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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

Page 13

by Irtania Adrien

  "Hmm." Mumbled Demitrey with his eyes closed, as his index finger played circled on Adelina's back, causing a constant warmth to grow over her body.

  "I think we should let our wolves have a moment of their own too. With Aden constantly whining in my head, I feel like we're being a little selfish." Spoke Adelina, as she smiled at the sensation of Demitrey's soft caress.

  "I know, I was thinking about that too." Replied Demitrey, as Adelina's smile widened, from the feeling of Demitrey's chest rumbling with every spoken word.

  "But they have to do it in the forest, because in wolf form, they will tear the castle down. However, they're going to have to wait because the forest is not safe with Darrell's pack hanging around." Explained Demitrey.

  "True. So, what is going to happen between you and Darrell anyway?" Ask Adelina, as the topic came about.

  Demitrey sighed and rubbed his fingers over his eyes as he said "ah, I don't know. I guess I'll just try to find a way for Darrell and me to come to some sort of agreement as far as Aunty Diana, and everything that is involved."

  "What if he wants inheritance from your father's side?" Wondered Adelina, as her own fingers began to run over his chest softly.

  Demitrey suddenly chuckled darkly "Well, if it's for that matter, Darrell can move right along. My father didn't leave anything, in fact, the last gift he got me was a very well-drawn out scar." He explained in disgust.

  At his words, Adelina found her mind wandering towards the single jagged scar that sat on his side, apart from the ones on his back.

  Adelina felt a push of courage, and she found herself quietly asking "What happened?" But she received no reply.

  Demitrey drew in a deep breath, and yet said nothing, his silence suddenly feeling cold, which in turn, caused Adelina to feel as though she had crossed a line, and so, shyly, Adelina spoke up and said, "I'm sorry."

  Adelina felt her heart breaking because she thought her and Demitrey were now connected on a much deeper and personal level, guess she must have mistaken.

  She felt her heart sink, and she suddenly felt like crying.

  She went to pull away, wanting to escape the awkward air, but then Demitrey wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her back to his chest.

  He leaned down and kissed her head, and finally spoke up "Adelina, baby the story you are asking to hear does not have a happy ending. It's dark, disgusting, it could easily provoke hatred, and once you know it, you may wish to forget, but it will haunt you forever. So, unless you're sure, please don't ask about it, because I will tell you."

  Adelina thought of what Demitrey said, his voice expressing the truth in his words, but whether it was a horrific story or just plain painful, she had to know. No, she wanted to know.

  So, Adelina propped herself on her elbow, looked profoundly unto Demitrey's eyes, then kissed him softly, and as she pulled away, she looked into his eyes again and said, "tell me."

  Demitrey looked at the love of his life and smiled in wonder as his heart beat with happiness. She always found a way to surprise him, and he felt relieved that she wanted him to open up, because he had been waiting for someone to help him release the darkness within.

  He took a deep breath and prepped himself to free the one memory he had worked so hard to tuck away.

  *Demitrey' pnt. Of view*

  "It happened the day I killed my father..."


  After Lea was taken away from me, I'd always find myself taking trips to her cabin, in order to escape the madness of my father's reign. There were days where Kade would tag along, and there were days that we each needed space of our own.

  I remember heading to the cabin that day when one of the small boys came running towards me, breathless, and afraid.

  "Demitrey! Demitrey! You need to hurry back to the camp ground now! The alpha is about to kill aunty Diana!" Yelled The kid, but since the moment he uttered the word kill, I was already on my way back.

  I remember emerging from the forest to find my father holding Aunty Diana by the throat, as her feet dangled off the ground.

  It was a heart wrenching sight.

  She was struggling to breathe, and her fingers were desperately trying to pry his open. Everyone stood aghast and afraid, no one courageous enough to step in between the raging alpha and his victim.

  I saw him shake her violently by her neck as he demanded "where is my son?!"

  "How can she answer you, when you're choking the life out of her? Let her go! Now!" I boomed, the authority in my voice actually startling me.

  I heard my father laughing in such a dark manner, and in the blink of an eye, he dropped Aunty D as though she was a sack of potatoes.

  The poor woman trembled, and scurried away in fear as she tried to catch her breath and nurse her bruised skin.

  My father turned to me slowly and said arrogantly "and just who do you think you are? Huh? You're not the alpha of this pack. I am. You? You will never be an Alpha, you're too soft! You will never amount to anything! You're a failure."

  His insults never failed to sting, it's like he knew exactly what to say, just as he knew exactly what buttons to push. But he had crossed the line, he harmed a member of his own pack.

  I remember feeling a surge of angered courage as I spoke up and declared "you're wrong! I will be alpha of this pack, better than you will ever be!"

  "Oh yeah? Is that a challenge? Am I supposed to be scared?" He taunted, as everyone in the pack started to form a large circle around us.

  "Well, how about you take over here and now? Huh? Me and you, fight to the death, winner takes all." He spoke as though it was a game.

  Now at his offer, I thought I had bit off more than I could chew, but then, I looked around me, and I realized something.

  Men, women, children, all looking on in fear, their eyes silently begging me to free them from my father's reign. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline that had already began pumping though my veins that made me feel as though I could grab life by the balls.

  Nevertheless, I made up my mind, I was going to do it.

  I remember aunty D's voice ringing in my head, warning me "Demitrey don't! He will kill you!" But I ignored her plea, not wanting to doubt the courage I felt.

  "What? Cat got your tongue now? I don't have all day boy, it's either you do this, or you get out of my face." Brushed my father, and I stared at him dead on as I said, "let's do this."

  We began circling each other, and I became aware of the fact that my father knew a bit of my fighting style, based on when he seen me train. What he didn't know about were the techniques that I learned from training with Kade, and I smiled internally, I had already won the battle.

  I should've expected his first strike.

  He used his super speed, and ran his fist into my stomach, causing all the air to leave my lungs, as I staggered back, and I began to see stars.

  He didn't give me a second to recover, and he began land blow after blow.

  His attacks were relentless, punching my chest, my head, my gut, and again.

  I began to feel dizzy and weak. My body was trembling with pain, one of my eyes were already slowed shut, while my lips and nose bled non-stop.

  I staggered, as I began to lose my balance, people started to cry out around me, they were witnessing my defeat.

  I was going to lose.

  I didn't want to lose.

  "His punches are repetitive. Block them!" Came Kade's voice in my head, then he added "he's trying to tire you out, bring him down at his pressure points." His encouragement was all I needed.

  He last targeted my head, so I knew my gut was next, I blocked it last second with my right arm, as I used my left elbow to land a blow to his nose.

  Blood was quick to spurt out, as his head flew back, I didn't give him a chance to recover, I grabbed his shoulders and forced my knee into his gut, repeating the action three times.

  He managed to push me away, then his claws attempted to scratch at my face.

  I lean
ed my head away from his onslaught, and quickly landed a kick to his right knee, he bucked, and I dropped myself to the ground, swiping my leg under his feet.

  He slipped off the ground, and landed on his back, the surprise in his eyes, resonated in the gasps that travelled around the pack members.

  I remember baring my claws, ready to rip his throat out, but then I saw the horror in Aunty D's eyes.

  I retracted my claws and spoke down to him as I said " You're down. You lost. Leave, and never come back."

  Then I turned my back.

  I anticipated his next move.

  My father was in a fact a sneaky bastard.

  In the corner of my eyes, I saw him grab his trustee blade from his boot, he sprung to his feet, and the second he dug the blade into my side, I turned and sunk my claws into his neck.

  The action caused his hand to quiver, and drag the blade down, as a jagged river of blood fled from my body, yet I didn't even feel the pain. The pain that was once there had been numbed by the surge of energy that pumped through my veins.

  All I felt was his pathetic heart beating through his neck and resonating in my palm and fingers.

  He tried to dig the blade deeper into my body, and I crushed his neck, my claws tightening into his gushy and gruesome red meat.

  His hand finally fell limp, and I ripped his neck out, dropping the residue to my side, as he fell to his knees.

  I remember a darkness taking over in my eyes as I kicked him down and said, "now who's the alpha."

  At my words the blade slipped from my side, and tumbled to the ground, and one by one, everyone got on one knee and bowed their heads in respect as they all acknowledged me in unison "Alpha." Then after a few seconds of silence, the pack broke into cheers.

  Kade and Aunty D ran to my side, as Saul and another warrior dragged the corpse away, and just like that, it began to rain.

  It was over.

  I had won.

  I lifted my head to the sky and closed my eyes as the rain washed me from head to toe.

  Bloodstained waters slithered down my skin, my heart beginning to slow down from the adrenaline rush.

  In fact, everything began to slow down, and it was as if something drew my eyes to the far end of the camp, and there, I could've sworn I saw a black wolf, identical to Trey, staring dead at me in the forest.

  But I had no time to think over it, for then, everything became black, and next thing I knew, I was waking up in the clinic.

  *End of Flashback*

  "Wow..." muttered Adelina after a few seconds of silence.

  It appears she had nothing else to say, and well I couldn't blame her.

  I told the story, as though it happened yesterday, in such a vivid and detailed manner, it scared me, and I desperately wanted to know how Adelina felt.

  "You don't think that the black wolf was Darrell, do you?" Asked Adelina after a moment of silence.

  I sighed and said "I don't know. You know I didn't even remember that part of the story until now. We have to deal with Darrell, I'm gonna call a meeting tomorrow, but for now, are you okay?"

  Adelina sighed then kissed me as she asked, "are you okay?"

  I smiled and replied, "with you by my side, always." And I kissed her again.

  Chapter 30- “Dealing with Darrell”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  After our talk, Demitrey and I finally decided to leave the room, and called for a meeting with Darrell and his council.

  By the knowing looks on everyone's faces, I'm sure they knew what went down while Demitrey and I were missing in action, but no one commented on it.

  We once again found ourselves in the office, Demitrey, Kade, Cilia, James, Aunty D and me, facing down Darrell, Gavin, Raoul, Anila, and a new chick, Aimee.

  Darrell sat as though he owned the place, and I found myself rolling my eyes at his childish behavior.

  "What is this about?" Darrell asked ever so arrogantly.

  Demitrey drew in a breath, to keep himself calm, then he said "we need to come to some sort of agreement, but to do that, I need to know the reason why you're here. Besides the fact that Diana is your mother."

  "Well, as we all know, dear old dad didn't live to see this day, and I'm sure since he sent me away, he left me nothing. All I want is for Diana to leave your pack and come home with me." Stated Darrell, as he straightened his posture.

  "What are you crazy? There's no way that's going to happen. Aunty Diana is a member of this pack, and she has been a loyal member from day one." Replied Demitrey, his tone matching his authoritative posture.

  "Well I'm not sure that is your decision to make. Isn't that right mother?" Called out Darrell, as everyone turned to look at Aunty D.

  Poor Diana looked ready to faint. She seemed shaken to the core, her face pale, her mouth slightly open, yet her lips failed to move and speak. She shook her head and turned away from the stares of everyone that stood in the room.

  "Look cut the crap Darrell, Aunty Diana is not going anywhere. Plus, we all know the minute she leaves the pack you will kill her." I finally spoke up, voicing what everyone else was thinking.

  "What I choose to do with my mother is my business, you have no say in the matter. You're just a lucky brat who ended up getting sold to Demitrey. So please, keep your nose out of my business." In the blink of an eye, Demitrey jumped across the desk, and had his hand tightly around Darrell's neck.

  "You take that back right this instant. Adelina is my love and Luna, and you will respect her. Do you understand me?" Spoke Demitrey darkly.

  Darrell seemed to be taken by surprised, due to his wide eyes. He struggled to breathe, but he still managed a flimsy "loud and clear." And though he spoke, Demitrey still held his neck captive.

  "Demitrey, let him go. He's not worth it. We have more important things to discuss. Let him go." I spoke up again, brushing off Darrell's words.

  Now wasn't the time to get in my feelings about what someone as immature as Darrell thought of me.

  He knew nothing.

  Demitrey straightened himself up, released Darrell's neck, and backed away.

  He drew in a deep breath, and looked down at his almost identical twin, "now, take your pack, leave my grounds, and never come back. Because if I even sense your pathetic presence anywhere near this area, I will hunt you down, and kill you myself."

  "Like you killed our father?" Retorted Darrell, landing a low blow, but that remark didn't seem to bother Demitrey, but instead it darkened the aura around him as he said "no, see, I actually gave our dad a chance to live. You? You won't get the same option. Now get out!" Ordered Demitrey, his eyes blazing in anger.

  I felt our mate bond tug at my heart, and I found myself laying my head against Demitrey's back, as I hugged him from behind, and I quickly felt him calm down.

  Darrell scoffed at Demitrey's words and my actions, then stood up as he said "Well, it seems that we are no longer welcomed here. Let's go." He spoke and started heading out.

  Raoul, Gavin and Aimee all started after their alpha, but Anila stayed rooted in place.

  When Darrell felt that she wasn't moving, he came back around and said arrogantly "didn't you hear me? I said let's go." And yet Anila didn't move, her eyes stayed glued on James and she spoke up and said, "I'm not going."

  A gasp erupted from Cilia, and Darrell barged back into the office "I'm sorry? It's almost like you said you weren't going."

  "No you heard me correctly. I'm not going. I'm staying. This is where my mate is." Replied Anila firmly, finally staring her alpha in the eyes.

  Darrell scoffed, then broke into laughter as he said "you're not going? You're staying with your mate? As if! Now get your ass over here!"

  James growled and stepped up in order to defend his mate, but Raoul was quick to step up to him as he said, "watch it mutt."

  "Back off puppy." Warned James darkly.

  "I believe the lady has spoken her wishes. I now suggest you all leave, before this gets ugly." I spoke up, finally
letting go of Demitrey and stepping forward to Darrell.

  Darrell's eyes looked around, and shook his head "are you actually serious about this Anila?" He asked, his tone suddenly going soft.

  "Yes." Confirmed Anila, her eyes turning to James, as her lips broke into a smile, and his face mirrored her expression.

  Darrell sucked his teeth, and shook his head as he said "Okay, if that's what you really want, I have no right to stop you, and it is my duty to respect your wishes. Boys, Aimee. Let's go."

  And at his words, Gavin and Aimee made their way to the door again, as Raoul gave James one last sizing, then he also turned his back, and head to exit the office.

  Aunty Diana stood in the corner near the door in wonder, as both Cilia and I beamed like fan girls over the new-found romance between Anila and James.

  Darrell walked over to Anila, placed his hand on her shoulder and closed his eyes as he "I Darrell Jackson, hereby declare you, Anila, free of our pack. Good luck." He added.

  Then, Demitrey walked up to Anila and said, "are you sure about this?" And Anila smiled and bowed her head in respect as she said, " yes alpha."

  Demitrey placed his hand on her right shoulder as he declared "I, Demitrey Jackson, hereby declare you, Anila, a member of the red moon pack." Welcome."

  "Thank you alpha." Replied Anila, then she turned to me and bowed her head as she acknowledged me "Luna." And then she made her way to James, who welcomed her with open arms.

  Darrell rolled his eyes and once again scoffed, but I decided to ignore him, I was too happy by the turn of events.

  In the blink of an eye, no one expected this to happen, it couldn't have been prevented.

  When we all thought Darrell was over everything, and made his way heading to the door, he swiftly pulled out a silver blade that was tucked into his jeans and drove it into Diana's heart.

  Demitrey roared in anger, as James and Kade became aware of the situation.

  Darrell and his wolves ran out the office like cowards, but Demitrey warned in the pack link "Warriors surround the castle. Darrell doesn't leave!"

  And with a uniform of "Yes Alpha" I knew Darrell was a dead man.


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