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Lethal Love: Deceit can be Deadly

Page 13

by Perri Forrest

  Leo was rugged and full of masculine energy—potent masculine energy. And even with his edginess, he managed to handle me with care. He was attentive, and unafraid of displaying his interest level. The day he showed up to Starbucks, won me over. That single memory ran across my mind at least once a day since it happened.

  The comfort level with this man was so… beautifully natural. He was everything that a woman would want—on paper and off. He was a welcomed breath of fresh air.

  So why was I going crazy?!

  Why was it so difficult picking out something to wear, out of the three outfits laying across my bed? All three ensembles were red: A form-fitting jumpsuit that wore like a second skin. No pockets, no sleeves, and generous on the cleavage. The other two outfits were dresses. One of them short, the other a little past my knees—both form-fitting. The form-fitting theme wasn’t something that I was deviating from. I personally wanted a sexy vibe. One that read, ‘dressed for seduction’, whether I really was or not. I wanted to embrace full femininity prowess. To reside comfortably in the cushion of confidence. It was all about me.

  Now, if in the process it turned a few heads, then that worked too.

  When I finally got my look together, I was ready…

  At the agreed upon time of 7:00 PM, I exited my Uber XL outside of the Delano, and headed up the elevators to the Skyfall Lounge.

  “Ohhh, I love that,” a pretty, dark-haired woman on the elevator complimented, of my silk champagne dress, that stopped mid-thigh.

  “Thank you,” I told her. “Red was the original choice; I was bit nervous with the switch-up.”

  “Oh sweetie, don’t be. You’re stunning. And the nude pump to pair it with. Flawless.”

  “Oh my God. Thank you so much.”

  The moment the elevator doors parted on my floor, the Queens—Bey & Nicki—spilled inside, each proudly declaring that they were feeling themselves. It was a blend of crisp treble, with a perfect level of bass, wrapped around eclectic sounds. Damn, it was sensuousness personified in that place! Crisp, clean acoustics vibrated around me in a lure that wrapping me up like a comforting hug.

  I was definitely where I needed to be.

  I smiled to myself thinking about Leo’s connection to music, and that connection, being why he chose this place. Every time we were on the phone, music could be heard in the background. It always served as a relaxing part of our conversations. He didn’t know it, but he even had me tapping in more. Not just on the way into work and on the way home from work. Now, it was while I worked, when I was in the shower, and a few other places in between.

  My head bobbed slowly to the beat, as I looked around to assess the mood of my new environment. What I noticed was that people were engaged, happy… relaxed. Hand-holding, dancing, eating… enjoying each other. It brought back memories of when I used to hit the mixers, and the happy hours, to socialize.

  The place was life! Complete with a panoramic view of the Strip, and many miles of Las Vegas scenery beyond that. The curved window was so wide, and so clear, that it looked as though you could reach and touch the sky. It was all so hypnotizing, seductive. I had heard about Skyfall but hadn’t had the pleasure of it. It was already on its way to exceeding any expectations I had.

  Moments in, a host dressed in all black broke my trance with a friendly greeting. I wondered if he had been watching me the whole time. “Welcome,” he said. “And thank you, for joining us this evening.”

  “Thank you for having me.”

  “Do you have a reservation?”

  “I’m here as one-half of a reservation,” I responded, with a smile. “Under Leo—”

  “Mr. Kastellanos. Of course. He’s here and waiting.” An attractive, pixie-haired woman approached wearing a short white skirt, and a thin, off-the-shoulder turquoise top, with black high heels. “Marissa will show you to your table,” he announced.

  I nodded in his direction, as I fell in line with Marissa. With each footfall, I thought my balance would give. It was all nerves! Because there was no reason that I would even think I’d fall. I was a seasoned heel-wearer, having rocked high heels just about every day of my life—from my last year of high school, until now.

  Whew! Nerves go all the way away!

  But maybe it’s natural, Nova.

  “Of course, it’s natural,” I mumbled under my breath. Just relax…

  I suddenly thought back to my life before tonight. Drew started off with wining and dining, but then relaxed on all things courting. And it was my fault for not pushing the issue. I should have continued to make dating me a requirement. But did I even want him to? What did I really have with Drew? I honestly couldn’t recall. It wasn’t mind-blowing. And maybe it was that density of the relationship that led to the ultimate demise of it. That, and an ‘Open for business’ sign hanging from his dick.


  Stop thinking about it!

  He’s not worth your head space!

  And when I listened to myself and welcomed the moment, it didn’t take long for me to spot Leo up ahead. He was already on his feet and looking like every bit the stallion that he was, in a cobalt-blue dinner jacket, black tailored slacks, and a tucked black crew. I was sure the belt was designer, and while I was inspecting that part of his garment, I tried not to look too far down in that vicinity of where the belt sat.

  Mind your business, Nova.

  Keep your eyes to yourself.

  The man looked delicious—like he belonged on the breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu. He stepped from around his side of the center table and came up close for a hug.

  His arms. That place was strong, safe, and genuine. His scent… damn. It was mild, but strong; if that makes sense. Kind of like him.

  I think I heard the hostess say something before she walked off, but I couldn’t be sure. My senses and my urges went stir crazy, dialing the digits to my womanhood. And she so wanted to answer with a dripping wet response. Boy, did she…

  Many moments had passed by the time we broke the bond. “You look… beautiful,” he said to me. He pulled me back a little further to get a better look. “I thought red was your color, but this… this is it for sure it.”

  Under his gaze, I bashfully lowered my own. “Thank you. You look… umm… real good yourself.”

  “Thank you,” he said, as we both settled into comfortable, rust-colored leather seats placed across from each other, but not so far apart that we felt estranged.

  “This ambiance is everything,” I acknowledged of the spanning décor made up of camel, rust, and brick red. “I like it here.”

  “I like it here too.” I immediately read the subliminal tone in Leo’s voice. The one that went from friendly to seductive. I know that I wasn’t mistaking the sexual energy that flowed between us. It was never meant to show up—not this soon—yet, there it was. It was ever-present, and hovering in a thick cloud above. It was there when we spent long hours on the phone. But now, in person… yeah, that energy was kicked up several notches. Especially, since there was nothing between us but… well, nothing. “How was the ride over?” he asked. “I wish you would’ve allowed me to pick you up; but I understand.”

  “I hope I didn’t offend you.”

  “Not at all. You’re being cautious. Hopefully, that goes away soon. I wouldn’t ever want you to feel that you needed to fear me. Not for any reason, and not under any circumstances.”

  “I know that I’m in good hands with you.” I smiled at Leo; something so easy to do. “It’s a short-term precaution.”

  “Well, that’s good. Because a real date is me doing all the work—including door-to-door service—to and from our destination.”

  “Okay.” I surrendered easily.

  “So, your ride… unproblematic, right?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Felt good to be the passenger. I’ve never really liked to drive.”

  Leo’s eyes widened in surprise. “Says the woman in the automotive industry.”

  “I know, right?” I laughe
d out. “I’m such an oxymoron.”

  “Not necessarily,” he said, his eyes laying on me hard. “I think a woman deserves to be able to sit back and enjoy the ride. Behind the wheel, I mean.”

  This man and his suggestive play on words. I like it.

  I blushed hard while nodding. “I know what you meant.”

  “I ordered champagne to get us started,” he said. “Is that okay?”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “You want to take a few minutes with the menu while I signal the hostess, and then we can just let the music play and the conversation flow. “How does that sound?”

  “Like the best laid plan.”

  By the time we had placed our orders, both champagne and conversation were flowing. It flowed with the same ease, as over the phone. Relaxation came easy as the night played out. Because of that, I was able to completely allow myself to embrace everything about the moment.

  The restaurant didn’t close until two in the morning, and I had a feeling that Leo and I would be some of the last to leave…

  27 | Leo

  “I’m really glad to be here…” Nova said, her voice soft and even.

  Hours in, her textured layers peeled. The walls were no longer there. She now sat next to me, instead of across from me. As much as we’d spoken over the phone, and as much as we had divulged to each other in the late-night hours, it was clear that she still had to fill me out. That was fine. With everything she had been through, I didn’t expect anything else.

  She didn’t know it yet, but I was the best place for her. Her heart was safe with me, whatever her secrets—if she had any—they were safe with me. She… was safe with me.

  At this stage, I planned to follow her lead, no pressure. It was better to let her come to me. For her to make the moves that she wanted to see happen. The dumb-fuck, Drew Levine, had done a number on her, and left a mark on her heart. Gauging from what she had shared with me, Nova had never let herself go like she had with him.

  She didn’t grow up with trusting others, set to default. So, it was learned… and then shattered. All thanks to that idiot, who stood in the majority with a lot of men, who had a good woman and fucked-up for no reason at all.

  I was glad that I had never met the man. I might be tempted to become one of his visitors—if only for a few minutes. Just to look him in the eyes, laugh at him, and then commence to telling him just how stupid he was. And after I was done righting all the wrongs that he left in his undeserving trail... Fuck, I just might.

  It was up to me to show Nova that her foundation could not only be rebuilt, but built upon, with something solid that would never rock it to its core again. It would take some work. But I knew before we even spoke a single word to each other that she was worth it. So, I was up for the job.

  Suddenly, her hand was on my thigh. The electricity of her touch immediately brought me back to the moment with a jolt. “You hear me, Leo?” she asked, leaning in close.

  “I definitely heard you.”

  She reclaimed her hand and clasped it with her other. “I thought I’d bored you for a minute. Looked like you had zoned out on me.”

  You could’ve left your hand right where it was.

  “Nah, not zoned out at all. You’re too interesting for that. I just didn’t want to jump in, if there was more you were going to say.”

  She chuckled. “Nope.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well, in response, I’m glad that you came too. I’m equally glad that you allowed yourself to relax. I know when you first got here, you were checking in and out.”

  Both of her hands flew to cover her eyes. “Ugh. You picked up on that?”

  I reached out to lower her hand from her face. “I did. But it’s fine. I’m just glad that you finally got into the groove and allowed yourself to be.”

  “You make it terrifyingly easy to be myself. It’s got me just a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I’m trying hard not to be. I just—”

  “I get it. But trust yourself. What do you feel when it comes to me? Be honest.”

  Without pause she answered. “I like you. I like our talks. I like the anticipation I feel when I know that we’ll be talking. I like how easily I get through my days knowing…” Her voice trailed. “You get the idea.”

  I smiled. “See, that’s all good stuff.”

  “It is, right? But—”


  “But… past circumstances make me feel the need to pace…”

  “I’m the present.” Her eyes widened, a thin smile appearing. “Who’s to say that the past didn’t happen so that you could get here—to this… the future? Absolutely no pressure. Just something for you to think about when times get a little boring.”

  She shook her head slowly, then broke the unspoken bond by leading her eyes away from mine. She was conflicted about how to respond. I almost changed the subject to give her an out, but thought it best to see what she would do with what she was given.

  “I’ve thought about it, Leo. And not even when times were boring.”

  The look in her eyes was welcoming. There were no signs of discomfort when she spoke the words. I appreciated that, because making women uncomfortable wasn’t my thing. And especially not this woman, who had already been through the gutter and back.

  I nodded and smiled, affirming all that she’d said. “Okay, if you feel all those things…” “You should go with it. Because I like you too, and my intentions are good.”

  Nova sipped from the new glass of champagne that had arrived minutes earlier. When she licked her lips afterwards, it’s all I saw. The plumpness, the perfection… the possibilities.

  “You’re so different than other men.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “It’s a great thing. You’re so unbothered and confident. It’s… attractive.”

  “Unbothered? You’ll need to school me on that one. I mean, I get it in the technical sense. But do you mean it in a way outside of that?”

  “Nope. Technical. As in nothing seems to bother you. You just take the days, nights, situations… and make them your bitch. Like…” She sat her glass on the table in front of us, and turned her attention fully on me. “Like, even if your day was fucked-up, you’re still going to make the best of it. And even doing that, you lend your time to a damsel. Not that I’m in distress or anything. But I’m kinda damaged g—”

  I shook my head, signaling for her to stop. I wasn’t about to let her use a negative about herself, as a segue.

  “You’re far from damaged goods, Nova. You give that guy all the power when you say that about yourself. You’re owning that he had the power to damage you. Now, if that’s how you really feel, I can’t change that. But I would think long and hard about it, before claiming that shit so easily. The only one damaged in that situation… is him. Let him have that.”

  She picked up her champagne. “You’re right, Leo. He’s the one damaged—for life. Asshole. And he’s going to pay for everything he did… with a life sentence. I can’t wait for that. His ass really thought he committed the perfect murder.” She started to laugh. “He didn’t…” Nova’s eyes widened, her expression turning serious. “I did not really just sit here and lead myself in a direction of making this time about him. Tell me, I didn’t just do that. Ugh,” she said in disdain. “Let’s change the subject quickly!” She smiled while pulling her glass to her lips.

  “Anybody ever told you that your smile is contagious?”

  “Nooo. And now you have me blushing, Leo.”

  I wouldn’t mind doing a whole lot more.

  “Well, it is. And so is your energy. I’m liking it a lot.”

  She fell silent for a few seconds, turning her attention to the patrons around our area. Then she looked back at me. “Can I ask you a question?”


  “How would your family feel about you with a woman of c
olor—this color?”

  She settled back into her seat and crossed one leg over the other, waiting for my response. Instantaneously, my eyes roamed to the place where the hem of her dress parked. A glimpse of the thigh I’d seen that first time that morning on her lawn, showed itself. And just like all the other times she did that tonight, I wondered about that hidden area beneath the covering. I was willing to bet that it was every bit the fucking jewel that she was.

  “Well, let’s see. My stepfather, of eighteen years, is a black man. There’s that.” I watched as shock exploded into her eyes. “And then there’s the fact that I dated Sistahs in high school, and after. As far as my father, his relationships have never lasted longer than two years; so, if there’s anything to be worried about on his end, it should be whether or not he’ll have a life partner before his ass croaks and leaves this earth. Said that to say, that he should have more important shit to worry about than the race of the woman who inherits my love.”

  “Wow.” She uncrossed her leg in slow motion, then reach reached for her glass of water just as slowly. I liked the surprise on her face, the shift in her demeanor. “Now that was what I call a medley. Stepdad, bio dad… the sistahs. Didn’t expect that at all,” she confessed.

  “Yeah, most of my connections have been with black women. Not like I’m going around saying that I only date black women. I think women, in general, are beautiful.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s just been that way.”

  “Hmm… so, what about your sister? She didn’t really seem onboard that day we were all at brunch. If looks could kill, my funeral would’ve been that day.”

  “Jenn has her own issues that are just that—her issues. She doesn’t get involved in my life at that level, and I don’t get involved in hers. And here’s the thing; anybody that allows outside influences to disrupt their lives… well, that’s on them. I get that there are race issues all over the world. I get that there’s millions of people that don’t subscribe to interracial pairings. But is it their relationship to build and to nurture? No. Is it their investment? No. I was never the person to give a fuck what other people think. Especially, about who I’m laying down with. When emotions are involved and people find the ones they love, and they’re building, and bonding… that should be the end of listening to anything other than their hearts. I’ll always stand by that.”


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