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Lethal Love: Deceit can be Deadly

Page 11

by Perri Forrest

  I didn’t know what to think. I should have kept up with what was going on. I hadn’t read any articles. Hadn’t watched the news. In my mind, they had all that they needed—including the weapon! It was in the car! I just assumed… fuck! Had I fucked up? I literally had to rethink my steps. Inside my chest began to sear.

  Was it moved? By who? Shit!

  I shut my eyes tight, and locked myself up inside my memories. I was thinking back to that night. Trying to retrace my steps. Something was wrong. But no! Because everything was right. The phone call. Text message. Semen. I had his cell with me so that the ping would register. My phone was here at home. I took his car. The gun. It was under the seat!

  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to find Detective Matthews hovering over me. “Are you okay?” she asked, rubbing my shoulder.

  No, I’m not okay! That’s what I wanted to scream out. Instead, I responded, “That’s the second time that I spaced out. I’m so sorry. This is all so—”

  “I get it. And I really hate to bother—”

  “No, no, no…” I said, snapping out of the place I’d been stuck in. I needed to pull it together and quick. And that was what I did. “It’s perfectly fine. It’s not a bother.”

  I rose from my chair. Then, with Detective Matthews on my heel, I headed down the hallway and to the door that led us to the garage. I remained on the top stair while she made her way to Drew’s car.

  “Nice ride you got here,” she complimented, of my car.

  “Thank you.” I forced a smile. “That’s my baby.”

  “I can see why.”

  It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion from the time she grabbed Drew’s car door handle, to her sitting in the driver’s seat. I watched her intently, barely blinking while my heart sank to my stomach. When her head disappeared from view, I lifted up on my tiptoes slightly to see what I could see. My guess was that she was trying to get better access to the area underneath the front seats.

  My breaths had quickened. I swear I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I just wanted the intrusive thoughts to shut the fuck up, because my mind was working in overdrive—bringing about various scenarios—scenarios featuring me, being carted off in handcuffs.

  I won’t go out like that. I’m not going to suffer for something that… I didn’t bring about.

  In the middle of my brain storming, the detective’s form shifted and she got out of the car. She looked focused, exasperated. I would’ve offered her more to drink, but I was too anxious. Trying desperately to figure out why the gun wasn’t there.

  She removed a jacket that I hadn’t even noticed before, sat it on the hood of Drew’s car, then sank to her knees and leaned back in again. The minutes that I stared at the soles of her shoes, felt like hours. I finally had to close my eyes, silently fixated on what would happen when she emerged from her diving mission. I wrapped myself in an embrace, swaying back and forth. It was my way of being comforted during an unsettling time.

  Then finally…

  “Well, what do you know?” I heard in the distance, snapping me back to the present. My breath caught, and my eyes jumped to where Detective Matthews stood. Her smile was broad. It was an expression of happiness and victory. “Excuse my language; but they’re gonna shit bricks when I walk in with this.”

  “Oh my God! Is… Is that…” I cried. “The weapon that killed Royce? It was here the whole time?” I sobbed.

  The tears shed easily. They fell fast, they fell furious. I didn’t even need to think about Zeus for it to happen. They were tears of relief. I was terrified, thinking of all type of shit that would’ve backfired in my direction. Everything that I’d planned for months would have come back to bite me in the ass. Drew would have been the one with the last laugh.

  Thank you, Universe!

  She swayed on her feet to keep from leaning on the man’s car. “Well, ballistics have to be run. But I’m willing to bet it’s the weapon. It was under there very snugly; as though deliberately hidden.”

  “And I never asked him where he kept the gun. My only rule was just that it didn’t come inside the house. I’m… wow,” I sighed.

  “Wow is right,” she said. “It’s the craziest shit I’ve seen, for sure. But yes, it’s here. And I was present when they searched the car.”

  “Yes, that really is crazy,” I agreed. “A girl is always more thorough, Detective.”


  “Exactly,” she boasted. “I hate to impose even more, but would it be too much to ask for a plastic bag?” She put a relieved hand to her chest, then explained, “I really didn’t think I’d find anything that they’d already searched for. It was really just a last-ditch effort. Needless to say, I stupidly neglected to bring an evidence bag with me.”

  “Absolutely…” I managed through the tears. “I’ll be right back.”

  I took off inside the house, leaving the detective behind.

  Immediately inside the doors, I leaned against the wall to steady my mind, my soul—my heart! And through the barrage of tears, all I could think of was, Thank God!

  22 | Leo

  I stepped off the elevator and into my loft, somewhere around 8:30 p.m. That was early for me. Normally, it was closer to nine when I started to shut down at the office. Now would have been a perfect time to go for a run, but I wasn’t really in the mood. That was going to be even more so after my shower, because that steam was going to put me all the way into wind-down mode.

  A year ago, the cure to winding down would have been a call to any of the women listed in my phone. I’d either stop by her place on the way home, or send a car for her once I was settled in. The urge was there. It never really went away. I mean, because what able-bodied, sexual man in his right mind stopped thinking about sex? Yet, even though the thought was there, I dismissed it. Laying down with a woman and transferring energy was easy. It was the expectations of it becoming a ‘thing’, that usually got in the way.

  Truthfully, though, I didn’t have anybody on my call list that I wanted to be bothered with right now. More so because it was a weekday. That alone, posed certain restrictions on my time. So, just like many other nights as of late, I chalked it up and proceeded with my plan.

  A hot shower came first. After I got out the shower and was refreshed, I poured me a glass of Jack Daniels and headed into the living room to listen to my go-to playlist. Three hours of music consisting of anything from Chicago, to the Chain Smokers, to Maxwell, to Kendrick Lamar. Music, for me, was a mood—a good mood that was always on time.

  With my drink in hand, and a jazz piece playing in the background, I dialed my new friend’s number. I paired my Bluetooth, then trekked to the other side of the room, where my view to the Valley opened a bit more. The phone rang twice before her sultry voice came over the line. It was a smooth-sounding, “Hello?”

  “Hello, is this Nova?” I asked, knowing the answer to the question.

  “It is.” She paused and let out a light chuckle. “And is this Leo Kastellanos?” she asked, making me want to sex her right then and there. She’d better be glad I wasn’t in her presence when my name rolled off her lips that way. The way she said it, made it sound better than I’d ever heard it spoken.

  “It’s me. How’d you know?”

  “Well, for one, my number is just a few days old. For two, I don’t give my number out often, so I figured it had to be. Besides, I would know that voice of yours anywhere.”

  “Would you, now?”


  Flattery. I like it.

  “New number, huh?”


  “Well, I’m glad I got a chance to get in before the troops come storming in.”

  She laughed. “What troops would that be?”

  “You know. All the ones that got the memo that you’re a single woman now. I’m sure they’ll be running to kneel at your feet.”

  “Well, I hope they don’t run too fast. They may just run smack dab in
to a concrete wall.”

  “Oh wow. I take that to mean that you’re not all that ready to dive into the dating scene?”

  “That depends…”

  “Really now? On what?”

  “The guy. His conversation. His intentions. His personality. All that kind of thing, you know? His energy…”

  Nodding, I responded. “I know exactly. And I one-hundred-percent agree with the criteria you set.”

  “And I’m glad you approve.”

  “So, I guess I’ll ask what I should’ve asked when I first called… is it too late?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Good to hear. So, how was the rest of your day?”

  “The rest of the day… hmmm… it was a day like all the others.”

  “How were sales?”

  “Good. Had I not been inside the M Resorts stuffing my face, I probably would have sold more, but I can’t complain.”

  “Well, I for one, am glad that you were stuffing your face. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to see your face.”

  I heard the smile in her voice when she said, “Definitely glad we got the chance to officially meet. You seem really nice. I could use nice people in my life right now.”

  “Well, I’m your guy. I’m sure the big guy can vouch for me.”

  “I might have him do that!” she laughed.

  “Aww, I’m hurt!”

  “I kid. I already caught the vibe. I know it’s cool.”

  “Okay, okay… glad you caught that.”

  “Definitely caught it. I trust the Cantons. They’re the best.”

  “Seems like they love you a lot.”

  “Yeah, and I feel the same way about them. And now, more than any other time in my life, having good people around me is essential. You know? People I never have to doubt, and who I can extend that same loyalty to.”

  I blew air out and shook my head. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that shit. Nobody should have to… man. I just wish you a speedy recovery from it all.”

  “That’s really sweet, Leo. I think I’ll be fine. I’m not affected nearly as much as I thought I would be. He’s going away for a very long time. And the emotions I feel as far as my friend… I mean, it’s really messed up that she lost her life in…”

  When she paused, I gave her an out. “You don’t have to talk about it, Nova. It’s okay.”

  “I just… I’m sort of numb to it all. I mean, how do I mourn a person that I thought was my best friend? If I wasn’t with her, I was with him. If I wasn’t with them, I was at work. And when I was at work, and apparently, when I was sleep… yeah, it’s a lot to unpack. Couple all that with the news I got earlier that she may have been pregnant with his child.”

  “Whoa… whoaaa! Say that one more time,” I said, in disbelief. “Pregnant? So, he killed two people? Oh, he’s going down.”

  “Right…” Her voice was almost a whisper. I immediately felt fucked-up. In the background I was still doing my own research to know everything I needed to know about this beautiful woman. However, for now, the things on the surface like detecting emotion, I would have to learn. And I had already picked up on something in the tone of her voice that alerted me to the fact that she was more impacted than she had said. Since I didn’t want to be the source of her feeling down, I quickly changed the subject by asking, “How are you enjoying your house? I was over there a lot when the development first went up—pre-sale. Did you get the model that you wanted?”

  “I did,” she answered, sounding more upbeat. I could almost see those beautiful brown eyes lighting up as she spoke. “I love the entire layout. I especially loved the kitchen with my see-through fridge. It was a pain in the beginning. Only because I was severely OCD about the contents being placed neatly, since anybody in the kitchen, could see right through it.”

  I burst into laughter. “Yeah, that could never be me. I know for sure I wouldn’t take that kind of time.”

  “Well, you’re a guy, sooo…”

  “Oh, jokes, huh? Sounds sexist.”

  “I’m just saying,” She chuckled. “But no, really, I love it all. The stainless-steel appliances, and my black marble center island, the platinum and glass chandeliers, grey on white checkered tile… yeah, the whole design is to die for. It’s perfect. Just the transparency of my fridge sometimes makes me want to put shutters over the glass.”

  Chuckling, I said, “Umm… yeah, as far as I know, there’s no such thing.”

  “Well, I do have a new friend who’s a builder. I’m told he can build just about anything.”

  “I’d love to meet the guy,” I joked. “Always looking for good talent.”

  “No, but all jokes aside, I walked in here and it was love at first sight. And the wine drawer spoke my language! That was a great idea to put that in. The hideaway in the loft at the top of the stairs. The walk-in under the stairs. Leo, these homes dazzle. Like, that’s an impressive eye that you have.”

  Well, top to bottom, you sure caught my eye. So, for damn sure it’s a skilled eye.

  “Thank you for that, Nova. I love what I do. Seeing it from the ground up is probably the most rewarding part. Starts with bare land and ends up being these beautiful homes where kids are born and raised. You’re literally handing over your baby to somebody that you know will cherish it as much as you do. Not that I’d ever hand over a child of mine, but it’s the best way to describe it.”

  “You have kids?” she asked.

  “No. Not yet. One day, though.”

  “Oh, okay. I thought when you said…”

  “Just speaking in metaphors. The houses are my babies. I see them from design all the way through to delivery. So, yeah.”

  “Your passion for sure comes through, Leo. It’s amazing when people can do what they love and feel that it adds value to the world. I admire that.”

  “But look at you. At the top of your field—in a male-dominated field. You’re all that, lady!”

  “I guess I am kinda ‘all that,’” she replied, with laughter.

  I liked that she seemed well-equipped to let go of the past, and move on to whatever was next.

  “I like your laugh,” I told her.

  “I like that you called, and made it possible, for me to laugh.”

  “I got an idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How about we hang out sometime and I make you laugh some more. You know… take you to a really nice restaurant, for good conversation and good food, where I can get to know you better.”

  “Hmm… that sounds a lot like a date.”

  “Would that be a bad thing?”

  “Umm-umm. Not at all. And I accept.”

  By the time Nova and I ended the call, it was three hours later. The last time I remembered clocking a one-on-one conversation for that amount of time was in high school. Not since then. But talking to Nova was easy, so the time flew by. She was a woman with something to say. Engaging, sense of humor, interesting, and great company.

  For our unofficial date, I told her that I would pick the place. She said she was open, and not picky on the cuisine. But she did let me know that Italian was a favorite. So, I knew just where to take her.

  23 | Nova

  Jenn K.

  You poor woman.

  Just how hard will it hit when you find out that I’m going on a date with your very attractive brother?

  The poor girl would probably shit bricks the size of her ego when she found out. Just wish I could be there for it. Like that episode of Martin when Tommy and Pam finally slept together and Gina figured it out. She wanted to get the camera to catch the look on Martin’s face when they broke the news to him. And just like she thought, he had a fit! That’s how I wanted it to be with Jenn. Poor Leo would probably have to resuscitate his sister. Her and her fake titties.

  Although, after talking to Leo, and getting to know him better, it didn’t seem like he answered to a goddamn person—ever. So, she probably wouldn’t know anything about w
hat he and I might potentially have. Bummer.

  Surprisingly enough, I found myself looking forward to spending time with Leo, come the weekend. I couldn’t wait to find out more about him. That voice was everything. Calm, cool, and sexy. And he had the music playing in the background. I really liked that. Heard variety too. I didn’t ask him about it because I didn’t want to bring attention to it. I determined, though, that he had soul. It was his swag and his taste in music that let me know. That, I could really get with. Three hours of conversation; and he made every minute worth it.

  Something told me that Mr. Leo Kastellanos had a story to tell. He wore sex appeal like a second skin. I wanted to indulge in him.

  Would there be people who thought that it was too soon for me to be entertaining a new man? Sure, there would. People had opinions on everything. But if I was the type to worry about what others had to say, I would’ve never gotten anywhere in life. After everything that I’d been through, I wasn’t going to close myself off and turn down opportunities to have a good time. Especially with a man that looked and moved like Leo Kastellanos.

  The weekend couldn’t come fast enough…


  Full off of conversation, and feeling fresh and relaxed after a steamy shower, I should’ve been sleepy, but there wasn’t so much as a yawn in sight. I climbed on top of my bed wearing a cotton T-shirt, and panties, prepared to find something to fill the seventy-inch television screen on the wall. My go-to was always FX, because any time of night I could find something entertaining, without having to watch depressing-ass commercials during every break.

  When I flipped to the channel, Anger Management was already in progress, so I left it there. I cracked the latest issue of Elle Décor, and picked the page I was last on two days ago. The home designs were so pretty. I loved the way some designers were bold with marrying color schemes. It was beautiful how certain colors could just bring the whole environment alive.

  A few days earlier when I sifted through the pages, I came to a realization: No matter the recent changes to this house, and no matter its beauty and remarkable amenities, it still felt like… just a house. A home to me, was something that a family built together. A place that wrapped the family in comfort and love. This house at 812 Cedar Lane didn’t provide that.


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