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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 2

by Laura Ann


  Andrew raised his eyebrows at the venom in the woman’s tone. Whoa. She’s a little feistier than I remember. Hopefully I didn’t bite off more than I can chew.

  Harlan Lockwood stood from behind his desk. “Valentina,” he said through his clenched teeth. “So glad you and Sawyer could make it. Please have a seat.”

  Andrew bit his cheek to keep from laughing at the obvious scolding those words contained. Valentina. He rolled the name around in his mind. Not what I expected.

  “I like her,” his grandmother whispered loudly, and Andrew felt his cheeks go hot.

  Ridge, the last of the triplets, choked on a laugh. “Val certainly knows how to make an entrance.” He continued to chuckle when Val shot him a dirty look.

  Harlan sighed and slumped in his seat, rubbing his forehead. “Forgive me for saying this in front of you, Mrs. McPherson, but,” he turned to his employees, “can we all be professional for once?” His eyes went around to each person individually, and those who had been acting up hung their heads. “We have a client in our midst, and you come barrelling in here like unruly puppies.”

  “Sorry, Har,” Sawyer said sheepishly. “We were in the workout room, sparring, and I guess we brought the emotion with us.”

  A tidal wave of jealousy burst through Andrew. It was so unexpected, it nearly made him gasp. The idea of Val, a nickname he found much more fitting, wrestling with another guy made him want to punch something. What’s up with that? I don’t even know her!

  “Client?” Val finally piped up, leaning forward in her seat. Her dark gaze clashed with his, and Andrew couldn’t have looked away if his life depended on it. Fire flashed in those dark orbs, and Andrew had the oddest desire to see if he would get burned. When she turned from him, he felt oddly bereft.

  Something is seriously wrong with me. I’m surrounded by beautiful women all the time. What’s so different about this one?

  “Yes. Client,” Harlan stated firmly. “Is there a problem with that?”

  Val’s nostrils flared slightly and her cheeks were pink, but she pushed forward. “Yeah. This bozo,” she tilted her head toward Andrew, “is one of the guys who helped out Nick when he was breaking into Rose’s house.”

  “Oh!” Lola clapped her hands. “I like her even better now.”

  Andrew’s cheeks felt as if they were on fire. “Not now, Grams,” he muttered for her ears only.

  “Why in the world is he coming to us for protection? How do we know he’s the good guy here?” Val finished.

  Andrew turned to Harlan, unsure if he could speak to Val without losing his temper. “She’s right. I was one of those...bozos. Nick was an acquaintance of mine,” he ignored his grandmother’s snort, “and I fell for his sob story.” He turned and glared at the beautiful woman, who obviously hated him. “Forgive me for trying to do something nice. And we’re not here for me. It’s my grandmother who needs protecting.”

  Val opened her mouth, but Harlan shut down the pending fight. “Hold it,” he said, looking pointedly at Val. “I don’t care what your, or even our history with Mr. McPherson is, you will treat him with respect. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” Val said quickly, snapping her mouth shut with military precision.

  Andrew noticed the triplet she had come in with, Sawyer, reach out and squeeze her shoulder. Are they together? He wanted to growl at the thought. This is ridiculous! She’s already made it clear she can’t stand me, and I have no desire to trust my family to someone as volatile as her.

  “I’ll take her,” Lola said loudly, earning a few more chuckles.

  Great. Just great. Andrew held in a groan.

  “Mrs. McPherson,” Harlan began.

  Grams put up her hand. “Please. Call me Lola or Grams.” She smiled widely. “Everyone does.”

  Harlan didn’t smile back, but he nodded. “Lola. It sounds to me like Val might not be the best choice for your situation. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have someone—”

  “She’s perfect.” Grams turned and smiled at Val, who gave her an awkward smile in return. “I wanted a female bodyguard, and she’s the only one you have, correct?” She turned back to Harlan.

  He sighed and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then I’ll take her.”

  “Grams, you don’t just buy her like a dress at the store. We need to work this out rationally.” And maybe leave the angry woman here.

  Grams huffed and shook her head. “I’m a paying client. I get to request what I want. Isn’t that right, Mr. Lockwood?”

  “Harlan,” he stated with a resigned smile. “And yes. Of course you do.”

  “Perfect. Then it’s settled.” Grams stood and crooked a finger at Val. “You will be coming with me, dear.”

  Harlan stood and quickly walked around his desk. “Uh...I think maybe we should allow Ms. Lopez to go home and shower before she comes over. Give her a couple hours and then you can get to know each other and give her instructions on what you plan to have her be doing. Sound all right?”

  Andrew held his breath as he watched his grandmother. She didn’t always take well to other people deciding how things should go, but after a minute, she nodded firmly. “Fair enough. It’s clear she’s a little...” Grams scrunched her nose. “Shiny.” She leaned forward. “Go wash. Then we’ll chat.” She smiled widely as Val sputtered at the command. “Andrew will give you directions.” She walked toward the door and turned for one last wave. “Good to meet you all! Thank you!”

  Andrew trailed after her helplessly. This is perfect. Now I have two crazy women in my life.

  “WAS SHE SERIOUS?” VAL finally managed to get out after the door had shut. “Who does she think she is?”

  “Your employer,” Harlan snapped, going back around to sit at his chair.

  Val pinched her lips together. “You really just plan to send me to that woman’s house with no idea what’s going on, and with that, that...”

  “Man?” Ridge offered. “Martial artist? Dude that you couldn’t pin?” he continued.

  “Watch it,” Val growled, but Ridge only laughed. It had grated on Val’s nerves something fierce when she’d been unable to take the guy down back at Rose’s house. She’d spent most of her life learning how to drop a man twice her size, but that one...Andrew, had been an amazing fighter. Every time she thought she had him, he had slipped through her grasp, only to nearly return the favor. If she wasn’t so upset at not winning, she might have been impressed with his technique. And his muscles. And maybe his beautiful face. Ugh! Stop! she scolded herself. There is absolutely no room for you to fantasize about a guy like that. Besides, he’s obviously a rich snob. He’s wayyy above your pay grade, chica.

  “Yes,” Harlan said with finality, and Val snapped her head around.


  “I really am planning to send you to their house. Mrs. McPherson, Lola, will be your sole assignment until she is done with you. She specifically requested a female security officer and Andrew was impressed with your skills when you met up at Rose’s.”

  Val’s jaw slackened and her mouth dried up. He was impressed with me? An odd sort of warmth began to spread through Val’s chest and it caused her heart rate to speed up. What the heck is wrong with me? I’ve never needed or wanted a man’s compliments.

  “Lola is looking for someone to not only keep her company, but keep her safe when she’s in town.” Harlan’s lip twitched. “Apparently, she has some...unusual activities she likes to indulge in, and last time, the police became involved.”

  “Oh, my gosh. You’re sending me into a drug ring,” Val whispered.

  “Oh, for the love!” Ridge moaned, throwing an arm over his face.

  “Seriously?” Archer interrupted. “You really think Har would do that to you?”

  Val ducked her head. “Sorry. No. I’m just really confused.”

  Harlan shook his head and gave her a small smile. “I think I’ll let her explain her unique hobbies. And no. I promise it�
�s nothing illegal.” He began moving things around his desk. “Now get going. They’ll be expecting you soon, and I’m going to guess that Lola isn’t exactly patient.”

  “I feel like I’m being sent to the lion’s den,” Val muttered as she walked to the door and threw it open.

  “Grams can be tough, but she’s definitely not planning to eat you,” Andrew said nonchalantly as he waited across the hallway. His arms were crossed over his chest and the pose reiterated the lean muscles of his body.

  Val’s heart thundered in her ears as she took in his casual elegance. The man was beautiful. There was nothing else to call it. Why do rich people always get the good genetics? “How do you know?” she shot back, her frustration causing her to speak more rudely than she normally would. “You’re like her cub. She wouldn’t hurt you, but I’m more of a gazelle or something. I could definitely be prey.”

  Andrew choked slightly, a wide smile crossing his face. “You are definitely a little spicier than I expected you to be,” he muttered.

  “What?” Val felt her cheeks heat. He’s been thinking about me? What am I supposed to make of that?

  “Sorry.” Andrew rubbed the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t have said that out loud.” He gave her a sheepish look. “Think we can begin again? We seem to have started on the wrong foot.”

  Val frowned. “I have no idea what to say to that.”

  He laughed uncomfortably. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. I’ll just...” He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a card. “Here’s the address. Grams is beyond excited to properly meet you.” He moved to go, then stopped. “Are you okay with all this?”

  “Hm?” Val looked up from the card with raised eyebrows.

  “You kind of got...bowled over in there. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with all this. You know... taking care of my grandma and all.” He rubbed his neck again. “Despite her sass, I love her dearly.” He eyed her. “I don’t want to hire someone who won’t take the job seriously.”

  His obvious concern struck a chord in Val. In her experience, rich and handsome men were usually cocky and demanding. Instead of being offended at his words, she found them to be endearing. I wouldn’t have expected someone like him to be so worried for his family. “Yeah,” she heard herself saying softly. “It’s fine.”

  “Good. That’s good.” He nodded a couple of times and cleared his throat. “‘Oookaaayy. Great. I’ll, uh...see you later.” Andrew spun on his heel and walked swiftly down the hall toward the front lobby.

  Val watched him go, equal parts confused and intrigued. “Who is that guy?” she whispered to herself.

  “I thought we already covered that,” Sawyer’s sarcastic voice said from behind her.

  Val spun and put her hands on her hips. “Eavesdropping, Sawyer? I would have thought better of you than that.”

  Sawyer smirked and leaned his shoulder against the open office door. “It’s not eavesdropping when you leave the door open.” He glanced pointedly over his shoulder where all the other men in the company were watching her with differing expressions.

  Val glared, her embarrassment soaring through the roof. “Ya’ll better watch it, or I’ll take you down.” She looked everyone in the eye. “One. By. One.”

  Ridge fake shivered. “I’m shaking in my boots.”

  “You should be.”

  “Watch it, man,” Archer said, slapping Ridge’s shoulder. “She might actually mean business.”

  Before Val could throw out another retort, Harlan’s deep voice broke up the bantering. “Enough. Everyone has work to do.” His blue eyes met Val’s. “Just remember he’s a client.” With that parting shot, he turned back to his computer.

  All the men stood and began to wander out of the office. Ridge leaned close as he went past. “That’s right. Remember he’s a client.” With a wink, the triplet disappeared.

  Val shook her head with a groan. Recently, both Ridge and Roman had fallen for the clients they had been protecting. Now Ridge was on some kick that everybody else needed to find their significant other as well. Val snorted as she walked to her office to grab her things. “Pretty sure Harlan was not trying to build a dating service,” she murmured as she stuffed everything in her bag, put her shoes on and headed to her car. “Besides. I’ve never been interested in a moneybags before, and I’m not about to start now.” She got in the driver’s seat and started the engine. “No matter how well he can fight or how sweet it was when he talked about his grandma. Nope. Not interested at all.”


  Andrew puttered around his grandmother’s sitting room, his muscles twitching and his nerves firing as if he had been shocked by an electric socket.

  “Sit down,” Lola said with an overly dramatic sigh. “You’re making me nervous and I don’t even know why!”

  “Sorry.” Andrew forced himself to sit, only to jump to his feet once more. He couldn’t help himself. Val, the beautiful bodyguard, was going to be coming over any minute, and he was torn between being here to help get his grandmother settled and running for the hills before he acted like an idiot again.

  He pushed his hand through his hair, noting that he probably needed a haircut. Would Val like it better if I cut it short or let it grow a little longer? He jerked to a stop and nearly groaned out loud. I can’t believe I just had that thought. A soft snicker had him spinning around. “What?”

  Lola put on a perfectly innocent face. “What, what? I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to. I can tell exactly what’s going through that mind of yours.” He refused to tell her that it was the exact same thing going through his own mind. Grams already has too many ideas. No way am I adding fuel to the fire.

  Lola shrugged and sipped her tea. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She gently set the cup on its saucer. “Valentina seemed sweet, didn’t she?”

  Andrew choked a little. “Sweet? Really?”

  Lola blinked several times. “Yes. I thought she seemed very ladylike. Especially for someone in her profession.” She smiled. “I think she and I will get along just fine.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Andrew muttered, moving over to the window. He closed his eyes and took in a long breath through his nose. The lake had a way of soothing him, but at the moment, it was doing nothing for his frantic state of mind. Val did NOT seem sweet. Feisty. Sassy. Independent. Definitely not sweet. He glanced suspiciously over his shoulder. I wonder what Grams has up her sleeve.

  “Ms. Lopez,” Gerald announced from the open doorway.

  Andrew spun and nearly swallowed his tongue. Sweaty, snarky Val had been a treat for the eyes, but cleaned up, unsure Val was mesmerizing. She stood in the doorway in a pair of black slacks and a white blouse. There was nothing fancy about the outfit, but it looked so sleek and professional on her, not to mention it showed off every curve on her athletic frame.

  “Val,” she said with a shrug. “Or Valentina, if you want, but definitely not Ms. Lopez.”

  Lola smiled and stood up, offering her hand. “It’s a pleasure to formally meet you.” She patted Val’s hand. “Come. Sit down and we can chat.”

  Andrew stood frozen, watching the two women get settled. He blinked a few times, but still didn’t seem to be able to get his tongue to work. Can you die from shock?

  “Andrew.” Gram’s voice was reproachful. “Stop gawking and come sit down.”

  “I wasn’t gawking!” Oh, great. My words work just in time to sound like a two-year-old talking back to his parents.

  Lola rolled her eyes and then immediately smiled at Val. “Don’t mind him. He always seems to lose his head around beautiful women.”

  She did not just say that. Please tell me she did not just say that. “You know what? I just remembered a meeting I have to get to.” Andrew quickly moved toward the doorway, where he nearly collided with Gerald bringing in another tea tray.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Gerald intoned.

  “My fault,” Andrew muttered throug
h clenched teeth. He didn’t bother to look back. He knew his grandmother would be watching him with a knowing smirk, and he had no desire to know what Val was thinking of his clumsiness.

  Storming out of the house with his cheeks on fire, he jumped into his SUV and tore out of the driveway.

  “You are the world’s biggest idiot,” he scolded, hitting the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. “You’re surrounded by good-looking women all the time. You’d think I’d know how to handle one by now.” Maybe so, but this one didn’t fall at your feet or bat her fake eyelashes or seem overly concerned about your status, his subconscious argued.

  “Whatever.” Still frustrated at making such a fool of himself, Andrew decided to go home rather than to the office. He was afraid he might snap at an employee, considering his current state of mind, and that wouldn’t bode well for anyone.

  He groaned when he pulled into his own driveway. His best friend, Luke, was there, if the Camaro in Andrew’s driveway was any indication. Turning off his engine, Andrew hung his head for a moment to gain his composure. “Luke can smell attraction like a bloodhound. Absolutely no mentioning Val. Not a single word.”

  Setting his face to ‘emotionless’, Andrew got out and went inside, where he found Luke sitting at his bar, eating a bag of chips.

  “Wassup!” Luke shouted, spraying chips across the countertop.

  Andrew scowled. “That’s nasty. Chew. Swallow. Then talk. Were you raised in a barn?”

  Luke made a production out of following Andrew’s advice, then grinned. “Probably. I don’t remember much about my childhood. Beds always seemed itchy though. Must have been the hay.”

  Andrew pinched the bridge of his nose. “Remind me why we’re best friends?”

  “Because without me, you’d have been gobbled up by some plastic Barbie doll who won’t take no for an answer.” Luke smirked while taking another bite.

  “What the girls see in you is a mystery.” Andrew had to hand it to his friend though. For all his disgusting manners, he knew how to get a lady’s attention. Andrew never lacked for company, but it wasn’t his charisma that drew in the women. It was his money. Andrew had been born to money, and he had created his own fortune on the side. Apparently that had put a large target on his back.


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