Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4)

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Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4) Page 4

by Kelli Callahan

  “My name is Tatiana. This is Dr. Wilson.” She threw a thumb over her shoulder and an older man with white hair followed her in, clutching a bag in his hand.

  “Hello.” He nodded to me as he followed the broad-shouldered woman.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I turned to them, but I didn’t close the door. “I didn’t ask for a doctor—or a date that might be able to take a punch better than me.”

  “We’re from Sin City Auction.” The woman spoke in a thick Russian accent. “We need to get a blood sample.”

  “What? A blood sample?” I looked at her and then to the alleged doctor.

  “Yes, this is very routine.” The white haired doctor put down his bag and opened it. “My nurse normally does this, but it won’t take long.”

  “What the fuck do you want a blood sample for?” The doctor walked over with a needle and I pulled my arm away.

  “You want to buy a virgin, yes?” Tatiana tapped her foot on the floor and glared at me.

  “I mean, yeah—I signed up to go to the auction.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “I didn’t sign up to participate in some Russian experiment.”

  “Our auction is extremely professional.” She huffed and tapped her foot even faster. “We have to make sure you have none of the whore diseases this town is known for.”

  “Okay, whatever.” I held out my arm and the doctor quickly jammed his needle into it.

  “You will abstain from sexual intercourse until the auction. If you cannot agree to that, you cannot participate.” She slowed her tapping foot when she saw the blood pouring into the doctor’s syringe.

  “I don’t think that will be a problem.” I shrugged and waited for the doctor to finish.

  “We will email you a time and location. Bring lots of money.” Her ice-cold face turned to a smile and they started walking towards the door.

  “Thank you.” The doctor nodded and quickly followed her.



  I spent two days feeling like Rapunzel in a tower without a window to stare down at the world beneath me—a Rapunzel with drugs and alcohol. I decided that I liked alcohol, but I liked the marijuana edibles a lot more. I nibbled on them periodically. It helped me forget the reason for the day and it did a lot to cure my anxiety. On the day of the auction, the door opened and a man walked in with a dress and matching shoes. He put it on the bed and left without saying anything. When I picked it up, I noticed a number had been stitched into the shoulder. I was apparently the sixth participant in the auction, if the number was meant to be my place in line. The door opened again a few hours later, and the large blonde woman walked in.

  “Are you ready?” She put her hands on her hips and stared at me.

  “I just need to get dressed.” I looked down at the black dress on the bed.

  “Go ahead, I will wait.” She shifted her weight and continued to stare me down.

  As soon as the dress was on, I was taken from my room and led down the hallway to an elevator. It took us to a higher floor and I was led to a chair where two women began to work on my hair, makeup, and nails. They appeared to be Asian and they both spoke in a language I didn’t understand as they worked. They were very effective. When they got done with my makeover, I didn’t even recognize the girl in the mirror. My hair had been curled, my nails had been painted, and my makeup looked like it was painted on by an artist.

  “Now you will wait for your turn.” The blonde woman left the room with the two Asian workers and I was left alone in the chair.

  Okay, this is pretty much it. There will be no backing out after they sell you.

  I made peace with the last of my hesitation when the door opened again. I was led to a room close to where they did my makeup and when the door opened, I saw bright lights. I held my hand up to shield my eyes as I stepped inside, and then I realized I was next to a stage. There was a man standing on it with a microphone, motioning for me to come to him. I walked past the curtain that separated the stage from the door and stepped up onto the wooden platform. I was in a room full of people and it was clear from all of the eyes focused directly on me that I was the star of the show.

  “Okay, ladies and gentlemen.” The man held the microphone up to his lips. “We have a gorgeous young virgin here. She’s only eighteen years old and you can see from this dress that she’s got it where it counts. She’s verified pure and still has her hymen. Can I get three hundred thousand for the gorgeous Madison?”

  The room erupted with noise and I saw cards being held up from the front row to the back. I stared in shock for a moment as I saw how many people were actively bidding on me. The number went up and then up again. When it got to five hundred thousand there weren’t many people still bidding. It went to five-fifty and everyone dropped their cards except one man in the back. I narrowed my eyes and tried to focus on him. Most of the guys in the front row were dressed in tuxedos or suits. The guy that had apparently outbid them all looked like he didn’t belong there. He was wearing a t-shirt that stretched around muscular, tattooed arms, and a pair of blue jeans.

  “Sold to Mr.—I’m afraid I don’t recognize you, sir, it must your first time here.” The auctioneer tilted his head.

  “Ruckus.” The man spoke with a heavy voice that sounded almost like a growl.

  “Sold to Mr. Ruckus!” The auctioneer motioned and then waved me off the stage.

  I walked back towards the door and the instant I stepped off stage, I was ushered out by two guys I hadn’t seen before. They took me to a room that had nothing but a couch and a table. I waited, feeling my stomach churn with the emotional turmoil coursing through my veins. The guy was fairly attractive, but he was definitely not Christian Grey. He looked like a thug and spoke like one, too. What kind of name was Ruckus anyway? I sat there with more questions churning in my head until the door opened. The source—and perhaps the answer—walked in and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Madison. I like that name. Is it your real name?” He spoke in the same rough voice I heard when he purchased me.

  “Yeah.” I nodded and looked up at him.

  “I’m Ruckus. They said we get to spend some time getting to know each other before you come back to my suite.” He walked over and took a seat next to me on the couch. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Um…” I searched my head for something. “Your name is really Ruckus?”

  “It’s what everybody calls me. That or Ruck. My birth certificate says Rick.” He shrugged and exhaled sharply. “So you’re really a virgin?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and twisted my lip to a half-smile.

  “I’ve never been with a virgin before. Why did you decide to sell yourself?” He tilted his head as if he was reading my expression.

  “I need money for college.” I looked down at the floor. “And I’d like to start over somewhere else.”

  “I can understand that. I was on my own at eighteen, too, although I didn’t have any money.” He nodded and reached over putting his hand on mine.

  “Whoa…” I tilted my head as I saw his knuckles. “Are those scars?”

  “Yeah, I got a lot of them.” He chuckled. “I’m a cage fighter—well, retired cage fighter now, I guess.”

  “That’s how you made your money?” I had never seen a hand that looked as rough and ragged as his.

  “Nah.” He shook his head back and forth. “I hit the jackpot on a slot machine. You just cost me twenty-five percent of my net worth.”

  “Seriously?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “Why would you spend so much to spend a weekend with someone?”

  “I felt like investing in a new experience.” He smiled and patted my hand. “Plus, you’re hot as fuck.”

  Nobody has ever called me hot before.

  “Thank you—I guess.” I felt my stomach tensing up again.

  “Anything else you wanna know about me before I take you back to my suite and fuck you?” His intense eyes felt like they were boring into my sou

  “No, I don’t guess so.” I shook my head back and forth.

  It appeared to be nothing more than a business transaction for him. He wanted a virgin in his bed. I was that virgin. At least he did seem to like me, and he said I was hot. He certainly wasn’t bad to look at. He had a ripped physique and his t-shirt appeared to be covering a gorgeous set of muscles. Both of his arms had tattoos that appeared to have been there a while. He spoke with a lot of confidence and his eyes were absolutely piercing when they focused on me. I even dug the scars a little bit. I knew he could handle himself in a fight if he did it for a living, which meant I certainly didn’t stand a chance of getting away if I suddenly did want to change my mind.



  My virgin was expensive. She cost a lot more than I expected when I walked into the auction. I watched the first five sell for around five hundred, so I had a decent understanding of the cost before she walked on the stage. There was something about Madison that instantly captivated me. She looked slightly scared, like most of them did, but I could see purpose in her eyes. They looked like they had the burden of the world in them. I understood that. I fought for everything I had before I got one lucky break. It certainly didn’t help that she was drop dead gorgeous in a dress designed to showcase her body perfectly.

  All right, let’s get this show on the road.

  I took Madison’s hand when we were given clearance to leave. They gave me a flash drive that had her account information. Once the weekend was done, I was supposed to give it it to her. Based on what I saw on the website she would get two-hundred and fifty, plus ten percent of what I paid on top of it. As sweet as she appeared to be, I was going to make her earn every penny of it before the weekend was done. I thought I was ready for a break until I had to go that long without sex. My balls felt like they were heavy in my pants and she was going to swallow every bit of that cum before she even took her dress off.

  “This is my room.” I pushed the suite door opened and let her walk in first.

  “Wow.” She stepped in and looked around. “It looks like you live here.”

  “Something like that.” I chuckled and walked over to the mini-bar. “Want a drink or something? Shit, I guess you’re not even old enough to drink.”

  “I don’t think one will hurt. Do you have any margaritas?” She walked over to where I was standing.

  “Um, no. I got tequila. That’s what they put in margaritas.” I shrugged and picked up a small bottle. “Want this?”

  “I’ve never had just tequila.” She took the bottle and twisted off the top. “Oh god, that smells awful.”

  “Here, I’ll do a shot with you.” I grabbed two of the souvenir shot glasses, dumped her bottle in one, and fixed a second one for me. “It’s better if you just throw it back and swallow.”

  “Okay…” She stared it nervously and turned her nose away as she opened her mouth and tilted her head.

  “Good?” I smiled and slammed my shot glass down.

  “What the…” She gagged and started coughing. “No!”

  “It gets easier after a few shots.” I shrugged.

  “Water! Please!” She continued gagging as she forced words out.

  “Here.” I grabbed a bottle of water, twisted off the top, and handed it to her.

  I really hadn’t drank much since the night of Carlos’ party. Tommy seemed to be on a complete bender. Once I stopped doing cocaine with him every day and going out, he practically vanished. I had started to miss going out and I would have probably even done a few lines, but I wasn’t sure I could resist the urge to fuck someone if I did. All of it seemed to blend together and one line usually wasn’t enough. After two, I felt like Superman. It was easier to just hang out, have a couple of drinks, and eat room service. During the day, I hit the gym a few times and mindlessly gambled in the casino.

  “So you’ve never done anything before?” I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, patting the seat beside me.

  “No.” She shook her head and sat down.

  “You haven’t even sucked a cock?” I tilted my head.

  “No.” She shook her head again.

  “Felt a cock?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “No.” A third shake of her head followed.

  “Seen a cock?” I was at my last option.

  “I’ve seen one before.” She nodded finally.

  “Alright, well then let’s start with a little touching.” I unfastened my pants and pushed them down. “Don’t be shy, come on over and say hello. It’s going to be your best friend for the entire weekend.”



  I slid closer to Ruck and stared at his dick as it started to get hard. He took my hand and rubbed his cock against my palm. The friction seemed to make it get even bigger. I wrapped my hand around it and started to move up and down the shaft. It was so big that I could barely make my fingers touch. The thought of it going inside me was scary. I could barely get a finger in when I masturbated, and his dick was a lot bigger than a finger. I continued to stroke him, hearing him moan slightly as I did.

  “Do it a little faster.” He exhaled sharply and I picked up the speed. “There you go, now lean over and lick my balls while you’re stroking it.”

  I leaned forward and extended my tongue, feeling his balls against my taste buds. I had no idea what I was doing, but I tried to move my tongue around the circumference while moving my hand up and down his length. I saw his body react immediately. The muscles in his legs tensed and he started to grunt with pleasure. Seeing the way my tongue brought pleasure to him made me excited and I felt my pussy getting wet. I wasn’t going to be a virgin for much longer, so there was no reason I couldn’t enjoy my weekend.

  “Now you’re going to swallow my cock.” He pulled on my hair and my tongue was dragged along the underside until the head of his enormous dick was against my lips. “Every inch—bury it in your throat.”

  I licked his cock furiously, opening my mouth as saliva coated the glans. Hearing his commanding voice with the sexy growl in his throat made me practically gush with desire. I didn’t feel like a timid virgin. I felt like the ultimate object of pleasure for his lust. I brought filthy thoughts from the deep recesses of mind and made me feel tingly from head to toe. I opened my mouth and tried to bring his cock past my lips, but it was an enormous challenge to say the least. His throbbing dick was massive and even when I stretched my jaw as wide as it would go, I still brushed the skin with my teeth.

  “Wider!” He grunted and pushed his thumb into my mouth, pressing down on my lower jaw. “You have to learn how to properly suck a cock if you’re going to spend the whole weekend with me.”

  I stretched as wide as I could, forcing my jaw open until it started to cramp. I fought back against the pain and finally felt his cock move across my tongue unhindered by my inexperience. I pulled a couple of inches onto my tongue and bobbed on it with my neck muscles flexing to embrace him. My saliva started to drip from my lips as I moved and every time he went into my mouth, I was able to take him a little deeper than before. I never imagined myself being able to do something like that, but when I felt him gliding down my throat, I was so turned on I was almost ready to burst.

  “Keep going. You’re getting the hang of it now.” He moved a hand to the back of my head and started forcing his cock deeper into my throat.

  It was all I could do to keep from gagging. My throat had never been ravaged like that. He forced it into the barrier so hard that I thought he was going to bruise it. I tried to swallow as hard as I could and it finally went past the gag reflex that was trying to force it out. A loud gurgle rushed from my esophagus as I took him deeper. I pulled back until the head was against my lips and swallowed as hard as I could while I went down. My lips came down hard and collided with his pelvis.

  “Oh god.” He moaned and squeezed the back of my head. “Now you know what you’re supposed to do.”

  I repeated the motion almost
two dozen times, moving my lips so fast that I thought they were going to go numb. His cock throbbed in my mouth, pulsated in my throat, and it made my panties so wet I thought they were going to melt off my body. I continued the rhythm as I listened to his grunts of pleasure. They were like music in my ears. I let his dick go deep in my throat and even when it made it difficult to breathe, I still kept going.

  “You’re gonna make me cum.” He let out a growl and tensed up. “Swallow every drop of your reward.”

  As soon as the words passed his lips, I felt an explosion in the back of my throat. It was a sticky web closing off my airway. I tried to swallow, but before I could even get the first bit of it down, another geyser rushed out of him. I felt against my tongue as it moved through his shaft, but I still couldn’t prepare myself. I swallowed hard, but it was more than I could get down. My head spun as he continued to ejaculate and when I thought I was going to pass out, I had to open my mouth. His seed spilled out, dripping down his cock and onto his pelvis. I sucked sweet oxygen from the air, gasping for breath.

  “You were supposed to swallow that.” He grabbed my hair and pushed my lips into the mess I had made. “Lick it up.”

  I felt defeated because I knew I had failed. I tried so hard, but I just couldn’t force myself to do what he wanted. If I had more time to prepare, I might have been able to do it, but there wasn’t enough time. I extended my tongue and licked the salty semen from his cock, his pelvis, and the muscular thighs. He kept a grip on my hair until I was done. It wasn’t perfect, and I had left him covered with my saliva in the process.


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