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Cosmic Love

Page 50

by Jan Spiller

PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is possible that in a past incarnation, you in some way caused this person to strive for the image of perfection in the outer world at the expense of their inner spiritual life. This resulted in some kind of trauma that is still affecting them subconsciously in this lifetime. You are uniquely equipped to help them heal these self-sabotaging patterns and reconnect with their Higher Power, and in the process any psychic scars you may be carrying from past lifetimes with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 6th House, then your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

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  The Aspects

  Navigating the Energy of Past Life Connections

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  Information on the Aspects

  In astrology, “aspects” are energetic connections—mathematically calculated—between two heavenly bodies. For the purposes of this book, an “aspect” refers to the conjunction between the Nodes in one person’s chart to the planet(s) in another person’s chart, which show specific past life connections between the two Souls. In a future book, other aspects between the planets and the Nodes will be explored.

  To see if a conjunction exists between yourself and another person, you can log on to and it will be calculated for you as a free service. You will need to enter the birth information for both people—date, place, and time (if known).

  The information that follows is being presented here for the first time, the result of extensive research into how nodal energies operate within relationships. It is further based on the concept of reincarnation, which I have found to greatly expand the benefits of working with the Nodes. The outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—move so slowly that astrologers often refer to them as a “generational influence” and don’t consider specific conjunctions with these planets to be significant. However, in my research I have found that if one partner’s Node conjoins an outer planet in the other person’s chart, the potency of the conjunction still holds. There may be a million people whose North or South Node conjuncts a planet in your chart, but the ONE drawn into the inner circle of your life is the person who is there to help you to grow in that area.

  Contracts to Be Honored

  My research has shown that when the North or South Node in one person’s chart forms a conjunction to a planet in another person’s chart—someone with whom they are closely involved—it indicates a “contract” between the two people that is to be fulfilled in this lifetime. These Souls have been together in past lives and have an agreement to go through certain interactions in this incarnation in order to balance and heal the energy between them.

  One way this occurs is that there can be certain Souls with whom we have experienced intense difficulties in a past life. Before incarnating, an agreement is made with that Soul to come back and deal with the underlying issue in a more conscious and loving way so that both Souls can be healed. Hence, we find ourselves in relationships with people who have North or South Node conjunctions to our natal planets.

  In working with this material, it is helpful to remember that it is generally the “victim” who has the power to break the chains of a reciprocal past life injury, through forgiveness of the perpetrator. Forgiveness involves not only forgiving the other person, but also yourself for any time in this lifetime or another that you may have done the same thing to another Soul.

  Relationship Roles: Soul Contracts and Free Choice

  Please note that the kind of relationship you are in with another makes a difference in how to best respond to the energy generated by a difficult aspect. If it is a lover or a friend, you always have the option of choosing not to continue the relationship. However, if the person is your mother, child, or other close family member, then the situation was chosen by the Souls involved before this incarnation. Therefore, it must be assumed that the experience was necessary and in the best interest of both parties.

  For example, if your lover’s South Node conjuncts your Moon and you don’t feel nurtured, you can choose to dissolve the relationship and find someone who makes you feel more supported and secure. But if your mother’s South Node conjuncts your Moon, in examining the rest of your chart it is likely that you have a past life pattern of overemotional responses, and becoming more emotionally independent in this lifetime will promote your Soul’s growth. In that case, two different dynamics could be operating. You may have chosen a mother who wouldn’t let you become emotionally dependent on her OR it may be a payback from a past incarnation, where you either withheld nurturing from her or smothered her with overprotection. Somewhere in time, one of you has to break the chain of hurting each other by choosing to respond to the other person with the conscious intention of creating a win-win situation.

  Also, when you have an actual Soul contract to go through certain experiences with another person in this lifetime, the situation will seem inevitable. For instance, although you might consciously choose not to become involved in a romantic relationship with someone whose South Node conjuncts one of your planets, you would feel irresistibly compelled to enter the relationship—even against your better judgment—if you had such a contract. On an ego level you may decide: “I’m done with that lesson.” But you may not be complete on a Soul level. In that case, your best bet is to use the information provided here to consciously cooperate with the energy and allow the relationship to help you grow into a more well-balanced person.

  Do I Know You?

  People often ask me questions like: “Can anyone whose North Node conjuncts my Venus bring me good luck in love and money?” The answer is yes. However, not everyone with this aspect is a past life Soul connection—only those who interact with you in the context of a relationship: a family member, lover, business partner, co-worker, close friend, or other intense connection, even someone you perceive as an enemy. There are many people whose charts strongly connect with ours, but we form close relationships with only a few of them. These are the people with whom we have unfinished business, and in whose company we can work through the particular issue that will rebalance both people’s energetic fields.

  If the connection is strongly unpleasant, it’s best to do all you can to resolve the karma in this lifetime, otherwise you will have to keep going through it in future incarnations until you finally “get it straight.” Now, while you have these tools to expand your consciousness, it would greatly enhance your Soul’s growth—not to mention your ability to experience peace and happiness—to heal everything you can with other Souls with whom you are connected.

  Life itself supports you in expanding into your own highest potential for self-actualization, and sends those people across your path who can best help you grow. Whoever you have attracted into your life is bringing you this opportunity. Knowing the nodal aspects, especially the conjunctions, makes it possible for you to consciously participate by accepting and working with the process, rather than resisting it—and this creates a win-win situation that benefits both people.

  North Node Conjunctions

  People Who Help Along the Way

  When the North Node in one person’s chart is conjunct a planet in another’s chart, a Soul contract has been made to come together in this lifetime for mutual benefit. The North Node person brings the special gift of helping you realize one of your talents. They function like a good luck charm by energizing the area of your life ruled by the planet involved. The North Node person helps to expand you to a higher level, bolstering your confidence and ability to succeed in that area.

  This process brings healing energy to both parties. Through their connection, the planetary person’s personal growth and self-actualization are nurtured and encouraged. And by supporting the planetary person, the North Node person’s own North Node attributes are stimulated, which helps them integrate those qualities into their p
ersonality and realize their highest potential.

  North Node Conjunct the Sun

  The Sun represents the buoyant, naturally confident part of ourselves and our individual style of self-expression. Its placement in the birth chart—by house and by sign—reveals the area where we most want to shine in this lifetime. This is the creative drive that, if acted on, will move us to the next level of our evolutionary journey. The results of embracing our creativity are greater ease of self-expression, control over our own life, and the strong vitality that comes from being true to our own nature. When we recognize and express our innate potential, we will be content with ourselves in this lifetime.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Sun person’s life is to help them discover what it is that they would most like to create. You encourage their self-expression and inspire them to use their vital life force in ways that make a significant contribution.

  Support their efforts, especially in terms of their creative projects. They may need to bolster their self-esteem or build a stronger leadership foundation. Perhaps they have a vision that needs encouragement. By verbalizing their strengths you help them to gain the confidence to use their life force at a higher level. When you openly praise their talents you fan the fires of their creativity.

  Your positive influence validates their strengths and their ability to create their own destiny. Also, in the process of feeding their ego and building their confidence, the best in you is brought forth and the flow of Love between you is enhanced. As you inspire them to take the next step toward self-actualization, you are energized to take that step in your own life.

  If you are the SUN person:

  Your vitality and sense of uniqueness are strengthened and supported by the North Node person as they encourage your creative potential and help you to shine. Thanks to their influence, you become more creative, confident, and determined. They see your talents and bring them to your attention in a healthy way that makes you stronger.

  This person has entered your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is calling for you to operate at a higher level. They will help you to bring out your leadership qualities. Your job is to accept their support and be willing to take the next step in your evolutionary journey of self-actualization.

  You will feel a heightened energy around this person. They are aware of your talents and have faith in your ability to accomplish your goals. By allowing them to make you stronger and more successful, you honor their gift and the connection between you. Through this link with them you positively influence each others’ health and vitality, and you inspire their creativity as well. This is “good karma” at work! The gift becomes reciprocal—a system of mutual support.

  North Node Conjunct the Moon

  The Moon in our birthchart represents our deepest emotional needs for nourishment on all levels. Its placement, by house and by sign, reveals the most vulnerable part of ourselves—where we most need to feel loving support in order to thrive. The Moon, subconscious indicator of our true feelings, is an important factor to consider in marriage. North Node conjunct the Moon is a tremendous mutual blessing in any type of long-term relationship.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  The potential is for the two of you to have a very loving, lasting relationship. Your purpose in the Moon person’s life is to supply what they need to feel validated and emotionally secure. You instinctively know when they are feeling insecure, and your attention lets them know that you care about them. You naturally recognize and support their inner core and help them achieve a positive self-image. As they learn that they can count on you, they relax, their heart opens, and Love and appreciation flow between you.

  Another gift you bring this person is to teach them how to love. You do this automatically by letting them see that it is “safe” for them to open up and be vulnerable. Freely validate the ways in which they show affection for others. Acknowledging the good qualities you see in them encourages their caring nature and enhances the way they express their feelings to others. This naturally leads to more positive results, and they become stronger and more successful in their relationships.

  In the process of giving them confidence in their ability to relate empathetically to others, the best in you is strengthened and you also become more caring.

  If you are the MOON person:

  The North Node person has come into your life because on a deep level your Soul is calling for you to open your heart bravely, without fear of personal rejection. It’s time for you to release emotional defenses and let yourself trust. Actually, just being around them makes you feel loved, accepted, protected, and supported. You can relax. They give you a sense of belonging and of being right where you should be.

  This person satisfies many of your basic needs and helps you connect with your true feelings. They see who you really are and reflect your core motivations and the goodness of your being back to you in a way you recognize and appreciate. They evoke a loving energy that gives you confidence in your ability to express caring and be appreciated in return.

  Your job is to accept their nurturing gift and allow yourself to become more open and comfortable with others. By permitting them to stimulate your heart center, you also bring out the best in them. This connection is excellent for marriage and long-lasting friendships, since there will always be a mutual flow of nourishment, Love, and caring.

  North Node Conjunct Mercury

  Mercury is the planet that rules intellect and intelligence. Its placement in the chart shows how we think, what interests us, how we approach and solve life’s challenges, and how we communicate our thoughts to others.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Mercury person’s life is to help them think more clearly and express their ideas to maximum effect. Even if you don’t say a word, your presence energizes their thought process—they just think better when you’re around.

  You will tend to have comfortable, productive communication with this person. And in the process of talking things out, you can naturally see where they become closed-minded or illogical when dealing with difficult situations. This allows you to offer valuable insights that empower them to reach a higher level of clarity in their communication.

  Don’t tiptoe around difficult subjects. Share your thoughts and offer alternative ways of viewing the situation when they get “stuck” in an old pattern or stubbornly cling to an idea. As you do so, the verbal exchange enlivens you both. And in the process of helping them clarify their thinking, the best in you emerges, you gain new insights into your own life challenges, and the flow of Love between you is increased.

  If you are the MERCURY person:

  The North Node individual has come into your life to help you think more clearly and realistically. On a subconscious level, your Soul wants you to grow in your mental capacity and this person is a catalyst to help you reach a higher level of thinking. Your mental prowess improves and ideas take shape when you’re around them.

  They stimulate and expand your communication skills, while helping you to solve problems through logic and clear reasoning. This person will be very supportive of your ideas and understand your underlying world view. Even if your perspective and mental interests are quite different, they will be respectful and open to your thoughts. The flow of conversation is easy and natural. You may feel like you’ve known each other forever.

  If you have been shy about revealing your thoughts and concerns in the past, you are not likely to feel inhibited with this person. As you develop the habit of lucid thinking and relaxed conversation with them, you gain confidence in dealing with your other relationships. By receiving their gift and allowing them to help you think more clearly, you return the favor and it becomes a shared blessing.

  North Node Conjunct Venus

  Venus reveals our love nature. Its placement in the birthchart—
by house and by sign—indicates the manner in which we express and receive love, and what gives us pleasure in life.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Venus person’s life is to increase their sense of self-worth and to bring them good luck in the areas of love and money. Your appreciation and admiration validate them and help them to feel good about themselves. They recognize your good intentions as you open their heart to love and affection.

  Verbalize your feelings about them. Talk about their talents and abilities and support them in activities that enhance their self-esteem. Your influence increases their self-acceptance and builds their confidence in their social skills.

  As you validate what is special about them, you also feel good about yourself. The Love engendered by your relationship is a blessing for you both.

  If you are the VENUS person:

  Chances are you’ll fall in love with this person—like it or not. Their purpose in your life is to teach you how to love and experience pleasure. They expand your capacity for personal affection and heal obstructions that get in the way of your feeling Love for others. Their presence opens your heart in a healthy way.

  As they activate this love in you, you in turn want to help them. You feel generous and affectionate toward this person. You understand them and overlook their faults. Even if they hurt you, your love understands that we all have personal flaws and you forgive them. They also validate you and enhance your sense of self-worth. Even if they let you down, your self-esteem does not suffer.

  This person has entered your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is longing for you to experience more joy and pleasure in living. Since they make you feel beautiful and worthwhile, it is easier to attract others, so they are a boon for your social life. They are good luck for you in relationships, and they may even bring you financial benefits.


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