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Friends of the Younger Variety

Page 5

by Matt Tims

  It was an absolute necessity for her to keep an eye on them, but she couldn’t see much from the house because of the darkness. The last thing she needed was for two drunk high school kids to drown under her watch; so, she set the linens down on the table, slid the backdoor open, and headed out to the pool to check on the pair.

  “Look who’s coming out to join us!” Kyle shouted to his friend.

  Jen rolled her eyes as she watched them waddle around in the deep end. “It’s just gonna be you two tonight.”

  “The waters perfect, Mrs. K,” Kyle told her. “Eighty-five degrees.”

  “Is that even refreshing?” she asked, walking over to the edge of the pool to dip her toe in the water. She was doing her best to act like she didn’t want to get in, but this was exactly how she loved the water. Her son always gave her a hard time for not wanting to use the pool unless it was warmer than the actual temperature outside. He wasn’t wrong.

  She could see the two teens significantly more clearly from her new spot just outside the water. They’d both decided to go in wearing only their boxers, and their muscular upper bodies glistened from a combination of the water and the moonlight.

  “Come on, Mrs. K,” Tom called out from the other side of the pool. “You have a swimsuit on under that robe?”

  “Not exactly,” she replied as she could now only see Tom. She scanned the pool for Kyle’s face but came up empty. A sense of panic began to sink in before she felt a hand grab her foot which caused her to scream in surprise.

  “Jesus Christ!” she yelped, her eyes darting down to find Kyle’s handsome face smiling up at her. He’d snuck to the edge of the pool, and grabbed the foot she was dangling into the water without making a sound.

  He gave her a light pull toward the water.

  “Ha-ha, very funny,” she told him, hopping slightly on her free foot to maintain her balance.

  He didn’t let go.

  “Kyle…” she glared at him.

  He continued to stare up into her blue eyes as he gave her another slight tug in his direction. “What’s under the robe, Mrs. K?”

  She hopped forward once again on her free foot. There were now maybe eight inches of stone pavers to stand on before she ran out of room.

  “Kyle, I’m serious,” she said. A feeling of helplessness was beginning to set in.

  “So am I,” he grinned at her, sliding his grip higher up her leg until he had a firm hold of her shin. “What’s under the robe?”

  “Nothing,” she answered.

  “Nothing!” Tom yelled out with a whistle. “Did you come out for a little midnight skinny dip, Mrs. K?”

  “No, not nothing like nothing, nothing,” she laughed. “Nothing, like, none of your business, nothing.”

  Kyle gave her another pull forward, cutting her remaining room in half.

  “You know you wanna,” he whispered up to her.

  “You’re drunk,” she said while attempting to pull her leg back to no avail.

  “Maybe a little,” he responded before pulling her forward once again. Half her foot was now hovering over the water. “I guess you could call it liquid courage.”

  His hand had started on her foot before moving up to her shin. With each tug forward, it moved a little further up, and now his grip was firmly locked around her knee with her leg dangling over the edge of the pool.

  “You’re not gonna wake up to see tomorrow if you keep pushing your luck,” she said.

  “Really?” he grinned up at her.

  “Really,” she grinned back.

  She felt his hand quickly slide up her leg and grab a handful of her thigh. “We’ll just have to see about that!” he laughed before pulling her into the pool.

  “Dude!” Tom shouted out in disbelief at what his friend had just done.

  Kyle couldn’t believe he’d actually done it either. For years he’d wanted to make some kind of move on Mrs. K. It looked like maybe he just needed a little booze in him to do it; but then again, throwing her into a pool against her will may not have been the best way to approach the subject.

  “You little shit!” Jen shouted after her head abruptly emerged from the water in the middle of the pool. Part of her was furious that she’d just been thrown into the water; but another part—possibly much larger—loved the flirty and playful buildup. And the balls he had to actually do it was something else. But her biggest problem was the sinking feeling that she was currently experiencing.

  “Mrs. K?” Kyle asked, watching her head dip under the water before re-emerging to gasp for air.

  “Dude, is she alright?” Tom questioned from the edge of the pool.

  “Mrs. K!” Kyle loudly shouted again, beginning to make his way in her direction.

  Her silk robe was rapidly absorbing water and weighing her down. Sure, if she absolutely had to, she could’ve swam to the side of the pool with it on, but she wanted to give these boys what they came to see—and that was a show.

  She wiggled out of her robe with Kyle approaching her. “Take this,” she said while pushing it at him.

  She swam to the pool ladder and slowly climbed out, providing the two teens behind her with a sight they’d never forget.

  Kyle’s eyes couldn’t leave her as she slowly exited the pool. He’d been fantasizing about her ass since middle school. He couldn’t even begin to estimate the number of jerk-off sessions he had to the thought of bending her over or watching her ride him in reverse cowgirl. Just the idea of that perfect backside grinding on his dick was enough to fluster him; but even in all of those fantasies, nothing had ever come close to what he was currently seeing.

  Her toned legs seemed to go on for days; but when they finally came to an end, they did so for a very worthwhile reason: her ass. That beautiful butt was big, but perfectly round. There wasn’t a hint of cellulite anywhere on her legs or her behind. It was like someone had sculpted her out of stone.

  Jen took a quick peek over her shoulder as her foot touched down on the stone that ran around the outside of the pool. She would kill for a picture of their faces right now. Their mouths were open and their jaws were dropped. If there was a polar opposite of the look on her husband’s face from a few hours ago, then this was it.

  “Oh…my…God…” Kyle quietly groaned to himself after she turned to face them.

  Her stomach was so flat and defined that he could see the faint outline of abs through the darkness. His eyes hurried up to her large breasts that were being pushed up by a lace white bra. Her long, wet blonde hair which ran down past her shoulders was a sexy mess from getting wet, causing him to feel like a little boy who was just discovering his love of pretty girls. He’d never seen anything like her.

  “Leave my robe on one of these chairs to dry off,” she instructed before confidently strutting to the backdoor, grabbing a towel out of the bin, and disappearing into the house.

  Tom finally breathed.

  Chapter 6 – Game Night

  She quickly dried herself off and hustled upstairs. It was like she’d just snorted a line of cocaine. An unbelievably amount of excitement and energy shot through her body with every step she took. The flirting was sexy, but the faces on those two when they saw her lingerie? God, it was indescribable. Something Kyle had said earlier while she eavesdropped on them in the kitchen was very true: she was a pleaser—and it was empowering to see how blown away they were by the sight of her body.

  She snuck into her bedroom—using the light from her phone to navigate the way—and dug through her dresser for her usual nightwear which consisted of a pair of athletic shorts and an old t-shirt. Would it be best to just climb into bed right now? After all, “leave them wanting more” was a motto she always embraced, but it felt kind of rude to not check to see if Kyle and Tom needed anything. And the least she could do was say goodnight.

  Jen stepped into the bathroom and changed before checking to make sure that Brett was still doing okay. He would have one hell of a hangover when he woke up tomorrow. Perhaps his mo
rning headache would serve as a valuable life lesson to not overindulge?

  The faint sounds of the television captured her attention on her journey downstairs. When she made her way into the kitchen and glanced into the living room, she saw the two friends laying out their blankets and pillows, dressed in the shorts and t-shirts they’d arrived in. She wasn’t sure if she should acknowledge what had just happened or move on from it. Things might get a little awkward if she brought it up, so she decided to act like she’d never gotten thrown into the pool at all.

  “Do you guys need anything?” she asked as Tom sprawled along the couch, wasting little time in flipping through the channels on the TV.

  “I think we’re all set, Mrs. K,” Kyle turned to respond before his jaw dropped once again.

  She was wearing little black athletic shorts which showed off most of her legs that he just couldn’t get enough of. He couldn’t see the back of them, but he would guess they didn’t cover much more than her butt cheeks. Her top was one of their gray football team t-shirts from their freshman year that were made for the parents. There was something so sexy to him about her wearing a shirt from one of his teams. It made her seem like an enamored fan or even a girlfriend, rather than a caring parent; and he was getting butterflies from her long, wet, chaotic blonde hair that was sticking out in all directions. She was a perfect, sexy, adorable mess.

  “Wanna play cards or something, dude?” Tom asked his buddy. He was feeling anything but tired at the moment. That probably had something to do with seeing his friend’s hot mom in lingerie.

  “Sure, if you wanna break out that wallet,” Kyle responded.

  She’d seen this story before: pool basketball, actual basketball in the driveway, video games, sports trivia—you name it. There always had to be gambling involved with these guys. Maybe it wasn’t that far-fetched when she thought about it though? They were a group of athletic eighteen-year-olds who were all supremely confident in their own abilities. Of course, there would to be clashes due to their crazy amounts of testosterone and self-assurance.

  “Let’s do it, bro,” Tom said, sitting up on the sofa and looking toward the kitchen. “You have cards around here, Mrs. K?”

  “You guys can play for fun,” she told them as she headed over to cabinet in the family room where all of their old board games were stored. “I don’t want you two gambling tonight though—especially not in the state you guys are in.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes and peered over at his friend. “She just saved you a lot of money.”

  “My ass,” Tom responded sharply. “You were twenty minutes from getting wiped out.”

  Vivid memories rushed back to her as she rummaged through the cabinet. Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders, Operation: she used to have so much fun playing these games with her son and husband, but that was back when Mike was a different person—a much different person.

  “I don’t see playing cards in here, but I do see Monopoly,” she yelled back to the living room.

  “Too long,” Tom replied.

  “Operation?” Jen proposed.

  “Are we in second grade?” Kyle laughed.

  “Trouble?” she tried again.

  Kyle shook his head and walked over to see for himself. “Let me take a look.”

  She watched as he began to dig through the cabinet, pulling out boxes and stacking them on top of each other as he went.

  He suddenly re-emerged with a very small box that was still sealed in its shrink wrap. “What’s this? Not Your Mother’s Card Game?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Um…”

  “Not Your Mother’s Card Game: A sexy game of titillating questions that is sure to spice up your party,” Kyle grinned while reading the box’s description loud enough so Tom could hear him from the living room. “Mrs. K!”

  “Now we’re talking!” Tom shouted with a laugh.

  That game had been purchased years ago at the suggestion of one of her female coworkers. As evidence by it still being sealed in shrink wrap, she hadn’t gotten around to playing it with Mike.

  “You in, Mrs. K?” Kyle asked with a smile, walking over to the kitchen to retrieve a knife from the drawer.

  She followed the teen and observed him slicing open the seal, before heading over to the kitchen table where Tom was already sitting in one of the chairs.

  “Listen…you guys already saw me in…lingerie tonight.” She nervously smiled while leaning against one of the table chairs, her voice full of hesitation. “Don’t you think that’s enough sexuality for…I don’t know, like, ever? I mean, how many high schoolers get to see their friend’s mom in lingerie?”

  “Not enough,” Tom chimed in which caused Kyle to laugh. He hopped out of his seat and headed for the refrigerator. “You want a beer, bro?”

  “Excuse me!?” she shouted, baffled.

  “Oh, my bad, Mrs. K,” Tom said, grabbing three beers before shutting the fridge door. “Here you go.”

  She caught the ice cold beverage that he’d tossed to her. “That isn’t exactly what I meant.”

  “Loosen up,” Kyle told her before catching his beer and cracking it open. “It’s just a card game. How crazy can it be?”

  Chapter 7 – The Game

  Jen couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she took in the situation. It was almost two in the morning on a Saturday; and here she was, sitting at her kitchen table with two of her son’s friends who were quite buzzed. They’d just seen her in her sexiest lingerie, she was now drinking a beer with them, and they were about ready to play an X-rated card game. She probably wouldn’t be in the running for mother of the year anytime soon.

  “Okay…” Kyle got the table’s attention as he pulled out the instruction card. “Not Your Mother’s Card Game is a simple game,” he announced, squinting to read the small font. “The game consists of ninety-nine cards that are made up of questions and dares that must be answered,” he said while holding up the pack to show the room.

  “Or what?” Tom asked.

  “Or you’re a pussy,” Kyle answered with a sly grin, turning his attention back to the card. “One at a time, the players must pull the top card from the deck and read it aloud. It will contain a question or a dare. ‘No’ is not an option. Have fun.”

  Tom laughed before standing up to head over to the fridge to grab another round of beers. “Jesus, those instructions sure have an ominous tone to them.”

  “No shit,” Kyle agreed, tossing the card off to the side. “I guess we’re good to go.”

  Tom placed another beer in front of both Kyle and Jen. Something in his gut caused him to reach out and lightly shake Jen’s drink, and he was immediately proven correct. “What’s this shit?”

  “What shit?” she questioned.

  Tom slid the mostly full can closer to her. “This shit.”

  She rolled her eyes in response. It couldn’t have be any more obvious what these guys wanted from her once she looked around the table. She raised the can to her lips and tilted her head back.

  “That’s more like it!” Tom exclaimed, watching her down her drink without pausing to take a breath. He placed another beer in front of her after she was done. “Crack open number two, Mrs. K!”

  She wasn’t opposed to the occasional glass of wine, but she hadn’t drank beer in God knows how long. It was just empty calories as far as she was concerned, but tonight wasn’t a normal night. Tonight, she was open to trying new things. Tonight, she was feeling a bit naughty.

  Kyle removed the card from the top of the deck to get things underway. “I’m up first. What was your kinkiest sexual encounter?”

  “I guess this game gets right to it,” Tom laughed.

  Kyle thought for a moment before a smile appeared on his face. “Remember Sarah Tinsley?”

  “Cute little redhead?” Tom asked.

  Kyle confirmed, “That’s her.”

  “What ever happened to that chick?” Tom curiously asked his buddy.

  “Her parents moved out to California
,” Kyle told him before starting his story. “So, tenth grade and we’re at the varsity football game on a Friday night.”

  “Who was it against?” Tom jumped in.

  “Don’t remember,” Kyle shook his head. “Anyway, it’s the second quarter, and I walk down the bleachers and head over to the concession stand to get something to eat. As I’m walking, I suddenly feel someone grab my arm and give my hoodie a tug.”

  Tom looked at his friend with a big smirk on his face. “Sarah Tinsley?”

  “Sarah Tinsley…” Kyle nodded. “She didn’t say a word. She just pulled me under the bleachers, dropped to her knees, unzipped my jeans, and blew me right there.”

  “Get the fuck out of here!” Tom shouted. “I never heard about this!”

  “She made me promise not to say a word about it after she finished. She said her friends dared her to do it, so she did,” Kyle went on.

  “Finished, like…how?” Tom asked with a devilish grin on his face.

  “She swallowed,” Kyle grinned back at him. “Every drop.”

  “Jesus Christ…” Jen remarked under her breath. Is this what high school kids were doing nowadays? She trembled at the thought of what her son had probably experienced.

  Kyle stood up and walked over to the fridge. “Who needs another?”

  “I do, my man,” Tom responded while adding his second empty beer can to the growing collection at the end of the table.

  “I’m fine,” Jen answered.

  “Ah, come on, Mrs. K,” Kyle said before making his way back to the table with three beers in his grasp. “A beer per question. It’ll make things more interesting.”

  She’d barely eaten at all today. She was already starting to feel it a little bit after the second beer, so a third wouldn’t be the best idea, but she was feeling pressure to stay with the pack after hearing these two nonchalantly crack open their newest round of ice cold beverages.

  “I haven’t really eaten today, but…alright,” she said, reaching out to accept another.

  Tom took a long swig of his drink before setting the can down on the table and reaching for a card. “It looks like I’m up.” An unmistakable look of confusion grew on his face while he read the question to himself. “What the fuck kind of question is this?”


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