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Imperfect Consequences

Page 12

by Piper Stone

  Pain and pleasure washed together, the dichotomy a wondrous series of sensations. Shannon arched her back, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. At that very moment, the one where bliss and agony swept together in a truly incredible sea of current, something thick and hard was shoved inside her pussy. “Oh. Oh oh oh…” Her cunt muscles immediately clamped around it, drawing the foreign object in deeper, the chill from the dildo driving her wild. “What is it? I mean…”

  David licked and sucked her clit for several seconds as his fingers drove inside her ass, the thick and hard implement thrust inside her pussy in a controlled pattern. He eased back and breathed a swath of hot air across her tummy. “We all need our vegetables, don’t we?”

  Snapping her head up, she gazed down and the sight of a large cucumber being thrust in and out of her pussy was enthralling. She had to fight not to come on the spot. This was something new and something wild and hot. “Oh… I…” Unable to put two coherent words together, she squeezed her ass and pussy muscles, the movement forcing his fingers further into her ass. How she longed for his cock.

  “Yes, a bad girl. I will spank you later.” In and out he thrust the cucumber and his fingers as he settled in to feast on her clit and cunt lips, licking and sucking.

  Shannon struggled to breathe, to control the way her body was reacting. Never had she felt so exposed and so intensely heated to a point she was tingling all over, every muscle clenching. She struggled to hold back the climax, her legs now shaking uncontrollably. What in the hell had gotten into him?

  David thrust harder and faster, every action becoming more manic. He was a wild man on a mission, his mouth, fingers and hands working overtime. As he licked and nipped, his teeth dragging along her tender tissue, he grunted, the sound more savage than man.

  She loved every second of what he was doing, but there was no way she could hold back any longer. None. “Please let… me… come!” The sound was barely audible.

  “No.” The single word was said with gusto.

  “Please!” There wasn’t going to be a choice.

  “I said not yet.” David licked up and down from the edge of her vagina to her clit as he pushed the cucumber all the way inside, filling her cunt.

  “Fuck… I…” Her eyes opening wide, she knew he was going to spank her ass hard for disobeying but there was little she could do. “David…”

  “Hold it until I tell you.”

  “No, I…” Shannon wiggled, sweat dripping down the sides of her face, her legs and arms shaking to the point she was having trouble keeping her legs up. And still he licked and fucked her, the rhythm picking up to the point she simply didn’t bother to try and breathe. She gasped for air, her heart racing to the point echoes were bouncing between her ears.

  “Hot and wet. You taste so good. Hold it.”

  “No!” The screech was loud, her body jerking up and down.

  “Yes.” The command was clear.

  And she had no choice but to disobey. When the orgasm rushed from the tips of her ruby stained toes to the insides of both legs, shooting straight into her pussy, she slapped her hands back onto the counter. The scream was silent, but the intensity of the climax roared through every pore in her body.

  David growled and thrust into her with enough force she was pitched up and down on the counter. “Bad.”



  “Yes, I…” Beads of perspiration flowed into her eyes, the salt stinging and the wave of raw pleasure continued. She had never experienced anything like this. Nothing. For a few minutes, she was in another plane, one of total rapture, a bliss few ever experienced. For a few minutes, she was the woman she used to be.

  David sucked up all her juices and when she stopped shaking, he eased the cucumber from her cunt, holding the glistening vegetable into the light. “Imagine the possibilities.”

  Her fascination growing, she studied his face as his gaze went up and down the cucumber.


  The bite was solid and huge, the crunching noise as he chewed the vegetable and his eyes rolling in the back of his head, was perhaps the most sinful thing she’d ever seen. As he leaned over, bringing the cucumber to her lips, she shivered. Then she took a bite and hoped he was going to continue disciplining her for her indiscretions later. My God, she needed a hard whipping.

  The spanking never came, but her butt still ached from the playful one she’d received and from the second cucumber being shoved in her ass. Shannon gazed down at her sleeping husband and took a single finger, slipping the strand of damp hair back from his face. They hadn’t experienced this level of closeness in so long and she wanted to remember, to savor, every moment. And she knew she needed to tell him she was really a bad girl, one who deserved to be taken in hand. What troubled her so much was that she hadn’t been able to confide in him in weeks. This infraction was merely one of several, but one she wasn’t certain how she could handle herself. Guilt had set in and she had no idea what to do about it.

  So many things had happened. So many late nights for both of them. There was little time shared and she’d pushed hard, railing against the structure. The balance of power was crumbling. Sighing, Shannon closed her eyes.

  The nightmares had returned with a vengeance. Shivering, she knew why and there was no way to come to grips with any of it. Why now? Why couldn’t she get away from this monster of a burden?

  Because you’ll always be a whore.

  Shannon swallowed hard and rolled over. No. She wasn’t and this wasn’t going to rule her life. The fucking mess she’d once been was never going to drag her back into hell again. Never. She had a wonderful life, a fabulous career, a nice house and good friends. She’d done well forgetting and forgiving herself. She had money and things and pretty clothes and…

  Pretty clothes that make you look like a slut.

  Tears formed in her eyes. She wiped them away furiously and turned her head, smiling at the sight of David’s lower lip quivering. She loved him so much. They had their issues, but he was a good man and she wanted to keep everything good between them. And he… She had to stop the madness. Everything was going to be all right. It had to be.

  As she rolled over and clenched her eyes shut, she realized she was worried about infidelity again. Please help me, God. Please.

  Chapter 2


  The single word texted always sent shivers racing down her spine. My God. He’d found out. How? When? What? The phone call a few minutes ago had confirmed her suspicions and now the how was irrelevant. She’d told him the first thing that came to her mind and ended the call quickly. Some might say she hung up on him. Shannon could feel the color draining from her face. Dear God, two weeks had passed and he hadn’t said a word. Not a single word. Well, hell, he hadn’t been home in almost two weeks. She wasn’t entirely certain if he’d slept at the office or somewhere else. Snorting, she glared at her cell phone. Why was she thinking something so horrible? Because you don’t trust him any longer.

  Fuck me. Goddamn, that was so true. Sadly, the notion, as well as the continued nightmares, kept her awake, her mind reeling. She’d come close to following him on more than one occasion, resisting at the last minute. Was she really acting out like a spoiled child to garner his attention? Shannon held the phone in her hand, her finger brushing back and forth across the screen. She heard her foot tapping aimlessly on the floor, the soft thud her toe was making on the dense carpet matching the rapid thumping of her heart against her chest wall.

  Ever since she and David had begun this journey her reaction was the same. It didn’t matter what she was doing, where she was, or even the friends she was with. When her husband texted her name, she knew exactly what the single word meant. She was getting a spanking.

  Oh, yes, she deserved getting one for punishment. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind. What she wasn’t certain of was how he found out about her infraction. Now she wished she’d simply told him, not lied around everyth
ing. She’d been doing much more of that lately, lying—that and acting out. She searched her mind for how he could have found out, then remembered. She’d left the damn ticket on her nightstand since she was going to have to go to court or pay it outright. Shit. Shit. Shit!

  Groaning, she eased the phone to her forehead and of course, knew exactly why he was pissed. No, she could even sense the inflection in the text. David was livid. Of course, she couldn’t blame him. The idea that she’d even tried to get away with not telling him about the ticket was bad enough. Then to lie about it when he asked what was going on was reprehensible. She’d ceased lying to him months before. Why now? Because you know what he’ll say and how disappointed he’s going to be. And you know you need a spanking.

  The thought was true enough. She deserved more than just a spanking. In fact, she hadn’t had a hard whipping in a solid three weeks. The playful one during the single time they’d made love was nothing in comparison to what she deserved. They’d forgone the concept of maintenance spankings simply because David’s business was booming and the late hours precluded keeping up with yet another chore. Now she wished they hadn’t stopped.

  The arguments had increased, as well as the same fears about his infidelity. Was he really working all those long hours? Her trust wasn’t where it should be. Maybe that’s why she was lashing out lately, lying. Maybe that’s why they had fallen back into the old way. No sex. No communication. No peace. At times, there was little of nothing, including time spent together. She’d tried to talk to him, tried to tell him she was lonely and needed more from him, but he’d called her selfish. He was right. She was supposed to be supporting her husband’s endeavors, not acting like a two-year-old. Now this. Was she acting like a spoiled child trying to garner attention? Maybe.

  God. There were so many maybes in their life, one she’d tried… no, they’d both tried to save, for about five seconds. A blip in time of trying something extraordinary had led to what? Shannon was no longer certain.

  Nibbling on her bottom lip, she glared at the phone again, trying to debate how to answer him. Every single part of her body was trembling. He had this effect on her and had since they’d changed their lifestyle almost four months before. Her previous willful ways were slipping back into their everyday lives. Why? Didn’t she care enough to maintain some level of obedience without his firm hand across her naked ass? “You’re an idiot.” Saying the words about herself out loud didn’t make her feel any better. She glanced at her desk again. There was so much work to do. Too much. But there was no way she was going to get anything done today. Nada. Zippo.

  Her hand shaking, she finally answered. Yes, sir? “Oh, that’s terrific.” Shannon sniffed and punched on her keyboard, pulling up her emails. Bogged down by the day to day necessities of being a partner in a prestigious law firm was supposed to have its perks. Lately, she simply felt like a punching bag with her staff, as well as her clients. Maybe that’s why she’d made some very irrational decisions as of late. She eased down in the chair, her nerves on edge, and opened the latest email. “Oh, fuck.” This wasn’t what she needed to see at all.

  The Miller case was not only draining her energy and attention away from her other clients, but also about fifty percent of the administrative staff’s as well. She was tired of the tirades from one pissed off man who thought every person on the face of the earth was out to get him. But he wasn’t her client. The homeowner’s association was. Racism. What a ridiculous concept to use. The wedge had divided an entire community. She avoided a snap answer and pushed her keyboard back. The jerk needed his comeuppance and then some.

  “Asshole.” Shannon lowered her head and thought about the upcoming court date. She was having so much difficulty focusing on her tasks. Every day brought a new challenge and in truth, she wasn’t handling anything exceptionally well. Laughing, she brushed her hand through her hair, realizing she was sweating, the effect making her hair damp to the touch. My God, she was nervous. Another glance at the black screen on the phone reminded her what she was anxiously waiting for. David’s answer. David’s request. David’s demand.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” She lowered her head into her hands and stamped both feet, nerves allowing odd sensations to crawl up and down her spine. A series of sexual fantasies swept through her mind. The incidents of longing for another man, perhaps any man, were increasing. Her nipples tingled, pressing hard against her lacy bra just thinking about a mysterious stranger sucking, his fingers sliding into her molten pussy.

  “Other than you’re overworked?”

  The voice was perky. Way too perky. Jumping, Shannon jerked her head up and gave her administrative assistant a nasty glare. Wendy Jameson was efficient, well-educated and on her way up in the world of criminal law. She was also way too much in tune to Shannon’s odd moods as of late. “I admit it fully. If I hear the name Chance Miller one more time, I’m going to have to purchase really big guns.” Stop thinking like a slut. You’re a professional business woman and you’re married. She closed her eyes briefly, able to gain control of her raging libido.

  “I think I like the thought. Ever shot a gun?” Wendy asked, a sly look crossing her face.

  “Nope. But there’s a first time for everything. Right?”

  Wendy eased inside and crossed her arms. “Don’t worry. If I can teach my husband to be a crack shot, I can teach anyone. Then we can just start our own justice system, in a manner of speaking. You game?”

  Shannon burst into laughter. “The delicious thought of seeing the little fucker running in the dark of night while we chase him is truly a wonderful vision.” She rubbed her hands.

  “I so like working here.” Wendy beamed.

  “I’m glad. What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to remind you about the early meeting tomorrow. And you have that intern coming in tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Oh shit. I’m glad you reminded me. Intern?” Shannon eyed her desk calendar, realizing she hadn’t even marked the meeting down and couldn’t remember where the meeting was. And an intern? When had… Oh, yes. Now she remembered.

  “Second and State Street,” Wendy said as she walked closer. “And Zach Carter. You remember the young man from Harvard Law School?”

  Shannon breathed out. “Oh yeah.” Great. A new face to deal with on top of everything work was throwing at her. She didn’t have any time at all to deal with this. None. “I’ll be here with bells on after the meeting.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Why?” But of course, she knew the entire firm knew she’d been edgy. The sad part was, she wasn’t entirely certain why. Shannon hadn’t been able to put a handle or a squelch on her emotions for a couple of months.

  Wendy raised her eyebrows, but remained quiet.

  “Come on. Talk to me.” Grabbing her phone to make certain she put a reminder about the meeting into her phone, the second the text came through, she had no doubt all color drained from her face.

  Be home in thirty minutes.

  “Shit.” The word mumbled under her breath, Shannon gulped, shuddered and realized she’d clenched her ass muscles. There wasn’t any doubt in her mind what was going to happen just after those thirty minutes were up.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. You’re distracted lately and just not yourself.”

  “I’m just…” She had no idea what to say. “I’m fine. This Miller case is just weighing on me.”

  “On everyone. I understand that, but you’re very stressed.” Wendy leaned over her desk. “I know I probably shouldn’t ask, but…” Her voice trailing off, she looked away.

  “But? Go on.” She had no doubt what Wendy was going to ask.


  “We’re fine.” Said a little too quickly, Shannon exhaled. They were much better as a couple than they had been five months before, but they were still trying to weed through all the changes that had occurred. Entering into a domestic discipline lifestyle had certainly been both amazing and terr
ifying. And Shannon knew she was the one pulling and tugging, not conforming to what they’d set out as the rules early on.

  Shaking her head, Wendy exhaled slowly. “Right.”

  “We are.”

  “You don’t have to convince me, but if you ever need to talk, I’m a good listener.”

  “Thanks. I’m really fine.” Shannon closed her email and turned off her computer. Traffic was bad enough in the city, so getting home in, now twenty-eight minutes, might be impossible. David didn’t accept any excuses. None. He knew how long it took for her to drive to work to the minute. He had delved into every aspect about her life in ways he had never cared about before in an effort to make their relationship stronger. They had no secrets, except for the little lies she continually fed him. And she was so damn angry with herself for jeopardizing what they had as a couple. There were days she remained certain they would divorce. Well, if she kept lying to him, he might just make that kind of decision.

  “You’re leaving?” Wendy asked as she smiled.

  “Yes, I need to get home.” Yanking her purse out of the bottom drawer, she rose to her feet and moved from around her desk.

  Giving Shannon a look, Wendy shook her head. “I understand. Do you want me to go to the meeting with you tomorrow?”

  “No need. I’ll be in after that and we have a full day.”


  Shannon gave her a nod as she headed for the door, her heart racing. All she could think about was the intensity of the discipline David was going to inflict. He’d taken to using corner time, as well as suspension of privileges lately, but she had managed to get them back before the allotted punishment time was over almost every time. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Good luck.”

  Stopping short, Shannon turned around and could see what was an interesting look on Wendy’s face. “The meeting?”

  “That too.” Wendy moved closer, her eyes never leaving Shannon. She darted a look over her shoulder before speaking. “I know you’re having tough times with David. It’s easy to see.”


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