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Lethal Love: Deceit can be Deadly

Page 19

by Perri Forrest

  “I mean, what do you think my silence is worth?”

  I hated him. I hated anybody that had no clue of how much hurting the heart… hurt the person.

  “It depends.”


  “On how many of y’alls asses—”

  “It’s just me. I’m the one with the information that they need. Without me, they have nothing. But without cash… they have whatever they need.”

  “Who is ‘they’?” I probed.

  “Well now, if you’re game, there is no ‘they’. Just you and me…”

  “And I’m supposed to trust that from a person that walked into my place of employment under false pretenses?”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures. I’m not at all a bad person. I mean, I did jack off outside your house, but that was just—”

  “You fuckin’ what?!”

  “Calm down. I’m no stalker. I just needed to make sure you lived where I was told you lived. That’s it. A study of patterns and that kind of thing,” he confessed. “You actually seem like a really cool lady, with her head on straight. You just got done wrong. I get it.” He’d leaned back, cockily and smiled, then said, “You got some fuckin’ balls. That’s for goddamn sure.”

  “Okay, can we get back to the money so that I can get back to my regularly scheduled program.”

  “So, here’s the deal. I hate this town. I hate my job. Been wanting to move to Texas for a few years now. It’d be nice to be able to go and not have shit to worry about as far as money goes.”

  “Are you gonna answer the question or not? I have the rest of my day to—”

  “I think five-k a month would be good—for two years. That, or a flat 120k…”

  “And then what?” I asked him. “Because it’s not like we can sign a contract or shake on it.”

  “You’re right.” He stood from the chair and then stood behind it, his hands resting on the backing. “You got my word. I get why you did what you did. I’m not here to judge you at all. But at the end of the day—”

  “I’ll do the five-k a month…”

  Without telling him, I opted for that option because I figured if he was getting something every month, he would be more inclined to stick to the deal. But I did need more incentive than his word, and I had to think quick on how to get it.

  He and I entered into a staring war for a few seconds, neither saying a word. Then he began to slowly nod. “That works for me.”


  “When can we do the first pay—”

  “This weekend. Sunday evening.”

  He extended his hand out to me. The fact that I had to touch him sickened me. Nevertheless, I did what needed to be done.

  “Sunday is perfect. I’m not gonna even tell these pieces of shit that I quit. I’m just out.” We broke the shake, then he added. “And I know why you opted for the monthly. You think I’m dirty. You can’t possibly know it, but I don’t plan to dog you on this. In fact, to show you how much I mean that, I’m also going to give you the name of the person who’s gunning for you. Will that earn me some trust?”

  “That will definitely earn you some trust…”

  41 | Leo

  For the third time since I arrived at Starbucks, I checked my watch.

  I think I knew pretty early on that Nova wouldn’t be walking in the door. But I decided to wait around for a little bit longer to see if maybe she was running late—which didn’t seem likely. My initial plan was to give her some space. To let her come to me when she was ready. But when I woke up and looked back at our text message exchange, I couldn’t help myself. I had to check on her, in person. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if she was really crying out for help, and I did nothing about it.

  Whether it be from a distance or up close, I wasn’t going to bail on her—unless she insisted.

  Before I knew it, I found myself driving to Canton’s.

  Parking in one of the available spaces near the service area, I made my way into the multi-floored glass building. Right through the door sat a quartet of trees that gave off a Jack & the Beanstalk vibe. Nice as hell and like skyscrapers. They stood so high they almost touched the beam of light piercing through the ceiling of the showroom. It was an attractive tropical feel when you walked in. The waterfall near the marbled concierge desk was an extremely nice touch.

  Mounted large screens abound; CNN on one, that Pioneer cooking lady on another, sports news… and of course, a screen featuring repeat sliders of Canton’s luxury automobiles.

  Straight ahead, was a spiral staircase leading to Randy’s office. They had done an amazing job with the overall décor of the establishment.

  The place was full of active members—some in suits, some in dresses—all tending to the needs of the business. I stood in place for a second, taking in all the angles to see if I spotted Nova, as one of the many. But it was just reaching nine; so, if she was there, she was more than likely, in her office.

  Up ahead, I noticed that the woman behind the concierge area was eyeing me. Rightfully so. I had just been standing there looking around, so for all she knew I could be casing the joint. I smiled and headed her way.

  “My bad…” was what I started with. “Trust me, I’m not some random.”

  She smiled. “Oh no,” she said. “I didn’t think that at all. You certainly don’t look like some random. And welcome to Canton Luxury Cadillacs.”

  “Thanks. How are you today?”

  “I’m well, thank you.”

  “I’m here hoping to see Nova Levine. Is she in the office yet?”

  “Oh, our resident powerhouse workaholic,” she boasted with pride. “In a rare turn of events, Nova called out today.”

  “Okay.” I pushed out a huff of air. “Is Randy here, by chance?”

  “He is, but he’s been in a meeting that’s expected to go until ten. Would you like for me to notify—”

  “No, no, it’s cool. You can just let him know that Leo Kastellanos came by. Non-urgent. I’ll catch up with him some other time. It’s spelled, K-a-s-t-e-l-l…”

  “a-n-o-s, right?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Nice name,” she complimented, offering up a bright smile.

  “Thank you. You have yourself a great day.”

  “You do the same.”

  Without marinating on it too long, thirty-two minutes later, I parked curbside at Nova’s house. There were no obvious signs that she was inside. Her shutters weren’t open on the first level, and they looked closed on the second level as well. Nevertheless, I cut my engine and trekked to her front door.

  When I rang her bell, I heard it chime loudly, behind the shiny black door. These doors were ones that I personally selected from the manufacturer because they complemented the homes best. They were wider than the average door, and screens for them would have to be custom designed. But they were perfect because they added so much more character to the model’s exterior.

  After a minute, I decided to press the bell again before leaving. Seconds later, I began backing up slowly, returning to my truck. But I guess the second time was a charm, because I detected sounds right before the door opened.

  And then she appeared, as beautiful as ever, wearing a sleeveless white tank, and red flannel pajama shorts. Her hair was hidden behind a red silk scarf with little designs on it. She looked unrested.

  “Leo… hey…” she said, lazily, while rubbing her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “Came to check on you. Is it okay if I come in for a few minutes? I won’t hold you too long.”

  “Sure.” She glanced past me as if I had brought company. “Come on in.”

  42 | Leo

  “I’d offer you black tea, but I can’t make it like Starbucks can,” she joked.

  “It’s perfectly fine. I had one and tossed it.”

  “You? Tossed away your old faithful? What prompted that?”

  “It got cold.”

  “Oh okay. Well, I d
o have coffee, juice, water…”

  “No thanks, I’m good,” I answered looking around at the nicest living room furniture I’d seen in a long time. “This is nice what you’ve done here.”

  Both times that I had been to her house—once when she grabbed clothes for the weekend that we hung out, and again when I brought her back that Sunday—I hadn’t come in. So, it was my first time seeing the inside.

  “Thank you,” she said, dryly.

  “What is this set called?” I asked, in total awe of the red and black ensemble. “And are those lights underneath the ottoman?”

  “Yep,” she chuckled. “Way over embellished, though. It’s called an Orlando XXL sectional. The piece on the end also has lights under it. And so does the center table. It’s pretty and all. Especially at night time.”

  “This is some good-ass leather,” I acknowledged.

  “And a lot of it,” she said scooting all the way back, leaning her head on the headrest, and tucking her socked feet beneath her. “I think it’s like twelve feet wide.” She shook her head. “Way too much sofa. It’s good for company, which I don’t usually have.”

  “And why is that, Nova?”

  The question was right along the lines of where I wanted to drive the conversation.

  “What do you mean, why?” She shrugged her shoulders and looked off in the distance. “I just don’t.” She was much different than she normally was when I saw her. Not that anybody had to be the same all the time, but her switch up was drastic. Something had happened in the last twenty-four hours; whatever it was, had affected her a lot. Now that I was in, she wasn’t getting rid of me until I cracked through the shell, she had put up around her. “The two people that I surrounded myself with are gone. One is deceased, and the other one…” She paused a second. “The other one… should be deceased.”

  Finally figuring that she might have been grieving the loss of her friend, I asked, “Did you uhh… go to the funeral?”

  “I didn’t. I really don’t like funerals. So, no. But Leo?”


  “I don’t want to talk about them. Either of them.”

  “It’s just you had me worried. I thought it might have something to do with… you know. That was the only reason I—”

  “I know. And I adore you for it. I’m really sorry about last night. It’s just that every time I think I’m done processing, the shit comes back to remind me.”

  “Have you thought about talking to anybody about what you’re feeling?”

  “Like a shrink?” She shook her head. “I don’t need to. I just need people to leave me alone.”

  And there the words were. I told myself that if she said them directly, I would adhere and walk away.

  Taking that as my cue, I stood from my seat. “Okay,” I complied.

  Nova lifted her head from the sofa. “Wait. What are you doing?”

  “You said you wanted to be left alone.”

  “I meant by other people. Not you, Leo. You’ve been a godsend. Please sit back down.”

  “You sure?”

  “Please stay. I’ll explain what I meant.”

  “Okay,” I said, sitting back down.

  She fully erected herself and looked over at me. “I’m talking about any and everybody having to do with this case, with that piece of my life. I want them to go away. I’m over it all. When I brought up processing, I’m talking about having people around me that I really didn’t know. Strangers. I’m sure when I find me a new environment to be in, I can truly move on. A rebirth, you know?”

  “I actually have some places for you to look at. I was going to tell you last night, but—”

  “I know. I didn’t mean to sink on you like that. Kinda hit out of nowhere. I’m sure I sounded like some kind of mental case. I looked back at the text messages and I sounded unhinged.”

  “Not really.”

  “Yes, really. I guess I tried pushing you away because everyone’s energy, including yours, should be protected. If I’m not bringing my best aura around—”

  “Then you’re human,” I interjected. “I’ve been introduced to your aura, your energy and I saw no signs of somebody I needed to steer clear of, Nova. I’m a big boy. I got this. I signed a friend contract. We’re not breaking it.”

  The spark lit back up in her eyes and she smiled at me. “Oh, are you Cynthia Bailey now?”

  “Oh, and I guess you don’t think I know what you’re referencing, huh?”

  She laughed out loud. “I bet you don’t. In fact, I’ll bet you a meal made from scratch, that you don’t.”

  “You sure you wanna do that? I mean, can you cook? Because you’re about to lose this one.”

  She perked up even more. “Oh please. I can for sure cook, sir. Been something of a gourmet chef since before my thirteenth birthday. But I’m sure it’s gonna be you that’ll be online looking for recipes. So, stop stalling so we can get to what’s gonna be on that dinner table.”

  “Ahem. So, let’s see…” I put my forefinger to my temple as though in deep thought. “Cynthia’s kitchen—before Lake Bailey. Her and NeNe Leakes. Not sure what season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta—”

  “Wait one damn minute!” She threw her head back, grabbed her stomach, and belly laughed for several moments. “Howww in the hell did you—!”

  “Umm, that’s irrelevant at this point. Just make sure to email me that menu list for approval. Anytime is good. Any meat is good as long as it’s seasoned right; and the sides I’ll need to approve. Dessert, well… can I special order that? I’m thinking something delicate and chocolate.”

  “Just wow. You will get your menu for sure. And I even think I can do something about that dessert option as well.”

  “Now that, I like hearing. Looking forward to it.”

  When she smiled, like all the other times, it lit up the whole room. Right then, I knew that coming by was the right thing to do.

  “So, Leo, you really found somebody for me to work with?”

  “I told you I would. He’s good. I’m sure he’ll have you in something in no time.”

  I looked around the space, focusing on the black accent wall behind the extra-large flat screen television. “What’s gonna come of this place?”

  “No clue. It’s his. I’ll let him and his lawyer decide what they want to do. I don’t plan to communicate any of my plans to either of them. The mortgage is automatically withdrawn from his bank account. Is what it is, and certainly not my worry. While I’m here, I’ll keep paying the utilities, but that’s it.”

  I nodded. “Got it. Nigel will for sure help you.”

  “I really, really appreciate that.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Now aren’t you glad I tracked you—?”

  She started to laugh once again, shaking her head. “You really did come and hunt me down, didn’t you? How did you even know I was home?”

  “You didn’t know? Aww man. And here I thought I told you everything. So, here’s the thing. I’m really a private detective on the side,” I joked.

  “Yeah, right! Like your schedule would allow for that!”

  I winked at her, while joining her in laughter. “You got a point. The truth, is that I actually went to Starbucks to see if you were there.”

  “Oh my God… Leo. Really?” She pushed out a loud sigh. “You are just cut from a whole other cloth. I’m not even just saying that. You’re so sweet.”

  “Well, I was concerned. I would’ve come to see about you last night, but didn’t want to freak you out being at your door late night.”

  “I was just having a moment. A moment that lasted too long.”

  “You deserve a day off.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Kali said when I called to tell Randy this morning. It felt good to just lay back down and relax.”

  “I’m glad you gave yourself that time. You came down on yourself in that text, and I don’t want you feeling like any of that. You’re a great person, Nova.”

  “Not r

  “I think I’d know if you weren’t a good person. And fuck whoever has you feeling like that.”

  Nova grew quiet, then stared at me intently. “How do you know that you’d know, Leo?” she asked.

  “I’m a good judge of character. Don’t go and label yourself rotten just because you might have been triggered to do some shit in your life. Put that blame on the people that it belongs with. Don’t doubt your goodness, just because some fucked-up people were privileged enough to take up residence in your world, for a moment. That had nothing to do with you. That was all them.”

  “Thank you for that,” she said, softly. “I hope I can get to the point of believing that.”

  “You will. I’m here to make sure of it. Now, go and get dressed in something comfortable so I can take you out for the day.”

  She looked at me and her eyes lit up. “Out where?” she asked.

  “That’s for me to know, and for you to just enjoy the ride.”

  “But… what about work?”

  “Look, if the hardest working woman can take a day off from the office, then I can too. Now, get your beautiful ass upstairs and into something decent. You’ll be back in enough time for a good night sleep.”

  I watched her hop from the sofa and make her way across the living room until she disappeared down the hall. All I could think of was how good she looked—even in pajamas…

  43 | Nova

  The biggest grin was plastered all over my face… I mean, all over my face when I looked over at Leo. The man was full of surprises—good surprises. We had just driven up to valet at the Skyfall Lounge. Instinctively, I reached to touch his arm, but then quickly withdrew. What prompted me to want to reach out was the gesture. It was how much thought was put into everything that he did. He never ceased to amaze me.

  It was surprising me at Starbucks. It was treating to a weekend just to get me away. It was coming to check on me because he was worried about the tone of my text messages. It was this—returning to the place of our first unofficial date!


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