, but then I spat out a mouthful of blood then smiled and said "Oh, well I'm sorry too." Before the girl realized, my foot came in perfect contact with the side of her jaw and cheek.

  She twisted to the ground, and I noticed some of his men starting to round up, but with one flick of Darrell's arm, they dispersed.

  "Seriously Darrell? You could've given me a warning." I said, then touched my cheek, it was going to bruise.

  The she-wolf I hit stood up, and spat some blood out of her mouth, she looked at me, and I looked at her, then she nodded her head, and went on her way.

  I'm glad we had an understanding.

  "Okay, so now what?" I asked.

  "Now, mind link Demitrey, tell him to meet us at the cliff, oh and make sure that Kade is there with him." Said Darrell.

  "Why?" I asked suspiciously.

  "Just do it." He said, and he waited, I knew that he was watching to make sure that I mind linked Demitrey.

  "Demitrey." I called out in the link.

  "Babe, are you okay? It felt as if I got kicked in the jaw." Said Demitrey.

  "That's because I got kicked in the jaw." I replied.

  "What?!" He exclaimed, "are you okay? Who hit you? You got them, back right? Oh, I'm going to kill whoever placed his hands on you." He rambled.

  "Babe, calm down, it was a she-wolf, and I'm pretty sure she lost a tooth if not two, so we're even, anyways here's what I was instructed to tell you, please don't ask questions, just go with the flow." I said, then I explained what Darrell told me to say, and then I cut off the link.

  "How far is the cliff from here?" Ask Darrell.

  "About an hour." I reply.

  "Well, tell them to meet us in an hour. For now, you'll walk free, but once we start getting close, I'm going to have to restrain you, however, I am a man of my word, no harm will come to you, and my pack will heed and respect your instructions." Said Darrell.

  "Okay." I said.

  "And don't forget, tell him to make sure that Kade is there." He said.

  "Okay." Then I reconnected into the link.

  "Demitrey, he said to meet us in an hour, and make sure that Kade is there." I said.

  "Okay. In an hour." Replied Demitrey.

  "In an hour."

  Chapter 20- “Plot Twist”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  We treated through the forest in complete silence. Each of us most likely boxed into our own thoughts.

  Our steps crushing the occasional branches on the ground was the only noise that accompanied the sound of the forest. A chorus of crickets chirped about, the small wild animals scurrying from our approaching forms.

  Darrell was leading with me a few feet in tow, then Gavin and Theo pulled up behind me with an angry yet silent Clarissa. Then the rest of the pack shadowed behind us.

  It was sort of strange that Darrell emphasized his need for Kade to be there. I mean... could they be connected somehow? Maybe brothers? It was just strange. I mean Kade has never mentioned any other family members.

sp; Once the clearing started to appear up ahead, Darrell stopped and turned to me. With a nod of silent understanding between us, one of the pack warriors came and tied my arms behind me.

  I didn't resist, I was so close to home that I wasn't going to compromise any chance of me making it there.

  We continued the path until we made it to the clearing, there, my heart felt lodged in my throat at the sight of my mate and pack.

  Demitrey's eyes connected with mine and an energy coursed through me.

  Oh, I missed him.

  His dark colored eyes looked at me with relief, longing, love, and worry.

  I wanted to run up to him, hold him and kiss him like my life depended on it.

  My heart started to palpitate, a I felt an urge wash over me, but before I let my cravings for my mate take complete control, I turned my eyes to the people standing to his right.

  Cilia and Kade.

  I promised myself that I wouldn't cry when I saw them, but seeing the tears run down Cilia's cheeks broke down all my restraints, and my own cheeks soon became soaked with rivers of tears.

  I shook of the wave of emotions that dragged over me and turned my eyes over to the person on the left of Demitrey.


  He was here, but he didn't seem to be here.

  His eyes seemed empty, it's as though he was looking, but he wasn't seeing.

  His two soulless orbs met my own, and he did a sharp intake of breath, then his eyes travelled behind, and his eyes recovered with that of a murderous revengeful life, and I didn't have to turn around to know who he was looking at.

  But a few seconds later, it's as if his eyes were drawn to the she-wolf that stood on the other side of Darrell.

  My eyes looked to my side, and hers were glued to his as well.

  It was the she-wolf that kicked me, and I knew that look way too well.

  I wanted to smile, I really did, but she's the girl that kicked me, and as far as I could tell, she was James'

  "MINE." Said James as he made a step towards her, but before he could get any closer, Darrell's arm shot out and kept the girl a few inches behind him.

  James growled menacingly, but then Demitrey placed his hand on James shoulder, and whispered something in his ears.

  Relentlessly, James backed up into the line next to Demitrey, and the tension between the two packs only grew.


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