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When Shadows Rise

Page 6

by Lisa Williamson

  As the wave passed he coasted forward to the calm waters of the bay and turned to look at the golden red sunset. “Five years is a long time for your friends to stay away, don’t you think?” Came a voice from behind him.

  Without turning Steve shrugged. “They had lives you know. Or were trying to have lives.” He slowly turned the board on which he rode. “Besides not all of them stayed away.” From time to time he had odd little visits from Hana. They hardly interacted when they were a team. He was more of a friend to Sweetwater, Earth and Oak than the odd little Time but she in her quiet way kept him up on all that the others had been doing.

  The being on the water next to him was not dressed to be surfing. The fact that he wore black leather and jeans was not as troubling as the fact that he stood on the waves, or more stood just above them. The Kouhei part of himself knew what this creature must be, but the human part of his soul was intrigued. “So why is a Youma coming to talk to a Kouhei? Last time we met your cousins all perished.”

  The Shadow shrugged. “Those that came before were not related to my kind in any way other than an outward form. We belong here, they did not.”

  “So why come to me, then?”

  The shadow sank down to sit cross legged on the waves. “Our lord wishes to speak to the master of the oceans and offer him something. Something his past comrades will not.” It held up a swirling ball of darkness where images fluttered inside. Steve leaned toward those images and smiled.


  Setsuna and Shayla pulled into the drive before the unmarked dojo. Waiting just outside were two figures from Shayla’s past. Setsuna smiled, as always her student arrived just before she would be needed. And she had done as was expected by luring the lost Draco out of his self imposed exile.

  The Leader of the Kouhei nodded in greeting as the two women climbed out of the car. His eyes widened and then he smiled at his long lost friend. Shayla blinked and then rushed forward to embrace him. Always more openly affectionate than the rest of the team, Jaeoh allowed her the embrace. He didn’t stiffen up like he used to, the years having eased some of the demons that haunted him.

  “So the Master comes to the mountain hmmm?” He joked.

  Shayla chuckled and shook her head. “I’m not Mohammad; I just needed to be asked.” She looked over to the two time scouts. “Though how did they get you to leave your mountain?”

  He gestured to the plain door. “This is my mountain, or at least my local branch, come inside.”

  Much like the master’s apartment had been, the dojo had clean and uncluttered lines. Here and there about the main room there were a few students sparring. Shayla looked about, a bit surprised. She had managed to stay in touch with this one member of her team via emails and the internet. Not as reliable as they old ways but neither of the former Kouhei had wanted reminders of days past.

  Jaeoh softly gave his friends a tour of the place he now felt most at home. Greeting each of the students in turn he gently corrected a few stances and then led the women out of the dojo to the rooms beyond.

  After seating the women and offering them tea, he too took a seat. “All right Setsuna, why do you need my team now?” While before his voice had been calm and friendly, the old hard edge reappeared. He had not forgotten what had happened in the past, nor the members of his team that even now where a part of his soul, though they no longer lived.

  It was Hana who answered him, not her teacher. “Jaeoh, there is a force coming that if not stopped now will destroy all that has been set in motion by the past. A force who has decided to take destiny off it tracks for its own ends.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he waved a hand. “That is nothing new. We fought those forces before. There will always be forces to do that. Why reawaken us now?” He looked to Shayla, then back to Hana. “Why break open old wounds?”

  This time Setsuna answered. “Draco you know that this has to be done. You know that there are things that must happen to bring about the Silver Millennium.”

  “What do we care about that?” For a moment his old temper showed. “Did they care about my team, did Serenity bring back my fallen friends!” As he said that he winced and turned to Shayla. She held up a hand, stopping his apology.

  “Jaeoh, I understand and Setsuna has explained to me why…” she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Why Pain, Earth and...My Oak where not brought back with the rest. And why we are called back today.” She pulled out the box she had so carefully guarded for five years.

  It was small and covered in carved looping vines. Pressing a hidden catch she eased it open and pulled out a horn dagger, a pair of si, monofilament cord and finally a crystal. The first three she tenderly returned to the box. Jaeoh shivered as he recognized the tools of his fallen friends, then she took his hand and placed the crystal in his palm. Tapping it lightly on the topmost edge she sat back as a tone sounded.

  The tone instead of fading quickly slowly grew till an image started to form. Jaeoh blinked as the figure of a woman in a white and silver fuku formed. “This is why you were called back my friend.”

  As Jaeoh leaned forward to get a better view of the woman the image expanded and a week’s worth of battle and loss flowed between them. When the final image flowed back into the crystal he lifted his eyes to Shayla’s. Wordlessly they nodded, both understanding now what was needed. “Why weren’t we ever told of the Star Knights?”

  “”It wasn’t time for you to meet Jaeoh,” came Hana’s response.

  “Time for us to meet? But you knew about them? This Unicorn…with her Light powers she could have broken us out of …..Ohhhhhh” Jaeoh stopped as he thought over what he was saying. “Unicorn was fighting battles after we won and lost ours, wasn’t she?”

  Setsuna nodded. “The Star Knights formed last in Beryl’s reign. They had other places and things to do before becoming the team they were. Unicorn had to clean up family business before she could join the battle for the greater good. There were only 3 Star Knights discovered before the battles were finished.”

  “Are there others out there?”

  Setsuna just smiled. “The future will write that tale when it needs to. For now your tasks are simple Draco and Sweetwater. You must stay quietly hidden. The forces of Shadow have contacted you Draco but they know nothing of Sweetwater. They may return for you now that you have this again.” She handed him his crystal. It was different from days of old. No longer was it dark and cracked. It had been healed, as he had been.

  She stood and nodded to Hana. “It is time to go visit one more friend of the past.” Jaeoh looked confused but Shayla closed her eyes in understanding. Jaeoh did not know that one other team member was still alive. It would be her task in the future to try and save that team member, if he came their way. “We will come and pick up Shayla later Jaeoh. Enjoy your visit”


  Hotaru gently stroked the cat that rode on her lap. As the bus moved through midtown traffic she quietly conversed with the stately cat about the Star Knights. She was intrigued about the small band of fighters who had appeared and disappeared from Tokyo. This Chris kid sounded so juvenile but at the same time like someone she wished she could have known. He seemed to be much like his cousin Usagi, sweet and open and fun loving but with an obviously strong sense of duty. The other Knight Akuma at first sounded like a bully but as Andromeda filled in his story it was obvious that the big guy really cared for his team mates. As for the mysterious Unicorn she was holding off on her judgment till she met her.

  The fact that a guardian cat had attached herself to the lone Star Knight after her team mates had died meant something. What Andromeda would not say or maybe could not say. After all she might be an elder like Luna but she wasn’t all knowing.

  She eased off the bus, carrying Andromeda and headed toward Iriko’s apartment. She had been there once or twice with Usagi and Mamaru. The pretty girl with the purple
hair had turned out to be yet another of Serenity’s court from long ago. It was funny how that turned out.

  Climbing the stairs to the top floor apartment, she set Andromeda down and lightly tapped on the door. When Iriko answered she smiled and was gestured to come inside.


  As always entering Iriko’s home was like entering a secret garden or glade. The plants that dominated every surface breathed a gentle mix of scents that eased the mind of any who entered.

  On one of the couches that bracketed the windows sat the object of her quest. Curled up, dressed in ill fitting clothing was Suteko. She had been softly talking to Ami about something technical and medical, obviously trying to convince the other woman that nothing was going on below the surface. But as senshi of Saturn Hotaru could see that there was a tension about this woman that would not go away. Death had touched her intimately and was hovering over her shoulder like a shadow.

  Taking a closer look, there was a face in the shadow that was hovering over Suteko and was not natural. Hotaru reached to pull her powers about herself when she saw Suteko shake her head subtly.

  With quick twist of her wrist the Star Knight bought out her light blade and cleanly sliced through the shadow behind her. It vaporized with an eerie howl, which made both Ami and Iriko shudder.

  Signing, Suteko banished her blade and settled more deeply into her seat, weariness in her eyes. “I am sorry Iriko. I seem to have trimmed your ivy here a bit. Misgauged that one a bit.”

  Iriko came over and picked up the bits of leaf and vine that had fluttered down around Suteko. “It is alright Suteko-san; I can have these growing in no time.” She headed into the kitchen her hands busy with the stems.

  “Well that shield didn’t work out.” Ami sounded frustrated.

  Hotaru turned to her. “You knew it was there?”

  Ami nodded. “The minor shadows, like that one, found where Suteko was after the meeting and we have been trying out different ways to mask her."

  “I keep telling you not to bother. Once I am back to full strength they won’t be able to stand being near me.” Suteko looked over to Hotaru. “And who is this?” She narrowed her eyes for a moment. “She is definitely one of you senshi and as I have met most of you all ready…you must be Saturn?” Hotaru nodded. “Come to see the captive Star Knight have you?” Suteko’s voice seemed to be joking but it held a note of impatience in it. As if sitting here and healing was not what she needed to be doing.

  Ami scolded her patient lightly. “You aren’t a captive Suteko. Usagi and Mamaru will be back soon with your things and then you can go out if you wish. We just need to make sure you will not be attacked as soon as you do.”

  Signing, Suteko nodded and leaned back into the cushions. The patience she used to have had been eaten up in the week of running and fighting. Persephone came over and settled herself on Suteko’s lap, lightly kneading her legs like a true cat trying to relax her charge.

  Andromeda gave the younger cat an arched look and settled on Ami. “I think it is more time to discuss why my cousin here has joined up with you Suteko.”

  Looking at the cat in her lap and then at the other she shrugged. “What can I say? She likes me?”

  Persephone made what suspiciously sounded like a snorted giggle and then smiled. “Of course I do. After all you are my charge. I was sent to protect and guide you.”

  That comment made Andromeda take a closer look at the other cat. The crescent moon that marked Luna, Artemis and herself was not on the grey brow of Persephone. The symbol was definitely that of a stylized Unicorn. “You’re not a moon cat are you?”

  Persephone paused in her kneading to shake her head. “Never said I was oh wise one. You cats from the Moon always thought you were the only guardians in existence. Too bad really. There was always too few of you to go around. If you had asked we would have helped you.”

  Suteko lightly settled her hand on her cat’s shoulder, almost a shushing gesture. “Be nice, cat.” Then a look past between cat and human that was not missed by the others.

  “Why did you come to her then? I thought you were part of the summer court. Assigned to those of royal parentage like Chris.”

  Suteko’s hand closed about the cat for a moment, and then she sighed. “Go ahead and tell them what you wish cat, after all they might believe it more than I did.” She gently eased the cat onto the couch and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.


  Just before Persephone launched into her tale Usagi and Mamaru returned with Suteko’s things. Taking her bags with relief she headed into the bedroom to change, ignoring the questioning looks she was given.

  After a quick summation of the fact that she wasn’t a moon cat for Usagi and Mamaru, Persephone started the tale of who Suteko was and where she had come from.

  “There were many dynasties on Earth when the Moon Kingdom existed. Your majesty was just the Heir of the largest of the kingdoms of the time. As you know not all of Earth was happy with the intervention of the Moon Kingdom in the life of those bound to Earth. Beryl was one, as was her mistress. But they weren’t the only troublemakers of that distant time. “

  “In the years before your mother, Serenity ruled, there was another Earth kingdom that was harsh and cruel and full of beings who wanted to rule all the known lands. A small part of the ruling family of that time were powerful masters of Chi magic and had studied long and hard to find a way to protect the Earth they so loved. When the wars for ascension got out of control they took it upon themselves and their heirs to protect the Earth by removing to an alternate universe the battling tribes who were threatening all existence.”

  “Chi magic?” Usagi asked. She had heard of Chi in the manga that she loved to read and in movies but never thought it was real.

  “Yes, Chi. Much like the magic you possess, it is as powerful as the user wielding it. A finely trained Chi master can do many things. The masters of that time managed to send those who wanted to destroy the Earth into the Shadow kingdom. A place of darkness and hate. Suteko and her brother are the last descendants of those ancient Chi Masters.”

  “Brother! She has a brother out there!” Usagi looked excited. None of her friends had siblings. “What is he like?”

  “In a moment your majesty. You see after the Shadow Kingdom was created to hold the prisoners, the remaining Chi masters and their families took a vow to guard and protect this world from the evil they had imprisoned. They had been faithful to that vow until Suteko’s great grandfather Ito took over the leadership of the family. Because of his cruel and wicked heart, his father had not told him of the family legacy. He had intended to pass it on to Ito’s eldest son but that son had been banished before he could and then the old man died holding back the evil in the Cave in China.”

  The cat continued the story, filling in these almost strangers with the facts of Suteko’s life. The betrayals that she suffered and the family she had lost. The fact that her younger brother was the new guardian of the Shadows but no longer remembered his sister due to a magic spell gone wrong and how she vowed to let him live his life in peace with his chosen few friends. It had cost her much to give up her family and how joining the Star Knights was in a way a penance for what she felt she had done. How the three knights became the tight team they were and why she had come to the decisions she did. Mamaru pulled out the photos from his jacket and showed them to the women around him.

  As they looked at the two photos and shook their heads, he listened by the bedroom door. Suteko had taken out the harp and was playing something softly to herself. He eased the door open and stood listening. The sadness of the soft notes plucked as his own heart. “You can come in if you wish.” She said softly, not stopping the roll of sound.

  Stepping in he gently closed the door and took a seat. Her hair once more tied back in her normal tight braid only the ragged bangs covered her eyes. “As y
ou can see my tale is even weirder than yours majesty.” Her voice was sad and lost.

  “I thought once you were part of my old court. Now I remember your people. They were true heroes Suteko. Warriors of light as you are today. You have no reason to feel shame.”

  “I let my little brother take the burden on his shoulders. He should have been allowed to finish growing up and to choose his bride, not to have to be the guardian. He had his father’s destiny, wasn’t that enough?” She flattened her hand on the strings, silencing the soft chords.

  “Was he unwilling to be guardian? Did you force it on him?” Mamaru asked softly.

  She looked up at him fiercely. “Of course he was willing. The Jackass never backs down from a fight. He wouldn’t have let me….” She stopped and then softly chuckled. “Okay maybe it was his destiny but,” she looked away. “Did destiny have to remove me from his memory? He was all I had after Mother died.”


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