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Twins for Brother's Best Friend

Page 4

by Sofia T Summers

  “Right,” Garrett nodded.

  I narrowed my eyes and studied him for a brief moment. “You don’t want me to ask her, do you?”

  “It’s a little weird, I have to admit. You and my sister having a baby.”

  “Relax, it’s not like I’m going to sleep with her,” I scoffed. Garrett laughed and made a motion of punching my face. I played along with him and acted as if I’d been knocked down by him.

  “You better not,” Garrett pointed his finger at me.

  I held up my hands in defense and chuckled, feeling a nervous tension inside my stomach.

  “As long as she agrees to it, then I support you all the way,” he said sincerely. “I’ll call her, tell her about your proposal and set up a meeting.”

  “I’m not going to force her, don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried. She’s stubborn but decisive,” Garrett said. “I wish I was more like that.”

  “Don’t we all,” I scoffed, as Garrett motioned to the waitress for another round of beer.

  And just like that, the bleak feeling I’d had all day seemed to disappear as two best friends settled down for some more alcohol. I was only grateful to Garrett in my life because he’d just come up with a way to save mine. He was the only true friend I had in my life anymore. That thought put a smile on my face so wide, that even Andrew couldn’t wipe it off.



  I bit my bottom lip as I stepped off the bus and took a deep breath. The air was chilly, and a breeze caressed my cheek, calming the knots in my stomach.

  When Garrett had called me last night, I was expecting another lecture about how I should never give up on my dreams, or some other bullshit, philosophical mumbo-jumbo about chasing my dreams, which he often did after a drink too many with his friends or colleagues.

  Last night, however, I was surprised by the topic of conversation.

  “I figured out a way for you to make some extra money – a lot of it,” Garrett had said. I could hear loud music in the background, which is how I figured that he was out somewhere, having drinks.

  “And what is that?”

  “This is going to sound a little crazy, but would you be willing to become a surrogate? This year?”


  “Just say yes or no.”


  “Not even for money. A lot of it?”

  “How much?”

  “A lot.”

  “Garrett,” I sighed. “Who asked you about this?”


  It was as if the universe stood still when Garrett mentioned his name. I gulped. “Why does Isaac want to have a baby with me?”

  “Not with you specifically, but he needs a surrogate. He wants to meet if you’re interested. If not, then you don’t have to. But it’s a lot of money and it could just save your business. It could also save your life, Greta.”

  And that is how I came to be standing in front of the restaurant Isaac had picked for our meeting. It was one of those quiet, fine dining restaurants, not a place I’d go usually. It was a little too expensive for my taste, but this was right up rich Isaac’s alley. I had come to know through Garrett that Isaac had inherited a lot of money from his uncle a few years ago.

  I was really nervous about seeing Isaac again after all these years. The last time I saw him was the day I had lost my virginity, a day that I would never forget, no matter how hard I tried. After that day, he had left without a word and I never saw him again. Apparently, he left college to take care of his uncle, who had raised him after his parents passed away.

  Sometimes, I would ask Garrett about him. Garrett never liked me paying too much attention to Isaac. He was Garret’s best friend, so maybe, my brother was just being overprotective of me.

  After last night’s call with Garrett, I had been contemplating my sanity, wondering if this was completely crazy. I had wanted to cancel a thousand times, but finally, I didn’t. I drew in another slow, deep breath and stepped into the restaurant. It had been a long time since I’d seen Isaac, but I had a feeling that he still looked incredible. Isaac was like one of those people who only became hotter the older they got. That thought made me even more nervous.

  I entered the restaurant and approached the hostess. “Hello, I’m Greta Gray. I am here to meet”

  “Miss Gray. Yes. Mr. Marcus is expecting you,” the hostess said with a warm and polite smile. “Allow me to escort you to your table.”

  “That’s OK. You can just point me in the right direction,” I insisted.

  “Very well. It’s the table all the way to the left, by the window,” she answered.

  “Thank you,” I smiled and proceeded to walk in the direction of the table. Every step I took, the closer I got to Isaac, the harder and faster my heart was pounding in my chest. I wasn’t even sure what I’d say to him when I finally saw him. After a whole seven years!

  He was seated at the table, his dark hair shining in the light coming in from the windows, and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, praying that I could keep it together for a day. I approached the table and he turned toward me. I stopped in my tracks and stared at him, completely stupefied.

  Isaac had been cute in high school and hot in college, but now…he looked just like Greek god! My heart started racing again, while his green eyes twinkled with intrigue and delight at seeing me.

  “Greta!” he greeted me, getting up and smiling widely.

  “Isaac,” I greeted him back with an awkward smile, while I urged myself to calm down. “Hi.”

  “You look great,” he said, his eyes sizing me up and down. “Please, sit.”

  “Thank you,” I told him and sat down, Isaac following suit. I was grateful to finally sit, as I wasn’t sure how long my knees could hold without buckling over at the sight of Isaac.

  I stared at him for a few moments, unable to believe that he had become hotter over the years. His dark brown hair was styled perfectly, he was clean-shaven, and his green eyes sparkled. His broad shoulders made his dark gray shirt look like it was sculpted on to his body. And the veins on his hands – those strong hands that had touched me so intimately seven years ago – were rippling with the tension of having a great gym bod.

  I cleared my throat before I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and finally spoke. “How are you?”

  “I’m doing well,” he said with a smile. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “It’s good to see you too. It’s been a long time, Isaac.”

  “It has. You’re even more beautiful than the last time I saw you,” he said.

  “Well, in my defense, I am wearing pretty clothes,” I shrugged, pointing to my ensemble.

  Isaac suppressed a smiled and lowered his gaze. Was that a sudden blush on his face?

  He cleared his throat. “Garrett told me about your ex-colleague, and that you’re in a bit of a bind.”

  “That’s an understatement,” I muttered. “I feel so embarrassed about not being able to fight the theft of my own creation. It’s like I just handed her my code to do as she pleased.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, you know.”

  “It was,” I corrected him. “I could have been smarter, more business savvy.”

  “You are the smartest person I know,” he said with a smile.

  I narrowed my eyes and frowned my lips. “You don’t have to butter me up, you know.”

  “I’m not. I’m only speaking the truth.”

  A small smile formed on my lips. “Thank you for that.”

  “So did Garrett tell you everything?” he asked, moving on from the small talk. After all, we were here to talk about business, not how good we looked or what we had done seven years ago.

  “He told me that you were looking for a surrogate and that you would pay a lot of money to find the right one,” I answered, looking at him expectantly and hoping that he would elaborate on his situation – why he was looking to have a kid. I wondered where his partner was. Shouldn’t sh
e also be a part of this conversation?

  “That’s right. I am willing to pay good money to find one. I intend to compensate the right person very well. You see, I’m on a deadline,” he answered.

  “What do you mean ‘a deadline’?” I asked.

  “I have to have a child in sixteen months,” he answered simply.

  “Why the rush?” I asked, feeling a uneasy about this thing.

  “It’s a complicated issue. But it’s nothing illegal, or suspicious, or anything to worry about actually,” he explained, still being vague. “To be honest, I am a little desperate.”

  “That’s flattering,” I muttered sarcastically. “Nothing makes a girl feel so needed than some good, ol’ desperation.”

  “Look, I didn’t mean to insult you. I would never do that.” He reached out his hand and placed it on mine. The touch sent shivers down my spine, and my heart started pounding even harder.

  “It’s okay,” I answered, retreating my hand from under his.

  “But it’s true. You and I are both very desperate.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I spoke to Garrett. We talk about everything,” he said.

  I laughed. “Some things never change, I see.”

  “He’s my best friend. We have no secrets.” I raised an eyebrow at him and pursed my lips.

  “You’re having some financial trouble with the whole code-stealing debacle, right? I would like to help you out. But you have to help me out too, obviously,” he said.

  I nodded quietly. “You’re right. Things are so bad that I can only think of the worst options to save my company.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone,” he said reassuringly. “So…will you help me?”

  I pouted my lips slightly and cocked my head to the side. “What are the terms of the contract?”

  “Spoken like a true businesswoman,” he smirked and cleared his throat. “I’ll pay you a five hundred thousand dollars upfront, and then another five hundred thousand after the birth.”

  My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. A million dollars to have his baby?

  “You look shocked,” he said looking at me.

  “I just didn’t think that the price was that high. It’s kind of crazy, actually,” I stuttered.

  “It’s not crazy to me,” he shrugged. “The average surrogate doesn’t get paid that much, but as I said, I am in a bit of a bind.”

  Curious, I asked, “What’s the catch?”

  “There’s no catch, except the deadline of sixteen months. Less than that even.”

  I bit my bottom lip and stared at him, the desperation evident in his eyes. I really wanted to help him and that money was going to help me a lot as well.

  “I have a question,” I said in a low voice and Isaac looked at me expectantly.

  “Just one?” he asked.

  “Yes. For now,” I answered with a frown. “How is it going to work? Making the actual baby?”

  Isaac chuckled and licked his lips, causing me to secretly hope he’d suggest the “traditional” way. “I have arranged for a fertility clinic to do everything. The plan is all sorted and everything is in place. I just need a surrogate.”

  “Oh, okay,” I answered, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. Maybe it was for the best. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about getting involved with Isaac, only for my heart to be disappointed when he’d leave. Again.

  “Are you disappointed?” he asked, with a sly smile on his lips.

  “No, not at all.” I straightened my shoulders and looked him squarely in the eyes. “I’m in.”

  A smile lit up Isaac’s face, but before he could say anything, I continued, “On one condition.”

  “You really think you’re in the position to make demands?” he asked with a laugh.

  The shock of that comment made me angry in an instant! How could he make fun of my situation so lightly? Just because he could throw money at his problems didn’t mean that I was as desperate as he made me sound. I decided to walk out.

  “It was nice seeing you, Isaac,” I said as I stood up.

  His hand grabbed mine and he said, “Please don’t go. It was a stupid joke. I’m sorry.”

  I glanced at him and the pleading look in his eyes. “Yes, that was a stupid joke and I’d appreciate you not making fun of me again.” I sat back down.

  “I have only one condition, and then I am in. I want Garrett to draw up the contract. I want him to handle everything related to this contract. He’s fair, and he’ll defend both our interests,” I said.

  “Done,” he answered and held out his hand to shake on the deal.

  My heart suddenly started to pound as I glanced at his outstretched hand, waiting for mine. I reached out my hand, placing it in his, and a spark ran down my body at the touch, filling me up with pleasure. I took a deep breath to stop myself from shaking, and shook Isaac’s hand, not wanting to let go of him.

  Even after seven years, his touch made my whole body shiver. In front of him, I felt like that euphoric eighteen-year-old in the shower. I had tried so hard to forget about him, and that afternoon, but the memory was always alive in my mind.

  So was he.

  Most people think that “you never forget your first time” is a cliché, and that your first time should be with “someone special.” Well, that did happen to me, and that’s why I never wanted to forget it.

  Isaac smiled at me brightly, his green eyes glowing, and I wondered whether this was a good idea after all. I think I was starting to melt under his gaze. It wasn’t very business-like of me to start crushing on your business partner.

  But I had resolved to keep this professional, as it was a business deal. There was no time or place for emotions to get in the way. However, looking at Isaac, and the way he looked back at me in that moment, I wondered how long either of us could keep it “strictly professional”….



  I missed her hand in mine, and I didn’t want to let her go.

  But I had to. I had to keep things professional between us.

  As soon as I let go of her hand, I felt a great distance between us that suddenly overwhelmed me with sadness. But Greta had built a wall around her, thinking of which made my head dizzy.

  I looked at her with pursed lips. I had done many negotiations in my career, but this one was by far, the most difficult deal of my entire life. I was distracted by how incredibly beautiful she was and how she presented herself. Greta had always been beautiful, even when she was hidden in her bedroom, typing away on her computer. And now, she had become such a stunning woman since I’d last seen her seven years ago.

  Her blonde hair hung in soft waves down her shoulders. The strands of hair framing her face gave her a youthful look and made her hazel eyes sparkle. I had to stop myself from constantly trying to think about the taste of her lips, wondering if they still tasted the same.

  Stop! This is just business. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you.

  I cleared my throat and lowered my gaze, preparing myself to tackle the uncomfortable parts of this deal. “This may sound strange coming from me…but I need this to be a sure thing. So, if you have any history of….”

  My voice trailed off as her eyebrows narrowed into a frown, though she was still smiling.

  “What?” I asked.

  “This is making you uncomfortable, isn’t it?” she asked with amusement.

  “It’s not something I usually talk about. So, yes. A little,” I admitted.

  Being honest about my current feelings wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. But then again, I had always found it easy to talk to Greta. Though we hadn’t spoken for seven years, she had the same comforting presence that I was attracted to when I had been a kid.

  “You want to know whether I have any problems or issues in my baby-making area?” she snickered, rubbing her belly for effect.

  I felt a hot flush in my cheeks, but nodded. Looking at my reaction, she giggle
d and shook her head.

  “I’m not an expert in biology or obstetrics, but everything seems to work well down there. I have a stable cycle and my—”

  “Okay, I am going to stop you right there,” I interjected.

  She laughed again and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Look, if it gives you peace of mind, I’ll go with you to your fertility doctor and they can give me a check-up. Would that make you feel better?”

  “It would, yes. I’ll call the doctor and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I want this to go as smoothly as possible, in the least amount of time,” I told her.

  “Great. Have Garrett send me the contract and I’ll look it over. If I’m happy with everything, I’ll sign it. He has my account information, so upon acceptance, the upfront amount can be transferred directly. You can call me about the date of the appointment,” she said and slid her business card across the table. “We’ll talk again soon.”

  Before I could say anything else, Greta stood from her seat, flung her bag over her shoulder and left. This was slightly shock as I hadn’t expected her to leave so abruptly. But to be fair, our deal had been done and there was nothing more to discuss for now.


  Then why did I feel so morose as if I’d been left hanging? I quickly I finished my drink and headed back to the office. However, for the rest of the day, it felt like I was in a daze. That I was merely floating around waiting for the day to finally end.

  An unexpected knock on my office door at four o’clock spun me out of my daze. It was Garrett and he had an expectant look on his face.


  “Hey,” I greeted him with a nod. “Shut the door.”

  Garrett hurriedly closed the door and sat down facing me.

  “She said yes.”

  Garrett’s eyes lit up and he sighed a breath of relief. “That’s great!”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled.

  He frowned slightly. “Why aren’t you more thrilled about this?”

  “I am, I am. Don’t get me wrong,” I assured him, though I was contemplating about whether or not to tell him about Greta’s abrupt exit. Was it appropriate asking him about it?


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