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Imperfect Consequences

Page 3

by Piper Stone

  David simply stared at him, taking in every word as he tried to formulate some sort of reply.

  “Yep. I’m doomed. Sounds a lot like an Oprah show, huh?” Bruce groaned.

  “You need to get a stint sitting next to her so that when all the crazy celebrities come on with their woes, you’re Johnny-on-the-spot to help them.”

  “Great. Then I can quit my day job.”

  “You do, and you’re fired and kicked in the ass.” David grinned and shook his head. “Yeah, but you’re right. I haven’t been attentive, but she pushes every button; taking every conversation to the point where I’m frustrated as hell, and I just want to tell her to shut up. There are days I wish I could be the one in charge, you know, like really in charge.”

  Bruce tilted his head. “Then why don’t you take charge? There are a lot of women out there who would happily give up being in control.”

  “What, are you kidding me? I’d be in divorce court before I could say ‘jack happy’, and you know it. Shannon wouldn’t take that kind of shit. She’s my equal, as all women are. Or didn’t you get that memo?”

  Rising to his feet, Bruce gave him a harsh look. “And you seem to know her so well, don’t you?”

  David exhaled slowly. “You’re right. I don’t know much about her at all anymore.”

  “Uh-huh. This is going to be tough.”


  Grousing under his breath, Bruce nodded. “Tremendously tough, because you’re such a pain in the ass.”

  “Fine. Where are you going with this?”

  “Hold on, impatient man. Tell me this, do you compliment her?”

  “Sometimes,” David attempted, but he could hear the hesitation in his voice. When was the last time he’d complimented her on anything? The truth was, he reminded her every day what she was doing wrong.

  “Zero points. When was the last time you brought her flowers, even if you picked them wild from the side of the road?”

  David was stymied. “She doesn’t really like flowers.”

  “Trust me, that’s bullshit. Still no points. Last question. When was the last time you made an effort to set up a romantic evening, you know—cooking dinner and a bottle of wine? Maybe special music and candles? Or, when was the last time you two actually went out on a date? Can you even remember?”

  “Ugh!” Heat rose on David’s face.

  “Well, there you go, my friend,” Bruce scoffed. “And my guess is, she’s acting out almost like a kid to get attention. Am I right?”

  David lowered his head to his desk. Bruce was dead on about everything.

  “Yep. I’m right, as always. Should have been a marriage counselor.”

  As he lifted his head slowly, he realized Shannon had been throwing nothing more than glorified tantrums when they argued the most. Other times, she simply ignored him and his questions. He wasn’t certain which of her mannerisms he hated the most, the outbursts or dead silence. “She’s willful, mouthy, and opinionated. She even borders on rude. She calls me filthy names and loses control at least once a day. She tries my patience, and I swear to God, she’s trying to shove me out of her life.” And she’s beautiful and sexy as hell when she pouts, and there are days I long to put her over my knee and give her a hard spanking.

  “Uh-huh. You’re both at a crossroads. The question is, can you find a way back to the same path?”

  David gave him a look.

  Bruce held up his hands and backed off. “Okay, enough of my psychobabble.”

  “Good. I don’t need to be analyzed. Shannon does that every damn day I come home.”

  “All right. We have to get ready for the meeting anyway.”

  “Yeah, I know. Trust me, I’m ready, and we’re going to close this baby today, without any hiccups. The new clients are in our back pockets, Bruce, and this one is going to make us rich and famous.” Said with conviction, David slapped his hand on top of his desk as he stood, a smile plastered across his face.

  “That’s my boy, the one I used to know.” His eyes twinkling, Bruce walked toward the door, taking a few steps before turning back.

  “Final words of wisdom?”

  “What I do know about women is that they like their men to shower them with surprises every once in a while. You know, trinkets of love and appreciation? If you’re arguing about basically nothing all the time and not sharing anything special together, trust me, one or both of you will find something elsewhere. Do you know what I mean? Women are astute. They know when their man is interested in another woman. They also need attention and feel they deserve it. If unsatisfied, they will find a man who’s going to fulfill their cravings.”

  David’s blood chilled. Rubbing his jaw, he knew exactly what Bruce was saying. He looked away and clenched his fist.



  Bruce took a step toward him. “Wait a minute. Are you having an affair?”

  A sharp knock on the door gave David a start. Suddenly, his mouth went dry. Both he and Bruce looked at each other for a full minute before David tipped his head toward the door, seeing their administrative assistant in the doorway. “Penny, do you need something?”

  “The Martins are here. Would you like me to send them to the conference room?” Penny asked quietly.

  “That’s just fine. Let them know we’ll be there in a few minutes. If you will, offer them something to drink,” David added absently. His mind was reeling, his thoughts scattered.

  “Yes, sir.”

  David waited until Penny left their office. “Look, I know you mean well, but…”

  “It’s none of my business. I get it,” Bruce interrupted. Exhaling slowly, he headed for the door.

  “I do love her with all my heart.”

  Bruce stopped short. “Then I suggest you find a way to show her or you’re going to lose her.”

  The second the door was pulled shut with a hard slam, David jumped. “Fuck!”

  David was completely drained by the time he pulled into the driveway. The Martins and their attorney had kept them in the office until nearly six-thirty, much longer than he’d anticipated. The deal was, thankfully, signed. The scope of the project had somehow managed to grow by the time the paperwork was completed, which was going to mean additional hours for all the employees, including keeping him in the office for long days. How in the hell was he going to be able to explain additional hours to Shannon?

  By the time he’d left the office, grabbed a bottle of champagne and some roses that had seen better days, he finally made it home just a little before eight. Turning off the engine, he sat in the car for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say to her. Bruce’s words had been biting, his accusations worse. And they were so on point.

  As he climbed out of the car, he studied the house they’d purchased together over ten years ago, even before they’d gotten married. The beautiful place was meant to be their haven, not their battleground. Well, maybe tonight he could begin to turn the tide. Grabbing his purchases, he walked toward the door, and for some reason, half expected it to be locked. When he turned the knob, he felt relief.

  He could see a light on in the kitchen and nowhere else in the house. There was no sound of music and no television on. Shannon enjoyed noise, never able to be without something playing in the background. His first inclination was that she wasn’t here, but her car was in the driveway. David sighed as he walked into the bright room, blinking due to the harsh lighting. Seeing Shannon sitting with a glass of wine in her hand, staring out the window was disheartening. “Hi there.”

  Shifting in her chair, she darted a glance at him, but remained quiet.

  Ice crystals filled the room around them. “You okay?”


  “Shannon, did something happen at work today?” She seemed out of sorts, sitting in a miniskirt and tee shirt, bare feet, a haunted look on her face. He could also see her hand was shaking as she gripped the glass tightly.

  “Nope. Work was
just fine.”

  “Okay.” Here we go again. Shoving back ugly thoughts, he walked toward her, placing the bouquet of roses on the table. “I brought you some flowers.”

  Mumbling under her breath, Shannon continued to stare out the window.

  David exhaled slowly and counted to five. “And I signed the major deal I was working on today with extras. The work is fantastic and we can finally get some real breathing room; maybe go on the vacation we’ve been talking about later in the summer.” When she still didn’t react, he set the champagne down, probably with too hard of a thud and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. “Remember we talked about going to Australia?”

  Shannon took another sip of wine before very slowly turning her head, glancing first at the flowers and sneering. Then she studied the champagne and shook her head. When she finally looked up into his eyes, hers were filled with venom. “We’ve talked about a hell of a lot of things and most of them haven’t come true. My guess is, they never will.”

  “Meaning?” He longed for a quiet evening, maybe even the romantic night Bruce described. They both deserved an evening of talking to each other, not at each other.

  “I think you know why I’m having difficulty talking with you.”

  “No, I don’t. Why don’t you…” He started to curse and stopped himself. “Why don’t you explain to me what you’re talking about?”

  “Hmm.” Jerking up from the chair, the force pushed the back hard against the edge of the table.

  As the sound reverberated in the air, David sucked in his breath. Gripping the beer bottle to keep from hissing, he took another sip and another as he watched her filling her wine glass. Sadly, he couldn’t help but think to himself that when she drank red wine she grew nasty. He refrained from sharing his fear, preferring to remain hopeful that the evening would turn around. “Shannon, please talk to me. Something’s on your mind, so why don’t we go into the living room, sit down, and really talk?” David could hear curse words being whispered, fueling his anger. “Why the fuck do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Say crap under your breath? I’m right here. If you want to say something to me, then by all means, just say it.”

  “You want me to say what I’m thinking?” Shannon smiled as she turned to face him. “I mean, say exactly what I’m thinking?”

  “Go for it.”

  “Well, I think you’re not only a fucking asshole, but also a terrible husband. No, I think you’re a jerk-off son of a bitch who deserves to be castrated and that’s before I rip your heart out with a spoon.”

  This time, her vehemence shocked him and for a few seconds, he had no words.

  “Oh, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Taking a gulp of her wine, she took a step forward. “Wanna hear more?”

  David opened his mouth. “What the fuck?”

  “That’s my point, exactly. What the fuck? Oh yeah, you’re fucking right. That’s the exact term I was looking for. Fucking. Nice fucking last night. Now, I know why.”

  “What?” He studied her contorted face and no matter all the arguments they’d been having lately, her rage was on an entirely different level. “What are you taking about?”

  Shannon smiled sweetly and walked closer to him. “You must think I’m an idiot.”

  “No. Of course not.” Just a child.

  “Uh-huh. Tell me another lie. That’s all you seem to be doing.” As she took another sip, she eased her other hand down the length of his arm before moving toward the doorway. “Looky here, champagne and flowers to add to the insult. Perfect.”

  Unable to control his emotions, he wrapped his hand around her arm, snapping her back. “What in God’s name are you trying to insinuate?”

  “I’m not insinuating anything. I’m being truthful and coming out and calling you a liar and a son of a bitch. That’s all.” Shannon yanked her arm away.

  “That’s it. What do you think you know, Shannon? What do you think you have over me? I mean, my God, you’ve been playing the martyr as well as the bitch for so long now, I’m not entirely certain I know the real woman underneath the barracuda any longer.”

  “Funny. That’s not what you said while you were fucking me last night. Or bringing me flowers and champagne!”

  “And just what the hell are you getting at?” David snapped. An eerie feeling washed over him, a knowing.

  Glaring at him for a minute, she narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips before walking toward the roses. Very slowly she shook her head. Picking the bundle up in her hand, she seemed to be studying the flower petals for a few seconds. “I’m getting at, you’ve been cold for months, and suddenly, out of the blue, you not only want to fuck me, but bring me treats. And you really think I’m so fucking stupid?” Turning to face him, she smiled.

  “Shannon, I don’t get it.”

  “Of course, you don’t. Why don’t you take these to your fucking whore?” Rearing her arm back, she slung the roses across his face. “You scumbag!”

  “Fuck!” Thorns snagged his skin and instantly, a flash of pain coursed through him. Tumbling back, he slapped his hand over his mouth as he heard her bitter laughter, trying to make sense of her words. When he hit the edge of the counter, the sharp point stabbing his hip, he winced; yet kept from screaming out and calling her names.

  “I’m sure the blonde bimbo or red-headed vixen will love these.” She stomped toward the door, stopping short just as she passed him. “Oh, and shove the bottle of champagne up her cunt for me, will ya?”

  David heard her clambering out of the kitchen and for a few seconds, remained stunned. Shannon had never acted this way before and had never hit him. She’d thrown dishes at him, given him shit, and called him names, but this behavior was totally out of character. Picking up the flowers and placing them on the counter, he touched his face, the sting remaining. He studied his fingers, realizing she’d managed to draw blood. Her actions were laced with insinuations, but why now? Determined to find out what was going on, he calmed his nerves before heading into the living room.

  Standing in front of the CD player, she was smiling as she pressed a button.

  When Kamelot, her favorite goth band, blared out over the speakers, he combatted his increasing fury. Controlling his temper wasn’t his best attribute. David watched her flitting around the room, dancing like she didn’t have a care in the world, and he grew more and more infuriated. Stalking toward the player, he turned down the volume. “We are going to talk. I want to know, right now, what are you trying to tell me?”

  “And I don’t feel like talking right now, so why don’t you just go away? I’m certain you have other places to be.” Shannon took long strides back toward the CD player, turning the volume up even louder than before.

  He quickly twisted the knob. My God, his rage was off the charts. “No you don’t. We are going to talk, Shannon. Period.”

  Giving him a harsh glare, she turned up the volume again and fluttered back. “Go play with her, why don’t you?”

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly who!” she spat as she held up her glass. “And here I thought I was just being a bad wife. Now, I know you just wanted more. Fuck you.”

  He’d had enough. David did everything he could to curtail his anger, but as he took a few steps toward her, he grew more and more furious. “What are you insinuating? What?”

  “You’re fucking another woman. My God. You didn’t even have the balls to tell me! You horrid, wretched man.” Her eyes glaring, she planted her feet.

  “Shannon. Stop now. I mean it. I’m sick of your accusations and your cursing. I don’t know what in the hell you think you know or what you’ve heard, but I’m not having an affair!”


  “I’m not. Stop it. Goddamn it.” Now he wanted to curse a blue streak.

  “Liar!” Shannon screeched and in a split second tossed the rest of her wine in his face.

  For a few seconds, he didn’t move.
Then he only had to take two strides toward her. Wrapping his hand around her wrist, he jerked her into the heat of his body, the force making her drop her glass. Hearing the shattered glass stilled him, quieting his rage.

  “Damn you!”

  “Damn you. Don’t do this.” David knew he was far too angry to talk with her. Blood spots were forming in front of his eyes.

  “And what are you going to do about it? I know, go to your whore.”

  Shaking, David looked away. “I don’t have anyone. No one. I want my wife back.”

  “You left your wife emotionally a long time ago. This woman needs more.” Shannon jerked her arms out of his grasp and snarled. “And you’re no husband. Go to your whore and get out of my life.”

  He watched as she raced out of the living room, the sound of the bedroom door slamming was enough to drive a stake through his heart. His whore. For the next few minutes, he stood, unable to move or even think clearly. Finally, he knew he needed to get away, even for a little while.

  Grabbing his keys from the kitchen table, he studied the wilted flowers lying across the counter and wondered if there was any way to fix their broken relationship.

  As he walked toward the front door, his heart racing, he wasn’t just having doubts any longer. He knew there was nothing left for them, and for the first time in years, he had tears in his eyes.

  David rode around for more than an hour. After almost stopping at three local bars, he resisted the urge to drink, at least alone. Ending up in front of Bruce’s house, he cut the engine, hissing as he leaned his head against the steering wheel. He couldn’t get her horrid words out of his mind, but the look on her face was much worse. Shannon was so hurt, so angry, and he had no idea how to take back the horrors of their respective behaviors. His mind reeling, visions drifted back and forth over the last few months, and he couldn’t find a beginning of this chapter in their lives. After the time they’d spent with the counselor, he thought he could handle the stresses of being married, owning a company, and trying to maintain some portion of the man he thought he’d lost.


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