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When Shadows Rise

Page 1

by Lisa Williamson

All Ranma characters are copyright of Rumiko Takahashi, all Sailor Moon Characters are copyright of Naoko Takeuchi, The character of Suteko Saotome, the Sailor Kouhei and Sailor Minerva are mine.

  Copyright 2012 Lisa Williamson

  When Shadows Rise

  Chapter one

  Objects in the Rear View Mirror……

  By Lisa Williamson

  Sometimes history repeats itself. Most of the time the people caught up in those repetitions have` no idea that they have done the very same actions in a time before or if they had a clue, it was a vague feeling of déjà vu. That was not always so. There are a few, who have noticed the cycles that the world can put a being through. They, if they have time, curse the fates that made them different.

  “Persephone,” panted one such being. “Remind me to cut back on the caffeine.”

  Her companion let out a sound that could best be described as a snort. “Like that will ever happen.” The voice came from near the ground and any normal human being would have been convinced they were hearing things. It isn’t everyday that one hears a charcoal gray cat speaking in a distinct American accent.

  “Looks like we lost them.” Suteko took a deep breath and held it in an attempt to get her breathing under control. Running for what seemed like most of the night had winded her. Though it was clear to look at her that she was in fine physical shape, even the finest athlete would be exhausted by eight hours of being chased through the city streets.

  Her companion cocked her head to the side and listened. “The creatures are a couple blocks over. If we can get up,” she lifted a paw and pointed to the nearest building, “to that rooftop, I think we can break whatever scent trail they are using.”

  Suteko nodded, scooping up the cat and leapt. No normal woman could have done what she did. Leaping from a crouched position to land, or more stumble, on a rooftop five stories up was amazing. She dropped the cat as she came down on all ready battered knees. She struggled back to her feet, ignoring the blood that once more trailed down her calves.

  “Can you see how many?” She winced and followed her companion.

  “I think the pack is down to ten now. You got four with that last Light Flare.”

  Suteko nodded, closing her eyes and taking stock of her reserves. She didn’t have much left. The next encounter was going to be it. She whispered, more to herself than to the cat. “That’s it then. Looks like I’ll be joining the guys soon.”

  Persephone whipped her head about, her green eyes flashing in the gloom. “Don’t say that! Don’t even think it Unicorn. You are a Star knight, you can’t give up now.”

  The last of the Sailor Star knights looked down at the guardian cat that had attached herself to the lone warrior when her team had been decimated. Her uniform, once a clean silver and white fuku much like the ones worn by the long missing Sailor Senshi was torn and dirty. Her voice, once musical and calm, was a ragged sounding whisper now. “I don’t have much left cat. One last attack, hopefully I can clean these out when I go.”

  The guardian cat really looked at her charge and nodded. She could tell that the woman before her was near the end of her strength. The lone warrior had been fighting a losing battle for days now. The world had gone crazy. A week before the gates between this world and the one of nightmares had been flung wide open.


  The first assault had taken the city by surprise. In the first hour the school that the three Star knights had once attended had fallen. The hallways were filled with demons out of more than just the Japanese legends of her adopted homeland. Vampires and werewolves, demons and devils all stalked the halls and those who had been unlucky enough to be in the halls when the door opened became either their tools or their food.

  The Star knights had came to the call. Phoenix, Dragon and Unicorn, older but definitely stronger than the days they had all fought the various youma that appeared. They were confident then, too confident. In the days when they attended the school the youma had always come on singly but they were faced with a hoard.

  Dragon charged into the first wave in his usual over confident way. He was magnificent in battle but even the physically strongest Sailor Star Knight could not over come the hoard that charged them. His flaming attacks cleared the hall before them but there was only so much that could be done. The last Unicorn saw of her red-headed teammate was as the hoard of furry, scaly monsters rushed and carried him under their clawing hands.

  Phoenix had done his best as they fought their way free of the building. He had not wanted to leave his best friend behind but Unicorn had managed to pull him away. Together they fought for four more days. It was after the second day that they realized that the creatures were focusing on them. They led the monsters as far from the innocent bystanders as they could.

  It was just two days ago that Phoenix had fallen. Unicorn shuddered as she remembered. He had looked directly into her eyes across the battleground. They had parted with an argument three years before but it hadn’t mattered. They had fallen back into working as a team when danger returned. She couldn’t hear him over the howls of the enemy as she cut through them with her Light blade but she could read his lips. He told her goodbye, his eyes sad just before he called down the final strike. The flames that came up destroyed more than three quarters of the creatures they had been battling but unlike the legend that he was named after he was destroyed completely.

  She managed to clean up the last of that batch of creatures and she spent hours trying to find anything left of her team leader. When the dawn came she knelt in the blackened circle and wept tears of loss and loneliness. She had no idea if he would rise again but all she found was the blackened and cracked crystal that once was his earring.

  “Where is she, Persephone? Where are they?” Unicorn’s voice cracked once more. “After all the times we helped them why couldn’t they come and save them?”

  Before the cat could answer another voice came from behind. “Because you don’t matter, little knight. You know that.” It was a cruel and hollow sounding voice and Suteko’s eyes closed as she recognized it.

  Slowly she turned about. Floating above the rooftop was the true enemy. The Shadow master, the creature who opened the gates between this world and the shadow realm, the enemy she had thought they had destroyed years ago. “Come to gloat again?” Unicorn’s body language spoke of defeat yet she held one hand behind her back and it flickered in the gloom.

  There was a smile somewhere in the hood that was the head of the Shadow master. “Now why else would I come near you, Light bearer? Will you admit now that your pitiful powers have no chance of defeating the Darkness that I control?”

  Suteko’s jaw firmed. “Darkness will not win the day and you know it. I have defeated you many times, Kaneda and I will this last time.”

  The hood tilted back as the creature laughed. “You have merely discomfited me in the past, little one. I have destroyed your friends and now I will finish you off. There are no more rescues for you.”

  Persephone moved closer to the edge of the building and sent out a mental call to anyone who was listening. She knew that the other teams still existed, even if they didn’t remember who they were. Their guardians had to be still within reach somehow. Maybe if she was lucky Luna or Artemis would hear her call and help would arrive before Unicorn was driven to a final strike like her leader had used. Unlike Andromeda’s charge she wasn’t sure Unicorn would rise again.

  “I have never asked to be rescued, Kaneda,” Suteko limped forward, keeping her hand behind her back. She could just feel the power building once more. It was coming, slower than ever before but it came. She brought her arm about as her soul blade, the one
she had used to kill Kaneda five years ago finally formed. “Besides I don’t need help to defeat you now.” She settled into a battle stance and tried to ignore the ache in her abused body.

  The smile in the shadow hood broadened and it too formed a blade. This one was the direct opposite of Unicorn’s blade. Where her blade shone still with the pure light that was her power and her soul, his was of the deepest black darkness. “Then let’s settle this, little girl.” He moved forward and the battle began. What followed would have gone done in the history books as one of the finest battles fought between the darkness and the light, if anyone had been watching.


  Across the city two heads came up and two pairs of slitted eyes widened. “Could it be?” Luna turned to her companion who was laid out on the roof next to her.

  Artemis nodded. “Felt like Persephone. She said she was going to find Andromeda and the Star Knights and lend them a hand.”

  “We should tell…” Luna started when she was interrupted.

  “No Luna. It is not the time to re-awaken them.” Pluto’s voice broke in as she appeared on the roof, her staff flashing softly in the darkness.

  “But Persephone sounds desperate!” Artemis stood and glared at the Sailor of Time. “Her charge is battling alone, her team destroyed.”

  Pluto sighed and gently stroked the cat. “It is not yet time for the teams to reform.”

  “You’re going to let the Star Knights die completely aren’t you? Just because they weren’t part of the original senshi!”

  Pluto stood, her eyes dark with something she would not tell them. “It is not your concern yet Guardian Artemis.” She turned to go but paused. “I will tell you this. The Star Knights are not doomed. There are other forces who must make decisions whether or not Unicorn will survive her battle with her opposite. But if they act, I will tell you that the Star Knights will stand with the Senshi when the time comes.”

  Luna asked softly. “Others?”

  Pluto smiled her enigmatic smile. “There was another team out there. If they can hold together they will turn the tide of the future.” With that said she faded from sight.

  The two cats looked at each in puzzlement. “Another team?”


  Iriko patted the soil down around the flowers she had planted. Not long ago she had moved to this quiet part of Tokyo in an attempt to put away the part of her life that had gone on before. She was still bothered by vivid dreams of monsters and a woman with long dark hair and evil eyes. Waking many nights gasping, Iriko found the only way she could stop the images of a giant snake snuffing out her life was to work with the plants she loved so.

  Her rooftop garden was small compared to the Tokyo gardens but this patch of roof held plants that were hers and hers alone. She loved her work in the city’s beautiful gardens but at times she wished they would let her experiment more there. She had proven her worth to the master gardener when she had gotten the rare “moon” roses to thrive. They had become a minor sensation and had brought some prestige to her boss but he rather that she spent her working hours bringing the other rare hothouse flowers to health and bloom than letting her experiment with crossbreeding new plants.

  It was only with the help of one of the Ph.D. students that worked at the garden that she had been able to set up her own place. Chiba-san had been very kind to her and she smiled in memory as she puttered about. He and his young girl friend had really been very kind to the shy and retiring woman when they found her.

  Mamaru’s interest in the roses had brought them into contact. When her master had gone on about how his new assistant had a special touch with roses she had been embarrassed and had tried to hide among the trailing ivies. Chiba-san’s girlfriend had found her and pulled her into the open. Usagi’s bright friendly smile had put her at ease and Iriko had finally found two friends.

  She looked up as she realized something was wrong. She had never told any one that she could sense thoughts and emotions from a distance. It had seemed too crazy but she sometimes got this tingle when someone she knew was in danger. This time it was more than a tingle. She could feel a sharp pull and looked about. She could see for quite a distance over the rooftops and she wasn’t sure but somehow she knew someone important was in danger three buildings over.

  There was a rush of displaced air and Iriko turned about. She blinked trying to figure out what was going on and was startled by a tall woman standing before her. “It is time, Minerva.”

  “Minerva? Who are you? Who is Minerva?” Iriko looked about, a bit frightened. Who was this strange woman dressed in the odd bathing suit like outfit.

  Pluto reached out a hand and before Iriko could move she touched between her lavender brows. Iriko shuddered for a long moment and then looked into Pluto’s red eyes with her lavender ones. “It is starting again?” When Pluto nodded, she sighed and wrapped her fingers about a pen that just came to being in her pocket. “I guess I couldn’t stay a simple gardener for ever.”

  She pulled free the pen and raised it over her head. She softly spoke, “Minerva Power Make UP!” In an instant her simple overalls and shirt shredded and reformed into a fuku much like the one worn by Pluto. The skirt and bow were of lavender, as were the low boots on her feet. Her hair reformed in the floor brushing braid she had worn for so long, the pins that had help it up in a bun disappearing in the flash of light.

  “Where is the Princess, Pluto and how am I needed?”

  Pluto shook her head, the faintest of smiles on her face. “The Princess is safe and she does not yet need your services Minerva.”

  “Then why bring me back?” Iriko was a tad put out. She had been enjoying being a simple woman after her long service for the fallen Moon Kingdom.

  “Because another warrior needs your help and desperately. No more questions now, Iriko, just come with me.” Pluto took Minerva, the secret senshi and teleported away.


  Hana watched as the glowing Star Knight fought the Shadow master. She could see that the woman was tired and injured. A part of her longed to reach out and stop the battle and she knew she could easily do that but she had other orders. This battle had to happen and it had to come to its preordained conclusion if the future was to flow in its correct path. Though not a complete mistress of the time roads as her mentor Pluto, Sailor Time understood what was at stake here. No matter how much she admired the Star Knights, their deaths had to happen if humanity was to survive. She was just glad that she had only minor control over the flow of time and that she did not have to see the deaths of all she held dear, like her friend Pluto did.

  She winced in sympathy as Unicorn took a slash to the ribs by the black sword. Being the Star Knight of Light, Unicorn was especially vulnerable to attacks by the Dark Power. She could see the burn across the white uniform and the skin underneath but she was proud to see the warrior continue to battle.

  The fatalism in the green eyes of the young woman battling was horrible. She knew she was going to die but she was doing her best to take down her enemy with her. The moment was coming and Hana wondered when Pluto would show up.

  Suteko choked back the cry of pain as the darkness-forged blade cut into her body, deeper this time. “One more like that and I am through,” she thought. She could barely hold her focus, the blade of her Light sword as flickering as her strength was ebbing. She was desperate and she had to do something.

  Kaneda smiled and taunted his opponent. “See Suteko, you aren’t my match. I am the strongest and Darkness shall rule this pitiful city. I shall enjoy keeping you in chains, little Star knight.” He stepped closer, parrying the attack she launched easily. “Give in and join me and we could rule this world, remaking it into our image.”

  Suteko panted and shook her head. “I...can’t win. Darkness must give way to the light, Kaneda.” She straightened up a bit, calculating quickly. “I won’t betray the honor of my tea
m by siding with the enemy, no matter the cost.”

  Kaneda laughed a low and harsh sound this time. “Your team? What team Unicorn?” He made her name a slur. “My minions took down that fool of a Dragon within minutes of being born. And your glorious leader?” He swept an arm about. “I don’t see the legendary Phoenix rising from his ashes. Face it little one, you are it. Not even the Sailor Senshi you fought to defend are here to help you. You mean nothing to them and nothing to this world.”

  Hana gasped as she watched the pain flow across the features of the Star Knight. It wasn’t being told she was nothing that had made Unicorn flinch, it was the contempt for her sacrificed teammates that brought tears to her eyes. “I may be the last of the Star Knights but we are still a team Kaneda. We fought together and I can still feel them with me.” Her voice quavered as she said the last and Hana could not hear the next words she said but then neither could her enemy.

  “Oh isn’t that sweet. The little girl can still feel her boyfriends by her side.” Kaneda sneered, lowering his blade as he did so, unconsciously. “Tell me Suteko, which one was better? Was Dragon as big as he looked or did you just ‘play’ around with Phoenix?”

  The look that Unicorn gave the Shadow master was just enough notice for Hana to prepare. Unicorn’s voice rang out as clear and fine as it had once been as she stepped toward her enemy. “Only a creature of utter darkness like you Kaneda could think that men and women could not be just friends.” With each word Unicorn began to glow, her body slowly becoming a beacon in the night. “That you could think that the pure love that I held for my friends and team mates was simply that of two mating animals shows you understand nothing.”


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