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The Heiress's Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 3)

Page 16

by Laura Ann

  Val snorted and folded her arms in a defensive stance, but the anger in her eyes had dimmed, driving Andrew onward.

  “It was that very fear which drove me to get her a bodyguard in the first place,” Andrew explained. “Although, I took her to your firm on purpose.”

  Val’s hands fell to her sides as she looked at him questioningly. “Why did you choose our firm?” she asked hoarsely after a minute.

  “Because I knew you would be there,” he admitted. Andrew stuffed his shaking hands in his pockets. He was baring everything here, and it was much more terrifying than he had ever imagined. “I wanted to see you again.” He glanced up at her. “After fighting with you at Rose’s house, I was intrigued, and helping Grams gave me the perfect excuse.”

  “I don’t see what this has to do with what happened.”

  Andrew shook his head. “It’s just evidence of the fact that I’m a coward, I guess.” He took another step closer, feeling bolder now that Val had relaxed a little. “Our relationship was such a whirlwind. I’ve never fallen in love, but with was almost too easy.”

  “You love me?” Val’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew teary.

  He nodded and took another step closer. “I do. But that also scared me.” Andrew pushed a hand through his hair. “You were so amazing and it happened so fast. I finally threw caution to the wind and just went with the flow, but once again, that fear reared its ugly head.”

  “When Lola was attacked,” Val said softly.

  Andrew nodded and took one more step, bringing him within two feet of her. “The first thing I thought of when I realized what was going on was that I was going to lose Grams.” He took a shuddering breath. “And I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to lose her. So I panicked. Despite my feelings for you, you were the easiest target and I threw all that fear at you. I pushed you away and I’ve regretted it every day since.”

  Tears were dribbling freely down Val’s cheeks and Andrew’s fingers itched to wipe them away, but he knew he didn’t have the right...yet. “I don’t know how to believe you,” she finally rasped. “I’ve never let anyone get as close as you, and at the first obstacle in the road, you turned on me.”

  Andrew’s heart ached like never before. This gorgeous, amazing woman was hurting, all because of him. “I don’t have anything to offer you,” he started.

  Val huffed and stepped back.

  He reached out quickly to stop her, but clenched air instead. “My word won’t mean anything to you, but I’m offering it anyway.” Andrew looked her in the eye and made sure every emotion he was feeling came through. He willed it to somehow penetrate her hardened shell. “I love you, Valentina Lopez. I love you with everything in me, and I wish I could say I would never hurt you again, but I’m an idiot.”

  Val snorted.

  “Or, as Grams said, a block-headed Neanderthal.” That got him a watery chuckle. “I’ll probably do stupid things again, and probably make you mad. I’ll probably drive you crazy and make you wish you’d never given your heart to me, but if you’re willing to try again, I can promise I’ll take much better care of the precious gift it is.”

  Val continued to stare at him and Andrew grew antsy. Deciding to try one more tactic, he came up toe to toe with her.

  “What if I promised that anytime I did anything stupid, you could hit me?”

  Val gave a very short laugh. “Looking for another shiner, huh?”

  “Only if it means you’ll take me back,” Andrew said softly.

  “I don’t want to hit you,” Val whispered, her eyes darting between his eyes and his lips.

  “Truth be told, I don’t want you to either,” Andrew said, leaning in a little. “But I’d do anything for your forgiveness.”

  Val tilted her chin up. “I love you, you know.”

  Andrew grinned. “I was counting on it.” He leaned in a little closer. “And I’ve already said it once, but I’ll say it again. I love you—”


  Andrew once again found himself flat on the floor looking up at a gorgeous woman, only this time she was smiling instead of scowling.

  “I might not want to mar that pretty face of yours, but if you ever break my heart again, I won’t break down like last time. I will pound your butt into the mat until you can’t walk. Capiche?”

  Despite the fact that he still couldn’t breathe, Andrew grinned and nodded. Val offered her arm and Andrew grabbed her wrist, flipping her off balance just as she tried to pull him up.

  “Oh.” Val put a hand to her chest where she now lay on the floor next to him. “That hurts worse when you’re not expecting it.” She turned her head to look at him. “I can’t bring myself to feel bad about it though.”

  Andrew raised himself up on an elbow and wiped a piece of hair off her forehead. “I deserved worse.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  Scooting over, he leaned over her. “You know, I don’t think we made up properly.”

  “We didn’t?” Val’s eyes widened in faux innocence.

  “No. Perhaps we should fix that.” He leaned in closer, focused on reaching her soft, red lips.

  “We absolutely should,” she whispered just as their mouths met.

  “Get off her!” Sawyer boomed from the now open doorway.

  Andrew found himself pulled roughly off the ground and shoved away from Val. He scowled and tore himself free of the harsh grip.

  “Hey!” Val shoved Sawyer. “Hands off! He’s mine!”

  Andrew couldn’t help but grin at her fierce defense of him.

  “Oh, you can have him,” Sawyer said with a smirk. “But not in this building and never in front of me again.” He gave a dramatic shudder. “Freaks me out to see my sister kissing someone.”

  Val rolled her eyes. “Grow up,” she mumbled. Walking over, she grabbed Andrew’s hand and led him out of the room. “Come on, Andrew. We’re going somewhere more private.”

  Andrew smiled over his shoulder at Sawyer’s scowl, then held back a chuckle when Sawyer smiled and winked. Andrew gave him a mock salute and allowed Val to pull him down the hall and out of the building.

  “Nobody gets to shove you around but me,” Val muttered as she stormed out to her SUV.

  Andrew laughed as he climbed in her passenger seat. “I’m all right with that.” He made a face and touched his back. “But next time, let’s not do it on the linoleum, huh?”

  Val blushed. “Sorry.” She chewed her lip for a moment. “Why didn’t you try to come see me? After the problem at the park?”

  Andrew sighed and leaned back into the seat. “I did. But your...brothers always turned me away. I also sent over a hundred texts, but apparently they had your phone too.”

  Her eyes widened. “They did WHAT?” She went to grab her handle, but Andrew held her back. “Idiots must have erased them before they gave it back,” she grumbled.

  “Let it go, Val. They were worried about you.”

  “That doesn’t give them the right to keep us apart.”

  Andrew shook his head. “I hurt you. They had every right to react in a defensive manner.”

  She huffed, but let go of the door. “Jerks. I’ll be taking each one down when they least expect it.”

  Andrew chuckled.

  Val hesitated. “Can I...can I see the texts?”

  Andrew smiled. “Of course.” He pulled out his phone and clicked on their thread, then passed it to Val. He watched her face as she read through his words. Some were frustrated, some were declarations of love and some were despair that she wouldn’t talk to him. He knew he should probably be embarrassed at everything he’d written, but his joy is getting Val back was stronger than anything else. Plus, he didn’t want any secrets between them. She deserved to see it all.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye as she handed back his phone. “I had no idea about any of that.”

  Andrew leaned over the console. “It’s all right. But I think the kiss that was interrupted
earlier would make it all better.”

  Val smiled and turned off the vehicle, leaning over to meet him. “I’ve heard that’s what they say.” She touched his cheek. “I’ll do my best.”

  As they kissed, all the missing pieces clicked back into place and Andrew was loathe to admit it, but he was very grateful for the Lockwood brothers. If it wasn’t for their interference, he wasn’t sure if he’d have the most wonderful part of his life back.


  Andrew chuckled as Val slid out of his grasp. “Ahh...looks like you’ve been practicing,” he said with a smirk. Putting his hands out, he began circling the mat again, looking for an opening.

  “Ha!” Val barked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She loved their weekly sparring sessions. For the past several months, Andrew had been coming to the firm in order to have some time with her on the mats. It had absolutely become the highlight of her week. They’d fought enough now, that each had pinned the other, but getting the advantage was difficult, and no one seemed to stay on top for very long.

  “Yes, actually, I would,” Andrew teased.

  Val grinned, then shifted her weight. Andrew barely managed to move to the side in order to avoid her heel. “Looks like someone else has been practicing as well.”

  Andrew just smiled back. “Hey...I’ve got an idea.”

  “What’s that?” Val asked, her voice distracted as she continued to study his movements. Val had learned the key to beating Andrew was to watch his hands. They often twitched right before he moved, giving her a split-second notice before he tried to take her down.

  “How about a bet?”

  Val snorted, still hopping around the mat. “I think we’ve done that before.”

  Andrew shrugged. “Maybe so, but we never finished it.”

  “Okay,” Val relented, “what did you have in mind?”

  Andrew stopped moving and tapped his finger against his lips.

  Val stopped with him and put her hands on her hips, waiting impatiently.

  “How about if you win, I’ll take you to your favorite restaurant tonight.”

  Val tick-tocked her head back and forth. “Sounds like a good deal for me.” She jumped back into ready position. “And on the very small chance that you win?”

  Andrew bent his knees and grinned at her. “Then you have to marry me.”

  Val froze and her knees began to shake. “W-what?” A split second later, she was lying flat on her back with Andrew pinning her down. For the first time ever, Val didn’t fight or try to get out of the hold. “Did you mean it?” she whispered, searching his eyes for any signs of teasing.

  Andrew relaxed his hold on her wrists and leaned in until they were nose to nose. “I’ve never been more serious in my life.” One side of his mouth pulled up into a crooked smile. “And it looks like I won.”

  Instead of rising to the bait, Val tugged her hands free and wrapped them around his neck. “Actually, I think it sounds like we both won,” she murmured before rising up for a sweet kiss.

  A throat clearing at the back of the gym pulled the two of them apart. Luke stood, smirking with his arms folded across his chest, Lola beside him and the entire crew of Lockwood Industries standing behind them.

  Lola scowled. “You have to actually ask, Andrew. And where is the ring?” She threw up her hands. “How do you expect her to say yes without showing her the ring?”

  Andrew closed his eyes while Val bit her lips to keep from laughing. “Are you saying she would only want to marry me for the diamond, Grams?”

  “That’s the only reason I would marry you,” Ridge shouted from the back.

  Luke laughed and fist bumped the bodyguard. “Took the words right out of my mouth, man.”

  Andrew looked down. “Valentina Lopez, I love you with everything in me and have the strangest desire to spend my life getting beat up by you. Will you do me the great honor of being my wife?”

  “On your knees, ya idiot!”

  “The ring! Show her the ring!”

  Andrew rolled his eyes, but didn’t respond to the ribbing coming from across the room.

  Val’s vision turned wavy as tears filled her eyes. She ran one hand through Andrew’s thick locks and sighed at the enjoyment she found in the touch. “I’d love to spend my life keeping your ego in check, Andrew McPherson.” She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, ignoring the groaning from the audience. When done, she pulled back just enough to speak. “But Grams is right. I really do want to see the ring.”

  Andrew laughed and pulled them both to their feet, digging the ring out of his pocket.

  Val gasped at the size of the solitaire, the tears now slipping down her cheeks. “It’s too much,” she whispered.

  Andrew shook his head as he put it on her finger. “Nothing is too much for you.” He picked up her hand and kissed the knuckle next to the ring. “That ring is the luckiest piece of jewelry in existence.” He winked. “It gets to stay close to you always.”

  “Would you like some wine with that cheese?”

  “Seriously? That’s the best you’ve got?”

  Val laughed lightly and wrapped her arms around Andrew’s waist, pulling him close. “Ignore them. They’re a bunch of idiots.”

  Andrew’s arms slipped around her back and he brought their foreheads together. “Sawyer once told us we couldn’t kiss in here. Should we ignore that too?”

  “Absolutely,” Val whispered, rising up on her tiptoes to meet his descending head. Despite the fact that their moment was quickly interrupted by their onlookers, Val couldn’t help the smile that stayed on her face or the warmth and excitement that thrummed through her body. She’d found a family when she joined the military, but with Andrew, Val knew she had finally found home.

  “Is now a good time to ask about great-grandbabies?” Grams asked over the shouting voices.

  The entire room groaned and Grams stomped her foot. “I need something to keep me busy!” she argued.

  Val looked at Andrew, who winked at her, and she blushed from her toes to the roots of her hair. The future might be a little more exciting than I planned for, she mused.

  Wasn’t Val’s story fun?

  Even tough warrior women have a soft side!

  Although I think her and Andrew’s

  future children are going to turn their lives into

  absolute chaos! :D

  Not ready for the romance to end?

  Don’t worry! Sawyer’s story is up next!

  Keep reading for a peek at Chapter 1, or

  Click HERE

  Want to check out the rest of the Lockwood series?

  Grab Ridge’s story HERE

  Get Roman’s story HERE

  Do you enjoy strong women and swoony hunks and sweet romance?

  Then you’ll LOVE my billionaire series!

  See it here!


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  Laura Ann’s Reader Family


  “It’s happening again,” Kinsley whispered to her father.

  “What?” Garrett Storm pushed a hand through his thick salt and pepper hair with a deep sigh. He glanced around before leaning closer. “What was it this time?”

  Kinsley kept her eye on the equestrian currently working their way around the arena as she spoke, praying no one could see the panic in her eyes. “My boots were missing from my tack. I had to grab a different pair I keep on hand for emergencies.”

  “Are they broken in?” Garrett asked.

  “No. These ones happen to be brand new.” Kinsley wiggled her toes, trying to ease the tightness of the boots. She knew the stiff sensation could easily be a distraction while she rode. Which is probably exactly what this guy wants.

  Garrett hung his head and cursed quietly. “How does
this keep happening and nobody sees a thing?”

  Kinsley shrugged, finally looking over at her father. The years since her mother’s death had aged him for more than normal for a man in his fifties, and the past six months hadn’t helped any. Heavy wrinkles lined his forehead and the bags under his eyes testified of sleepless nights and stressful days. “It has to be someone who’s around all the time. People would notice a stranger, but the fact that this guy keeps getting in and out without detection tells me that it’s someone within our group.”

  Garrett nodded. “That’s my thinking, too.” He narrowed his eyes at the current rider. “The most logical idea would be a fellow competitor.” He turned to Kinsley and dropped his voice. “Mary Ann perhaps?”

  Kinsley squished her lips to the side and turned back to the arena. “I thought of her,” she admitted. “But I don’t know if she’s the kind of person to get her hands dirty. I mean, even for someone as spoiled as her, it’s pretty low to try to sabotage the competition.” Kinsley paused. “I think she’s more the type to mess with me mentally than physically. Like her backhanded compliments and stuff.”

  “Maybe...” Garrett took a deep breath. “We need to get to the bottom of this though. I’m afraid if it continues, it’s going to escalate into something far worse than missing pieces of equipment.” He glanced at her feet. “As it is, you’ll probably have blisters by the end of the day.”

  Kinsley nodded, knowing he was right. Wearing brand new boots for an entire competition was definitely not ideal.

  Garrett wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed his daughter tight. “Let me talk to Quentin,” he said, referring to a friend of the family. “I know the Gruffman’s have dealt with security problems in the past. He might have some suggestions about how to proceed.”


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