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Tug of War

Page 53

by Shelfold Bidwell

  Hermann Goering (“Para-Panzer”), 47, 149, 330, 335, 339, 341


  5th, 168, 170, 268, 350, 362


  114th, 268

  Battle Gps (KG):

  Behr, 168

  Doering, 52, 62, 64, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 81, 83, 85, 115

  Dornemann, 51, 59, 69, 80

  Fabian, 290, 293

  Heilmann, 290

  Holtey, 52; v. Holtey wounded, 68; recaptures Battipaglia, 69; 71, 72

  Kleine Limburg, 72, 83, 85, 87

  Kruger, 83, 84; repulsed by US artillery, 86

  Schultz, 285, 290

  Sperrgruppe Bode, 269 and f.n., 280, 282, 284, 290

  Stempel, 51, 64, 65, 68, 71, 80, 115

  Strafner, 290, 294


  1 Para, 203, 284

  2 Pz., 87

  4 Para., 357

  8 Pz. Gren., 171

  12 Para, 373

  64 Pz. Gren., 78, 80

  64th Inf.*, 80

  67th Pz. Gren., 77, 354

  71st Pz. Gren., 78, 83, 85

  71st Nebelwerfer, 173, 211

  99 Pz. Gren., 83

  100th Mtn., 359, 362

  104th Pz. Gren., 325

  115th Pz. Gren., 269

  117th Inf., 362

  131st Inf., 166, 169, 171

  132nd Inf., 165

  134th Inf., 165, 166

  191st Inf., 166, 169

  200 Pz. Gren., 113, 316, 324

  211th Inf., 171, 168, 203

  361 Pz. Gren., 171, 284, 290

  576 Inf., 269, 278

  – Bns:

  1/3 Para., 68

  2/3 Para., 218

  3/3 Para., 169, 170

  1 Para. MG, 170, 268

  1/8 Pz. Gren., 169

  3/8 Pz. Gren., 170

  2/9 Pz. Gren., 83

  3/15 Pz. Gren., 69, 73

  – Bns: — cont.

  15 Engr, 169

  16 Pz. Recce., 58

  26 Pz. Recce., 83

  29 Pz. Gren. Recce., 68, 69, 83

  44 Ersatz, 290

  1/64 Pz. Gren., 65, 68

  2/64 Pz. Gren., 69, 79, 82

  2/71 Pz. Gren., 69

  94 Recce., 166

  2/104 Ersatz Pz. Gren., 325

  1/115 Pz. Gren., 119

  3/115 Pz. Gren., 269

  190 Recce., 292

  3/131 Pz. Gren., 168

  1/132 Pz. Gren., 169

  2/132 Pz. Gren., 170

  1/134 Pz. Gren., 166

  2/134 Pz. Gren., 167, 169

  3/134 Pz. Gren., 166

  2/191st, 165, 166

  1/200 Pz. Gren., 171

  2/200 Pz. Gren., 170

  1/361, 169

  2/361, 167, 169, 170, 290

  400 Recce., 325

  * Infantry units as opposed to Panzer Grenadiers were later called ‘grenadiers’.


  Adam, Gen. Sir Ronald, 135

  Ahrenfeldt, Robert H., 403

  Air observation post squadrons, 262, f.n.

  Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold, 18; and Eisenhower, 32; character, 34–6; 81; action during B. of Salerno, 96; 97, 98, 109, 124, 132, 133; opinion of Clark, 136; on projected Anzio landing, 138–9, 140; 150–1, 152, 155; 1st and 2nd Cassino, 178–9; 181, 188, 192, 196, 199, 207, 208; gives Freyberg mission for 3rd Cassino, 209, 214; closes down 3rd Cassino, 222; 233, 241; relationship with Harding, 244; style of command, 244; 247, 248; and relief of Clark, 251; 270, 273, 297, 326, 328; reaction to advance on Rome, 335; 337, 340, 341, 342, 347; alters plan for attack on Gothic Line, 348; reaction to Canadian break-through, 357; 364, 370, 373, 379, 382; mission in 1945, 386; accepts German surrender, 395; 399, 400

  Altavilla, 69, 73, 74

  Ancon, USS, 73

  Anders, Gen. Wladislaw, 255, 260–1, 270, 285–7, 288, 350, 383, 392

  ANVIL, op., (later DRAGOON), 129, 131, 209, 248, 340, 343, 347, 400, 404

  Anzio, 19; plans developed for landing at, 123–9; landing craft for, 128, 132; code-name SHINGLE, 137; Allied landing force, 138

  Arbuthnott, Maj.-Gen. R. K., 392, 393

  ‘Argenta Gap’, 391, 393

  Armistice, Italian request for, 22, 23; 26, 33

  Army of Liguria, 387

  Arnold, Gen. H. H., 227, 229, 231, 236

  Artillery, Allied use of, 82, 86, 258–60, 309–10, 332, 392

  Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude, 56

  AVALANCHE, op., table, 29; (see Salerno, b. of)

  AVENGER, op, 183 (see Cassino, b’s of), 190

  Baade, Maj.-Gen. Ernst Guenther, 166, 169, 171, 173, 195, 212, 293, 338, 340

  Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, deposes Mussolini, 23; and Italian surrender, 39

  Bailey, bridging, 115 f.n.

  Balck, Lt.-Gen. Hermann, 47, 67, 69, 87, 89

  Ballard, Lt. N. A., 292

  Battipaglia, 46; secured by 9 R. Fus, 63, 67, 68; lost, 69; 70, 71, 75, 78, 81, 88

  Battle-groups, German, 50–1, 51 f.n.

  BAYTOWN, op., table, 29; 34, 38, 52

  Beelitz, Col., 265–6

  Bell, Maj. Robin, 194

  Bernard Line, 117, 118

  “Bloody River”, see S. Angelo and 36th Div.

  Blumenson, Martin (US official historian), 118, 178

  Bomb Safety Line, 194 and f.n., 235, 236

  Boniface, Col. I. L., 218

  Bonin, Col. v., 67

  Bradley, Gen. Omar, 34, 133; on close air support, 225–6

  Brann, Brig.-Gen., Donald W., 139, 140; conveys Clark’s orders to Juin, 302; 335, 371, 373

  Brazilian Expeditionary Force, 367, 384

  Brooke, Gen. Sir Alan, opinion of Alexander, 34–5; 129, 241, 397

  Brosset, Gen., 314, 315, 323, 324

  BUFFALO, op., 329, 330; plans for, 332–5; abandoned, 335; 337

  Burns, Lt.-Gen. E. L. M., 255, 260; personal difficulties as comd., 263–4; 281, 328, 337, 343, 350, 351, 352, 353; reports breakthrough of Green Lines, 357; 362, 365

  Butler, Brig.-Gen. Frederick, 195, 196

  BUTTRESS, op., table, 29; 34, 38

  Caesar, or ‘C’ Line, 336 and f.n.; 339

  Camino, M., attacks on, 117, 118

  Canadian Army, character of, 261–3

  Cassino, Battles of; 1st, 159–75 passim 2nd, 191–202 passim; destruction of Monastery, 198–9 3rd, 203–22 passim; bombardment of town, 214 4th, 253; garrison of Cassino Town, 268; 287

  Castelforte, defences of, 311–12; French plan of attack on, 312–13; fall of, 315; 324, 330

  Castellano, Gen., 23

  Casualties, in infantry, 134–7; at Anzio, 154; German infantry, 170–1; U.S. Infantry, 175; comparative table, Commonwealth units, 186; in AAI during DIADEM, 343–4; total, 402–3

  Cease-Fire in Italy, 395

  CHESTERFIELD, op., 293, 328, 330

  Churchill, Winston, 22, 32, 108, 123, 124, 131–3, 149, 155; advises Alexander on method of command, 156; 183, 184, 236, 351, 371, 382, 398, 399, 400

  Clark, Lt.-Gen. Mark W., 18, 34; character, 36–7; 39, 40, 52–4, 61, 70; orders offensive, 71; 73–5, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; prepares to withdraw 6th Corps from beach-head, 85–6; but stands firm, 87; 89; effect of Salerno on, 92; use of airborne troops at, 96;

  98; award D.S.C., 99; disapproval of British, of Allied Air forces, 100; orders break-out from Salerno, 110; enters Naples, 111–12; 116; dissatisfaction with McCreery, 117; 118, 126; and ANVIL, 130, 132; relations with Devers, 133; opinion of British infantry, 135; and commanders, 136; plan for January offensive, 139; on role of 6th Corps at Anzio, 140–1; first plan to capture Rome, 143; worried about his position, 156–8; turns attention to Cassino, 159–60; use of NZ Corps there, 176–9; publishes Calculated Risk, 179; involvement with destruction of Monastery, 180–2; 188; plan for 2nd Cassino, 191–2; responses to request for air attack on Monastery, 194, 199; 202, 203; disagreement with Freyberg, 203–4; with Alexander, 209; 214, 221; acts to improve direct air support, 234, 247; dissatisfaction with D
IADEM, 250–2; relief discussed, 251; 270, 273, 297, 302, 321, 322, 327, 328, 330; orders Truscott to advance on Rome, 335–6; 337, 339, 340; enters Rome, 341; 343, 344, 347; accepts altered plan for Gothic Line attack, 348; 362, 367; relations with Kirkman, 370–1, 378–9; 374, 375, 376, 377, 378; appointed comd. AAI, 380; 382, 383, 387, 388, 392, 399–400

  Close Support Line (CSL, see also BSL), 229, 235, 236

  Cole, David, Capt., 341

  Commacchio, Lake, 391, 393

  Combined chiefs of staff (CCS), 22, 129, 130, 144, 149, 199, 229, 386, 400

  Coningham, A.-M. Sir Arthur, 31, 234

  Coriano, 356, 358, 362; falls to Canadians, 364

  Coulter, Maj.-Gen. John B., 373, 375

  Crittenberger, Lt.-Gen. Willis D., 367, 368, 383, 384

  Cunningham, Adm. of Fleet Sir Andrew, 31; belief in German collapse, 137

  Darling, Lt.-Col. W. W. G., 356

  Davidson, Capt. William, 236

  Dawley, Maj.-Gen. Ernest J., 54–5, 70; relations with Clark, 71; 74, 87; relieved of command, 99

  Delforce, Maj., at Battipaglia, 69

  Devers, Lt. Gen. Jacob L., 132, 133, 348, 379–80

  Dewey, Lt. Ryland, 236

  DIADEM, op., 230, 231, 233, 245, 248, 266; artillery fire plan, 270; and table, 271; 297, 307, 308; crisis of, 328; 329, 340, 342, 347, 348, 357 f.n.

  DICKENS, op., 183, (see Cassino, b’s of), 185, 190, 203, 204, 210, plan of attack, 213–14; reasons for failure, 218–19; 220–1, 222, 231

  Dimoline, Brig. H. W., 190, 192; has problems on Montecassino, 195–9

  Direct Air Support, Allied systems, 194–5; use of strategic bombers for, 229–31; USAAF develops machinery for, 234–6

  Dody, Gen., 305, 309, 310, 314, 315, 323

  Dora Line, 316, 322

  DRAGOON, op., (see ANVIL), 347

  Dulles, Allen, 388

  DUNTON, deception plan, 246, 248; effect of, 266

  Eaker, Lt.-Gen. Ira C., 182, 192, 200, 214, 227, 228, 229, 231; acts to improve air support, 234–5; 238

  Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 22; mission in Italy, 24–5, 28; character and achievements, 27–33; calls off GIANT I, announces Italian surrender, 39, 40, 109; strategic options open to, 124–130

  Evelegh, Maj.-Gen. V., 154

  Feuerstein, Gen. Valentin, 268; dissatisfied with defence plans, May ’44, 269; 270, 283–4, 290

  FISCHFANG, German counter-attack at Anzio, 153, 200, 207, 329

  Fisher, E. F., US official historian, 336

  Fries, Maj.-Gen., 87

  Fraser, Peter (PM of NZ), 183

  Freeman, Lt.-Col. Lesley, 154

  Freyberg, Lt.-Gen. Sir Bernard, mission at Cassino, 176–7; changing plans, 177–9; in Cassino controversy, 179; 181, 182, 184, 185; character, 187–8; 192, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202; plans for renewed attack, 203–7; insists on air bombardment in 3rd Cassino, 209–10; mission modified by Alexander, 209; 370

  Futa Pass, 368, 370, 372, 373

  Gairdner, Maj.-Gen. C, 21

  Gallipoli, 20

  Galloway, Brig. later Maj.-Gen., 111, 221

  Gavin, Col. (later General) James M., 111

  German soldier, characteristics, 107–8

  German Army, defence doctrine, 51

  GIANT I, op., table, 29; 38–9 and f.n.

  GIANT II, op., table, 29; 98

  Glennie, Lt.-Col. J. B., 187, 201–2

  GOBLET, op., table, 29; 38

  Goodbody, Brig. Richard, 360–1

  Gothic Line, (see also Red and Green Lines), 340, 342–3, 348, 350, 360, 375

  Graham, Maj.-Gen., D. A. H., 53, 69, 71

  Granger, L.-Cpl H., 280

  Greek Brigade, 362, 365

  Green Line, 351, 352, 353, 356, 357, 360, 362

  Groves, Pte E. H., experience of 3rd Cassino, 215

  Gruenther, Maj.-Gen. A., 54, 176, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 335, 371, 376

  Gustav Line, 118, 126, 137, 140, 179, 269, 274, 275, 278, 302, 303; breakthrough by French, 315; 329

  Harding, Maj.-Gen. A. F. “John”, 126, 196; impact on planning, 207–8; character, 242–4; 244–8, plans DIADEM; 268, 270, plan of attack on Gothic Line, 347; 348, 368, 371, 375; comd. 13th Corps, 380; 391

  Harmon, Maj.-Gen. Ernest N., 330, 333, 335, 340

  Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur, 231, 233

  Hawkesworth, Maj.-Gen. J. L. T., 53, 54, 66, 320, 358–9

  Heidrich, Maj.-Gen. Richard, 166, 212; defence of Montecassino, 220, 222; 260, 286, 287, 293, 340, 350, 352

  Herr, Gen. Traugott, 48, 67, 68, 70, 77, 87, 330, 357, 362; comd. Tenth Army, 380, 391

  Hewitt, Vice-Adm. H. Kent, 31, 37, 73, 80, 85

  Hitler, Adolf, strategy in Italy, 25–6; decides his Italian strategy, 103–4; foibles as strategist, 107; 126, 127, 154, 340, 393, 396, 403

  Hitler Line, 255, 291, 294, 315, 316–17, 318, 326, 329, 337, 339

  Hoffmeister, Maj.-Gen. B. T., 263, 353, 356, 357, 358

  HONKER, op., 270–1

  Horrocks, Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian, 34–6, 40, 56

  ‘Horsefly’ (air observation post), 236

  Hull, Maj.-Gen. Richard, 351, 358, 359, 360

  Il Giogo Pass, 368, 372; forced by 2nd Corps, 373–5; 376

  Indian Army, characteristics of, 189–90

  Jackson, Gen. Sir William, 279, 280

  Jefferson, Fusilier, wins Victoria Cross, 285

  Johnson, Pte Oscar B., wins Congressional Medal of Honour, 374–5

  Journalists, British, reach Salerno, 96–7

  Juin, Gen. Alphonse, 123, 160, 252, 269, 273, 284, 297; character of, 300–2; plan to break through Gustav Line, 302–4, 306–7; 309, 314, 315, 323, 327, 329, 337, 339, 340

  Keightley, Maj.-Gen. Charles, 273, 280, 281, 289, 291, 292, 350, 353, 359, 360, 391, 393

  Kendall, Brig.-Gen. Paul W., 376, 378

  Kendall, Lt.-Col. Raymond E., 321

  de Kerautem, 2nd Lt., 326

  Kesselring, F.-M. Albert, 18, 25; character of, 37–8; 40; plans to meet

  invasion, 49–50; assesses position at Salerno, 89; 91–2; commands Army Group ‘C’, 103; strategy for defence of Italy, 106–7; orders withdrawal into Gustav Line, 118; 126, 127; view of Allied intentions, 142, 143; reaction to Anzio landing, 149–50; 166, 202, 213, 245, 246, 257; view of Allied intentions before DIADEM, 266; 269, 284, decides on withdrawal from Gustav Line, 285, 293; mans Hitler Line, 315–16; 328, 329, 330, 337, 341, 342, 347, 350, reaction to op. OLIVE, 352; 356, 364–5, 370, 371, 372; C.-in-C. West, 380; 383, 387, 394, 395, 399, 403, 404

  Keyes, Maj.-Gen. Geoffrey, 123, 145, 172, 177, 178, 195, 197, 252, 307; initial attack on DIADEM, 318–22; 337, 367, 370, 373, 374, 375, 376, 384

  Kingsmill, Capt. H. A., 278

  Kippenberger, Brig., later Maj.-Gen. Sir Howard, on infantry casualties, 137; as NZ official historian, 179; 192, 204, wounded, 211; on failure of DICKENS, 218

  Kirkman, Lt.-Gen. Sir Sidney C., 188, 248; and Clark, 250; 255, character, 272–3; prepares for HONKER, ibid; 111, 280–1, 284, 287, 291, 348, 367, relations with Clark, 370–3; attacks Gothic Line, 375; 378, departs, 380; 388

  Knuth, Col., 203

  Landing craft, problems, 127, 138, 144, 208–9

  Leese, Gen. Sir Oliver, comd. 13 Corps, comd. Eighth Army, 132, 187, 188, 253; character, 253–4; plans for DIADEM, 255–6; 273, 281, 282; relations with Anders, 287–8; 293, 340; relations with Clark, 343; change of plan for attack on Gothic Line, 348, 350–1; 353; reaction to Canadian breakthrough, 357–9; 362; congratulates Canadians, 365; departs, 380

  Lemelsen, Gen. Joachim, 368, 373, 375

  Lennitzer, Brig.-Gen. Lyman L., 178

  Lilienthal, strongpoint, 65, 67

  Liri, R., 248, 254, 256, 289, 290, 314, 323, 337, 340

  Livesay, Maj.-Gen. William G., 373, 374

  Loewen, Maj.-Gen. Charles, 368 and f.n., 372, 375

  Lovett, Brig. O. de T., 190

  Lubljana ‘gap’, 340, 400

  Lucas, Maj.-Gen. John P., 99, 100, 123, character of, 124;
127; opinion of plans for Anzio landing, 137–41; action after landing, 149, 150–1; 152; relieved of command, 155, 305

  Lyne, Brig. L. O., 62–3

  Mack, Col. Stephen, 210

  Mackensen, von, Col.-Gen. Eberhard, to command Fourteenth Army, 103; assumes comd. at Anzio, 150; counter-attacks, 153–4; 165, 207, 284, 328, 334

  Mackenzie King (PM of Canada), W. L., 184

  Macmillan, Harold (British Minister Resident), opinion of Alexander, 35 and f.n., 36, 244; 251, 341, 392

  Maggazeno, action at, 65

  Magrath, Pte. D., wins Congressional Medal of Honour, 393

  Majdalany, Fred, 179, 181

  Mark, Eduard, 232

  Marshall, Gen. George C, 22; his fears concerning Mediterranean strategy, 23; 30, 32–3, 54, 124, 236, 348, 388, 397, 398

  Martin, Col. William, after-action report on US Infantry, 94–5

  Matthews, S. T., US Official Historian, 336

  McAvity, Lt.-Col., 354

  McCreery, Lt.-Gen. Sir Richard L., 54, character, 55–6; narrow escape, 64; 70, 71, 75; breaks out from Salerno, 89; addresses mutineers, 94; Volturno crossing, 116–17; 118, 136; crosses Garigliano, 142–3; 144, 145, 146, 370; comd. Eighth Army, 380–1; 383, 384, 386; plan for final offensive, 390–1; 392, 393

  McNair, Gen. Lesley, 36, 37

  Messina, straits of, 16; German withdrawal across, 25; town, 21

  Meierkord, OberLt. Gustav, attacks 5 Hampshire, 65–6

  MICHAEL, German counter-attack at Cassino, 173, 195

  Middleton, Maj.-Gen. Troy H., 53, 70, 75

  Moltke, strongpoint, 65

  Monash, Lt.-Gen. Sir J., 253

  Monsabert, Gen., 311, 313, 314, 323, 324

  Montecassino, 19, 151, 159; topography, 163; controversy over bombing of Monastery, 179–82; 192, 196; bombardment of, 201; research notes, 421–4

  Montecorvino, airfield, captured, 62–3, 70

  Montgomery, Gen. Sir Bernard L., 16, 20, 21, 24, 32, 40, 81; attitude during B. of Salerno, 96–7; 98, 99, 109; Adriatic advance, 112–13; 115, closes down offensive, 119; 126, 129, 131, 183, 241; relations with Canadians, 262–3, 300, 375

  Morale, comparative table, 186; Allied, winter, 1944–5, 382–4; studies of, 402–3

  Morgan, Gen. Sir William, 395

  Mueller, Lt., recce troop leader, 81, 82

  Munemori, Ptd. Sadao S., wins Congressional Medal of Honour, 392–3

  Murphy, Brig. W. C., 263

  Murray, Maj.-Gen. H. (“Nat”), 393

  MUSKET, op., table, 29; 38

  Namdeo, Jadhao, Sepoy, wins Victoria Cross, 393

  Naples, 18, 90; Allies enter, 111–12


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