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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  To her surprise, Andrew burst out laughing. “Then I’ll take it as a compliment that I actually hate that flavor.” He glanced at his grandmother. “Which she knows. That’s why she offered it.”

  “Oh.” Heat once again crept into Val’s cheeks. Mom always did say my big mouth would get me in trouble someday. Guess that day is finally here.

  Andrew stepped up really close, surprising Val, and she sucked in a quick breath. “As for the rest of your assessment, I have made up my mind, and I think I have great taste.” His blue eyes bore into hers and Val froze like a deer in the headlights.

  I don’t think he’s not talking about ice cream anymore. She couldn’t move. Every muscle in her body had frozen, including her lungs, and Val knew fainting would be far more embarrassing than anything else she could do. Forcing her chest to move, she let out a long, slow breath, then manually brought another one in. “I guess time will tell, huh?” she whispered back.

  A bemused smile pulled at Andrew’s lips and he finally backed off. Stuffing his hands back in his pockets, he turned to Grams. “I’m thinking a Fudgsicle. That okay?”

  Lola was fanning her face and breathing fast. “What? Oh...yes. One Fudgesicle coming right up.” She winked at Val, then spoke to the cart owner, soon returning with the requested bar. “Here ya go!”

  “Thanks.” Andrew took it and glanced once more at Val. “I’m on my lunch, so I better get back.” He turned and kissed Grams on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Don’t go so long between visits this time!” Lola called out as he walked away.

  Val turned to watch him go, her heart still thundering in her chest. What just happened here? I have a feeling we completely crossed the appropriate client border.

  When she turned around, Lola was grinning widely, but before Val could ask what she was so happy about, the older woman clapped her hands. “And my work here is done!”

  “You’re ready to go home?” Val asked, secretly relieved to be leaving the place where Andrew had made her body react like she was a hormonal teenager.

  “Yep!” Lola turned and thanked the cart owner, offering him a generous tip, but the man wasn’t quite ready to let her go.

  The middle-aged man reached out and grabbed her hand. “You can’t leave yet!” he pleaded. “I’ve been busier today than I have in years. With you by my side, we can sell to the whole park.”

  Lola laughed uncomfortably and tried to pull her hand away, but the man wouldn’t let go.

  “Don’t go,” he insisted. “You’ve got to stay!”

  Enough. Val immediately stepped forward and slid her body between the large man and Lola. “Let go of her,” she said sternly.

  He frowned, but obeyed. “We make a good team!” he argued. “She has to stay.”

  “The decision is hers and she said she was done.” Val tightened her muscles, striving to make herself look bigger. The man appeared to be in his late forties, maybe early fifties, and was a couple inches taller than Val, but his soft belly let her know he wasn’t in shape for a fight. “Do not follow us or you’ll regret it. Is that clear?”

  The man glanced over Val’s shoulder at Grams, then back at Val. Finally, his head hung. “Yes. I understand.”

  “Good.” With a nod, Val spun on her heel and took Lola’s elbow, guiding her to the SUV. “You all right?” Val asked as they got out on the road.

  “Perfectly fine, thank you,” Lola said calmly. “I suppose I’ll have to admit to Andrew that hiring you was a good idea.” She looked over and smiled. “I’ve enjoyed your company, but up until now, I haven’t really thought your presence was necessary.”

  Val raised her eyebrows and glanced over. “So, all this time you’ve been paying me to keep you company?” She whistled low. “I feel really bad taking your money for that.”

  Lola reached out and squeezed Val’s forearm. “It was well worth it.”

  Val made sure she didn’t flinch at the touch. Truth was, it wasn’t as uncomfortable as she thought it would be. Guess I’m getting used to her. “Well, I’ll feel better if I’m being used for my muscles, not my brain.”

  Lola laughed along with Val. “Well, thank you for taking care of that situation.” She shuddered. “Mr. Townsend wasn’t as nice as he looked!”

  Val tucked the name away for future reference. “They rarely are,” Val muttered back. Her mind immediately drifted to Andrew. First their kiss and now his hard-hitting flirtations. Is he going to be as nice as he looks? He seems to be, but I’ve seen the opposite side far too many times. How can I know for sure?


  Andrew squeezed his water bottle hard, shooting a stream of water into his mouth. He shook his head, swishing the water and causing his hair to spray sweat in every direction.

  “Dude!” Luke covered his face and grimaced. “I don’t need your nastiness all over me.”

  Andrew laughed and was just about to lean forward and do it again when their sensei called everyone to order.

  “Listen up, everyone!” Sensei Thomas shouted.

  The group of men and women stopped their chatter and turned to listen to their instructor.

  “In about five minutes, the Rattlesnake Dojo will be here.”

  Andrew frowned and glanced at Luke, who shrugged.

  “Their sensei and I thought it might be nice to let you have a sparring match in between tournaments.” Thomas held up his hand to stop the chatter. “They’re bringing their top five and we’ll match a few of you up for a little fun.”

  Andrew grinned and bumped fists with Luke.

  Luke leaned his head from side to side, cracking his neck. “Niiice. Nothing like squishing a few faces to the mat to feel like you’ve accomplished something for the day.”

  Andrew shoulder bumped him. “Sensei said the top five. Who says you’ll get to spar?”

  “Oooh...big talk, McPherson. I’m thinking you’ll have to sit on the sidelines and learn from the big boys.”

  “Guess you’ll be sitting next to me, then, huh?”

  “Watch it,” Luke growled, playfully grabbing Andrew’s head and giving him a noogie.

  Andrew wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist, ready to take him to the ground, when Sensei Thomas gave a shout.

  “Knock it off, gentlemen!”

  Andrew and Luke separated and nodded their compliance.

  “Show off,” Luke muttered when Sensei Thomas had turned his back.

  “Don’t let down your guard,” Andrew warned just as quietly. “You never know what might happen.”

  Luke whistled low. “ your dream woman might walk through the door.”

  Andrew frowned, confused at Luke’s remark. “What?” He turned to follow Luke’s gaze and his jaw dropped. “What is she—how?”

  “Makes me want to quote that movie, ya know? Out of all the dojos in all the world,” Luke said in a purposely breathless voice. “She walks into mine.”

  Andrew snapped back to attention and elbowed Luke in the ribs. “You’re an idiot.”

  Luke snorted. “Not as much as you’re going to be if you have to spar with her.” Luke rubbed his hands together. “I might have to start a bet on how quick she can mop the floor with you.”

  Val was still standing with her group, looking stunning as ever in her loose cut, white karate gi. Her dark hair was pulled up in a high, tight knot, which only highlighted her cheekbones and fine facial structure. She wore no make-up, but her smooth, toned skin was perfect as it was.

  Much better than the fake lashes and inches of junk most women wear, Andrew thought as he studied her. “Betting is against the rules,” he said in an aside to Luke.

  Luke shrugged. “No one has to know.”

  “And what makes you think she can take me down?” Andrew raised an eyebrow. “Neither of us won last time. Maybe I’ll be able to mop the floor with her.”

  Luke barked out a laugh and leaned forward. “Oh, that’s a good one.” He stifled his laughter when Sensei Thomas gla
red at him. “All she’s gonna have to do is blow a kiss in your direction and you’re done for, man. If a peck brought you to your knees, any real flirting will drop you like a bowling ball.”

  Andrew was torn. One half of him agreed with Luke, the other half, AKA his pride, was frustrated at Luke’s assessment. “Hundred bucks says she can’t take me down.”

  Luke’s jaw dropped, then a smirk crossed his face. “Why didn’t you bet that you would win?”

  Andrew shrugged. “Maybe I don’t want to embarrass her.”

  “Or maybe you know you can’t.”

  Andrew’s eyes went across the room and clashed with Val’s dark ones. Warmth began to travel from his bare toes all the way up his legs and his chest. He felt his breath hitch, and he couldn’t find it within himself to pull away from her gaze.

  A hand waving in front of his face finally broke the spell. “Earth to Drew!”

  “Stop that!” Andrew swatted at Luke’s hand.

  Luke rolled his eyes and folded his arms. “Someone had to break up the stare-down or you two would have generated enough heat to burn the dojo down.”

  Andrew’s eyes immediately went back to Val, but she was turned, talking to another woman on her team.

  “You have it so bad,” Luke snickered.

  “I’m terrified of the fact that you’re right,” Andrew muttered reluctantly.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know,” Andrew admitted.

  “And if you fight her?”

  “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Just as long as you don’t go easy on her,” Luke whispered as the groups were called together to meet each other. “I have a feeling that she’d take it as a personal offense.”

  Andrew nodded to his friend, then followed the group in bowing as introductions were made. When Val was introduced, he was once again caught in her gaze. There was a spark in her eyes that called to him, and he wanted to answer, but he wasn’t quite sure how to do it. Would fighting each other help my cause or hurt it? Val’s lips curled into a tiny smirk and Andrew felt his own mouth follow suit. Luke’s right. She’d hate me forever if I held back in a match. does any man fight the woman he’s interested in? It goes against every instinct I have to try and beat her. He took a deep breath. I need to stop panicking. Odds are good we won’t get picked together anyway. I’m worrying about nothing.

  VAL’S HEART WAS DOING its best to break through her ribcage. Andrew’s little challenging smirk was equal parts annoying and enticing. What if we get picked to fight each other? Worry skittered down her spine before she ruthlessly shoved it away. Stop it, Val! she scolded herself. No mercy. If you have to fight him, then you remind him why you’re the one protecting his grandmother.

  She clenched and unclenched her hands, working out the tension in her body. You’re going down, Andrew McPherson. Going down. She kept up a string of positive reinforcements in her head, doing her best to keep herself motivated, when all she really wanted to do was run across the mat and see if his kiss was really as amazing as she remembered.

  Kissing is for the weak! No kissing! Only winning! She began to bounce on her toes, her nervous energy leaking out of her body in waves.

  “Hey...chill,” her friend Sadie said softly. She eyed the group across the mat. “There are some seriously good-looking men in this dojo.” She grinned at Val. “Too bad we’re going to leave them all battered and bruised.”

  Val barked out a laugh, grateful it helped break the tension in her chest. “Oh, yeah? Are you speaking of all of them, or one in particular?”

  “Mr. Blue-eyed, Blond is definitely worth a second look.” Sadie’s lips pursed in a flirtatious grin.

  All the tension she had just released came flooding back, and Val bit her tongue to keep from snapping at Sadie. He’s not mine. It doesn’t matter what she says. He can’t be mine.

  “Too bad he can’t take his eyes off of you,” Sadie pouted. She turned and put her hands on her curvy hips. “What’s up with that? He’s looking at you like you’ve met before.”

  Val cleared her throat. “We, uh, have.”

  “What?” Sadied smacked Val’s shoulder with the back of her hand. “You’ve been holding out on me.” She leaned in with a grin. “I didn’t know you were dating someone.” Her eyes pointedly drifted back to Andrew. “And what a someone to date.”

  “We’re not dating,” Val hissed back. Her cheeks felt as if they were twin flames, and she kept looking around to make sure no one was overhearing their conversation.

  “With the way he’s looking at you?” Sadie shook her head. “If you’re not dating him, then you’re an idiot.”

  “Watch it,” Val hip bumped her friend. “It’s complicated.”

  “Yeah, yeah. That’s what everyone says and it’s all a load of bunk. Do you like him?”

  Val scrunched up one side of her nose. “Can we not talk about it here?” Her eyes darted around. “People are gonna hear.”

  “Should I shout to make it easier?” Sadie opened her mouth and Val slapped her hand over it quickly.

  “Don’t you dare,” she whispered harshly.


  Val dropped her hands behind her back and tucked her chin at the reprimand from her sensei.

  “Then answer the question,” Sadie demanded more softly.

  “Maybe,” Val hedged.

  “And in Valentina Lopez language that means a resounding yes.” Sadie laughed under her breath. “My advice?” She leaned in closer. “Uncomplicate it and enjoy your time while you can.” She ticked her head toward Andrew. “He looks like he’s game for anything you’d have in mind.”

  Val’s eyes shot up and clashed with the vivid blue she had started seeing everywhere. Her normally very rational mind had become a whirlwind of everything ‘Andrew’, and Val knew that was extremely dangerous. “Playing a game in my line of work can mean your life,” Val murmured, not realizing she spoke out loud.

  “This isn’t the military, Val,” Sadie snapped. “Is he a client of yours?”

  Val frowned and shrugged. “Not exactly.”

  “Either he is or he isn’t.”

  “He isn’t,” Val admitted.

  “Then what’s stopping you?” Sadie demanded.

  “I...I don’t know,” Val said softly. “I’ve never been drawn to someone like him before, but I’ve also seen enough rich, handsome men to know that they don’t look twice at someone like me.”

  “Oooh, hot and rich.” Sadie snickered. “He’s perfect.”

  Val tried not to roll her eyes, but the pull was too strong and she gave in, much to Sadie’s amusement.

  “Look, Val, I know that money doesn’t matter to you, but does it really matter if he has it?” Sadie shoulder bumped her.

  “It’s not the money; it’s the attitude that goes with it.”

  “And does he have that attitude?” Sadie challenged.

  Val paused, thinking back to everything she knew of Andrew. He cared for his grandmother, he ran a successful business, he had flirted with her on more than one occasion, he was protective, and his best friend, who was watching her and Andrew stare at each other, was borderline crazy. “No...I don’t think he does.”

  “Then you have nothing to stop you.” Sadie grinned. “Because he certainly isn’t going to.”

  Can we really test out this pull between us? Does Andrew want to give it a try? Is he actually interested or just flirting with a girl who happens to be available?

  “Lopez! McPherson! Center. Now!”

  Val jerked out of her thoughts and realized that Andrew was walking toward the center of the mat. Val gulped, her mouth drier than Death Valley, then straightened her shoulders and put on her confident walk.

  “We’re going to start at the top and work our way down!” Sensei Jordan announced loudly.

  You’ve got to be kidding me! Val wanted to argue, but she knew it would be useless.

pez.” He nodded toward her. “McPherson.” Again, he nodded. He motioned for the two opponents to face each other, where they bowed.

  Grabbing her mouthguard, Val tucked it inside her mouth while Andrew did the same.

  “You know the rules,” Sensei Jordan said to the two of them. “Let’s make this a clean match.” He grinned. “I’ve been looking forward to putting you two together for a long time.”

  Val looked over at Andrew, who was eyeing her speculatively. No mercy. I’ve never dropped a fight and I’m not about to now. She stood tall and thrust her chin in the air. Okay, Val. This is just like any other match. He’s just like any other opponent.

  “Ready?” Sensei Jordan looked for a nod from both sides, then called them out.

  Val bounced on her toes and held her arms in front of her. “Hello, Mr. McPherson,” she said with a flirty grin.

  A slow smile crept across Andrew’s face. “I have to admit I was hoping we wouldn’t be paired together,” he admitted.

  “Oh? Scared?” Val gave a lunge forward, pulling back quickly as she tested his response time. Shoot. Even when he’s talking he’s paying attention.

  “Scared? No. Worried about hurting you? Or making you look bad in front of your friends? Absolutely.” He jabbed out an arm, but Val hopped to the side, avoiding the contact to her ribcage.

  “I think you might have an inflated sense of your talents,” she taunted, moving to the right.

  “I think you might suffer from the same problem,” he shot back.

  Val kicked out, aiming for his lower legs, but Andrew countered the attack, easily staying on his feet. “Flirting won’t distract me,” Val hissed. Her competitive nature was flaring and she was ready to get down to business.

  “Tell you what...” He danced to the side a little. “If you pin me, I’ll back off and let you decide where you want to go from here.”

  Val stuttered for a second and nearly took a kick to the back of her knee because of it. “Where I want to go from here? What do you mean?”


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