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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 8

by Laura Ann

  Guess making her laugh is better than nothing.

  “So what brings you lovely ladies by?” Luke asked with his mouth full, as usual.

  Lola sighed and walked over, snapping his mouth closed with her fingers. “Manners, dear. No lady wants to see what you’re chewing.”

  Luke grinned. “Good thing I don’t tend to go for the ladies.”

  Lola looked heavenward and mumbled a prayer. “Despite your manners, I will share with you our activities for the day. We’ve been bringing delicious food to patrons.”

  Andrew raised his eyebrows. “How exactly did you do that?” He took a bite of the crispy, flaky fish and nearly groaned. “You went to Beechams? Without me?”

  Lola tsked her tongue and gestured to his food. “Obviously we brought you a meal, so no complaining.”

  Andrew nodded.

  “And we supplied everyone in the restaurant with their own fish and chips basket.” She grinned. “It was marvelous.”

  “That had to be a bill,” Andrew muttered under his breath. He frowned when he saw Val scowling at him. “What?” he mouthed, but Val shook her head and put her focus back on Grams.

  “It was a marvelously large bill,” Grams said with enthusiasm. “Absolutely perfect.”

  Luke chuckled and stuffed a large handful of fries in his mouth.

  Andrew had to smile as well. His Grams was unlike anyone he had ever known. They chit-chatted as the two men finished their meals, and soon Andrew was stuffing the bags in the garbage. “Thanks, Grams. It was delicious, as usual.”

  “Someone needs to make sure you eat well,” she scolded, but her smile belied the words. Her eyes flickered to Val and back. “Luke!” she called, spinning around to face him. “I have something we need to talk about.”

  “You do, huh?” Luke linked his hands behind his head and leaned back on the sofa. “Well, chat away.”

  Lola put her hands on her hips. “I can’t do it in the present company.” She glanced meaningfully at Andrew, who frowned.

  “Take her to your office,” he suggested, feeling slightly put out. Why does she need to talk to Luke? What’s she scheming now?

  “No, thank you.” Lola sat primly on the sofa. “I think we’ll chat right here.”

  “Grams,” Andrew said in exasperation, “if you want it to be a private conversation, you’ll have to take it somewhere else.”

  “Don’t speak like that to your grandmother,” Lola scolded. “I know I taught you better.” She patted Luke’s knee and graced him with a smile before turning back to Andrew. “You can just go take a walk or something. I’m sure it’ll do you good anyway.”


  Grams held up a hand. “No buts. Go get in the sunshine for once.”

  “I can’t just take a walk in the middle of my work day,” Andrew complained.

  “Are you or are you not the owner of this company?” Grams raised her eyebrows expectantly.

  “Yes, but—”

  “I already said, no buts.” She gave him an overly sweet smile. “It’ll help you feel better after all that oil from the fish.”

  Someone give this woman an Academy Award, Andrew mentally groused. “Fine. Dandy. Whatever you want.” Andrew shoved himself up from his desk and headed toward the door.

  “And take Val with you.”

  Andrew spun so quickly, he nearly lost his balance.

  “She’s been restless lately,” Lola said in a mock whisper.

  Andrew looked over to see Val’s face drained of blood and extremely pale. “Uh, are you okay?” He held out a hand, but she pulled away from him.

  “Fine!” Val croaked, then straightened her back. “I’m fine.” She shot a glare at Lola. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  VAL WAS LIVID. That sneaky, scheming...Grandma! After all those soft and fuzzy feelings Val had been having earlier in the day, and then Lola had to go and pull this. Unbelievable.

  “Ladies first,” Andrew said softly, holding out his arm through the open doorway.

  Val swallowed hard, then held her chin high and marched through the doorway. She had no desire to let Andrew know how he affected her. He hadn’t contacted her after their little bet, and she was not about to be the one to make the first step. Val continued through the main office and toward the elevator, punching the button harder than was necessary.

  “It looks like you and Grams have been getting along well,” Andrew said tentatively.

  Val looked over her shoulder to see him standing with his hands behind his back as they waited for the elevator to arrive. “Yeah. She’s pretty great.” She faced the closed doors again. “Most of the time,” she grumbled under her breath. A snort from behind her brought a flush to her cheeks.

  The doors opened and Val scrambled inside, standing in the corner while Andrew came in and pushed the button for the lobby. His cologne filled the small space and Val had to forcefully keep herself from taking in a deep lungful.

  “Sorry,” she said as the doors closed. “I shouldn’t have said that. I actually really like your grandma.” She shrugged and gave him a half smile. “She keeps me on my toes and I get a kick out of her odd ways of sharing her money.”

  Andrew grinned. “Don’t worry. I totally get it. I love her more than anything, but she can totally drive you crazy if you’re not careful.”

  Val huffed a laugh. “True enough.”

  “I take it you didn’t realize you’d be taking a walk with me today,” Andrew said, glancing sideways at her.

  “No more than you knew you’d be taking a walk at all,” Val answered. “Actually, I didn’t even know we were coming to see you at all. Lola called me this morning, declaring that not enough people in the world knew what good fish and chips tasted like. So I met her for lunch, she treated the restaurant, and then we brought containers here. She never said who we were bringing them to.” Val shrugged. “Although, I suppose I should have guessed.”

  Andrew was chuckling as they got off the elevator and walked out onto the busy street. He folded his arms and looked around. “I’m not exactly sure where she expected us to walk, or even why Grams was so desperate to talk to Luke, but...” He waved his arm toward the cars. “Here we are. Which direction would you like to go?”

  Val smirked. “I suppose we can just walk around the block and head back up. I doubt their conversation is going to take that long.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Andrew stuffed his hands in his slack pockets and the two of them began to stroll down the street.

  “So...” Val offered. This is so dumb. Why can’t we just talk to each other? You adults?

  “So,” Andrew echoed.

  “Sorry.” Val blew out a long breath. “Apparently I’m not a very good conversationalist.”

  “Considering I tend to run away from these exact situations, I’d venture to say I’m even worse than you,” Andrew shot back.

  “Yeah...why is that?” Val frowned at him. “You’re this wealthy, successful, handsome guy, who, I have to grudgingly admit is a decent fighter, and according to Lola, you never go to social gatherings, like, at all.”

  Andrew shot her a surprised look. “You talk to Grams about me?”

  “That’s what you got out of that?” Val shook her head. “I guess maybe that answers my question.”

  “Sorry.” Andrew put a hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion. “I’m just trying to get over the fact that you actually gave me a compliment. I thought for sure you imagined a dunce hat on my head as a permanent accessory.”

  Val scrunched her nose. “Yeah...sorry about that. I don’t have trouble taking down men very often, and the fact that I couldn’t pin you ticks me off.” She folded her arms across her chest and kicked at a pebble on the sidewalk. “I’ve spent my life trying to prove I was as good as the guys and you just seemed to keep me off so easily.” Andrew bumped shoulders with her and a warm current ran down Val’s arm.

  “If it makes you feel any better, it was taking every skill I had to ke
ep you from knocking me off my feet. You’re amazing.” He fingered his bruise. “A little too amazing.”

  Val laughed nervously and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Now who’s complimenting who? And sorry about that. I wasn’t actually trying to give you a shiner.”

  “Eh...I’m sure I deserved it. After egging you on with that bet and everything.”

  Val couldn’t seem to keep eye contact after that last statement. “, what do we do now that no one won?”

  They turned another corner and the foot traffic thickened, making it nearly impossible to walk side by side.

  “Come on.” Andrew grabbed her hand and began guiding Val through the people.

  The burning in Val’s cheeks turned up another notch at his innocent, but gentlemanly gesture. She’d never been one for touching, but for some reason, this was different. Her whole arm tingled, and his grip was warm and inviting.

  “Quick.” Andrew tugged her across the street and headed for a patch of green.

  “Where exactly are we going?” Val asked as they landed in the same park Val and Lola had been in the other day. “I thought we were just walking around the block.”

  Andrew continued to lead her toward the playground area. “I think you and I need to have our own talk.” He let go of her hand and held his out toward the swings. “Have a seat.”

  Val gave him an amused smile, then sat down, allowing the seat to move around lazily. Andrew joined her on the swing to her left. “I don’t think men are usually the ones who say, ‘We need to talk’.”

  Andrew chuckled. “You’re right. But in this case, I believe it’s warranted.” He pushed his swing a little. “That is, as long as you’re not going to beat me up again.” He grinned when she jerked her head toward him. “I think you took down my pride enough last night.”

  Val laughed. “I’ve never been big on building people’s egos.”

  “No. You’re more the type to break those egos in half.” Andrew’s smiled again and the warmth in his eyes kept his words from being an insult. The compliment made Val turn away for a moment.

  “A girl has to do something to keep from being run over,” she mumbled, giving her swing a little push.

  “Was that a problem for you?”

  Val looked over, her eyebrows furrowed.

  “Being run over?” Andrew asked again, concern clear in his gaze.

  Val looked down at her feet and shrugged. “Isn't it a problem for everyone?”


  Val’s words caught Andrew completely off guard. She always looked so in charge and capable, but at the moment, she looked...vulnerable. “Where did you grow up?” he finally asked.

  “Small town in Washington.” Val pushed off and held her legs out in front of her.

  “Siblings?” Andrew’s head moved back and forth as he watched her swing, her ponytail flying behind her.


  “Me either.”

  Val put down a foot and jerked to a stop, looking at him intently. “I know. Lola mentioned it.”

  Andrew nodded. “Of course she did.”

  “In fact, the more Lola talks, the more I realize you and I have in common.”

  Andrew jerked a little. “What? You think we’re alike?”

  Val shrugged. “Sure. We’re both single kids, neither of us have any parents in the picture.”

  Andrew tilted his head. “Are your parents still living?” he asked.

  Val pursed her lips and nodded. “Yeah.” She shrugged. “We talk sometimes, but they aren’t super attentive.”

  “What do you mean?” Sympathy welled up in Andrew as he watched her. Who would willingly walk away from someone so incredible?

  “They weren’t actually planning on having any kids, so I was a surprise.” Val’s eyes were focused on the distance as she spoke. “It’s not like they’re mean to me or anything, but especially now that I’m an adult, they don’t really care what I do. If I call, that’s fine. They’ll chat. But if I don’t, they’re just as content to leave me on my own.”

  “That has to be hard,” Andrew said with a frown. “Do you have any other family?”

  She shook her head and looked back at him. “Nope. My parents moved to Washington when they first married and I’ve never heard them speak of anyone else.” She gave a small smile. “That’s why I thought we were similar in our family situations. Although you have a grandma, so that has to count for something.”

  “Yeah, but you’re, like, this kickbutt woman, making it in a man’s world. Plus, you’re stunning!” Andrew sputtered.

  “And what are you?” Val smiled. “Chopped liver?”

  “I hope not.” Andrew shivered dramatically. “That stuff is nasty.”

  “What?” Val said through a burst of laughter. “You’ve actually eaten chopped liver?”

  Andrew nodded solemnly. “And I’ve never been the same.”

  Val whistled low. “Wow. And I thought growing up on ramen was bad.”

  “I’d have taken that in a heartbeat,” Andrew sat up straighter. “I loved that stuff as a kid.”

  “ loses its appeal after eating it for eighteen years straight.”

  “Hmm...I would have thought someone who lived on junk food would look more like a beached whale instead of a Barbie doll.” Andrew squeezed his eyes shut and nearly groaned when he realized what had come out of his mouth. “Sorry,” he muttered. “Apparently I lose all common sense around you and have absolutely no filter.” He snorted. “Or, as Luke would say, I lack ‘lady skills’.”

  Val laughed and reached out to put her hand on top of his knee. “It’s fine. In fact,” Val removed her hand and Andrew immediately missed the contact, “I think it’s kind of sweet.”

  “My comparing you to a toy or a whale was sweet?” He looked at her skeptically. “I don’t buy it.”

  “All right.” Val grinned. “You’re right. You don’t really have, what did Luke call it? ‘Lady skills’?”

  “Yeah. Shocker.” Andrew turned away from her, too embarrassed to keep eye contact.

  “And just why is that?” Val asked, bringing his attention back around.

  “Why is what?”

  “This is exactly what I was asking about earlier,” she explained.

  Andrew grinned. “Oh. You mean when you complimented me?”

  Val punched his shoulder and laughed. “Yes. I totally expected you to be this suave, egomaniac with more muscles than brains. How did you end up so...” She waved a hand toward him.

  “Nerdy? Ridiculous? Uncivilized?” Andrew offered.

  Val laughed again and Andrew didn’t even mind that it was aimed toward him. The sound was wonderful, and the way her face lit up made him want to continue to be dramatic just to keep her going. “Nerdy? Maybe. Ridiculous? Definitely. Uncivilized? No way. That’s definitely reserved for your buddy Luke.” She snickered. “He reminds me of Ridge, one of the Lockwood triplets from work.” She tilted her head to the side. “Except Ridge has better manners.”

  Andrew guffawed. “Luke is terrible on purpose. He’s convinced no one will ever expect anything from him if he comes across as an uncouth idiot.” He smiled wide. “Truth is, he’s a brilliant IT guy and is the main reason our company has been such a success.” Andrew leaned in close. “But you didn’t hear that from me.”

  Val zipped her lips shut. “Got it. Now. Back to you.”

  Andrew groaned and let his head flop back. “You can’t honestly be interested in hearing about my lack of lovelife.” When Val didn’t say anything, Andrew brought his head back up to look at her and was surprised to see compassion in her gaze.

  “Actually,” she said softly, “I find I’m way too interested in hearing about you, Mr. McPherson.” One side of her lip curled into a seductive smile. “I’ve never met a man who can fight like a pro and not act like it off the mat.” She snorted. “You’ve taken up way too much of my thoughts lately.”

  Andrew realized his lungs had completely
frozen. Panic began to build inside of him as his body demanded air, but every muscle had shut down at Valentina’s sweet yet teasing confession.

  “Andrew?” Val tilted her head, looking up at him. “Are you okay?”

  He sucked in a lungful of life-giving oxygen. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” His chest heaved for a minute as he continued to push the air in and out. “ think about me?”

  Val blushed and turned away from him. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything.” She looked sideways.

  Without thinking about the consequences, Andrew reached out and grabbed the chain on her swing, slowly pulling her closer. “I’m glad you said something,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “I was worried that after my bet last night, you’d never talk to me again. And I find I desperately don’t want that to happen. In fact, I want to get to know you.”

  The air stilled around them, and Val’s eyes darted from his to his lips and back. “What do you want to know?” she asked softly.

  Andrew’s heart was pounding so hard, he was sure it would break through his ribcage any moment. “Everything,” he whispered as he slowly closed the distance between them. “But most of all, I wanted to know if I imagined it...”

  OH...WOW. Val’s eyes fluttered closed as Andrew’s lips touched hers. The kiss was light, only slightly longer than their first kiss, but the impact it had on Val’s heart was earth-shattering. Everything she had remembered from their first kiss came flooding back, but this time it was even stronger. She was suddenly grateful she was sitting down because Val knew her knees would have completely given out if she’d been standing.

  Andrew pulled back. “It was real.”

  Val’s lips twitched, and she couldn’t have stopped her smile if her life depended on it. His awe at their spark was absolutely adorable.

  Andrew groaned. “See? I told you I’m lacking in ‘lady skills’.”

  Val laughed lightly and shook her head. “Andrew.” She put her fingers over his mouth. “Stop.” She leaned in close again. “It was perfect.” Feeling bold, she wrapped a hand around his neck. “So perfect, in fact, that I really, really want you to do it again.”


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