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Deviant Evolution: A dark Omegaverse science fiction romance (The Controllers Book 4)

Page 2

by L. V. Lane

  Subtle light filtered into my white on white bedroom from the corridor, and the wall to ceiling windows offered up the dull gray of dawn. It was the first time I had witnessed the full impact of his naked body. He was lean rather than bulky, but there was so much of him…and I didn’t know a human body could have that many abdominal ridges. Ryker was built like a tank, and his tattoos were vibrant works of art—disturbing art in some cases—but art, nevertheless.

  “I thought you’d be more…furry,” I said.

  He stopped. “Huh?”

  “The—ah—” Why had I brought this up? “Sasquatch reference Ryker made…”

  His lips tugged up on one side. “I think it’s more about size than being an actual Yeti,” he said, resuming his approach. His eyes took on a calculating gleam that suggested he was thinking about committing bodily harm to Ryker.

  He set the tray down, climbed back into bed, and hauled me between his legs with my back to his chest. Placing the tray in front of me, he didn’t feed me like Ryker did. But instead, sat there petting me the whole time, playing with my hair and running fingers over any available flesh in a way that spoke of ownership. Hungry enough not to care, I stuffed myself with everything on the plate.

  “I put enough on there for both of us.”

  I froze.

  He chuckled. “Just kidding, Princess. Wouldn’t want to come between a woman and her food. And I need to take some responsibility for you being so hungry.” He lifted the now empty tray and set it on the bedside table. “Besides, I’m still fucking high. I’ve zero interest in eating right now.”

  I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to handle this playful side. Our interactions thus far had not paved the way for such banter.

  With the food gone, I became acutely aware of the body pressed against mine. He had saved my life, and while I had a strange notion I knew him, this was unfamiliar territory—and awkward.

  “Why are you tensing?” he asked, like he could read my damned mind.

  I’d had my share of lovers over the years—not one had stayed the night, and I was at a loss on how to behave. He had made me breakfast, using the same hands he’d used to rip a man’s jaw off. The same hands that were resting lightly over the covers by my waist.

  “Relax,” he said gruffly. “Or you’re going to flush.”

  No, that wasn’t going to help. I swallowed, still staring at his hands. He had big hands, the biggest hands I had ever seen…he was all very proportional, so this should not have surprised me.

  “What does it do to you?” I asked for want of a distraction. Erison Tsing should have dedicated time to testing Ryker and the impacts of my blood. Instead, he’d been obsessed with tormenting me. “We trialed it on Betas, but it was difficult to extract my blood.” Thinking about the suction pipes made me want to bring my food back up.

  Drawing my hair over my shoulder, he traced his fingers over the patch where the skin was tissue thin. “It’s like a shot of adrenaline, but it lasts longer, and you don’t get the crash after. Time moves fast and slow, sounds, smells, and vision are sharper, clearer…and you feel freakishly strong.”

  He was already freakishly strong. “How long does it last?”

  “When we were on Tolis, it wore off after a couple of hours. It has lasted longer this time.”

  He continued to smooth his fingers lightly back and forth over the delicate membrane on the side of my neck, and it made me want to fidget. “My flush was much worse on Tolis…and you took less this time.”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “The reaction felt stronger this time…Are you going into the research center today?”

  “Yes,” I said, hoping this might provide an excellent opportunity to escape the bed. “I should get showered.” Doctor Tsing had big plans for the launch party. And I was sure he would be far more rested than me.

  Ethan’s arm tightened around my waist briefly, and then he released me. “Go ahead,” he said.

  I shot out of bed and headed for the shower. No way was I hanging around here where he would likely fuck me all day long.

  When I returned to the bedroom, he had put some pants on…and there was a white tube in his hand.

  I clutched the towel tighter to my chest.

  “Are you sore? Ryker said you were sore after.”

  I was mortified that they had been discussing me—and specifically this. What else had they talked about? What hadn’t they talked about?

  “When did you discuss this?”

  “That’s not your concern.”

  “When?” I was incensed. I thought I was coming to terms with all this, but that statement pushed me over the edge. I felt surrounded on every front, and it was stifling me.

  His lips twitched. “He sent me a report.”

  War god or not, I was going to break his fingers if he tried to put them on me. “I want to see it.”

  “Not a fucking chance, now answer the fucking question.” Winter had entered his voice, and it brought my temper down a notch. I needed to be smart about this, not make the situation worse.

  “Ah, a little,” I hedged. My stomach fluttered. I knew how these inspections played out. I didn’t want an inspection. “I can do it myself.” The request hadn’t worked with Ryker, I was delusional if I thought such evasion might work with Ethan.

  His flinty expression made me regret opening my mouth. “If I ask you a question, I expect you to answer it, not deflect. Ryker warned me you would try to manipulate situations when you were uncomfortable.”

  And this coming from Ryker, the master of manipulation? His therapist should be struck from the register and banned from ever practicing again!

  “I’m not trying to manipulate anything! I’m trying to…maintain some dignity.”

  “You don’t have any. You belong to me, all of you, but especially your pussy. And I like to take care of what’s mine.”

  My nostrils flared as I dragged air into my lungs. It didn’t help, I still felt like I was suffocating.

  “Come here.”

  My stomach turned over as I approached. Ethan nudged his head at the bed.

  I nodded, let the towel drop, and sat on the edge. Getting down on his knees, he loomed over me, and with his eyes on mine, coaxed me to lay back against the bed, and then to part my knees.

  His actions were too premeditated, and it set my stomach to knotting thinking about him inspecting me.

  Fingers skittered over my stomach, and I hissed as the muscles contracted again. He wasn’t even growling, and I was getting wet. Thinking about it, he’d barely growled last night other than when I tried to push him away in bed when he’d been crushing me. I suspected he had refrained from doing so to prevent another flush.

  He offered me the soft rumble, and my concerns imploded under the weight of that deep soothing sound. My breathing evened out. He was so gentle with me, the touch light. I ought to be embarrassed about the wetness pooling there, but strong emotions of any kind could not take hold.

  A finger and thumb parted my lips. Cool cream was slathered into the weeping entrance, then pumped deep using two thick fingers, over and over. The rumble continued, the pumping continued, and a slow, sublime pleasure rose.

  When he pressed a single, cream slathered finger into my ass, my languid state unfolded a fraction. He hadn’t touched me there before. It did not need any cream. “Be still,” he growled. Resuming the rumble, he continued to slowly stoke my libido with every stroke of his thick finger. “Your greedy little cunt is dripping.”

  His coarse words rocked me, and I sucked in a deep breath, trying to maintain a sense of calm. It was too late. I had lost it, like a tendril of smoke slipping through my fingers. My pussy fluttered each time he fucked his finger into my ass. I fought to find a stable point on the ceiling, but it felt like it was spinning around, a swirling kaleidoscope in shades of white and gray.

  A thick thumb swiped over my clit. I nearly shot off the bed.

  “Don’t come.”

  I shuddered ano
ther deep breath as he smeared the cream over every inch of my pussy with his thumb and fingers until every nerve was on fire.

  “Don’t come or I will spank you.”

  Oh god, why was that threat making it worse? I bit my bottom lip, hard enough to taste a metallic tang. He held me open. One finger in my ass, and another in my pussy while his thumb rubbed back and forth over my clit.

  “I need to work the cream in. If you come, I will spank you.”

  “Please stop!”

  “I’m not done,” he said, tone implacable. “Hold it for me.”

  My climax came like a distant wave rolling toward a shore, building with slow, relentless determination. Once it was set in motion, I knew there was no holding it back. My back arched and my head rolled back, and I groaned like an animal in heat.

  As the shock subsided, my breath steadied, and I lifted my lashes to bring reality back into view.

  The comforting rumble ceased, and my anxiety cranked up a notch as his fingers withdrew.

  He stood, taking the tube into the adjoining bathroom. I tried to mentally pick myself up while listening to the sounds of rushing water. Was he taking a shower? Maybe he wouldn’t spank me after all.

  It took me long minutes to gather myself enough to get to a sitting position. I should get dressed. It was safer to be dressed.

  He returned to the room while I was still debating the best course of action. On my periphery, I watched him rummaging through the clothing in the closet. I frowned. When had they arrived? It appeared he was staying for a while.

  “Did Ryker spank you?”

  My head snapped around as he emerged into the bedroom once more, wearing a clean pair of pants.

  My eyes met his dark ones. “No.” Why hadn’t I gotten dressed? Why was I still sitting here on the bed like I had lost all ability to function?

  “Good,” he said. “I told him not to.” I tried to assimilate that statement as he took my hand and drew me to my shaky feet. Had Ryker already notified him about my many and varied transgressions?

  “You look guilty,” he said, a smile tugging up one corner of his mouth.

  “You’re making me nervous,” I replied. He might not be privy to my catalog of dubious failings, so I wasn’t about to offer a confession. And he had said spank, not the belt. That had to be better, I reasoned. “I’ve…never been spanked. And you made me fail, you know you did.”

  His smirk bloomed. “It pleased me to make you fail. Like it will please me to spank you for the first time.” The thick club of his cock was tenting his pants. Had it been there from the start or had my imminent punishment given rise to that beast? He sat where I had been laid, and gave his head a nudge toward his lap. “Over you go, Princess.”


  HER FACE WAS flushed with arousal and fear, and her lips began to tremble. If she started crying, I was going to fuck her. I’d have to spank her after.

  Tears on a pretty, little Omega always brought out my beast, not that it ever lurked far from the surface.

  And she was more than pretty, she was exceptional in every way.

  A single fat tear trickled down her cheek. I was fucked—she was about to get fucked.

  I caught hold of her wrist and tugged her in next to my side. I was still buzzing from the last hit of her blood, and I was conscious of how delicate she was, and how easily I could break her in this state. I swiped the tear away with the pad of my thumb. “Stop crying. I haven’t even spanked you yet.”

  Most Omegas were bonded by her age. Her father had contacted me not long after she revealed, and I had been on recall ever since. I assumed she had suppressed her heat, either that or she was dysfunctional in some way. No Omega went three years without a sign. I would be happy to give it a helping hand, and I’d be watching her like a hawk to make sure I nixed any attempts to suppress it again.

  I tucked a thick strand of blonde hair behind her ear, while her bright amber eyes implored me not to do this. She needed to be spanked more than she needed to breathe. The thought of her going so long without ever being spanked was a travesty. Omegas needed discipline and control. Some needed it daily to keep them settled.

  She didn’t realize how badly she needed dominating. I was going to make sure my little doctor got what she needed.

  I tipped her chin until she met my eyes. “I’m pleased with you,” I said, swiping a thumb over her soft, damp cheek. There was the slightest hitch of her breath, and a tiny shiver rippled through her body as her lashes lowered. Ryker had mentioned that praising her provoked a nice kind of rise. She was probably confused about this change in my behavior.

  Her cheeks had flushed, but it was a healthy kind of flush. I decided then that she was going to be getting generous praise when she behaved and a firm spanking whenever she didn’t. I doubted she would spend much time in between. “I wanted you to come, and you came perfectly. You look beautiful when you come.”

  “I can’t do this. I’m too old. I can’t—be controlled.”

  That stirred a chuckle out of me. “Let’s get this over with.” Discussion over, I hauled her over my lap. There was no way I could punish her without making her flush—no point in trying.

  She started wailing and protesting. I caught both hands at the small of her back, trapped her thrashing legs between mine and began to spank.

  She fought wildly for a good long while. Long enough to give me cause for concern…until the dam broke.

  It was an extreme release. Her tears were a raging torrent, and she was drowning in their wake. I dragged her into my arms and kissed them away. I tried to control myself, but it was a lost cause. I wasn’t in control, and it terrified me. My hands were shaking, I was still high, and I could hear every broken sob, every shuddering breath like her lips were next to my ear.

  And her thick, intoxicating scent of arousal sent my dick from hard to stony in an instant.

  Her little hands clung to me, pulling at my hair and urging my lips to meet hers. She opened herself sweetly to the kiss, and our tongues tangled as we swallowed each other’s breaths.

  I took her down onto the bed behind me, ripping my pants undone to free my cock. “Such a good girl.” The tears kept spilling, but she was frantic to get me inside her. Shoving my pants down, she gripped my aching shaft the moment it popped out. “Fuck!” My dick was leaking pre-cum over her hands. If I didn’t get it inside of her, I was going to fucking come.

  Kicking my pants off, I snatched her hands away, dragged her legs open and plowed straight in.

  I exhaled a gusty breath as the pleasure of her tight cunt sent a shiver down the length of my spine. It took me several seconds to find the necessary self-restraint. I wanted to be gentle with her this time. She was sore; I’d seen how pink and swollen her pussy was, and she couldn’t take the hard fucking she was demanding. I rocked in and out slowly, trying to calm her. It worked until she bit down hard onto my pec.

  I ripped her off by the hair and scowled down at her bloody lips.

  She licked her lips before sucking the lower one into her mouth. This was no practiced seduction. No, it was entirely savage, and the defiant jut of her jaw said she wanted to bite again.

  I think I’d just created a monster.

  I dragged my cock from her hot pussy, flipped her onto her hands and knees, and fisting a handful of hair, shoved her face into the bed. “You want a hard fucking, Princess?” I kept her face pressed into the bed, so all I heard was a muffled groan. “Show me what you want.”

  Her back immediately arched and she pushed her sweet little ass back.

  An offer I wasn’t about to refuse. I gripped the back of her neck to hold her in place and fucked her like a beast. Deep, powerful thrusts that brought our bodies together with sharp slaps. She climaxed quickly, her pussy pulling on my dick as she gasped and strained under my hold.

  I didn’t stop; kept on hammering into her until my balls tightened to the point of pain.

  Then I leaned over her, yanked her head to the s
ide and bit down over her neck.

  The growl torn from my throat did not sound human. My balls drew tighter still before I emptied a bucket of cum into her belly. I snarled against her throat, still sucking mouthfuls of blood, and still coming deep. She followed me over, and the rhythmic milking of her too tight pussy drew yet more cum from my balls.

  I dragged my lips from her throat, and blood gushed out briefly before the membrane sealed. Pulling her face around, I kissed her hard. The blood had smeared over her throat and face and had trickled onto the bed.

  It didn’t turn me off—the mere sight of it made me want to fuck her again.

  I took a deep, shaky breath. I could feel a dangerous kind of tingling at the base of my cock. I’d dumped a ton of cum in her belly, and I was still rock hard. If I didn’t gain control, I was going to take it to a place we would both regret.

  She hissed when my cock slipped out, poor baby.

  “Better take a shower before I fuck you again.”

  She puffed out an exaggerated breath and scurried off the bed.

  I put my pants back on while she was in the shower, fighting with the zipper because my dick had a mind of its own and it wasn’t close to being done.

  Her place was luxury beyond anything I had seen before. All shades of white, tasteful artwork on the walls, and opulence. Since Daddy was on the ruling council, I wasn’t that surprised.

  I’d had my share of luxury before the war machine had swallowed me up—I wasn’t as phased by her apartment as she thought I had been. Admittedly, my former homes had never been to this standard…and ten years in the military had dimmed the memory.

  Her bedroom had its own lounge area, and I sat on the plush couch and waited for her to finish her shower.

  She returned a few minutes later, sending a brief glance my way as she headed for her closet. The sounds of shuffling hangers followed.

  “I want to see what you’re going to wear.” The shuffling sounds stopped. “All of it,” I added, biting back a smile.


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