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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 11

by Laura Ann

  Val’s eyes left the television and she skidded to a stop. Andrew was waiting at the back door for her. Her heart took off in a gallop, destroying her carefully planned facade.

  His eyes traveled down, then back up and Val fought the desire to shiver. Her swimsuit was plenty modest and covered everything that was important, but his perusal still made her feel exposed. When he smiled at her, she felt her tension soften and continued walking forward. She couldn’t seem to help but take her own inventory. Having been in the armed forces, Val had spent a lot of time around shirtless men with muscles, but there was something about the fact that this was Andrew that made it different.

  His body was much like his home. Sleek, smooth lines and muscles that looked as hard as the metal detailing in the house. She bit her lip in approval and grinned as she closed the distance between them.

  “Now that we’ve gotten the awkwardness of seeing each other in our swimsuits out of the way, should we go enjoy the hot water? It’s been calling to me all day.” Andrew held out his hand, which Val immediately gripped.

  “Sounds perfect.” She huffed a laugh as they went outside. “It seems so weird that something like a swimsuit can be so intimidating. I mean, we’re not teenagers anymore who are still struggling with their body image. I wonder why it’s so scary.”

  Andrew took their towels and dropped them on a nearby seat, then helped guide Val up the steps and into the warm water. “It’s just another layer of exposing ourselves, I guess. There’s always the worry that someone will find us repulsive or, you know, run screaming from the room if you don't look a certain way.”

  Val laughed, settling back into a seat. “When have you ever had a woman run screaming from the room because you took your shirt off?”

  Andrew shrugged and slipped into the seat beside her. “You never know. It might happen.”

  She reached out and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. “Not if you keep looking like that.” She glanced down shyly, then back up. “You’re pretty amazing.”

  Andrew switched the hand she was holding so he could put the one closest to her around the back of the hottub. “Not as amazing as you,” he said softly. “I’ve seen women in bikinis that were nothing more than strips of fabric, but you in that full coverage suit outshines them all.”

  Val couldn’t help her eyes from darting down to his lips. The desire for a kiss was becoming overwhelming. “Andrew,” she whispered, leaning in.

  Andrew swiftly took her invitation.

  Excitement soared through Val as his lips worked with hers. They fit together so well, like two pieces of a puzzle, just clicking perfectly.

  After a minute, Andrew pulled back, but rested his forehead against hers. “Can I wrap my arms around you?” he asked, his voice husky and low.

  Val sighed and smiled. “As much as I appreciate you always asking permission, it’s starting to really ruin the mood.”

  Andrew chuckled. “I know, but I don’t want to scare you off.” He kissed her forehead. “And if that means asking before I do anything, I will. You’re worth a little mood killing.”

  Val shook her head and leaned back so he could see her eyes. “Thank you. But from here out, it’s okay. You’ve shown me you’re different and I trust you. Besides,” she gave him a quick kiss, “I find I’m not nearly as opposed to being touched when it’s you doing the touching.”

  “Thank heavens,” he murmured, pulling her in and occupying her mouth once more.

  THIS HOT TUB WAS A terrible idea. Andrew let go of Valentina and pulled himself up onto the edge. “Geez, it’s hot in there,” he said with a grin. Sweat was beading along his hairline and running down the back of his neck.

  The water was hot enough on its own, but the longer he held Valentina, the more his body warmed. The two together were too much.

  “Seriously.” Val joined him on the edge, fanning her flushed face. “You are not good for my health, mister.”

  He grabbed her hand and played with her fingers. Even though he felt like he might melt, the desire to be attached to her in some way was far too strong and with her explicit permission, he was going to take full advantage. “That’s too bad, because I think you might be very good for my health.”

  Her lips formed an amused grin. “Oh, yeah? In what way?”

  “Well,” he pulled her fingers up to his mouth and kissed them, “you help my cardiovascular strength. Every time I see you, my heart takes off like it’s running the Kentucky Derby.”

  Val laughed lightly.

  “You keep me on my toes.” He gave a mock gasp. “Can you imagine how good my calves are going to look in a few weeks?”

  “Oh, my gosh! Stop!” Val used her free hand to shove his shoulder.

  “Not to mention, I’ve been practicing like crazy.” He smirked at her. “Next time we meet on the mat, you’re going down.”

  That fire he loved so much flashed through her eyes. “Really?” She pursed her lips. “Hmm...that sounds like a challenge to me.” She leaned in until they were nose to nose. “And I never back down from a challenge.”

  “Which is just another reason I like you,” he murmured hoarsely. Once again he took advantage of having her so close and spent a few minutes enjoying her lips. When he found he was still too hot being outside the water, he knew he needed to take a break. “Okay, back to the house we go,” he said, spinning and jumping down.

  Valentina was frowning at him, disappointment clear on her face. “You’re ready for me to go home?”

  Andrew took the two steps over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist, helping lift her out of the water and to the ground. “Not at all,” he explained softly. “But I’m having a really hard time being the gentleman Grams raised me to be at the moment and need a change of scenery.”

  Val rolled her eyes. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

  They walked back inside, holding hands and trailing water all along the floor.

  Val glanced behind them. “We should mop that up.”

  Andrew shrugged. “It’ll dry.” He gave her a little push toward the bathroom. “Go change into something else and then we can watch a movie or something.”

  Val turned back to him and then kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Most men don’t treat me like a lady deserving of manners. I’m always one of the guys.” She leaned back with a soft smile. “I think I like this better.” Spinning on her heel, she hurried away.

  Andrew sighed in contentment, then had to shake himself. “Dude. Men don’t sigh.” He shook his head and began walking to his bedroom. “Good thing Luke isn’t here,” he grumbled. “I’d never live it down.”

  After putting on some lounge pants and a T-shirt, Andrew headed out to his family room. Val was already seated on the couch. She turned to look over her shoulder as he approached.

  “I know this sofa fit the bill when it came to decorating your home, but geez.” She bounced on it a little. “Can’t you afford anything more comfortable?” Her grin let him know she was teasing, but Andrew had to agree with her.

  “Believe me, I complained very loudly when it was chosen, but my decorator insisted that beauty hurt.” He leaned over the back of the couch and put a hand to the side of his mouth. “I keep bean bag chairs in the closet for this exact reason.”

  “Bean bag chairs?” Val jumped up. “Why didn’t you say so? That’ll be so much better.” She spun around. “Where are they?”

  Andrew waved his hand toward himself so she would follow him and they walked to a door down the hall. “I’m pretty sure this was meant to be for coats and stuff, but...” Andrew shrugged and pulled open both sides.

  “Ooh!” Val squealed and shoved past him. “It’s one of those huge ones! I’ve always wanted to use this kind.”

  Andrew grinned at her enthusiasm and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “You know what they call those, don’t you?” he said against her ear.

  She had stopped moving, but her breathing was rapid. “No,” s
he said breathlessly. “What?”

  “A lovesac.”

  Val snorted and spun in his arms. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course! Why do you think they were built so more than one person can lay on them?”

  Val pushed him away and started trying to wrangle the massive chair out of the closet. “Sounds like something some frat boy made up in college to get a girl’s attention.”

  Andrew chuckled. “It probably was, but it stuck.” He gripped one side and indicated she should grip the other. “These things are much more awkward than you’d imagine. Ready?”

  Val nodded.

  “Pull!” Together they managed to drag the bag out of the closet, then down the hall and into the family room, where they deposited it directly in front of the huge screen. When it was settled, Val stepped in front, put her hands to the side, and fell back with a poof.

  “Oh, yeah.” She wiggled to get comfortable. “This is perfect.”

  “I’m going to make popcorn, but when I get back, you’d better make room for me.” Andrew pointed a finger at her playfully and then walked to the kitchen.

  “This is mine! Find your own chair!” Val called out from her cozy seat. “Better yet, you can have the couch!”

  “I bought it! I get it!” Andrew shouted back with a laugh.

  “You also bought the couch!”

  He chuckled and shook his head. Only Grams and Luke were able to make him feel this light and happy. What is it about this headstrong girl that makes my world brighter? He grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and dumped it in a bowl. Whatever it is, I’m ready to explore it all the way.


  It had been two weeks since Val’s hot tub date with Andrew and she had barely been able to pry her phone from her fingers. If it was in her back pocket, it was usually because she was in his actual company and didn’t need the device to keep in touch.

  Today, she was fighting the temptation to flirt with him once again as she stood guard over Lola, but the older woman wasn’t making it easy. The constant buzzing in her pocket only made it more difficult.

  “Go on! Answer the boy!” Lola waved her hand in her usual way.

  “He’s hardly a boy, Lola,” Val muttered, but she couldn’t help the grin tugging at her lips.

  “Well, it’s no skin off my nose if you take a few minutes to keep your love life moving forward.” Lola paused and offered a balloon to a little boy. She glanced at the mother first, seeking permission, then bent lower. “I’ve got a blue balloon with your name on it,” she said with a wink.

  Val watched with a grin as the boy made a face and looked up at the floating toy. “I don’t see my name!”

  Val, Lola, and the mother all chuckled.

  “That’s a silly way of saying this one is yours,” Lola said through her laughter, handing the string to the boy. “Perhaps your mother could tie it to your wrist so you don’t lose it.”

  The mother reached out to do just that, but the boy flung it the other way. “I’m not a baby!” he yelled, glaring at the women. “I won’t lose it.”

  “What do you say?” the mother urged him.

  The boy scrunched up his nose and shook his head, tucking further into his mother’s side.

  “My, what fine manners,” Lola praised, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “You’re welcome, young man.” She stepped to the side and walked around the child, with Val hurrying to catch up.

  “Slow down there, Lola. I can’t quite keep up.”

  “Children,” Lola huffed. “In my day, we were grateful for things.” She stopped and put her free hand on her hip. “And I raised Andrew to be thankful, too. Bah.” She threw her arm in the air and turned back to the walking path. “It only takes two seconds to be polite.” She shook her head. “Today’s children are going to be horrible when they’re adults.”

  Val pinched her lips to keep from laughing at the tirade. “For someone who’s so frustrated with the rising generation, you sure spend a lot of time handing them free stuff.”

  Lola sniffed and kept moving.

  Val narrowed her gaze as she looked around the park. “Or maybe it’s not the kids...maybe it’s here?” She turned to Lola. “Is there something about this park that makes you keep coming back?”

  Lola’s body language softened and eventually she stopped walking altogether. “I used to bring Margarite here when she was little.” Her eyes grew misty and Val was taken off guard to see the normally intrepid woman so unhappy. “She seemed so happy when she was little, but as she grew...” Lola sniffed and started walking again. “Well, as she grew, she was worse than that little boy back there.”

  Val’s mind moved like a dust devil as she tried to think of something to say to ease the obvious pain of Lola’s only child turning away from her family, but there were no words. Everything she thought of felt fake and ridiculous, so she simply kept quiet.

  After handing out a red balloon, Lola turned a sad smile to Val. “But it turned out all right. I used to bring Andrew here as well, you know.” She pointed toward the swings, the very swing Val and Andrew had shared a kiss at.

  Val’s cheeks grew heated at the reminder, but she tried to keep her emotions to herself.

  “Andrew was such a good boy. So different from his demanding mother.” Lola huffed. “I suppose the Lord gave me a second chance and hopefully I did it right this time.”

  “You did wonderfully,” Val interjected immediately. “Andrew is the best of men.” She knew she had said the wrong thing when Lola’s sad eyes immediately became shrewd.

  “He’s the one who keeps texting you, isn’t he?” Lola smirked. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed the change in you, Valentina. And might I say that my grandson has also been walking around with a certain gleam in his eye.”

  Val stiffened and backed up, but Lola followed, her finger pointed at Val’s face.

  “Don’t you try to deny it. I could see the attraction from the moment you saw each other in that office.” She paused. “I think it all started that night you two fought in the backyard.”

  “Lola, I...” Val started, but Lola held up her hand.

  “No, no.” Her eyes gleamed. “There’s nothing more to say. Actions always speak louder than words.”

  Before Val could ask what Lola was talking about, a pair of warm hands covered her eyes. With a quick thrust, Val elbowed the person behind her, grabbed his arm, and began to twist.

  “So help me, Val, if you don’t stop, I’ll have to tear my suit to fight back.”

  Val paused her automatic reaction, instantly recognizing the deep, melodic voice behind her. She dropped Andrew’s arm and spun. “What do you think you’re doing sneaking up on me like that?”

  Andrew’s grin was a mile wide as he shrugged. “I wasn’t thinking.” He rubbed his ribcage. “Obviously.” He stepped closer to her and brought his face down to hers. “I was too entranced with your beauty.”

  Val smiled, but shoved his chest. It was then that she remembered Lola was behind her. She turned to see Lola gazing into the trees. Val frowned when she realized the older woman’s hands were empty. She’d been holding, like, twenty-five balloons. Where are they?

  Val squinted and glanced up, seeing a large colorful rainbow rising higher in the sky. “Lola!”

  Lola turned, her face pale. “Yes?”

  “Grams? Are you okay?” Andrew stepped around Val and reached for his grandmother.

  Lola’s eyes darted to the woods once more before coming back to Val and Andrew. An obviously forced smile emerged on her face. “Of course I’m all right! My two favorite people in the whole world are together just as I hoped and prayed from the beginning!” She stepped up and grabbed Val’s arm. “I knew it was meant to be.”

  Val tried to smile, but the tremor in Lola’s hands and the weird way she was acting were causing Val’s protector senses to flare emergency red. She studied the trees and the other inhabitants of the park, but nothing appeared out of place. Everyone was going a
bout their business and not paying any attention to the small group on the walking path.

  This is the second time she’s done this. Just what is going on? “I want the truth, Lola. What did you see?”

  Lola ignored the question and started walking in the opposite direction.

  ANDREW FROWNED AS HE watched Grams start to lead Valentina out of the park. What was that about? He shaded his eyes and glanced at the now miniscule, colorful balloons. “Just what were you doing today, Grams?” he called.

  Grams waved to him over her shoulder. “We were handing out balloons to ungrateful children.” She stopped walking when he approached and smiled. “How about you?”

  Andrew’s eyes automatically went to Val’s. “I happened to see you two from the lounge and thought I’d come say hi.”

  “Well, then.” Grams pushed Val towards Andrew. “By all means.”

  Andrew chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Val. “Hi,” he whispered in her ear, enjoying the blush that crept up her cheeks.

  “Andrew,” Val scolded. “I’m on the clock!” Val pushed him away, but her smile let him know she was enjoying having him there.

  “Pish posh.” Grams waved her hand in the air. “Your work here is done. Go.” She smiled. “Be young!”

  Val looked torn. “I can’t just walk away, Lola. I drove you here.”

  “I’ll catch a cab!” She shooed them away harder. “Now go! I’ve been trying to get Andrew to notice women for years.”

  Andrew threw back his head and groaned at Val’s snickering. “Gee, thanks, Grams.” He gave his grandmother a look. “That’ll bring the women in droves.”

  Grams sniffed. “It worked just fine, thank you very much.” She glanced toward the street. “Now I’m off. You two lovebirds have fun.”

  Andrew could feel the tension in Val’s body as they watched Grams walk toward the street.


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