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Lethal Love: Deceit can be Deadly

Page 22

by Perri Forrest

  “Probably that really beautiful man with the dark features and blue—”

  “So anyway cuties—” I jumped in before Kali got on an unstoppable roll. “Do y’all have anything planned after work?”

  “Aww, my new guy is taking me on a little weekend getaway to Reno,” Mandy shared. “But raincheck?”

  “New guy?” I asked, curiously.

  “Yeah, he’s a cutie,” Kali offered. “I got to meet him the day you were off and he brought Mandy lunch.

  “Ohhh, okay. Good for you. A thoughtful man,” I pointed out.

  “Yes, he’s a gem,” Mandy boasted. “You’ll have to meet him one day, Nova.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Must be nice,” Kali moped. “I guess I’ll have to live vicariously through the both of you because I’m single. Like, extra single. I don’t even have a friend with benefits. So… umm… yeah.”

  “I’m sure my guy has friends. I’ll ask.”

  “Mandy… nooo!” Kali protested, waving hands and all. “No blind dates for me.” She turned to me. “I’m in Nova. What you got in mind?”

  Mandy leaned into me to rub cheeks and issue a brief hug. “Well, I’ll leave you beauties to it. Thanks for the invite.” She blew Kali an air kiss and was on her way. “Hope you have as much fun as I plan to!” she sang.


  Peppermill Fireside Lounge

  “I didn’t realize how much I needed this,” were the first words Kali spoke. We had just sat down on some really comfy suede lounge chairs around a rectangular-shaped fire pit. “Turquoise suede,” Kali remarked with a smile. “That’s a first.” She performed a scan of the lounge then looked at me. “And there’s men here. I think I’m a little more excited than I was at first.”

  I laughed. “Girl, look at you ready to mingle.”

  “I’m always ready to mingle. I just don’t trust the Vegas scene as far as men go.”

  “And you know I know a little something about that! But we won’t go there.”

  “Is your divorce final?” Kali asked. “Because I know you’re getting one—a speedy one, if possible.”

  “He’s been slow to sign. But he can take all the time he wants because I don’t consider myself married. So… yeah.”

  “And from the looks of that sexy Kastellanos man—”

  “How are things with you and your daughter’s dad?” I asked, once again interrupting her attempts at getting more information.

  Kali, having sat at the front desk for so long, was used to seeing, hearing, and knowing everybody’s business. But I had no intentions of going there. Not yet. Not until there was really something to divulge. Until then, she needed to respect the privacy of that situation.

  “Girl, did you not hear me say that I was extra single? We’re as done as an overcooked steak. That flatlined so long ago. I look at him sometimes and can’t even understand how that ever came to be—up until I look in my baby girl’s face.”

  “Something beautiful came from it.” I shrugged. “Period.”

  “What about you and babies, Nova? You ever gonna have any? Or you just about your career?”

  “Would that be a bad thing?” I saw Kali’s eyes widen, and immediately jumped in to calm her. I reached across and touched her hand. “I don’t think your question was disrespectful or anything like that. I’m really asking a question. This inquiring mind wants to know.”

  “Thank God! I seriously thought I overstepped. I definitely don’t think it’s a bad thing. Giving birth doesn’t define who we are as women. Yes, life is beautiful, but babies really need to be planned for. There’s a lot that goes into raising a child. So, if there’s not even a partial village, the struggle will be felt. I think it’s super boss when a woman takes charge of her career. Mr. Canton adores you. He’s got people around there who respect the hell out of him, but at the same time are afraid of him. But when he deals with you, it’s a different type of situation. He respects the hell out of you. I’m pretty sure he’s eyeing you to step in when he decides to take on a lesser role. So, umm… you… are for sure goals.”

  “Thank you so much, Kali. I really appreciate the kind words. His, would be big shoes to fill. And as confident as I am in what I do, being Mr. Canton is on a mega level. So, I’m sure he’s got a few people to turn to, when and if, he decides to step back. I don’t see it, though. That man lives to work hard.”

  “Yeah, but he plays hard too. Him and Mrs. Canton are too cute. He treats her like royalty. I swear they are the most adorable couple I’ve ever had the pleasure of spending time around. It’s true love on both sides. So, I totally think he’ll be stepping back soon. And I’ve heard things.”


  Kali laughed out loud. “Whatever. I can’t help that the info just falls right in my lap.”

  “Uh-huh…” I teased.

  “But really, Nova. You ready if he takes a step back?”

  “What I’m ready for, is some libation.”

  Right on time, the hostess stopped at our table. Once our orders were placed for two Disco Infernos, beef skewers, and parmesan fries, we got comfortable and settled into the scene around us. The music selection was good, the environment was cozy, and bustling with activity.

  “I have to get me a man,” Kali said several minutes later. “Look at all these couples up in here. They look so happy.”

  “Looks can be deceiving...”

  “Can I ask you something?” Kali posed. “If it’s too personal—”

  “What you want to know?”

  “Do you think you’ll get married again? Or is that permanently off the table?”

  I shrugged. “Haven’t really thought about it. I was never really pressed to get married. Why do you think none of you were invited to the vowel ceremony? And that it was at the County?”

  “I wondered about that!” Kali exclaimed. “But didn’t want to pry.”

  “I never had to have a ring. In fact, I didn’t really think a man would be able to handle how dedicated to my career I was. Drew was, by all accounts, a good guy with everything together, so I was okay with us moving in and being the couple that shares keys, and not last names. But he proposed.” I smirked. “And I accepted. You see where that got my ass.”

  “Yeah, with a double whammy,” she remarked. “Your best friend. Man, oh man.” She shook her head. “That chick seemed so nice whenever she came in to see you.”

  “Yeah, I guess you never really know a serpent until it bites you.”

  “Bitches. It’s why you don’t really see me surround myself with too many. They’re dirty. My teenage years showed me that women are the worst. They risk it all for penis. They’ll throw away their own sister for dick.”

  “Preach sista!” I blurted out as our pretty, royal-blue drinks arrived. “Here you ladies go,” she offered. “Your food order has been placed and should be here shortly.”

  “Thank you so much,” we said in unison.

  “You’re very welcome ladies. And apparently, this round… and any subsequent ones are uhh…” She pointed her black stiletto nail in the direction of another set of sofas not too far away. “… on the two gentlemen over there.”

  50 | Kyle Pendleton

  Kyle was lost in the sweet sauce, licking and lapping with vicious speed, and childlike excitement. He couldn’t get enough of the juices that seemed to come in a full-on rush, layering his tongue with the taste of tropical fruits. She tasted good to him. He crisscrossed designs across her pussy leaving a trail that his mouth would remember long after this night. To make sure she wouldn’t move even an inch, he had survival grips on her ass cheeks. He couldn’t risk her taking her sweet pussy away.

  If he left marks, it wasn’t deliberate. And if he did leave marks, he would make it right by babying both cheeks with an oily massage when he was done with her. For now, he was too invested in keeping her juicy box right where he needed—immobile.

  He wanted to bury his face even deeper than it was. He wanted
it so deep that a full print of her would be etched from the bridge of his nose, to the base of his chin. A tattoo of desire.

  When her back arched in response to the feel-good, and she dug erratically at the top of his head, his dick sprang to attention against the bed beneath. Her pleasure was his pleasure. He had always been a pleaser. With other women, it was a badge of honor. He had nothing short of squirting reactions under his capable belt. With her, however, it was something more than just proving that he could make her cum until she couldn’t think straight. It was more than just hearing her cry out his name when she began to rain on his face.

  It was love.

  That love was why, even though Kyle had been feeding on her for the past half an hour, he still wasn’t full. She had already come three times, with no rebound time. Whenever she insisted that he stop… if she insisted that he stop… that’s when he would deem himself full. Until that time came, he was going to suck until her pool was drained.

  “I’mm comminn… againnn…”

  That declaration was Kyle’s cue. He placed her thighs over his shoulders and while his tongue was still at work, he grabbed the glass dildo next to him, and slowly slid the ribbed end into her backdoor. Carefully twisting the object until its tip made an impression, he waited for the inevitable.

  “Ooohh!” she hummed. “Ohhh, damn! Baby! I’m…”

  Moments later, a scream louder than the others, pierced through the room and echoed from the walls. Moments after that, a stream of her ejaculation splashed against Kyle’s forehead, raining down his nose like beads of sweat.

  Beneath her, he smiled at another successful run. He slid the warm glass from her just as slowly as he’d inserted it, and let her finish riding the wave of her orgasm, before he released her from his mouth.

  “Ohhh… my… goddd!” she whispered, as her breasts rose and fell through labored breasts, and as her body glistened with her own perspiration.

  A few seconds passed before Kyle peeked from between her legs. He placed his palms on her bikini-shaven mound and began a slow massage. “You good, sweetheart?” he asked, admiring his view.

  “I… damn… I just…” She leaned up on her elbows. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of exhaust, a mixture of admiration, and a mixture of euphoria. “I just need to know what the fuck that tongue is made of!” She plopped back down, staring up at the ceiling. “Shit, boy! Damn!”

  “I could ask you what all this is made of too,” he said, glaring in lust at the swollen pink lips staring back at him. “This is the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen a lot of ‘em. Me and her…” He chuckled. “We have the best fucking conversations, ever.”

  “Sooo… now you’re having conversations with my lady parts?” She chuckled. “That’s so cute. And since y’all have your own relationship, does that mean that when we break up, you still want access to her? I mean, I wouldn’t want to interfere, if y’all have already created your own special bond.”

  Kyle rose from his post, then swiped across his mouth to smooth out the sticky residue left behind. He made his way between her thighs, laying his weight on top of her.

  “I don’t want to even think about a breakup… ever. But if that did happen, I would definitely still need access to her.”

  “Ahhh…” she sighed, when suddenly he entered her. “Ohhh…” she moaned alongside the rhythm of his slow grind. “Shit…”

  She snaked her arms around his back, as if to brace herself for the ride. Her legs wrapped snugly around his thighs, and she thrust her pelvis forward in a sequence of strokes that mirrored his tempo.


  Hours later, they lay quietly in the stillness of the darkness coming through Kyle’s bedroom windows.

  “This is better than recess,” she said with a sigh.

  “It is,” he said, turning to look at her. “But I’m tired of just being the playground. I know you know that I want more. I want—”

  “Shhh…” she said, her finger across his lips. “You’re not just my playground. Don’t say that.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. And let’s not do that tonight, okay?” she said softly. “It wasn’t too long ago that you had you another somebody too. This is only temporary. You know it’s just for the sake of appearances.”

  “No ‘sake of appearances,’ goes on for two years.”

  “Oh my God, babe. We just devoured each other… for hours up in here. I’ve been with you from sun up to sun down, and it’s just not enough. What we just did should’ve come later anyway. I still need to talk about your friend. That should’ve come first. What’s the latest? You haven’t—”

  Kyle sighed. He knew she wouldn’t be happy with what he had to tell her. That’s why he had seduced her first.

  “Yeah, so umm… that fell through.”

  Raquel erected herself and gave him a daggered look. “What the fuck does that mean? I thought it was a done deal!”

  “I thought so too. Apparently, he’s saying that he was just fucking around.”

  She jumped from the bed, angrily and started to pace. “What?! Why are you just now telling me about this? And what the fuck—”

  “Watch your fuckin’ mouth,” he ordered, getting in her face. “You know how I feel about you, and that makes you think you can talk to me like I’m so peon. That shit stops today.”

  “Well, I’m just…”

  The look in his eyes as he towered over her, halted her sentence.

  “I’m starting to think that it’s not just your fancy lawyer boyfriend that’s in the way of us being anything but fuckin’ playmates. I’m starting to think that you’re carrying some fuckin’ torch for that piece of shit, Drew too.”

  “No…” Raquel said, shaking her head.

  “Somehow, I don’t believe that.” Kyle looked off in the distance and toward his bedroom window in deep thought. “For some reason, now that I think about it, this is some shit that’s more than an attorney-client situation. What’s making you fight a losing battle for this motherfucker? I got involved and didn’t question it because it was for you. But now, I’m thinking you’ve been playing me.” He walked away from her and over to his bedroom window.

  “No, baby,” she said, coming up behind and snaking her arms around him. “You got it all wrong.”

  Kyle freed himself, then turned to face her with his arms folded across his chest. His stance was tense. His mood had hardened.

  “I call bullshit, Raquel. Now I’m wondering if us meeting was something planned.”

  “You’re tripping, Kyle. There was no plan! You sound crazy!”

  “Do I? I didn’t think anything of you being the attorney for Nova’s husband at first. But now, I’m thinking that—”

  “Don’t go there, Kyle.”

  “Okay, cool. Well, let’s go here… this case is solved. And that’s not speculation. That’s according to the police, and news reports. I told you back when they found that weapon—”

  “But Kyle, look at the timing. Nova—”

  Kyle slapped his hands together, as though that was the only thing that could effectively get her attention. “Earth to fuckin’ Raquel! The only reason he hasn’t gone ahead and pled guilty is because of you feeding his stupid ass a bunch of bullshit! You’re giving him hope. And just what hope is there, Raquel? Riddle me fuckin’ that!”

  “Just calm down, babe. Please. I’ve known Drew a long time. If he says that he didn’t do it—”

  “That’s it, Raquel.” He stretched his arms out and shook his head. “I thought you were smarter than this. But this dude manages to dumb you way the fuck down.”

  “But you’re wrong.” She approached him once again and placed both her hands on his chest, and rubbed across the softness of his chest hairs. “I promise. You’re wrong.” When he didn’t respond, she followed up with, “You heard me, right?”

  After a few more seconds of silence, Kyle responded. “Yeah, I heard you.” He shook his head in disgust. “
Do all your other clients get the same fight? The same dedication that you give to that prick?! I’m willing to bet they don’t. So, I don’t believe you. And I’m done being played. It’s time you go home to your man, Raquel. I’m not him,” he said, preparing to walk off.

  “Wait, Kyle. Wait…”

  “What am I waiting for? Huh? What am I waiting for?” he pressed, his glare bearing down on her.

  Her response was simple, nonverbal. She smooched down Kyle’s torso until she settled on her knees before him. His staff was slow-rising, insistent on being stubborn. “I see he’s angry with me. I have a remedy for that.” She pursed her lips and looked up at Kyle with pleading eyes that held mischief behind them. “How about you tell me after I’m done what you’re waiting for.”

  In no time at all, Raquel went to work trying her best to convince the man before her that what they had was worth saving…

  51 | Nova

  Brandy’s “Angel in Disguise”, had the inside of my car sounding wonderfully peaceful. The production on that song was one of my favorites. Rodney Jerkins and his team had done an amazing job with the whole design. The bass was immaculate, the treble was perfection, and Brandy’s vocals put the butter cream icing on the cake. That girl could do things with her voice that would go down in history—sultry, crisp, magical. The ensemble of greatness was everything I needed on this relaxing car ride to my destination.

  Somewhere in the middle of the second verse, though, my cellphone rang, instantly cutting the music, and activating my Bluetooth.

  “Hello?” I answered.


  I smiled. “Yes, Kali?”

  “Hey,” she sang. “I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”

  “You’re super sweet, Kali. I’m almost there. Had to make a pit stop. But I’ll be pulling up in a little bit.”

  “Oh, okay. I… just… ummm…”



  “Relax, babe. What you won’t ever get from me is judgment. Trust me when I say that.”


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