Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4)

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Sin City Auction: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 4) Page 5

by Kelli Callahan

  “I’m sorry.” I looked up at him. “I didn’t realize there would be so much.”

  “I paid a lot of money for you. I expect better.” He twisted his hand and pulled me forward by my hair. “Now, I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “What are you going to do?” I felt my body trembling as I stared into his intense eyes.

  “Daddy Ruck is going to have to spank you.” He grabbed my arm and pulled up until I was across his knee and lying in my own saliva.

  Oh god, he really is going to beat me—just like Abby said.

  “I’m sorry…” I whimpered when I felt his hand pulling my dress up my thighs.

  “Sorry isn’t good enough.” He exposed my panties and then pushed them down to my knees.

  “Ow!” I squealed when I felt his calloused hand come down on my unprotected flesh.

  “Next time you’ll do what I want.” He brought his hand down again, even harder than the first time and followed it with another firm smack.

  “Ruck, that hurts!” I squealed and squirmed on his lap.

  “This is what happens when you disappoint me.” He raised his hand up high and the smack echoed through the hotel suite when it came down.

  His hand felt like a wooden board each time it landed. It was so big that it covered most my ass. I was disappointed in myself for failing. I got so turned on from what I was doing that I started to focus on that instead of him. The spanking was a quick reminder that I was there for his pleasure and not my own. It was his fantasy, his money, and he decided how I spent the weekend. His hand continued to land on my cheeks, bouncing from one side of my ass to the other. It felt like someone had stuck a lit match to my flesh and set it on fire.

  “I’m sorry, Ruck!” I wailed and kicked my feet underneath the fury of torment. “I won’t disappoint you again!”

  “You better not, or you’ll be right back in this position.” He delivered several hard smacks in the center of my ass before bouncing backing back and forth between each cheek.

  The spanking continued, even after I promised not to disappoint him again. It pushed past the point where I was squealing and I felt tears in my eyes. The beautiful makeup that hadn’t been ruined while I was going down him was smeared as my remorse streamed down my face. He finally started to slow down, but even after his hand stopped falling, my ass still burned. I lay across his knee feeling defeated, but then I felt something else—liberation. I had never felt that before. I always wallowed in the mistakes I made, never really finding a way to put them in the past.

  “Am I forgiven?” I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up at him.

  “Of course.” He reached down and scooped me into his arms. “I don’t like harboring that kind of shit. I just deal with it and put it in the past.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded and smiled, feeling relief wash over me.

  “Your panties were awfully wet when I pulled them down.” He slid his hand between my legs and rubbed my labia. “Did sucking my cock turn you on?”

  “Yeah.” I bit my lip and gasped when I felt his touch. “It really did.”

  “I want to taste that virgin pussy before I fuck it.” He pressed his finger into my wetness and shifted me over to the couch.

  My panties were still around my knees from the spanking and he didn’t even remove them. He twisted the fabric in his hands and tore it. He sent them across the room with a flick of his wrist and pushed my knees apart. He was like animal chasing his prey, growling as he kissed his way up my thighs and let his tongue drag across my pelvis. I felt the warmth of his breath against my clitoris and I immediately started to get turned on again. His tongue flicked against it and created a surge of pleasure that consume me. He turned over on his stomach and buried his face between my thighs, thrusting his tongue into my wetness.

  “Oh god, that feels really good.” My eyes got wide as I felt his hungry tongue plunge inside me.

  He tightened his tongue and flexed the tip while it was inside me. I had never felt anything so amazing before in my life. I thought it was the best thing I would ever feel until he slid his tongue up to my clitoris and began to circle it. His fingers pushed the hood back and he attacked the bundle of nerves with furious flicks of his tongue. I imagined that the feeling was similar to what he felt when I was using my mouth to pleasure him.

  “Please don’t stop!” I ran my fingers along his scalp and down to his muscular shoulders while my hips began to grind against him.

  There was a pressure building inside of me that was more intense than I ever imagined. I wasn’t just going to cum, I was going to explode. His tongue danced from my clitoris to the source of my wetness and back again. It was so fast that the feelings merged together into one enormous sensation of pleasure. I felt like I was strapped to rocket and headed straight for the stars. My body convulsed and tightened.

  “I’m gonna cum.” I rolled forward and my mouth opened with a moan that vibrated deep inside me.

  The pressure built until I thought it was going to crush me, but then there was a rapturous reaction. Everything released in one fluid motion and I fell back against the couch. My body shook, my limps went weak, and the beginning of my orgasm sent electricity through my veins. He kept his tongue working, moving against my clitoris while I felt the release that I craved. It kept going for so long that I could barely breathe by the time it finally started to subside. He lifted up and looked up at me with a smile.

  “Those final seconds? That’s what you took from me when you opened your mouth before I was done.” He leaned back and kissed my knee.

  “Then I deserved a lot more than the spanking I got.” I let out a long sigh.

  “You’ll pay me back.” He pushed his finger into my pussy until it was pressing against my hymen. “I’m going to destroy every shred of your innocence.”

  My head spun with the afterglow of my orgasm. I didn’t care that I was going to lose my virginity to him. He could have anything he wanted. My body was lost in a dream and there was no way out of it. I finally understood why lust made people do stupid things. After I had a taste of him, I wanted more. My sexual desire had been ignited with one flick of his tongue and it burned like an inferno before he finally smothered the flames. Even after the fire was quelled with my orgasm, the embers burned hotter than they ever had before.



  I could tell Madison needed a break. She was practically limp on the couch. She would have given her pussy to me if I demanded it, but I wanted to recharge a little bit and let her recover. She was a virgin and the orgasm I gave her was likely the first real one she had ever experienced. I wanted to take her deeper into the depths of filthy lust when I fucked her. I wanted her to beg for the destruction I had planned for her innocence. I let my fingers trace her flesh for a few minutes before standing up and walking to the mini-bar.

  “Do you want something to drink? Another tequila shot, perhaps?” I chuckled and opened the fridge.

  “I could go for a Red Bull, or anything with a little caffeine in it. I’ve never felt this drained before.” She sat up and tucked her heels against her thighs so that her ass wasn’t flat against the couch.

  “Yeah, there’s a few of those in here. Want me to mix it with some vodka?” I started pouring a glass of whiskey for myself.

  “I’ve never tried that before. Is it good? Tequila definitely isn’t for me.” She pushed her tongue against her lips and made a gagging sound.

  “Yeah, you won’t even taste the vodka.” I poured Red Bull and vodka into a glass and brought it over to her.

  “Oh yeah, this is good.” She smiled when she sipped it.

  “I’ll turn you into an alcoholic before this weekend is over.” I chuckled and took a gulp of whiskey from my glass.

  “Yeah, don’t joke about that.” She shook her head back and forth. “My dad is a disastrous drunk.”

  “So was mine.” I shrugged and lifted my glass in a toast. “God rest his soul.”

Mine is the reason I’m here with you right now. My grandparents left me plenty of money for college and he gambled it all away.” She sipped her drink again. “He’s a fucking bastard.”

  “Funny.” I smiled and took another drink. “Gambling got you here, and you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t put money in a slot machine.”

  “I’d be somewhere…” She leaned forward and put her glass on the coffee table. “Even if I wasn’t here.”

  “You should have seen the guy that bought the girl before you. He was at least eighty and I saw him clutching a handful of Viagra.” I tilted my head and shrugged. “You could have been his date for the weekend.”

  “Okay, maybe I did get lucky.” She shuddered slightly and nodded.

  Damn, she’s fucking gorgeous.

  I could have stared at her all night if I didn’t have a lot more planned for her sweet, innocent body. She wasn’t the kind of girl that someone like me got to fuck. She wasn’t even the type of girl to end up in a bad boy’s bed groaning about her mistakes with a hangover. If life hadn’t derailed her, she would have ended up marrying someone that wore a suit to work. It would have been boring, but she would have never known the world had more to offer. There was a good chance that would still become her fate, but she wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully after a five minute boring pump and dump, even if she loved the guy. She was going to find out how it really felt to get fucked. She was going to know what it was like to be cum-drunk, exhausted, and still craving more.

  “Yeah, this drink is dangerous.” She drained the last sip from her glass and interrupted my thoughts as she spoke.

  “I’m sure you’ll experiment with things that give you a much better buzz when you get to college.” I laughed and lifted my whiskey to my lips.

  “I tried marijuana for the first time the other day. Well, I didn’t smoke it. I just had a cookie.” She grinned and raised her eyebrows. “I see why people like it so much.”

  “That’s on the lighter side of the kind of buzz I’m talking about.” My laugh slowed to a chuckle as I realized just how naive and inexperienced she really was.

  “I guess you have to start somewhere—gateway drugs and all.” The grin seemed locked on her face and I could tell that she was definitely feeling the drink.

  “Yep, one day you’re trying marijuana for the first time and the next you’re snorting a line of coke off a strippers ass.” I nodded. “Been there.”

  “You’re joking, right?” She raised her eyebrows. “I really can’t tell when you’re kidding and when you’re telling the truth.”

  “My brain don’t really have a filter after getting punched in the head so much.” I tapped the side of my skull. “If I say it, it’s usually true—that gets me in trouble sometimes.”

  “Okay, that I can believe.” She nodded and and squeezed one eye shut like she was trying to focus. “So, tell me about this thing you do, or did. You really fought people for money, like WWE?”

  Damn, she might actually be drunk.

  “No, none of that fake shit.” I shook my head back and forth. “What I did wasn’t exactly legal, but people pay money to watch it. They like to gamble on the outcome, so it’s a perfect fit for Sin City. Two guys go into a cage and one walks out. It’s basically just math with blood.”

  “Wait…” Her eyes opened wide. “Like, you fought people to the death?”

  Oh yeah, she’s drunk.

  “No.” I started laughing. “We have referees. If they guy can’t go or he taps out, the match is done. Most guys that fight in the underground aren’t going to stop unless they have to be carried out of the cage. That’s what I meant. I kind of like living—I’m not going to fight someone to the death.”

  “You should have told me I could tap out earlier when I was over your knee.” She wrinkled her nose at me.

  “I didn’t hurt you.” I shook my head back and forth. “I just gave you something to think about.”

  “It did hurt!” Her face twisted to a pout and she rubbed her ass. “Still hurts…”

  “There’s a difference between discipline and damage. A good, hard spanking that you probably won’t even feel in the morning is harmless.” I chuckled and finished the whiskey in my glass.

  “Speak for yourself…” She continued to rub her ass.



  After talking to Ruckus for a little bit, I began to realize that he was nothing short of a caveman born in modern times. His brain didn’t function like a normal person’s mind did. Perhaps it really was a side-effect of getting punched so much, but I felt like he had always been like that. His perspective on the world was just different. I wasn’t sure how any woman could tolerate him, much less love him. I was his for the weekend though, and whatever dark depravity his caveman brain could think up was likely going to happen. I just hoped I could get through the weekend without regretting my decision to sell myself.

  “I think it’s time we take this party to the bedroom.” Ruckus put his empty glass on the table and stood up.

  This is it. He’s going to take my virginity.

  “Okay.” I nodded and started to stand.

  I never had a chance to get to my feet. He closed the distance between us and scooped me up like I weighed nothing at all. He was definitely a caveman. I was actually impressed that he carried me in his arms instead of over his shoulder. The intensity in his eyes was back. The craving had been reignited. I felt my heart racing as he carried me to the bedroom area in the suite and dropped me onto the mattress. He grabbed my dress and yanked, not even bothering with the zipper. The fabric tore in his hands just like my panties had and he slung it across the room before grabbing my bra. It was bit thicker than my dress and when he tugged on it, he pulled me to a sitting position. He stripped it off with one flick of his fingers against the clasp on the back and it joined my dress on the floor.

  “God damn, these tits are fucking gorgeous.” He grabbed a nipple and twisted it with a grin.

  “Not so rough.” I grimaced when I felt his calloused fingers against my tender flesh.

  “You’re going to love having it rough before I’m done with you.” He released his grip on my nipple and swatted my breast, causing it to bounce.

  He peeled off his shirt and I got my first look at his naked chest. The tattoos that started on his arms continued onto his massive pectoral muscles. He looked like he had never eaten a carb in his life. There wasn’t anything around his abdomen but rock hard muscles and a six-pack that looked like something out of a magazine. His jeans were already unbuttoned and he quickly discarded them to the side, along with his boxer shorts. His cock was already starting to come to life again, with the dried remnants of my failure still present despite my best effort to clean him up. He crawled into the bed and pushed my legs apart.

  “Time to make this bed quake.” He slid close to me in one quick motion until his knees were against my ass and glans was pressed to my wetness.

  “I know you said I would like having it rough, but please don’t forget that I’ve never done this before.” I felt fear when I saw how quickly he was moving.

  “That’s the part I get to enjoy.” He shoved his cock past the entrance of my pussy and I felt him against my hymen. “I didn’t pay as much as I did to take it slow.”

  Even with my fear at an all time high, I was still wet and getting turned on. He was definitely going to pillage my virgin pussy. It already hurt and I could see the back part of his glans protruding from my labia. I had a lot of agonizing inches to go before he was even inside me. He lifted my legs until my toes were pointed at the ceiling. His weight shifted and I felt pressure like nothing I had experienced before. He wasn’t thrusting, but it was his weight against my tightness and there was no way my pussy would win that fight, even if I was a virgin. It started to stretch, he went deeper, and then I felt my hymen break.

  “Oh yeah, that was good.” He smiled and exhaled sharply. “Proof that nobody has ever had this pussy before.”

  I gritted my teeth and clenched my eyes together. He sank further, stretching the damaged skin that was previously my hymen. I was wet enough that he could slide, but every inch required him to stretch me out more. His girth was frightening. It was hard enough to swallow his cock, much less have him inside me. If I didn’t know that my pussy was designed for taking a man’s penis, I would have thought he was going to split my pelvis bone in two before he got all of the way in. The pressure was so much that I felt like I was being tortured instead of fucked.

  “You don’t know how good this feels.” He grunted and his face clenched so hard his teeth showed.

  It was taking everything inside me not to scream, so I wasn’t even able to form words. The inches disappeared and every one that did heightened the agony I felt. His weight kept his cock going deeper with each passing second, but it felt like an eternity. I closed my eyes and tried to take my mind somewhere else, but the pain was too intense. I squeezed my fists around the sheets, balling my fists as hard as I could. Just when I thought I was going to start actually crying, I felt his pelvis against my labia. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that he was all the way in. The pain finally started to subside as my pussy adjusted to his girth.

  “Please don’t move—not yet.” I looked into his intense eyes. “I just need a minute to adjust.”

  “I like it when you beg.” He shifted his weight so that he was on his knees and his hand moved up to my breast and squeezed my nipple. “I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll wait until you’re ready, but when we’re done, my cock doesn’t leave your mouth until I cum again. Even if takes all night, you just keep those lips moving.”


  “Otherwise…” He bounced the bed slightly and my eyes got wide when I felt the movement inside me.

  “I’ll do it!” I shook my head rapidly.

  “You’re going to be such a well-trained slut before this weekend is over.” He leaned forward and his lips attacked my neck.


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