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Twins for Brother's Best Friend

Page 21

by Sofia T Summers

  “It’s not like that, Greta.”

  “You’re engaged, Isaac,” I reminded him, and myself, before I could be fooled by my feelings for him. Seeing him in front of me, my heart was beating rapidly. But I wouldn’t allow myself to get swept away. “And you used me.”

  “I never used you.”

  “You did! You should have been honest, for fuck’s sake! I might have still agreed to help you because I decided to help you, regardless of the circumstances.”

  “That’s not what happened.”

  “Either way, it would have turned out exactly the same.”

  Isaac looked at me, his dark hair falling onto his face, making him look like his younger self.

  I drew in a deep breath, trying to suppress my feelings for him. “I’m sorry, but I can’t give these babies up. I know that’s immoral and unfair, but I love them. They’re a part of me, and I will do anything in my power to protect them and keep them safe.”

  Laying my feelings out in front of him made me feel vulnerable and exposed, but I needed to tell him the truth. “I know this ruins your and Amber’s plans, and that this will make you lose your company. I never intended to do this to you, I swear. I’m sorry, but I just can’t walk away.”

  It felt harsh saying those things and I expected Isaac to completely freak out because I knew how much his company – his empire and his legacy – meant to him. However, instead of shouting and getting angry, he remained quiet and took a few steps toward me.

  “Greta, I don’t want you to walk away,” he said. “And if the whole company goes up in flames, then so be it.”

  That statement shocked me. “But you love your company.”

  “I love you more.”

  I frowned and shook my head, not letting myself be fazed by his lies. “What about Amber?”

  “I don’t know Amber and she’s definitely not my fiancé. Andrew hired her to distract me and make sure that you get hurt. That you dissolve the contract. I don’t know what she told you that night, but none of it is true.”

  I raised my eyebrow at what he’d just told me, thinking about the events of the past week. “Would Andrew really go to such lengths to make sure you lose control of the company?”

  “He’s exactly that type of a guy. He’s conniving, manipulative, and would do anything in his power to take control of the company,” Isaac explained.

  “And you’re not engaged?”

  “No. I’ve never been engaged,” he told me. “And right now, I don’t care about Andrew or the company. All I care about is you and our babies.”

  “Our babies?” I whispered softly. It was the first time he’d said that.

  “Yes, our babies.”

  My eyes began to get blurry with tears, but I blinked them away and looked at him.

  “Greta, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I was just too scared and stupid to realize it. I should have told you this many, many years ago – before I left for college, in fact. It’s always been you, and it will always be you. You make me a better man. You make me want to be the person that I want to be, not the person everyone else expects me to be.”

  He took another step forward, closing the distance between us.

  “Nothing and no one means more to me than you and the twins,” he continued. “I want you, me, and the babies to be together, as a family. You’re their mother and I want us to raise them together.”

  “You do?” I asked, my eyes widening again, but with hope.

  “Of course I do,” he answered. “I know that you’re hurting and that I was the cause of it. But I swear on the lives of our unborn children that I did not lie to you. You know me. I have never been able to lie to you because you see right through me. You’ve seen me through hard times, when my parents died, and when I was in the hospital. I know you were there. I heard your voice.”

  A tear ran down my cheek, as I remembered sitting by his bedside, listening to his heart rate on the monitor. I remembered how heartbroken I’d felt as I looked at Isaac’s battered face, the bandage over his head, the aspirator over his mouth. The deep gashes on his skin, face, and hands. Day and night, I had prayed for his health. Each day, I would sit beside his bed, holding his hand and begging him to keep breathing, because I was afraid of carrying on living without him.

  I couldn’t believe that he remembered it. “You heard me?”

  “I did,” he answered and stepped forward again, his body close to mine. “And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

  Another tear ran down my cheek and I pursed my lips.

  “You’ve been there for when I didn’t have anyone, Greta. Not even Garrett knows me like you do,” he told me. “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you again. I love you too much!”

  I looked at him and parted my lips, drawing in a slow breath. “I love you too, Isaac.”

  He broke into a wide smile and I slid my fingers into his hands. He stepped closer and touched my cheek, our lips mere inches apart.

  “You don’t know how long I have waited to hear you say that.”

  “I have a pretty good idea,” I whispered with a smile.

  I leaned in closer to him and our lips met, our bodies embracing each other.

  A sudden flash of lights in the driveway caused us to abruptly end our kiss and I looked up to see who it was. In the driveway, my mom and dad were climbing out of their car. They were both looking really angry.

  “Where’s my shotgun?” I heard my dad shout.

  “Daddy, wait,” I said and held up my hands.

  “Is he really going to shoot me?” Isaac asked in horror.

  “Just don’t make any sudden moves,” I suggested.

  “Comforting,” Isaac muttered as my parents approached us, but I couldn’t help letting out a laugh. At least my life was never dull. I just hoped that Isaac was ready for this rollercoaster.

  The poor guy!



  So there I was, sitting on the blue couch that I’d sat on countless times when I was kid. Usually, it was Garrett and me. His parents would have been giving us a good talking to after we’d done something we weren’t supposed to do. Or if we’d crossed a line. Or messed up really bad.

  Now though, Greta was sitting beside, and didn’t look remotely as terrified as I was. Her parents were seated on the couch opposite us, and her dad was glaring at me with anger.

  “Sir, before you say anything—”

  “You don’t get to speak right now, son,” he grumbled.

  I raised my hands apologetically and pursed my lips.

  “Daddy, can you just let Isaac explain, please?” Greta pleaded.

  “I’m still trying to figure out why the hell you agreed to have this guy’s babies, Greta,” her dad said.

  “I wanted to help him, Daddy. He always helped me when we were kids, and I will be forever grateful for that.”

  “Your heart is way too kind,” her father told her and pointed his finger at me. “You got my daughter pregnant. And then she comes home, in tears, her heart shattered into pieces because of you.”

  “I can explain everything, sir,” I told him. “If you just give me the opportunity to do so.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “I’m a very good shot, Isaac. I rarely miss.”

  “I don’t doubt that, sir.”

  I was nervous enough to pee my pants but Greta was trying to suppress a smile. At least one of us was enjoying this situation.

  “When I’d asked Greta to be my surrogate, it was purely for business. I needed an heir according to my uncle’s will, in order to keep control of his – my company. The chairman of the Board of Directors, Andrew Walton, kept this information from me until a few months ago. He was trying his best to stop me from complying with my uncle’s will because he’s wanted control of the company even before my uncle was alive,” I narrated.

  Her parents exchanged glances, trying to understand the whole story.

  “That was when I approached Greta. She agre
ed and we set the plan into motion. She got pregnant and everything was going well. But then, I began to develop feelings for her, or rather, the feelings I already had for her came to the surface. I had been trying to hide my feelings for years, but every day I spent with her, those feelings only got stronger.”

  “While you were engaged to another woman?” her father grumbled.

  “I was never engaged, sir,” I pointed out. “Amber was hired by Andrew to distract me, seduce me. When that didn’t work, she showed up at my house when Greta was there, and lied that she was my fiancé. She wanted to stir trouble between Greta and me, so that our deal would fall through. Amber, if that was even her real name, and Andrew knew that if Greta believed in the lie, she would get upset and she want to end the deal. Which would mean that I’d lose the company.”

  “But the surrogacy contract has been canceled. Right, Greta?” her mother asked. “You said Garrett nullified the contract.”

  “Yes, he did,” Greta answered. I looked at her in surprise and she mouthed a “sorry.” However, it didn’t matter anymore. Greta was my everything now.

  “After what had happened, I didn’t feel like you’d held up your end of the deal by keeping such important details of the contract from me,” she explained to me.

  Her father glared at me. “So you’re losing your company? For Greta?”

  “Not just for Greta, sir. For the babies as well,” I answered. “But to answer your question, yes. Greta is more important than any company. It took me a while to realize that, and I’m sorry for that. But I love your daughter, sir. I would never do anything to hurt her or our babies. I’ve never lied to Greta about anything. Even when we were kids, Greta was the only one with whom I could be completely open. She never judged me and always listened to me, especially after the accident.”

  Her father nodded solemnly. “I can only imagine how difficult that was for you, Isaac.”

  “Especially because your parents were so loved and adored in our town,” Greta’s mother said with an encouraging smile.

  “So, what’s going to happen now?” her father asked. “With the contract and your company?”

  “Technically, I am still adhering to the terms my uncle set out, as the babies will be born in four months,” I answered.

  “If not sooner,” Greta muttered and I smiled warmly at her.

  She placed her hand on mine and I drew in a breath. “I want everyone to know that Greta and I are together. As we should have been a long time ago.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest? GrayBit is still under contract with Destiny.” Greta asked.

  “I was thinking about that on the drive here, and there is a simple solution to that problem. You can sell GrayBit to me, and I’ll integrate it with Destiny Developments. You walk away with nothing to worry about, while still being in charge of everything in the IT department,” I answered.

  “That does sound like a good idea, Greta,” her mother pointed out, which surprised me. It was nice to know that at least one of her parents was on my side. “You’re going have your hands full with the twins. Not just the first few weeks or months, but for years. Two babies at once is a lot to handle, even without the worry of having to run a business as well.”

  “What about my staff? I don’t want them to lose their jobs,” Greta asked with concern.

  “No one will lose their jobs, I promise. I will have them sign new contracts, stating that they stay with the original company structure. They are, after all, the heart and soul of GrayBit.”

  Greta smiled and squeezed my hand. “You would do that?”

  “Greta,” I said placing my other hand over hers. “I would do anything for you.”

  “Isaac,” her father said and I turned to him, anxious to hear what he had to say about my idea. “We’ve known you a long time, ever since you were a little kid, when your parents moved up the street. I remember the first time you were over at the house, you and Garrett caught on like a house on fire. You were a good kid, and you’ve grown into a good man. But when Greta showed up at the house a few days ago, pregnant and crying, I wanted to strangle you. Or shoot you.”

  “I understand, sir, and your feelings are completely justified,” I nodded.

  Greta’s father, who was a burly man, shifted to the side and continued to look at me suspiciously. “No father wants to see the day when his daughter comes home in tears, unexpectedly pregnant. I sincerely hope that you never have to see that day in your life. I was very angry and highly disappointed at you, but Greta has a kind heart, and apparently, a very soft spot for you.”

  Greta’s mother injected, “I think what Terry is trying to say, is that of all the people she decided to help with something this big, we’re glad that it was with someone she trusts. We’ve trusted you for as long as you’ve been coming here—”

  “Despite the trouble you and Garrett got yourselves into at times,” her father grumbled.

  Greta’s mother rolled her eyes at her husband. “But we know you, and we know what a good man you are, just like your mom and dad would have wanted you to be. You’ve made them proud.”

  I was overcome with emotions at her words. When Uncle Anthony had wanted me to take over his company, I had focused solely on making him proud, and becoming successful. I had completely forgotten about making my parents proud. Since their deaths, it had been hard to talk about them, as I wasn’t sure how they would have wanted me to be raised. Deep inside me, I knew that they wouldn’t be disappointed in my choices, especially now that I had finally realized that family was more important than anything. It had taken Uncle Anthony’s will to make me see that, and even though it had been forced on me, I was glad.

  It had finally forced me to get my life together and go for what I had wanted all my life.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say, lowering my gaze. “There is one last thing that I want to ask.”

  “And that is?” her father asked.

  I drew in a breath, and asked, “I love your daughter with all my heart and soul, and I always have. I’d like to marry her, Mr. and Mrs. Gray. I’d like to ask your permission to do that.”

  “What?” Greta gasped beside me.

  I glanced at her and smiled slightly.

  Her father stared at me. “Well, Isaac…”

  “Don’t be silly, Terry,” Greta’s mom interjected and turned to me. “Of course you can marry Greta, If she wants to. Right, Terry?”

  Greta’s mother nudged her husband in the chest and he cleared his throat. “Of course.”

  I gave them a grateful smile and reached for the small velvet box in my pocket. I slid off the edge of the couch and knelt down in front of Greta. “Greta Gray?”

  “Yes,” she gasped as she realized what was happening and covered her mouth with her hands.

  “Will you make me the happiest man for the rest of my life and marry me?” I asked as I opened the box. The diamond sparkled in the light and she lowered her hand.

  “Oh my God! YES!”

  I smiled as I slid the ring on her finger and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. Always,” she told me before I kissed her sweet lips.

  “Oh my God, Terry!” Greta’s mom gushed and placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder. “Our baby girl is engaged.”

  She got up from the couch and rushed to hug Greta and me. “Oh, congratulations you two! I am so happy for you both. I have to go call Garrett and give him the news.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Greta offered her.

  Now, I was alone in the room with Greta’s dad. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Her father stood up from the couch and glanced at me.

  “Welcome to the family, son.”

  He held his hand out to me and I shook it. “Thank you.”

  Much to my surprise, he put his arms around me and hugged me. “You’ve always been a part of this family. But now it’s official.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Thank you, sir. Or shal
l I call you dad?”

  “Don’t push it,” he said. Looking at the nervousness on my face, he let out a deep throaty laugh.

  It reminded me of my dad’s laugh. As I was hit by a wave of nostalgia, I hugged Greta’s dad again, feeling wanted and accepted for the first time in a long time.

  Her family was now my family, as it had always been. I finally had a family again.


  One Year Later – Greta

  When I was younger, my mom used to tell me that I could sleep through an earthquake or a bomb blast. But all that changed eight months ago. Since their birth, it took just the slightest of sobs from either of the twins to jerk me awake and rush to be by their side.

  Needless to say, the first two months after Emma Lynn and Ryan Carter Marcus were born, things were very tough. Isaac and I were living on unlimited gallons of coffee and four hours of sleep every day. We were like zombies, with hunched backs and dark circled-eyes. Over time, once the twins settled into their surroundings and routines, things were a lot easier.

  I heard Emma’s cries, followed soon by Ryan’s cries, and I sat upright on the couch in the upstairs living area. I hadn’t even realized that I had fallen asleep. I got up and walked to the nursery. The room was dark, due to the darkening curtains, and I looked over Emma’s crib.

  “Hey, sweetie. Are you hungry?” I glanced at the moon-shaped clock against the wall and nodded, “Right on time.”

  I heard rushed footsteps and Isaac appeared in the doorway with two bottles. “Hey, you’re up.”

  “Yeah,” I said as I scooped up Emma in my arms and held her against my chest. “I didn’t even realize that I’d fallen asleep.”

  “I wanted to let you sleep. You’ve been up with them for the past two nights,” he said as he walked over to me, handed me a bottle, and kissed me on the lips.

  “Thank you, but I don’t mind. You work all day, so I can’t expect you to stay up for them,” I told him as I sat down on the reclining chair, cradling Emma against my chest, and feeding her. “Could you get Ryan, please?”


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