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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

Page 10

by Irtania Adrien

  I moved away from him and said "no."

  "So you're not going to let me hold you?" He asked.

  "No, you're mean, and you can't walk around shirtless." I said, keeping up my act. But inside I was laughing like an evil duck.

  He sighed and rolled his eyes than said "fine. I'll wear a shirt, now come here."

  I smiled and walked up to him, when he made a move to hug me, I said "nope, put on a shirt." Then I walked away, smiling like the Grinch.

  His face was priceless.

  When I reached the bathroom door, I made sure he had a shirt on, then I went and took a quick shower.

  "Babe hurry up!" Came Demitrey's voice outside the door a few minutes later.

  "I'm coming!" I yelled, still under the warm running water. "I haven't had a good shower since the night I was kidnapped, this is overdue." I explained.

  "How can you tell them in an hour, and you be late?" He asked, and I can imagine him pacing around the door.

  "Being late will keep them on edge." I said, finally turning off the water.

  "Well I don't like to be late so hurry up." He ordered, and I didn't answer.

  After he realized that I wasn't going to reply he added "Please."

  "Okay, okay, calm down. I can't come out until you leave the room though." I replied, standing in a towel on the other side of the door.

  "It's not anything I haven't seen before babe." I heard him chuckle, and my cheeks heated up.

  Darn it you feminine blush!

  "If I come out in a towel will you let me get ready?" I questioned, trying to not sound as flustered as I felt, while my kind replayed our earlier moments.

  "No promises." He admitted.

  "Then get out." I demanded.

  "How are you kicking me out of my own room? What sense does that make?" He questioned.

  "Demitrey." I said in a warning tone.

  "Alright, alright, I'm out, your clothes are on the bed." He said.

  I waited until I heard the door click close before I exit the bathroom.

  Chapter 23- “Clarissa’s death” Part- 1

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I wore the outfit that Demitrey chose for me. It was a blue top with white lines, and blue jeans to go with it.

  He didn't have bad taste.

  We met up downstairs with Kade, Cilia, James, and aunty Diana.

  She still hasn't spoken a word, and she seemed as pale as someone who had seen a ghost.

  Silently we trailed the track back to the forest, and of course once we reached the clearing, we found Darrell and his group waiting for us.

  At his side he had Raoul, Gavin, the girl who kicked me, and another one of his warriors.

  "Where is Clarissa? I thought you were going to bring her so we could lock her up in our dungeon?" I asked, curious.

  "She killed a member of my pack, she's mine to deal with." Replied Darrell.

  "Okay, are you sure that she is being guarded well? Because don't put it past her, that girl is very cunning. If she escapes-"

  "She' not going to escape. Anyway, let's get this on, shall we?" He asked and beckoned with his arm that we lead the way.

  Everyone stood still for a minute, just staring down the opposing team.

  Then, slowly, we each started to move away, except for two people, James and the girl I've yet to learn her name.

  "Anila, let's go."

  "James." Demitrey called out, and both heads turned to acknowledge their alphas.

  Then they looked back at each other, and it seemed that they were ready to take a step towards each other when Darrell called out again "Anila!"

  "Oh, for God's sake leave them alone." I exclaimed.

  "You two of both people should know that nothing would keep you from your mates. If they've found each other, why are you trying to keep them apart?" I said and looked between the two alphas.

  Darrell opened his mouth to say something and James spoke up and said, "you better think clearly of what you're gonna say next."

  "Is that supposed to be a threat?" Spoke Gavin as he took a step towards James, "I don't know, take it as you want." Replied James, as he stepped up to Gavin.

  "Guys! How long have you known me?" Spoke up Anila finally, then she turned and looked at James with a look of disgust as she said, "If you think I'm gonna go for a dog like him" she pointed a finger at James," that is just insulting. " She added with a scoff and I wanted to slap the daylights out of her.

  The look that crossed James face was devastating.

  Then it was replaced with the coldest mask I've only seen Demitrey pull off.

  It was heart wrenching, and scary.

  James and I had become close friends, and I hated to see him like this.

  Before I could get a chance, Cilia got in her face and said "you better watch that slick mouth of yours. You're lucky to have even gotten James for a mate, you better think clearly before you do something you'll regret forever."

  Anila rolled her eyes and prepped to say something when Kade spoke up and warned "she's right, just so you know, he left his last mate to bleed to death because she betrayed and hurt him, don't test the waters." That caught Anila's attention, because in a second all the blood rushed from her face, and when she looked over at James, he gave her such a dark look, that would give her nightmares.

  She went to say something, and he walked away from where she stood.

  Serves her right.

  Theo opened his mouth to say something and I stopped him and said "Theo drop it. Anila I don't care who you are, or how important you think you are, you need to learn to be humble and give people chances, if you didn't want a mate, you should have told the moon goddess. Now if you would all stop this banter, I'd like to get to the castle and settle this matter. Any objections?" I asked, and when no one replied I said "Good, now let's go."

  With that, each person fell into their respective places, and we headed back to the castle.

  We reached the yard of the castle a few minutes later when Cilia muttered "oh drat, I lost it."

  "Lost what babe?" Asked Kade as we all turned to her.

  "My bracelet, I think it fell out of my pocket." She said, sounding worried.

  "That could be anywhere babe, and it's getting dark, we'll go look for it tomorrow." Replied Kade, his hands on her shoulders.

  "No, I know where it is, I placed it in my pocket when we started entering the cliff's clearing. I can find it." Said Cilia, and before Kade could reply she was off.

  "Someone want to go with her?" Asked Demitrey.

  "I'll be fine!" Yelled Cilia, her golden curls bouncing with every antsy step, "just deal with this, I'll be back in a minute." She added.

  "Oh yeah? Well it takes more than that to get to the cliff!" Yelled Kade.

  "I can take care of myself you know!" Replied Cilia.

  And before Kade could reply, Cilia was swallowed by the forest.

  We looked over to where she disappeared, and I shook my head.

  You had to love her.

  We made our way into the castle and headed to Demitrey's office.

  By the time I closed the door, Kade and James had to hold Demitrey back, while Raoul and Gavin were desperately holding Darrell back, and poor Diana looked like she was ready to pass out, while Anila just stood in the corner, not really phased by what's happening, but instead her eyes were glued on James who at the moment couldn't even bother to look at her.

  I walked over to her, and she stood waiting for me to lash out at her, but I didn't.

  After James turned his back on her, I saw her facial expression, and I realized what she did.

  "I'll talk to him for you, but only if you promise to never pull a stunt like that again." I told her.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." She said trying to look away from my piercing gaze.

  I smiled and said, "sure you don't."

  Then I turned at the two alphas who were begging to get a go at each other.

  "Really guys? Can you
just swallow your pride long enough to talk this out to see how, or why, or if, you guys are brothers?" I looked at their warriors, and I pointed to two separate chairs, "sit them down, and stand behind them just in case they get any ideas." I said, then, I made my way around the desk and sat in the alpha's chair.

  "Now, Darrell, you say that you and Demitrey are brothers. How can we know that you're not lying?" I asked, looking over at Darrell.

  "I don't have to say anything more. Just ask my mother." Darrell said looking over at Aunty Diana.

  "She is not your mom, so stop saying that." Roared Demitrey.

  "I would if it wasn't true. When dad got tired of your mom, and offed her, he had to find ways to distract himself." Replied Darrell with a smirk.

  "Don't you dare speak of my mother!" Belted Demitrey.

  "Oh jealous now are we? My mom is still alive, and yours is not?" Taunted Darrell.

  "You asshole!" Jumped Demitrey.

  His hands almost got on Darrell, but James and Kade held him back, he struggled, and it took all their willpower to hold the angered Alpha back.

  Darrell started laughing and opened his mouth to say something when Diana spoke up and said, "Darrell Jackson Stop!"

  And all heads turned to aunty Diana.

  But before we could absorb such news, "Alpha! Alpha! The prisoner! Clarissa! She's escaped." Said one of Darrell's men, as he crashed through the door of the office.

  "WHAT?! How the heck did that happen?" Asked Darrell, but I didn't get a chance to hear what his reply was, because at that specific moment, my heart sunk, and my blood went cold, as Cilia's frail voice came in my head "Adelina, help."

  Chapter 24- “Clarissa’s death” Part- 2

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  "Cilia where are you?" I questioned antsy and already out the door, with Kade and the others hot on my heels.

  "At the cliff." She replied.

  "She's At the cliff." I confirm out loud to the others.

  "Okay, are you okay? The others and I are already on our way." I reassured her, taking hasty steps towards the forest.

  "No! She said to come alone. She has a knife." Warned Cilia, and at her words I froze.

  "What? What did she say?" Asked Kade, excited to find his mate.

  Before I could answer "Adelina please hurry! The bitch is psycho." Urged Cilia.

  "How the heck did you get caught?" I asked her.

  "I went to the spot where I believed the bracelet fell, when I got there it wasn't there, I looked around a little, but couldn't see it until I felt her behind me, and before I could react, her nasty knife was already held around my neck. She walked me to the edge of the cliff, then she said to contact you." Explained Cilia.

  "Why didn't you contact Kade?" I asked puzzled.

  "Because our eyes change color if we're talking with our mate, compared to any other wolf." Responded Cilia.

  "That's B.S." I called out.

  "Nope, trust me, I tried to call out to Kade first."

  "Okay, okay, just remain calm, and I'll be there soon." I assured her.

  "Stay calm?! She's freaking psychotic!" Exclaimed Cilia in my head.

  "You think?" I replied.

  "Ugh, I just wanted my freaking bracelet." She whined and sighed, but I chose not to reply.

  "I have to go alone guys." I said out loud so everyone could hear.

  "What are you crazy?" Asked Demitrey as he stepped up to me.

  "Actually yes. I'm going." I said turning to leave, but Demitrey quickly grabbed my arm, he turned me around and said, "you're not going alone."

  "I have to." I said, but then I softened my tone, and looked at him "I'll be okay, I promise." then I kissed him on the lips, just trying to savor this short moment, because who knows, it could be my last.

  I went to pull away, but instead he pulled me closer, and intensified the kiss.

  When we finally came up for air, Demitrey paused and said "Yeah no, I'm not letting you go by yourself. We're coming." Confirmed Demitrey.

  "She will hurt Cilia if she even senses you even a mile away. The bitch is crazy!" I said matching Cilia's tone from earlier.

  "And you're crazy to face her alone." Said Darrell, adding his salt and pepper to the situation. We all turned and looked at him, and he could tell that we were not to take any bullshit from him.

  He's the reason she escaped in the first place.

  "You don't get to say anything." Said Kade as he started taking steps towards Darrell, "you're the reason she escaped in the first place." Accused Kade, his eyes darker than night, as he got closer to Darrell, no one trying to stop him.

  Everyone knew better to get in the way of a raging mate.

  Kate's fist lifted, but Demitrey quickly called out "Kade, don't."

  Kade froze, he stood with his fist still up, but he drew in a deep breath, and backed away as he said, "if even one hair is touched on her head, I will be coming for you."

  "Don't you dare threaten the alpha." Gavin spoke up.

  "Don't man." Replied Kade harshly. "Just don't." He said again, then he turned back to me.

  I drew in a deep breath and said "Guys, we're wasting more time. I'm going. It's me she wants." I added.

  I looked at Demitrey one more time.

  I wanted to kiss him. I really did.

  But if I did, I knew that I'd lose all the courage I had, and I would be selfish to stay with my mate instead of saving Cilia.

  So, with a sigh, I turned my back on them, and started to enter the forest.

  Where the forest used to seem friendly and inviting, the tall trees now looked intimidating.

  Where the sounds of nature used to be so relaxing to my ears, they were now sounding more like alarms, telling me to go back.

  But no. I refused to be a coward.

  Yet though my mind spoke these words, my heart was palpitating. And the irony of it all is that I had to savor every second of this journey, as well as every step I took, with every rushed heartbeat, and nervous breaths. I had to acknowledge the way the tornado of butterflies ravaged my stomach, and the way my palms became sweaty. I had to admire the fact that, with every step I took towards what could be my demise or undoing, my body used my bladder to tell me that I was currently a nervous wreck.

  "Quite the suspense isn't it?" Came Selene's voice from behind me.

  I jumped out of my skin with a shrieking gasp as I said "Jesus Christ! Selene! What the heck? Now is so not the time for you to do that!" I exclaimed, trying to calm my already antsy heart.

  "Ah, but that's where you're wrong darling. I have to make sure you're ready." Answered Selene as she started on the route to the cliff.

  "Ready for what?" I asked, following her.

  "I should tell you, Demitrey's mother wasn't ready. Nor was Demitrey." Replied Selene.

  "What?" I asked confused.

  "Tell me, what do you think is different about this time? I mean usually you head to the cliff, and it's just routine. But this time you're antsy, your mind is coming up with many ways this could go, yet they all have the same ending." Said Selene.

  "I die." I confirm.

  "Why? Why does that have to be your only ending?" Persisted Selene.

  "Because I can't see any other way this could end." I replied.

  "Well then close your eyes and don't see at all, maybe then you'll stop thinking so negatively. Adelina, you've come too far for you to think this way. You're a Luna." Encouraged Selene.

  "Well, I'm also human Selene. So. I'm sorry if I am humane enough to still feel fear at the face of danger." I replied.

  "You're right. You are human. But last time I check courageous humans are the scariest things alive." And just like that she was gone from sight.

  I sighed.

  You can never win an argument with that woman. She never stays around long enough for you to do so.

  The clearing was starting to come into my line of view, so with one more sigh, a running heart, and sweaty palms, I walked into the clearing, and th
ere I saw Cilia, with a thin line of blood circling her neck where the knife's teeth were digging into her skin.

  And behind her stood Clarissa, with a Chesire cat smile on her face.

  She even looked psychotic.

  "Okay. I'm here. Let her go." I said looking dead at Clarissa.

  "Not so easily. You will approach us, I take you the second I let her go. I won't give you guys a chance to escape." She replied.

  "How do I know you won't slit her throat in the process?" I questioned, not moving a muscle.

  "You don't." She replied.

  Well, guess Clarissa was smart after all.

  "Why are you doing this? I mean honestly Clarissa, what is the reason behind all this?" I asked.

  "I don't like you. I don't trust you. From the moment I met you, you're always acting as though you were better than me. Always getting the attention, always 'Adelina this. Adelina that...' I'm sick of it!" She responded, her eyes furious.

  "What? How do I act like I'm better than you?" I asked, confused.

  "I don't know, you just do. Now shut up and come over here! Or I'll slit her throat open!" She warned, her hands forcing the knife into Cilia's skin, causing her to wince and hiss.

  I shrugged and sighed. Usually I'd put up a fight, but Cilia's life was on the line. So, I started stepping towards them, when I was about at arm’s length, she pushed Cilia away, causing her to fumble to the ground and land on her stomach. Cilia cried out in pain as Clarissa grabbed onto me, placing the knife around my neck, as she purposely let it dig into my skin.

  "I thought you would've been smarter Adelina, but I guess love and fear for your friends won in the end. You should blame that pathetic heart of yours." And just like that, Clarissa leaned back, to throw us from the cliff.

  Cilia reacted quick and grabbed onto my extended hand. The force of Cilia's hold knocked Clarissa off balance, and she slid down my body wrapping her arms around my waist, as gravity sent us both dangling over the cliff's edge.

  Our bodies rubbed harshly over the dirt infested surface. We were all going to bruise so badly.

  I could feel the mini rocks rubbing on my skin, biting and nipping like a multitude of fire hot needles just piercing the nerves on my skin.

  Cilia's face screamed pain. Her baby was in danger because of me, for she laid on her stomach, to hold on to me.


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