Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories (Awesome Friendly Kid Book 3)

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Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories (Awesome Friendly Kid Book 3) Page 8

by Jeff Kinney

  had superior weapons so attacking them

  wasn't a good idea. They said they should

  build a giant force field around the city

  to keep the aliens OUT.


  And then everyone started arguing and

  the meeting got a little ugly.

  The mayor had to step in to calm

  everyone down. Then she gave a speech.

  She reminded everyone about how the

  people of Fairview wanted to keep the

  zombies out of the city, and how great

  everything was now that people and

  zombies were living together in peace.


  She said the city of Fairview was big

  enough for EVERYONE and that the

  smart thing to do was to let the aliens IN.

  People got really choked up over the

  mayor's speech and they got behind her

  plan. And the next day the city rolled out

  the red carpet for the aliens.


  Well there are two kinds of aliens,

  the good kind and the bad kind. And

  unfortunately for the citizens of

  Fairview these aliens were the BAD kind.

  The aliens were used to people putting

  up more of a fight but they were fine

  with doing this the easy way for once.


  After a while things started to go back

  to normal in the city of Fairview. And life

  was pretty much the way it was before,

  only now with aliens.

  And even though the aliens wiped out all

  the humans and the zombies, they kept the

  drive-through restaurants. Because they

  were crazy for those tofu brains.


  OK so maybe a few of the stories in this

  book are just make-believe but I promise

  this next one is 100 percent TRUE. And I

  know because it happened to ME.

  Well technically it happened to me AND my

  best friend Greg Heffley. But there are

  probably some parts he can't remember

  so you'll have to trust me that I'm telling

  you the TRUTH.

  This happened over the summer when

  Greg came to my house for a sleepover.

  And it was a pretty big deal because it

  was our first one since we got in trouble

  for sneaking out the last time.


  My dad made us both promise we would

  be in bed by 10:00 p.m. And that was fine

  with me since I start getting sleepy at

  9:30 anyway.

  At 7:00 my mom came down to the

  basement with a big tub of arts and

  crafts supplies so we'd have something

  to do. And I was excited because I could

  see there were two new bottles of

  glitter glue in the tub.

  But when my mom left, Greg said arts

  and crafts were for babies and we

  needed to do something that was actually

  FUN. Which kind of stunk because I didn't

  even get to use the glitter glue.


  Then Greg pulled something out of his

  bag. It looked like a scary movie and

  Greg said he took it from his brother

  Rodrick's room.

  I said it looked a little TOO scary for me

  and maybe we should watch the one that

  my mom and dad just got me.


  But Greg said this was a sleepover not

  school and he put his movie in the player.

  Well I really wished we had stuck with the

  arts and crafts because Greg's movie

  was totally TERRIFYING. It was about

  these teenagers who find a book with

  ancient writing and scary pictures inside.


  And when one of the teenagers reads

  the writing out loud the book releases a


  Then the demon gets INSIDE one of the

  teenagers and gives him evil powers.


  And don't even ask me how the movie

  ended because I made Greg shut it off

  halfway through.

  I thought Greg was gonna say I was

  a chicken for bailing out but he said

  the movie was terrible and the special

  effects looked totally FAKE. Plus he

  said the story didn't make any sense

  because the teenager who got possessed

  wouldn't have known how to read the

  words in an ancient book.

  Well the special effects looked pretty

  real to ME, but I guess Greg had a point

  about the ancient language thing.

  I asked him if a person could get

  possessed by a demon in real life and

  Greg said that was fake too.


  Then he said he'd PROVE it to me and

  he started saying the words those

  teenagers read out loud.

  At first nothing happened and I thought

  Greg was probably right about the movie

  being fake. But then Greg's body started

  to twitch and when he opened his eyes

  he seemed TOTALLY different.


  So now my best friend was possessed

  by a DEMON. And I knew if my parents

  found out they'd never let us have

  another sleepover again.

  I was hoping the demon would snap out

  of it and go back to being Greg but he

  didn't. And he made a mess of the shelves

  that me and my mom had spent the

  whole afternoon organizing.


  Then the demon noticed the arts-and-

  crafts bin and before I could stop him

  he went totally CRAZY with the glitter


  After the demon was done wrecking

  the basement he headed upstairs. And

  he must've had supernatural strength

  or something because I couldn't slow him



  And if you thought the demon made a

  mess of the basement then you should've

  seen what he did to the KITCHEN.

  I was nervous my parents were gonna

  wake up because the demon was making a

  huge racket and their bedroom was right

  above the kitchen. So I needed to figure

  out how to fix this situation QUICK.

  Now I really wished we'd watched that

  movie all the way to the end to see how

  those teenagers got rid of the demon.


  But I couldn't go back downstairs to

  finish the movie because I didn't want

  to leave the demon by himself. Luckily

  Mom's laptop was on the kitchen counter

  so I did a quick search. But I couldn't find

  any straight answers and it seemed like

  you might need a professional anyway.

  One of the websites said you could get

  rid of a demon with holy water but it was

  almost 10:00 at night and I was pretty

  sure the church was closed at that hour.


  After the demon finished emptying

  out the kitchen cabinets he started to

  come after ME. And it's hard to stay

  quiet when you're being chased around

  a kitchen island by an evil spirit who's

  chucking eggs at you.

  Luckily the demon slipped on some baking

  soda on the floor and that gave me a

ce to ESCAPE. So I ran into the

  bathroom and locked the door.


  I didn't want the demon to know I was

  in there so I turned off the lights and

  stayed as quiet as I could. But demons

  must have supernatural smelling or

  something because it didn't take him long

  to figure out where I was.

  I was afraid he was gonna use his fire

  breath to burn down the door. But it

  got quiet for a while and that made me

  EXTRA nervous.

  Then I heard a weird rattling noise coming

  from the doorknob.


  Somehow the demon had figured out how

  to pick the LOCK with a paper clip.

  The next thing I knew the demon was

  turning the doorknob. The only thing I

  had to defend myself with was a toilet

  brush, so I dipped it in the toilet bowl and

  sprayed the demon with water.


  It turns out you don't need to use

  actual holy water to get rid of a demon.

  Because a few seconds later Greg was

  back to his regular self.

  The bad news is that all the noise woke up

  my parents and they sent Greg home. But

  that was OK with me because the truth is

  I start to get sleepy at 9:30 anyway.

  OK so maybe I shouldn't have written

  those scary stories because now I'M a

  little spooked. And it probably wasn't

  such a smart idea to write down that

  demon spell in here because that could

  cause all sorts of problems.

  But I'm gonna show this book to Greg

  anyway because I have a feeling he'll

  really like it.




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