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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 4

by Laura Ann

  “Yes, but today you’re getting on my nerves.” Grams scowled. “Valentina and I are going to have a perfectly wonderful time, and I refuse to let your attitude ruin it for us.” She turned and grabbed Val’s arm. “Hmph. Come, dear. We don’t need him.”

  Val glanced his way, and Andrew wanted to shrink from her look of disdain.

  “Coming,” the lovely young woman said to Grams and proceeded to get Lola settled in the passenger seat of Val’s SUV. Without another glance or word, Val walked to her side of the vehicle, got inside, and pulled out of the driveway.

  Andrew scrubbed his hands down his face. “Now you’ve done it,” he groaned.


  Andrew spun, raising his eyebrows in silent question to Gerald, who stood in the open doorway.

  “I believe they were headed to Happy Tails Shelter.”

  Andrew nodded. “Thanks, Gerald. I appreciate it.” At least one person sees reason.

  “And I do believe your grandmother is correct.”

  Andrew jerked back. “What?”

  “Ms. Lopez...Val...knows what she’s doing.”

  Andrew hung his head. Or not. “Got it. Thanks.” Feeling like a reprimanded child, he headed toward his car. “A smart man would go home,” he muttered. Pulling out of the driveway, he punched the name of the shelter into his phone and followed the directions. “Guess that’s not me.”

  VAL STOOD RAMROD STRAIGHT and did her best not to smile as she watched Lola coo at the puppies. Val had to admit they were cute little things. Because of her allergy, she’d never had a pet growing up, although she’d always wanted one. Growing up with two working parents and no siblings had been extremely lonely, but the sneezing and watery, puffy eyes just weren’t worth it.

  Now as an adult, she had access to medication that made it much more manageable, but now she wasn’t home enough to take care of a pet. Maybe if I ever settled down, I could let my kids have one.

  A vision of blonde, blue-eyed children ran through her head, and Val quickly shoved it away. Nope. Not happening. Andrew made himself perfectly clear just twenty minutes ago that he doesn’t trust me to do my job or my competency to make decisions. There is no amount of handsome that can make up for that.

  The bell over the door jingled and Val’s eyes automatically jerked to the entrance.

  What? She did her best not to groan out loud, but she must have made some type of noise because Lola looked up with a questioning gaze. “You’re about to have company,” Val said quietly.

  Lola frowned and stood from the cushion she’d been sitting on. “Oh. Him.” She shook her head and went back to the puppies. “You’re much cuter than my grandson...yes, you are!” she gushed at the playful furballs.

  Val bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Andrew’s cheek flush into a deep red.

  “Heard that, Grams.”

  “I never meant for you not to,” she said with a sweet smile over her shoulder.

  Andrew frowned. “Should you be on the ground like that?”

  Lola closed her eyes and sighed. “And here we go.” She turned her head up toward Val. “This is exactly why he was supposed to be left behind.”

  Val agreed, but since Andrew was related to her employer, she thought it best to stay quiet.

  “Sorry.” Andrew sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “And I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have questioned you.”

  “I’m not the one you insulted,” Lola said in a baby voice as she held a puppy up to her face.

  Val raised an eyebrow as Andrew slowly turned toward her.

  “She’s right. I was out of line. I’m sorry.”

  She nodded, ready to throw the topic out the window and get back to standing guard, but Andrew stepped up really close into her space.

  “I mean it,” he said softly.

  Val’s heart began to beat against her chest, and she couldn’t help but inhale his cologne. Oh, my word, what is that? I’ll bet it’s called ‘Women Falling at Your Feet’.

  “Val...Valentina, I’m sorry. I never meant to imply that you weren’t capable of doing your job.” His shoulders drooped and his blue eyes implored her to listen.

  Each moment he stood there, humbling himself, Val felt her heart soften. She couldn’t believe this important, wealthy man was actually apologizing to her. Her! A bodyguard, of all people. Normally someone in his station wouldn’t care anything about her feelings.

  “Can you please forgive me?” he continued.

  “I already did,” Val said, her voice far softer than she wanted it to be.

  Andrew shook his head and closed the distance a little more. “No. You’re still as stiff as a board. You have definitely not forgiven me.”

  When her breathing started to become shallow, Val forced herself to back up. “I’m just doing my job. I’m not here to have fun. I’m here to keep your grandmother safe.”

  “Which you do a marvelous job at,” Lola chimed in.

  “Why’s she mad?” A young voice caught Val’s attention and she turned to see two children sitting next to Lola.

  “Because my grandson said something that was not nice, and he hurt her feelings,” Lola explained, placing a puppy in the girl’s lap. The other child, a little boy who appeared to be her younger brother, reached out, and Lola helped him grab another squirming animal.

  “Mom always makes us say sorry when we’re naughty,” the girl said sagely.

  Lola nodded. “As it should be.”

  Val glanced around for the girl’s mother, but she appeared to be deeper in the shelter, leaving her children to play with the animals in the midst of strangers. What parent does that?

  “Did he say sorry?”

  Val pinched her lips between her teeth. Andrew was turning redder by the moment, and the little girl’s innocent questions were starting to crack Val up.

  “He did,” Lola provided.

  “Then how come they’re still fighting?” the little boy finally chimed in.

  “Because she doesn’t want to forgive him,” Lola explained, adjusting the puppy in the boy’s lap so it didn’t fall.

  The girl frowned. “Maybe they should kiss and make up. That’s what my mommy and daddy do.”

  Val’s jaw dropped, and she heard Andrew choking next to her.

  A sly smile crept across Lola’s face as she turned to the two adults standing beside her. “That sounds like a marvelous idea!”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Val blurted before she could think better of it.

  Andrew rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s not that simple,” he began.

  “Of course it is!” Lola clapped her hands once, then winced. “Sorry,” she whispered to the puppies. She turned back to Val and Andrew. “A little kiss and all is well!” She waved a hand at them. “Go ahead. Get it done.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Val said through clenched teeth, then instantly backed off when the children’s eyes widened at her frustration. “Sorry.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “But it’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  Val’s ponytail actually made a snapping noise from how quickly she jerked her head towards Andrew. “Excuse me?” The edge of his mouth twitched and Val realized he was amused.

  “Why not?” he repeated. “I already said sorry. Now all I have to do is kiss you and it’s all over, right?”

  “I don’t think so.” Val backed up and bumped into a shelf.

  Andrew lunged forward to help keep a fish tank from falling to the floor. After setting it back on the shelf, he stayed where he was, only a couple of inches from her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “Anytime,” Andrew said with a grin. He brought his other hand up so he was caging her in. “You sure a kiss won’t make it all better?” His intoxicating eyes kept dropping from her eyes down to her lips and back.

  Val swallowed hard. Her mind had gone completely blank. Where in the world did this playful side come from? He’s been so u
ptight, and now he’s flirting like it’s a competition or something. “Uh...what was the question?”

  “He asked if a kiss would make it better!” the little girl yelled, breaking the tension-filled moment between Val and Andrew.

  As he chuckled and backed away from her, Val suddenly felt a deep sense of loss encompassing her. Wait...I’m not supposed to want his kiss! I barely know him! What the heck is wrong with me? At that moment, Val knew she was in trouble. Being attracted to a handsome man was one thing. Wanting to be close to him was another. She’d never been big on touch and usually made sure to keep distance between her and other people unless she was fighting. And I worried that protecting Lola was going to be the difficult part.


  Andrew forced a soft laugh out of his mouth to cover his disappointment. When the little girl had first suggested the kiss, it had sent horror rushing through him, but after seeing Val’s embarrassment, he’d started to see the humor and then the merit in such an action. Who wouldn’t want to kiss someone like her? Considering how much she hates me, this might be my only chance.

  “Why didn’t you just do it?” the little girl asked, exasperation clear in her voice. She scrambled to her feet and put her hands on her hips. “She would have liked it!”

  Andrew forced himself not to react to Val’s choking behind him as he faced the child. Crouching down, he explained, “She didn’t give me permission. I can’t do it unless she says it’s okay.”

  The girl rolled her eyes. “Dad doesn’t ask.”

  “Yes, but your parents are married. That gives him automatic permission.”

  She frowned and looked back and forth between the two. “You’re not married?”

  Andrew shook his head. “Nope.”

  The little boy leaned forward and put his hand next to his mouth. “She’s pretty. You should go ahead and marry her.”

  “She is pretty, isn’t she?” Andrew stood back up and grinned at Val’s discomfort, then looked around the shelter. “By the way, where’s your mom?”

  “She’s talking to the lady at the desk,” the little girl explained. “She said we could play with the babies.”

  “ it.” Nothing like leaving your kids to talk to strangers all day.

  “Hey, lady. Why don’t you want to kiss him?” The little girl glared at Val.

  “Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry!” A woman came rushing up and grabbed the hands of the boy and girl. “Ania, Peter, what in the world have you been doing?”

  “Playing with the puppies,” Peter said with a smile. He looked at Andrew. “And helping him try to kiss her.”

  The woman’s eyes widened and she turned bright red. “Oh...uh...” She laughed uncomfortably. “I see. Well, let’s just leave these nice people alone, huh?” She started tugging the children away, but Ania wasn’t having it.

  “You didn’t answer my question!” she yelled, startling all the now sleeping puppies, who began to whine at the interruption.

  “Shh!” The mother continued to drag the kids away. “Leave them alone.”

  The whining puppies began to set off the other animals and soon Andrew was cringing at the noise filling the room. Birds were squawking, kittens meowing, puppies howling, and on top of it all, the children continued to shout their displeasure.

  “Oh, my word! Seriously?” Val shouted, throwing her hands in the air. Stepping forward, she grabbed Andrew’s cheeks and planted a hard, fast kiss on him. “I forgive you!” She turned to the children who were now watching her with their jaws open and their eyes wide. “Happy?”

  A wide smile spread across Ania’s face. “I knew you’d like it!!” Turning on her heel, she began skipping toward the door, her poor mother running after her.

  “You sure you don’t want a puppy?” Lola held one in the air at the retreating family. “I’ll even pay the fees!”

  As soon as the children were outside, the noise in the shelter began to die down and soon it was quiet again.

  During it all, Andrew hadn’t moved. Val’s kiss had been a complete shock...and absolutely amazing. Although their contact had been brief, his lips still burned pleasantly from the interaction. And he wanted more.

  “Well...” Lola reached out her hand and Val helped her to her feet. “I think my work here is done.” She brushed at her pants, but the dog hair didn’t budge. “Looks like I’ll just have to change when I get home.” She shrugged, then snapped her fingers at Andrew, who was still playing statue. “Andrew. Andrew!”

  He sucked in a breath and turned toward her.

  “Can you drive me home so I don’t get dog hair all over Val’s SUV?”

  “Oh, no, Lola! I can take you!” Val hurried to assure her.

  “No, no. I don’t want to risk you having a reaction while driving.” Lola smiled. “I think this was one result we hadn’t counted on. I’m finally feeling grateful that Andrew came today.”

  He scowled. “Gee, thanks.”

  Grams patted him on the cheek. “I’m glad you and Valentina made up. She’s quickly becoming one of my favorite people, and I would hate to have you at odds with each other.”

  Andrew blew away the dog hair from her touch. “I have no problem taking you home.”

  Val huffed, then shrugged. “Fine.” She turned to Lola. “Let me walk you out.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Together the two women headed toward the door.

  “Thank you, Mrs. McPherson!” The woman on duty came rushing over to hold the door for them. “We appreciate your donation more than you know.”

  “Anytime, dear! Anytime.” Lola smiled graciously as she and Val walked out.

  Andrew hurried after them, trying hard not to think about the kiss that was still humming through his body. Sheesh. This is so ridiculous. I’m acting like a teenager who has no experience with women.

  He clicked the unlock on his keychain so that Val could open the door for Grams. Once Lola was settled, Val turned and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “All set.” She rocked back on her heels. “Thank you for taking her home.”

  Andrew nodded. The more he watched her, the more he wanted to close the distance and see what a real kiss would do to him. He felt himself leaning into the movement before he could stop himself. “No prob.” Andrew locked his knees. “We wouldn’t want you sneezing the whole way home.”

  Val gave a polite laugh. “Yeah. That wouldn’t be good.” She scrunched up one side of her face. “Sorry about what happened in there. I was just trying to get everyone to settle down.”

  Andrew’s heart sank like a brick. Logically he knew that, but their chemistry was off the charts, and he had hoped she might have felt at least a little of what he had when they’d kissed, no matter how short it had been. Nothing like getting a wake-up call from the get-go. “No worries.” He shrugged, brushing off her apology. “I got it.”

  Val’s eyes wouldn’t meet his. “All righty, then. Well, I guess I’ll just be on my way.” She started to back up. “Tell Lola to call if she needs anything.”

  Andrew nodded and watched her scurry to her own vehicle. He waited until she was out of the parking lot before deflating and heading to his car. He hadn’t been this disappointed in a long time and the worst part was...Val hadn’t seemed affected at all.

  “STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.” Val wanted to pound her head against the steering wheel. “I can’t believe you kissed him,” she grumbled to herself. “And I especially can’t believe you liked it.”

  The kiss had lasted approximately one-point-two seconds, but it had proved to be enough to show Val that she was seriously missing out. Her lips were buzzing with an energy she had never felt before and she kept glancing in the rearview mirror to see if they looked any different.

  To her surprise, she looked normal. “I don’t feel normal,” she grumbled. She prayed she wouldn’t encounter any cops as she took the streets a little faster than normal. But instead of going home, Val headed toward Lockwood Industries. Although it was a Saturday and the office w
as technically closed, she needed a good workout. Anything she could do to relieve the crazy energy telling her to go back and grab Andrew by the collar and lay another one him was well worth her while at the moment.

  Twenty minutes later, she pulled into the parking lot, grateful she was the only one there. Office hours might be during the weekdays, but personal security went twenty-four seven. It wasn’t uncommon for half the team to be there on the weekends, depending on what their caseload was.

  Grabbing a duffel from the back of her vehicle, Val unlocked the front door and headed straight back to the gym. She changed in the bathroom, put her headphones in her ears, and started grabbing supplies for a good punching bag session. She was feeling super wired and needed something aggressive to take the edge off.

  She bobbed her head and hummed to the music while wrapping her hands. Once she was done, she pumped her knuckles a couple of times, hitting them to secure the fit of her gloves, then jumped off the bench and lunged toward the bag.

  Thirty minutes later, she paused to grab a towel and wipe the sweat from her forehead. This. This is what I need. Who cares if Andrew’s handsome and turning out to be much nicer than I expected him to be? He’s still a kid from the other side of the tracks, with a family and bank account that puts mine to shame. We have absolutely nothing in common. “Testing the waters would only lead to disaster,” she murmured.

  “Why’s that?” a voice called loudly from behind her.

  Val squealed and spun, immediately dropping into a fighting stance. “Sawyer!” She scowled, tore her headphones out of her ears, and threw her towel at him. “You punk! What’re you doing, sneaking up on me like that?”

  Sawyer watched the towel float harmlessly to the ground, then raised an eyebrow at Val. “I wasn’t sneaking.” He smirked. “I think you’re just losing your touch. I even let the door slam behind me when I walked in.”

  Val grit her teeth. “Whatever.” She turned to her gear and put her headphones away. “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

  “Yeah.” Even without looking at him, Val could hear the amusement in Sawyer’s tone. “Like testing waters and disasters. Care to share?”


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