Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories (Awesome Friendly Kid Book 3)

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Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories (Awesome Friendly Kid Book 3) Page 7

by Jeff Kinney

  spent a day apart.


  Victor became famous just like his science

  teacher predicted, and he was always in

  the paper for one thing or another.

  Each year Victor got a little older but

  his pet didn't age. And when Victor

  finally died his loyal sidekick was right

  there by his side.


  Over the years people forgot all about

  Victor Frankenstein, but his pet became

  kind of famous. People called him

  "Frankenstein's pet" or "Frankenstein's

  monster," but after a while they just

  called him "Frankenstein." And he was OK

  with that but it kind of made him miss his

  old friend.

  Frankenstein didn't know what to do

  with all his free time now that Victor

  was gone but he knew you couldn't really

  do anything without an education. So he

  went to school, starting with the first



  And even though he was bigger than the

  other kids they treated him like he was

  one of them.

  Frankenstein was a quick learner and he

  actually skipped a few grades. In middle

  school he entered the Science Fair and

  took first place just like his friend

  Victor. And if you're wondering where he

  got the materials for his project, let's

  just say that sometimes it's better not

  to ask too many questions.


  Ryan was a curious boy, and he loved to

  explore every nook and cranny of his

  apartment. And even though sometimes

  he got into places he didn't belong, his

  parents never seemed to mind.

  Ryan's favorite room to explore was his

  parents' bathroom, because they had so

  many interesting things in the drawers

  next to the sink.


  Sometimes Ryan would use his mother's

  hairspray to make his hair stick straight

  up. And sometimes he'd make a foamy

  beard out of his father's shaving cream.

  Every once in a while Ryan would put on

  lotion to make his skin feel extra silky.

  And once he covered himself in Band-Aids

  just because.


  Ryan's parents were glad their son was a

  curious child and they never got mad at

  him for experimenting with stuff in their

  bathroom. But they told him he must

  NEVER go in their medicine cabinet.

  And if you're saying "Hey this sounds just

  like The Cellar" well you're wrong because

  this story is totally different.

  Anyway if there's one thing you should

  never tell a curious child it's where NOT

  to go. Because that night Ryan waited

  for his parents to fall asleep and then he

  snuck into their bathroom.


  Ryan opened the door to the medicine

  cabinet. He was expecting to find

  something really interesting in there

  but the only things on the shelves were

  a pair of tweezers, nail clippers, cotton

  balls, and a bottle of makeup.

  Ryan was disappointed but he decided

  to use the nail clippers to trim his

  fingernails since it had been a while. Then

  he dabbed some of the makeup on his

  cheeks just for fun.


  He realized he had used up all the makeup

  and now the bottle was empty. But he

  didn't want to throw it in the trash

  because then his parents would know he'd

  disobeyed them.

  So he put the bottle back in the medicine

  cabinet and closed the door. Then he snuck

  past his parents' bed and went to sleep

  in his room.

  When Ryan woke up he could smell the

  bacon and eggs his mom was cooking in

  the kitchen. He went into his parents'

  bathroom to brush his teeth just like

  he always did. But when he looked in the

  mirror something seemed DIFFERENT.


  Ryan's hair looked a few shades lighter,

  like it did when he was a little kid.

  And his freckles were back too. But

  the weirdest thing was that his head

  seemed smaller than usual.

  Now Ryan was getting kind of nervous.

  He opened the medicine cabinet and took

  a closer look at that bottle of makeup.

  And when he read the label he started to

  REALLY freak out.


  Just then Ryan's mom called him from

  the kitchen and said breakfast was ready.

  Ryan didn't want his parents to see him

  looking like he did because then they'd

  know he'd gone in the medicine cabinet.

  So he put on a hoodie and kept it on

  while he ate his breakfast.

  Ryan's mom always gave him a kiss before

  he went to school. But today Ryan rushed

  out the door before she had a chance.


  On the way to school Ryan felt a little

  dizzy. He checked his reflection in a

  window but then he wished he DIDN'T.

  Because now he looked even younger

  than he did before.

  So Ryan put his hood back on and planned

  to wear it for the rest of the day.


  But Ryan's teacher Miss Pickler didn't

  allow kids to keep their hoods on in class

  and she asked him to please remove it.

  Ryan was hoping the other kids wouldn't

  notice he looked a little different. But

  kids always pick up on those kinds of



  Miss Pickler didn't even seem surprised

  though. She asked Ryan to come to the

  front of the room. Then she handed him

  a small package and told him he should

  take it to the restroom.

  When Ryan opened the package there

  was a bar of soap along with a note.


  Ryan was glad Miss Pickler had experience

  with this kind of thing. He followed the

  instructions and had to repeat the steps

  a few times to get all the makeup off.

  But even though Miss Pickler's secret

  formula stopped him from getting any

  younger it didn't get him back to looking

  like his old self.

  On the walk home Ryan realized he was

  gonna have to tell his parents the truth

  about what he did. But when he got to

  his apartment there were two old people

  in the kitchen who he didn't recognize.


  This day had already been hard enough

  for Ryan so he just sort of lost it.

  But it turns out the old people were his

  PARENTS. They asked Ryan to sit down

  so they could explain what was happening.

  Ryan's mom and dad said they had him

  later in life and had been using that magic

  age-reversing makeup because they

  didn't want to look older than all the

  OTHER parents.

  Ryan asked his parents how old they

  were and they said 114 and 112. And Ryan

  thought that really was pretty old but
/>   he didn't want to hurt their feelings.


  Ryan's parents said since he used up all

  the makeup they were stuck looking like

  this for good. But Ryan said he didn't

  care HOW old they looked because he

  loved them no matter what.

  And from then on things were pretty

  great for Ryan and his family. Sometimes

  people looked at them a little funny but

  they didn't really care because they

  had each other and that was all that



  The people of Fairview were some of the

  happiest people on Earth. They lived in

  a beautiful, clean city and everyone was

  nice to their neighbors.

  One day news came that there was a

  zombie invasion in a city on the other side

  of the world.


  But the city was very far away and

  the people of Fairview just went back

  to their normal lives. And even when the

  zombie invasion spread, people didn't

  pay that much attention because it

  didn't seem like something so awful could

  happen in a place as nice as Fairview.

  But when the city next door to Fairview

  got invaded by zombies there was no

  ignoring the problem anymore.

  The mayor had a big meeting and

  everybody discussed what they should do.


  The military wanted to blast the

  zombies with their weapons. But then

  someone said that wouldn't work since

  zombies were already dead.

  The scientists wanted to build a giant

  force field around the city to keep the

  zombies out. And even though it was a

  cool idea everyone agreed it would take

  too long to figure out how to do it.


  Someone said that the only thing

  zombies wanted was brains so maybe

  they should just feed the scientists to

  the zombies. And everyone liked that idea

  except the scientists.

  After the mayor listened to everyone's

  ideas he told them his own idea.

  He said that every city that had tried to

  keep the zombies out had failed, and there

  was nothing they could do to stop the

  zombies from invading the city.


  So his idea was to let them IN.

  At first everyone thought that was the

  dumbest idea they ever heard. But then

  the mayor told them part two of his plan.

  He said since zombies were so crazy

  about brains, they could use plastic molds

  to make FAKE brains out of something

  like tofu.


  People still thought it was a pretty dumb

  idea but they couldn't see any other

  options. And a few days later when the

  zombies finally arrived the people of

  Fairview were ready for them.

  At first the zombies were confused

  because they were used to people

  putting up more of a fight.


  But it didn't really make a difference

  to the zombies because they were only

  there for one thing.

  Just then the mayor gave the green

  light and the food trucks rolled in.


  Well it turned out that the zombies liked

  the tofu brains as much as the real thing.

  So zombies just like food that's SHAPED

  like brains, the way little kids like food

  shaped like dinosaurs.

  And if someone had figured that out

  years earlier there would've been a lot

  fewer problems between people and


  The zombies liked the tofu brains so

  much that they decided to stick around

  Fairview. And nobody seemed to mind

  because they were just glad the zombies

  weren't eating THEM.


  After a while things started to go back

  to normal in the city of Fairview. And life

  was pretty much the way it was before,

  only now with zombies.

  In fact things were pretty great. A lot

  of the zombies got jobs and they used

  the money they earned to buy houses.


  People and zombies realized they had a

  lot in common and their families started

  having playdates together.

  Zombie kids went to school where they

  learned to talk like humans. And humans

  learned to talk like zombies, which wasn't

  really all that hard.


  Humans discovered that they liked brain-

  shaped food just as much as the zombies

  did. And before long, drive-through places

  were cropping up everywhere.

  Zombies started getting elected to

  important positions, and soon the city of

  Fairview had its first zombie mayor.


  So everything was pretty great in

  Fairview. But one day the skies darkened

  and a giant spaceship appeared above

  the city.

  At first everyone was freaking out

  about the spaceship because no one knew

  why it was there. Then the new mayor

  held a meeting to figure out what to do.


  The military said they should use all their

  weapons and blast the spaceship out of

  the sky. And a lot of people liked that


  But the scientists said the aliens probably


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