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When Shadows Rise

Page 16

by Lisa Williamson

  Jaeoh and Gregor were currently paired with Usagi and sparring against Makato, Uhanzee and Mamaru. She had Gregor and Jaeoh holding back just enough to allow Usagi to engage the other team. She had gotten into the spirit of the exercise, trying to tag Mamaru through his protecting team mates. When Usagi executed a spin kick without taking out her own side and actually managed to tag Mamaru. She called halt. “Very good Usagi-san. Your are learning well.”

  Usagi flushed, smiling widely. “This is so much fun, Suteko-chan!”

  The more martial fighters stepped back and let the Princess gush for a bit. She wound down and then got a gleam in her eye that all knew was for mischief. “Suteko, you have been teaching us all day but we haven’t seen you spar with anyone. I world love to see you in action!” She clapped her hands and bounced.

  Suteko lifted a brow, “If you wish. Who should I spar?”

  “Um…,” Usagi looked about. “Why not pit you against,” she grinned. “Jaeoh and Gregor.”

  Suteko stifled a chuckle and bowed. “As you wish Princess.” She turned to the Kouhei, “You gentlemen ready?”

  Gregor looked over at Jaeoh and grinned. Since he had one chance to spar with Suteko and had watched her teaching he had a good idea how this would go. Jaeoh nodded and they fell in practiced stances. The rest stepped back to the edges of the room. With a bow Suteko took a guard stance.

  Jaeoh wanted to watch before engaging. He knew from watching that Suteko had lots of tricks up her sleeve. Gregor bowed and then pounced. He didn’t want this to be a repeat of their last spar. He flowed toward her at first then slid to the left, throwing a series of blows that she easily blocked. He then feinted the other way to test her other side. As they traded blows Jaeoh then sprang at her right side, lashing out with his foot. Since Gregor was using Kung fu, he decided to use tae kwon do. Suteko dodged and blocked, backing up as she measured the two warriors facing her. After a few moments she dodged and then bounced up over Gregor, laying a series of blows to his head as she spun above him. Jaeoh dodged and then used Gregor’s leg to spring up and throw a flurry of kicks and blows at the airborne Star Knight. Somehow defying gravity, Suteko and Jaeoh fought, punched and parried, kicked and dodged.

  Gregor moved out from under them reaching up to grab Suteko’s calf. When she felt his hand she spun and kicked out, missing a few blocks and Jaeoh landed a few blows to her head and shoulders. She managed to kick off Gregor’s hand and landed a few feet away with a grin.

  She was coiling for a new strike when a grey streak dashed under her feet. “Unicorn transform, shadows are massing!”

  With a spin she pulled her crystal out and called out, transforming. The teams were startled but reacted moments later.

  “Where cat?” Star Knight Unicorn knelt, glowing all ready.

  “By the cars all ready!:

  “Some weird potato headed monster is sticking its head into the car engines.” Artemis made a disgusted cat face.

  “Never mind the cars, how many?” Sailor Rage had pulled his sword and stood at his leader’s shoulder.

  “Let me find out,” Unicorn dashed across the floor, barely touching the ground. She ran and leapt to one of the windows lining the room at ten feet up. Balancing, she narrowed her eyes. The lot was covered in dark shadows The bright late afternoon sun was muted by the shadows filling the courtyard. From her perch she could see creatures much like those she encountered a month ago. The raising anger made her curse under her breath in American. She curled her hand and her blade appeared.

  “Unicorn report!” Mamaru slipped into his princely mode and got her attention.

  She shook her head to clear it and then leapt down. “The courtyard is filled with shadows. It is time to work together people." She counted up doing some quick math. She was quickly surrounded by the more martial fighters. “Okay right now we are easily out numbered 3 to 1 but most of the shadows are minor shadows. A solid light blast will destroy them. The trouble is the big guys.” She quickly filled them in. Once again there was a mix of Japanese national monsters and American. Nyooeooi and Jeukegan mixed with werewolves and large men with hockey masks. “Those with light or fire attacks should lead. “ She looked over at Rage. “As good as you are I think we need you to protect the weaker team members.”

  Unicorn turned toward the door when she saw an Aunjubo trying to block the door. The elegant ghostly woman was trying to keep the shadows outside but was unable to do much. Unicorn pulled up her Light and called out. “Eyes!” The Senshi and Kouhei all closed their eyes as she cast back and tossed an intense ball of Light. The Aunjubo sunk into the floor just as the door burst open The first wave of shadow creatures let out those eerie wails as her Light took out the foot soldiers. The scent of burnt hair filled the air.

  Draco slipped up behind Unicorn’s shoulder and sent his green dragon fire to her left. The doors kept the monsters limited at first but being shadows they found ways around it. Soon the converted stable was filled with battle. The creatures dodged and dashed past the door, climbing over the remains of the previous line. Within, shadows simulating monsters started grabbing the feet of those not quick enough to dodge. “Ewie!” Came from Sailor Moon as Nuppepoo stumbled into her. The muted smell of rotted flesh filled the air. These monsters did not die cleanly when hit by Sailor powers. It took all of the Senshi working in groups to clean out the small rotted flesh demons. The shadows had pulled them in from nearby cemetery, changing them by adding mouths filled with rotted teeth that gnashed creepily as the monsters tried to grab calves.

  At the door, Unicorn, Draco and Uranus sent out powered attacks. Uranus’ earth rattling waves, made the large monsters stumble but they kept coming forward. Draco and Unicorn sent their Light blast and Jade dragon fire, one from the left and the other the right. The two waves once again cleared the doorway but one of the Jason clones managed to make it past the lines of power. He zeroed in on Uranus, hefting his chainsaw and engaging her weapon to weapon. It was only the magical nature of her sword that let it deal with a shadow powered chainsaw. The viciousness of the shadow animated movie character forced her away from Draco and Unicorn.

  Saturn’s glaive gave her range to deal with the monsters. She wisely stuck to Pluto and Neptune’s side while their attacks flew. Within ten minutes each of the Senshi were engaged fighting creatures that didn’t react as expected to their magical attacks. Mars used the combination of her wards and fire powers. She managed to clean a large space, allowing Mercury to scan the creatures for weaknesses.

  Minerva started out the battle with Time and Sweetwater. As the less combative, they had to be careful. The cats had taken to hiding with them. Sweetwater found a defensible spot and gestured for Minerva and Time to move out. The two women watched the battles and started to ease their way around the room. Neither normally had precognition but something was telling them both that they needed to get over by Unicorn.

  Unicorn’s sword sliced a clean swath through the last of the Movie monsters. It dissolved as silently as it fought. She turned to look over the battle. Draco and Rage had separated, each battling one of the large wolf men. Rage dispatched his opponent in fewer strokes than he had the last time she watched him battle a shadow wolf. Practice was making him a efficient slayer of beasts. Draco sent another green wave of fire through the monster in front of him.

  Out in the courtyard Aki came into view. He shook his head as he saw the last movie monster shred into nothing. Why Kaneda thought movie monsters would stop the Senshi he had no idea but he had a better idea. Gesturing, he stayed in place as another wave of darkness creatures flowed past him. He smiled as they launched into the stable swarming the senshi pulling them all away from his target.

  Unicorn swung about as the new wave of creatures flowed past her. Not one of them stopped to engage her. She spotted Minerva and Time making their way to her. “What are they doing?” She shook her he
ad as she headed toward her two friends. While Time had a unique weapon in her pocket watch, Minerva had no such weapon, that she knew of.

  Aki watched as his minions engaged the senshi. The warriors of the Moon were good, very good. Add in the remaining Kouhei and they were too good. It was time to remove a few more warriors from the side of light. He stood in the open doorway and smiled as he watched Unicorn work her way to Minerva and Time. He smiled then, better yet he thought. Removing the Senshi’s spy with the Kouhei would strike a blow against the Princess and her court. He sent a bolt of utter darkness to splash on the floor near his real target.

  Unicorn pulled up fast as the darkness licked at her feet. She looked about and then narrowed her eyes. There in the doorway was the leader of this batch of evil clones. She darted her eyes back toward her friends. Time and Minerva looked like they could handle the creatures around them. Time had her watch out and was spinning it and turning the monsters to ash.

  Minerva, the senshi who normally would almost useless in a physical battle, looked about her. She had to help. Unlike the other Senshi she had never had a chance to develop her powers to new levels but she needed to think of something. A massive shadow beast reared up behind Time who was busy dodging a pair of the carrion monsters and didn’t see it opening its arms to grab her. Without thinking she put out her hands and cried out. “MINERVA LEVIN BOLT!” She felt a wave of energy leave her hands and smash into the shadow. When it hit the monster let out a mental scream that only Minerva heard. She winced but then looked down at her hands. “What was that?”

  Unicorn turned and headed toward Aki. She knew if she took out the Shadow general the creatures around would dissolve back to natural shadows. “Aki!” The general looked up and Unicorn lifted a brow as she pointed a finger and cocked it back.

  Aki smiled and headed toward the Star Knight. “You want to rumble Light Bearer?” He flicked out his hands and two black blades appeared. Knives that glistened with power and he let her get within ten feet before he tossed them at her. They flew straight past Minerva and Time to be parried by Unicorn’s light sword.

  “I don’t think so Aki. Come fight me.” Unicorn took a few steps forward and then spun about, her blade flashing up as massive shadows beasts attacked her from behind. “HANA! IRIKO! Get out of here!”

  The shadow general smiled as he watched his creatures battle Unicorn. It was always a pleasure watching a warrior fighting against impossible odds. His eyes darted toward Rage and Draco. The two strong Kouhei had cleared up their opponents and were turning to come to Unicorn’s aide. Now that he just could not allow. He raised his hands and called silently. Within a few short moments the ground started to shake. Draco and Rage turned to look and their eyes widened. Rising up out of the floor was a massive dark shadow beast. At first it seemed formless but as it rose up twenty feet the shape coalesced into a creature only seen inside of museums. A shadow Mastodon lifted its trunk and roared. The bellow knocking the Senshi and Kouhei to their knees. After a brief moment, Rage, Draco and even Tuxedo Mask all jumped up and attacked the beast, letting the others regain their senses.

  Chapter ten

  Lost Boys and Golden Girls

  Aki smiled as he faced down the Senshi and Kouhei. Neither Minerva or Time really concerned him. Both women were tiny, neither topping five feet. While Time’s fob watch was dangerous, he stayed out of her reach. He could feel the pressure of Minerva trying to get past his mental guard. It was too bad this woman was promised to Star Ocean, she had a lot of spunk.

  Hana continued to spin her watch. The Shadow General had somehow blocked off the three of them from the rest. The wave of hairy monsters had pushed Unicorn forward, away form Draco’s proactive green circle of flame.

  For some reason Iriko had stayed glued to the glowing Unicorn. While Unicorn’s Light blasts cleared paths, the shadows seemed to swarm deep just out of reach. She could hear Rage and the others battling the roaring shadow elephant but they were too distracted to see Aki and a few larger shadows circling Unicorn.

  “Come with us Unicorn and I will leave these others alone.” He waved a hand and the shadows parted to show the Senshi being tossed in the air by the behemoth. Rage was scrambling up its flanks as Draco was being crushed under its massive foot. Minerva and Time gasped as Unicorn growled. She pulled back her arm and threw her Light sword. It sank deep into the eye of the Shadow beast, which let out a massive scream and shredded into nothing.

  “Your illusions mean nothing shadow leech. These fighters are too strong to be defeated by you,”

  Minerva’s eyes grew wider. In her growing anger Unicorn believed that what they just saw was an illusion but her powers told her a different story. Rage had landed heavily, then ran to his leader’s side. Draco was struggling to get up, clutching his ribs. The senshi were dragging their wounded friends to Sweet water. Oak was using his great horned knife to keep the Nuppepoo shadows at bay.

  She turned back to Unicorn to see Aki literally lash out with a whip of shadow. Unicorn’s sword dropped to the ground where the mastodon had been as the whip wrapped about her throat. Her white gloved hands came up, clawing that the shadow whip, her skin burning. She struggled to pull it from her, as Aki drew her closer. Hana moved in, swinging her watch but it just passed through. Luckily it did snap Unicorn out of panic. She held out her hand and her blade snapped back to her. She swung it and the whip parted with an audible twang. Gasping, she put her hand to her throat and winced.

  Rage managed to get Draco back on his feet but he wouldn’t let himself be led to Sweet water for healing. Sweet Water was swamped by Senshi and her hands were all ready sending energy to Sailor Moon. “We need to get to Unicorn and the others.” Draco hissed and straightened. His eyes widened as figures swirled in. Seiya and Steve arrived in swirls of shadow, dressed in a mockery of their Kouhei uniforms. Pain and Star Ocean immediately joined the battle. Star Ocean sent a wave of black water wrapping about Minerva. The lavender haired Senshi of Secrets struggled, briefly outlined by a mind blast that tried to work like force field. She held it for a few minutes, long enough that Pain slipped past her and shot a black beam into Minerva’s back, causing her to stiffen and lose her hold on the force field. She collapsed and the dark wave carried her into Star Ocean’s arms and they disappeared. Hana cried out as she watched one friend disappear at the hands of two past friends. “Seiya how could you!” She reached to wrench time off its track, but before she could she was enveloped in two massive arms.

  “Not this time little Hana. Aki-sama has plans for you.” Sailor Earth placed a hand over her mouth and nose. Time struggled as her air was cut off and before long she blacked out.

  Rage bellowed as Time too was whisked out of sight in a swirl of darkness. “NO!” Two voices cried out. Draco and Rage picked up speed, trying to get to the Star Knight before she too was whisked away.

  Seiya smiled as she heard pain in her team mates voices. Rage and Draco, the big strong warriors, couldn’t stop Aki’s plans. The Shadow general even let her use her powers. She turned to face the annoying Star Knight. The white power glowing about the bitch was hurting her, hurting her like her father. Seiya slowly gathered all that pain and waited for Aki’s signal.

  “You bastard! Give them back!” Unicorn’s blade grew longer as she tried to reach Aki around his shadows. “You are going pay for hurting them.!” She circled closer, sword flashing from side to side, causing shadow beasts to shred away.

  Aki grinned. “Now why would I do that? My master has promised them as gifts. Star ocean it seems has a thing for the purple girl.” He flicked his whip out again, it lengthened and grew spikes of some black, glittering metal. “Me, I think that little one more interesting. All that darkness.” He flicked the whip out, snapping it so it grazed Unicorn’s arms and legs, pulling it back when her sword took pieces off it. “Unlike you Light Bearer. I don’t understand why
, but the Master still wants you.”

  Unicorn hissed each time the shadow touched her skin. She cut it many times but the amount of free shadows rebuilt the weapon as fast as she destroyed it. “Your master will fall like he did before, Aki. You have a chance to leave the shadows. Join the light.”

  "Why would I give up all this power Unicorn?” He flicked again and his whip became a sword. “After all, teacher,” he sneered. “You should have given what we asked for,” His voice was angry now as he leapt forward and swung. Unicorn parried his black blade and they started fierce battle.

  Draco and Rage were stunned for long moments as the sword of Light and the one of Shadows clashed. They could see pieces flashing off, smell the burn of ozone as the two swords sparked. Somehow the Light blade glowed brighter as the shadow blade grew darker.

  Seiya panted as she watched her new master fight the Light Bearer. It was dark poetry as the two fought, leapt and ducked, blades snicking in, cutting them both. Within those minutes wounds could be seen on both Unicorn and the Shadow general. Minor but energy sapping cuts that smoked. Unicorn now had a slash down her right arm and across her back. Aki sported a hole in his side and a long cut down his cheek. They broke apart but Unicorn was in better shape. She called up more Light and stabbed her sword into Aki’s shoulder, pinning him to the nearby wall. Panting, they glared at each other. Below her line of vision Aki made a gesture.


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