Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4)

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Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4) Page 3

by Kelli Callahan

  “Maybe it’ll be some hot-as-fuck billionaire like Christian Grey. Maybe he’ll decide he wants to marry you—after he beats you, of course.” She giggled, but she did manage to keep her voice lowered.

  “I’d prefer not to get beaten.” My eyes got wide as I considered the possibility.

  “You can’t deny that scene where he spanks her right before he fucks her on the bed doesn’t turn you on—I masturbate to that at least three times week.” She shook with glee and grinned.

  “You’ve heard of too much information, right?” I walked up to my locker, which was below Abby’s, and knelt so I could dial my combination in the lock.

  “We can talk about this sort of thing now. You’re about to lose your virginity!” Her voice raised as she started opening her locker.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I punched her in her thigh. “The next one will be higher.”

  “Sorry, I’m just so excited.” She quickly changed out her books and slammed the locker shut.

  It seemed that my virginity was the only thing Madison could focus on. She brought it up after every class, suggesting new guys that the person who bought me could be like. I was ready to just go and get it over with at that point, because her constant references were making me get nervous about something I had previously come to terms with. I followed her towards the parking lot once school was over and she was still talking about it, even stopping to mention something new that popped in her head. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out.

  “Hello?” It was a number I didn’t recognize.

  “Is this Madison Quinn?” The female voice on the other end of the phone spoke in perfect English, but the accent was Russian.

  “Yes.” I stopped in my tracks and held up my hand to get Abby to stop talking.

  “My name is Tatiana. I’m going to email you a date, time and address. Do not be late.” The line immediately went silent.

  “Hello?” I pulled my phone back from my ear and saw that the call had ended.

  “Was that them?” Abby practically vibrated with excitement.

  “It was…” I nodded and put my phone back in my purse.

  “Awesome, so when do you do this thing?” She hit the button on her key to unlock her car doors.

  “I don’t know yet.” I sighed and opened the passenger door.

  I stared out the window while Abby drove and rambled on about my virginity. She started describing her encounter with Charlie in gross detail, telling me about the pain, how it felt to have her hymen broken, and lots of other things I really didn’t want to hear. I did my best to just tune her out because I felt like I was going to throw up before she ever got me home. When she finally did drop me off, I rushed to the bathroom and emptied the awful lunchroom food into the toilet. My phone buzzed and I dug it out of my purse to see a notification that I had a new email.

  “Madison Quinn, right this way, please.” A large, brutish woman motioned for me to follow her.

  “Okay.” I nodded and trailed behind her, listening to her heels echo each time they hit the stone floor below our feet.

  My nerves were already shot. The entire ordeal had felt sinister up to that point and it wasn’t feeling any better as she led me down a hallway that resembled a dungeon from a medieval castle. I had arrived at the address they gave me, which turned out to be a park. A nice man in a suit picked me up in a limousine, but that ride didn’t last long. He took me to a parking lot in a shady part of town and I was put in a large black van by two guys that didn’t look very nice at all. They talked in Russian the entire trip. I would have probably backed out at that point if I wasn’t terrified.

  “Go into this room and remove your clothes.” The woman pushed open a rusty door to reveal a room with a dim light. “The doctor will see you shortly to confirm you really are a virgin and run a few tests.”

  I walked into the room that was so cold it felt like a refrigerator. It didn’t look very clean. I removed my t-shirt, kicked off my tennis shoes, and was almost done with my jeans when the door opened. My hands quickly covered what exposed flesh I could as an older man with gray hair walked in. The door slammed quickly and he turned to me with a smile on his face. He didn’t look nearly as threatening as the people I had seen so far. He actually kind of reminded me of my grandfather.

  “I know.” His voice was calming and he sighed before walking over to the table. “This part is never easy.”

  “What are you going to do to me?” I wrapped my hands around the waistband of my jeans and considered pulling them back up.

  “It’s routine. I’m a gynecologist. I promise I’ve done this thousands of times.” He tore off a large piece of white paper and draped it over the table. “We have to verify you’re a virgin before we can auction you off.”

  “O-okay.” I stammered over my words, but I finished removing my clothes before walking over to the table.

  I felt extremely uncomfortable when he pushed my legs apart and started prodding my most intimate area with his finger, but he at least wore gloves. There were no stirrups and none of the tools I normally saw at my gynecologist’s office. He pushed his finger inside me until he was touching my hymen and then quickly removed it. He put fingers on each side of my labia and spread me until it started to hurt.

  “Ow…” I grimaced and started to close my legs.

  “Sorry, I just have to check a few things. I need you to relax for this next part because it isn’t something your gynecologist has ever done—I hope.” He pushed my legs further apart.

  “What are you going to do?” I tensed up, feeling my stomach churning.

  “I have to make sure everything works down here.” He pushed the hood back that covered my clitoris. “I have to make sure your vagina can lubricate itself with stimulation.”

  “Is that really necessary? I promise it can…” I knew it for a fact because I had masturbated on more than one occasion.

  “Just close your eyes and think about the last guy you kissed—or the guy you want to kiss.” He pressed his finger to my clitoris and started to circle it.

  “Oh god…” I tensed up tighter than ever before and shuddered.

  “The faster you orgasm, the faster this will be over.” He moved his finger in a steady circle, occasionally pushing one of his other fingers into my wetness.

  “I have to orgasm?” My mouth opened and I trembled from head to toe.

  “You have to be fully functional. I know that sounds cold and inhumane, but we’re running a business here. Our clients expect the best.” He spoke nonchalantly as he continued massaging my clit.

  I latched onto the side of the table with both hands and closed my eyes. I wasn’t attracted to the doctor that was touching my pussy, but he was very good at stimulating it. I let my mind wander and pretended like it was someone else—anyone but the obese man with rosy cheeks. It started to feel really good after a few minutes of imagining Channing Tatum. He faded out of my view and I imagined The Rock—in all his muscular glory. The pressure started to build and I knew I was about to cum. I bit my lip and let the orgasm take hold of me.

  “There you go, good girl.” The doctor continued rubbing. “I’ll keep going until you want me to stop.”

  “Stop!” I nodded my head quickly as soon as the pleasure faded and it got sensitive.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad.” He stood up and I noticed an erection in his pants which made my skin crawl. “The nurse will be in to draw blood and then you can get dressed.”

  He walked towards the door and when it opened, I saw the brutish blonde woman look inside. She grinned when she saw me spread eagle on the table and I immediately closed my legs. With the orgasm over, I felt dirty—dirtier than I had ever felt in my life. If I had known it would require so much just to get auctioned off, I would have never even considered doing it, but I had let it go too far for that. My humiliation meant my freedom was on the horizon. I focused on that when the door opened again.

  “Okay, just a little stick.” The nurse walked
in and took my arm.

  The nurse didn’t take long and after all of the humiliation I endured, I barely even noticed. I got up from the the table and quickly dressed. The blonde woman opened the door and motioned for me to follow. She led me down the hallway and into a larger room. We took an elevator and when I stepped out of it, I felt like I was in another world. We were in what appeared to be a casino with a smoky atmosphere and lots of noise. I followed her down another hallway and we arrived at a door, which she opened with a key card.

  “You’ll stay in here for two days and if the blood test confirms you’re clean, you’ll be auctioned on Friday night.” She motioned for me to enter.

  “Wait, I can’t stay here for days. I have school!” I shook my head back and forth. “My family will report me missing if I don’t come home tonight.”

  “If you want to leave, I’ll call for a driver.” She folded her arms across her chest. “This is how it works. You’re not allowed to leave after your examination if you’re going to be auctioned. I can get your phone for you from storage, but you’ll only be able to make one call and I’ll have to observe it. If you mention where you are or why you’re here, I’ll be forced to have you removed from the premises.”

  “Okay.” I nodded.

  I walked into the room and the door locked behind me. I had already told my mom that I would be staying with Abby for the weekend because we had a big assignment due. She barely acknowledged me when I said it, so for the first time in my life, I hoped she was in the same condition when I called. The blonde woman returned with my phone and towered over me as I called my mom. She sounded numb and her words slurred when she agreed that I should stay with Abby to get a head start on my assignment. She would seen straight through my lie if she was in the right state of mind.

  “There’s a menu on the table. Hit the red button on the intercom whenever you want something and it will be brought to you.” She took my phone and exited the room without another word.

  The room was quite nice except for the fact that it didn’t have any windows. The bed felt comfortable and the menu had pages of meals that sounded delicious. There was even an option on the back page with a list of alcoholic beverages and marijuana edibles. I had never tried either of them, but if I was going to be there for two days, I figured I might as well experiment. I ordered a margarita, a marijuana cookie, and enough food to feast like a queen. I figured I might as well enjoy the last days of my innocence and send it out in style.



  I had been a millionaire for over a month and I was already getting tired of the lifestyle. The hotel suite was nice, and I couldn’t believe they were still letting us stay there for free, but it wasn’t home. I actually missed the dirty mattress in our apartment, even if I did wake up feeling like death after a cramped night of sleep. The drugs were taking a toll on my body and I hadn’t seen the inside of a gym since I hit the button that changed my life. Even the random array of whores weren’t doing it for me anymore.

  “Come on, Ruck. We’re going to be late!” Tommy opened the door that connected our suites and motioned with his hand. “I got some nose candy for us to get started with.”

  “You know what…” I shook my head back and forth. “I think I’m just going to chill here tonight and maybe order some room service.”

  “Dude, this is a party being thrown by Carlos! It’s going to be epic as fuck! Pussy everywhere—drugs everywhere! It’s not something you skip.” Tommy looked at me like I had just said I was going to become a priest.

  “Not tonight, Tommy.” I walked over and sat down on the couch. “You’ll be fine without me for one night, just don’t pick a fight with anybody.”

  “Sure thing…” Tommy stared for a moment and then pulled the door closed.

  If there was one thing that was good about getting punched in the skull on a regular basis, it was that you never really felt the rest of the aches. My joints were stiff, my knees cracked when I walked, and my body just felt old. The drugs and alcohol only masked it and when they wore off, I felt even worse. It didn’t seem to be getting any better either. It was just one new age-related discovery after another. I thought I would feel better when I stopped fighting, but I didn’t. I felt worse.

  Even my dick feels like it’s tired of this shit.

  I always thought having a new woman to suck me dry every day would be a dream come true, but even that started to lose its luster. There were a few extremely hot ones, like Carmella, but even the thought of her didn’t make my cock twitch anymore. I actually missed the things I did when I had a girlfriend. It wasn’t just drugs, sex, take a break, and fuck again. There were other moments too, good ones, and those couldn’t be replicated with a whore. My lifestyle wasn’t one that made me easy to love when I was fighting every night, and my relationships fizzled out fairly quickly. Even the ones that seemed okay with it at first weren’t prepared for what it meant to date someone that got punched in the head multiple times a night, especially when some days I forgot their fucking name.

  All right, let’s get some room service. Food would be nice.

  Binging on cocaine killed my appetite most days but after staying away from it for a couple of days, I felt absolutely famished. I ordered a steak, a burger, and two servings of fries. None of it was exactly healthy, but I was feeling so hungry that I could have probably eaten the cow raw at that point. I flipped through the channels on my television while I waited. When the knock finally came at the door nearly an hour later, I quickly ran over to open it.

  “Carlos?” I blinked in surprise when I realized it wasn’t my dinner on the other side of the door.

  “Ruck.” Carlos nodded and stepped into my suite without waiting for an invitation.

  I had only seen Carlos a few times in my life. He was a legendary fight promoter, pimp, and was excellent at convincing guys to get in the cage in exchange for pussy. Most of the business he did was over the telephone or through intermediaries. The fact he was visiting me personally suggested that he had more on his mind than casual conversation. I closed my door and followed him into the living room area of the suite.

  “Is something wrong?” I leaned against the wall.

  “You blew off my party.” He looked around the room and then turned to me.

  “Is that what Tommy told you? No way, man. I just needed to chill out tonight. It’s nothing against you. Trust me, I love your parties.” I smiled and nodded.

  “I get it.” Carlos nodded and smiled slightly. “You aren’t used to this lifestyle. It isn’t easy. That’s why you don’t see me around any of the parties myself. I throw them so others can have fun. I prefer a quiet evening and a glass of Chardonnay. I leave the fun stuff to the young guys like you.”

  “I’m not feeling so young right now.” I shook my head and sighed.

  “I think it is fair to say that you’ve made the most of this experience. You’ve hit the limit. A lot of guys would just become coke heads for the rest of an ever-shortening life until rehab or death ended it. Guys like that never get tired of having someone new in their bed every night and will pop blue pills to keep the magic going. There’s something different about you, and money couldn’t change who you are at the core.” Carlos tilted his head, speaking rather eloquently, even when he used slang.

  “It’s probably just a result of getting punched in the head so many times. My brain is so fucked up it can’t even get addicted to shit.” I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.

  “No, that isn’t quite it.” He shook his head back and forth. “I think you’re a lot like me. You grew up with nothing and when you had something, you dove in head first. I hit my limit too with that experience and now I chase new ones.”

  “New ones?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “One in particular. One that is a new experience every time.” He pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to me.

  “Sin City Auction?” I read the name on the card out loud and flipped it over in my hand.
  “Guys, girls, whatever you want. They’re guaranteed to be as pure as the day they were born.” He nodded and smiled again. “You get them for an entire weekend to do whatever filthy things you want to do with them.”

  “Shit, Carlos.” My eyes got wide as I processed what he said. “This has to be fucking expensive.”

  “You’ve got money now, Ruck. You’re allowed to buy expensive things—especially new experiences.” Carlos walked up, patted me on the shoulder, and then started walking towards the door.

  A few minutes after Carlos left, there was another knock at the door and I opened it to see a waiter with my food. He wheeled the table in and I tipped him generously. I sat down and started cutting my steak as I stared at the card. I had never fucked a virgin before. It would definitely be a new experience. There was no way it would be cheap. After I gorged on my food to the point that my stomach couldn’t hold another bite, I loaded up the website on my phone. It had more information, but I immediately shook my head when I saw the price.

  Two-fifty large? That’s the minimum? Fuck no. That much money would have kept me going for five years or more before I hit the jackpot.

  I sat down on the couch and watched some television, but I found myself returning to the website to look at what it offered. The thought of taking an innocent girl that had never been fucked before and completely destroying her was enticing. Thinking about it made my cock start to get hard in my pants without any stimulation at all. I typed my contact information into the bidding section and put my phone down. I still had time to think about it, but I was leaning towards blowing a lot of money on one weekend that I probably wouldn’t forget, even with my Swiss cheese brain.

  “What the fuck?” I sat up in bed and heard someone pounding on my hotel room door.

  It wasn’t extremely early, but I was trying to sleep in after staying up fairly late to watch television. I finally stumbled across the heated marble floor to look through the peephole on the door. I saw what appeared to be a woman, although it could have easily been a man wearing a wig, on the other side. I opened the door with a confused stare on my face and she pushed the door open without asking to come inside. I was getting tired of people doing that.


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