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Reforming Rebecca

Page 16

by Emily Tilton

  “Your ladies’ maid will see your harness,” the doctor said, “but no one else shall. We will send a new maid home to Mrs. Rand’s with you today, who understands such matters.”

  Rebecca felt her brow furrow as she gave a quick nod in response. Something about the feeling of the leather about her waist, and now about her thighs as James stooped to fasten the cuffs, made her feel lightheaded, and very different to what she had been just a few moments before. The thin straps her master fastened now, that ran down her thighs, only made her feel more possessed, more girded, more enclosed.

  “There,” said James with a very satisfied air. “You look very sweet, thus, Rebecca. I think you shall wear your harness often, from now on.”

  Dr. Brown spoke in a rather dry voice. “And you have not even seated the trainer yet. Most natural men find the full effect very moving indeed. Lay yourself down now, Miss Adams.”

  Still trembling a little, Rebecca obeyed, putting knees and elbows upon the supporting pieces affixed to the slanting bench that raised her bottom, and spread it too because of the separation enforced between her thighs as they straddled the structure.

  “Now,” said the doctor. “Let me see you oil the trainer. Yes, that’s just about sufficient. Go ahead and start to seat it now, very slowly, so that the anus becomes used to the relaxation of the necessary muscles. Miss Adams, you will find this a little uncomfortable at first, but try if you can to picture the muscles, and to push just as your body already knows how to do.”

  “But…” Rebecca protested, still hoping that she did not understand. Then she gave a cry of distress, but also of submission, for she had indeed guessed the terrible thing correctly, and James had begun to push something into the tiny flower of her bottom, to train her, and Rebecca had never felt anything so perfectly calculated for the teaching of obedience to a coquette.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Dr. Brown watched the seating of Miss Adams’ first trainer with great satisfaction. The young lady whimpered as she felt herself opened, but Mr. Oakes pressed gently with the tip of the three-inch ebonite shaft, which had a circumference of only two inches at its bulbous head and one inch at its base, to accustom her to the feeling of her master’s use of her smallest orifice. The intention behind the use of this initial device was not to cause real discomfort, but to make Miss Adams aware of her anus belonging to the man who would insert his penis there when he chose. The salutary effect of an anal harness worked upon a girl’s mind just as much as it did upon her body.

  “Good girl,” said Mr. Oakes encouragingly as he urged the trainer further in, so that the widest part of the head had nearly passed the pink ring of the rectum. “You’ve almost done it.”

  Miss Adams made a little mewling sound, like a kitten. “I can’t,” she wailed. “It’s too big, sir!”

  “Push, Miss Adams, even though it seems strange,” Dr. Brown said, making his voice a little severe. “This trainer is a good deal smaller than Mr. Oakes’ penis, which you will have in your anus tomorrow.”

  He saw her bottom tighten at that, clenching her cheeks to attempt to keep the trainer out, but Mr. Oakes held it where it was, the oiled tip still well seated in his young lady’s rectum. As soon as she found that she had not expelled the device that opened her, Miss Adams gave a little sob, and relaxed the muscles of her backside for an instant. Mr. Oakes, his natural instincts showing themselves again to be very strong, pressed again, and the trainer’s full length won its way into the little flower, until only the base of the device, with its fittings for the straps that would hold it inside the young lady, was visible in the valley between her shapely buttocks.

  “Tomorrow?” Miss Adams whined piteously. “Oh, it hurts, sir.”

  “Yes, Rebecca,” said Mr. Oakes with decision. “I will be gentle, but it is very important to me to fuck you here as soon as I can.” He put his hand possessively on the backside he had begun to train, his middle finger pressing gently against the base of the ebonite shaft.

  In instinctive response, Rebecca tried to push the trainer out, and came close to succeeding because of the smallness of this first device. The base emerged, lifting Mr. Oakes’ finger, and then the lower part of the head. If Mr. Oakes had not pressed it firmly back in place, reseating it in the girl’s anus, she would have rid herself of the invader.

  Mr. Oakes clucked softly. “You mustn’t do that, darling.”

  Dr. Brown said, “Your trainer will stay inside you until morning, Miss Adams, when your new maid will help you remove it and clean it. Mr. Oakes, when you fasten the straps, of course, she won’t be able to expel the device. Stand up, Miss Adams, if you please, and turn to us with your hands on your head.”

  The young lady, red-faced and biting her lower lip, obeyed. Her eyes regarded the bare feet of her master, who now held the three straps that would complete her harness. The sight of a girl’s pudenda enclosed by the leather of a training harness always moved Dr. Brown, he had to admit: the little drama of a natural man domesticating his mate as he might domesticate a filly, thereby asserting the proper order of the lives of men and women so as to render happy both man and mate, seemed fully realized in the belt and the thigh cuffs and the straps that ran between them.

  Or perhaps not fully in those parts of the harness, for the part that Mr. Oakes now perfected, linking the base of the trainer deep in Miss Adams’ anus first to the back of the belt with a short strap, then to its front with the two longer ones that ran along the crease of her slim thighs, brought the domesticating effect to its completion.

  “Observe, Miss Adams,” said Dr. Brown, so as to strengthen the ideas behind her submission to her natural man, “that the straps in front leave your vagina available for coitus or for stimulation. Mr. Oakes, I suggest you turn her around and bend her over the bench for a moment. Yes, very good. Spread your feet, Miss Adams, if you please, and arch your back to present your pleasurable orifices to your master. That’s it.”

  Miss Adams gave a moan, her head hung low so that her fair hair spilled around her face. Dr. Brown saw her hands grip the leather surface of the bench tightly. Mr. Oakes, acting on a laudable impulse, gathered his bride’s hair and moved it so that it fell over her left shoulder, allowing him to see her face as she underwent this final part of her first training session. She turned her head, with a frown of helpless passion on her face, and the doctor felt sure he could see in her expression that her resistance had begun to rise in her again, but that she had also realized the benefits of quelling that rebellion inside herself—she had learned, today, that she could find the pleasure in obeying when she knew that disobedience would receive quick punishment.

  Dr. Brown went on, “Mr. Oakes, I suggest you stimulate her clitoris at this point, to emphasize what I will say. Yes, very good.”

  Miss Adams gave a happy cry and began to ride her master’s thick, caressing fingers. The harness jingled softly, just as it should, and the girl responded with a whimper, as if she had now grasped the full implications of the special kind of riding in which Mr. Oakes would train her.

  “Now, Miss Adams, your fiancé has given you permission to masturbate tonight. It will be very beneficial for you to imagine that he is having coitus with you, as you do so, his rigid penis thrusting inside your vagina as it did earlier today. You may wish to lie upon your front, to make yourself feel as submissive as possible, and to remember that you are only allowed to touch yourself because he has decided that it will help you learn to please him.”

  The young lady’s cries had very quickly become sharper and louder as the doctor gave his counsel. “Shall I make her spend, Doctor?” Mr. Oakes asked, frowning.

  “What does your instinct tell you, Mr. Oakes?” asked Dr. Brown, sure that the younger man would know the proper answer.

  Rebecca gave a questioning moan, a plea for satisfaction, but Mr. Oakes did indeed know what was best for her training, and he took his hand away.

  “No,” he said firmly. “You will spend tomorrow, darling, i
f you are a good girl for me.”

  * * *

  Dr. Brown had an answer from Mrs. Teasdale by the evening post.

  Dear Dr. Brown,

  I read with great interest, if also some little alarm, your letter of this afternoon. I have not been easy in my mind, I do not hesitate to admit to you, as a specialist, with Mr. de Gerner’s suit for Miss Perkins’ hand. I regarded her marriage to him, at first, as a necessary evil and, frankly, no more than she deserved for the indiscretion she committed. But as I consider the matter now, with the help of your wise—if unusual—counsel, I see how wrong I was, and that it would be preferable for Miss Perkins even to remain unwed, rather than to fall into the clutches of a man who would certainly render her future a very unhappy one.

  The solution you propose does give me great pause, but if you can indeed undertake on behalf of the gentlemen you represent to settle a sufficiency on the couple, I can find no honest reason to resist the notion. I have myself observed the conduct of Mr. Mead and found him such an example of gentlemanlike manners in the lower orders that I might think him a changeling from some palace’s nursery.

  I will send Miss Perkins to your establishment tomorrow, having communicated with Mrs. Rand to ensure that the girls can share a carriage. You may expect them to arrive together at two o’clock, unless you send word that this arrangement does not answer.

  I have the honor to be your grateful, humble servant,

  Gloriana Teasdale

  Dr. Brown permitted himself a smile. The matter of Miss Perkins would still require a good deal of care, and even some danger, for the Hobberly forces arrayed behind Mr. de Gerner were not likely to give up their prey simply at the pleasure of the Society for the Correction of Natural Daughters. To have Mr. Mead and Miss Perkins with him tomorrow, though, and to begin the girl’s training with her defloration by the erstwhile stable boy, would set the case on a firm footing. Too, the happy circumstance of Miss Adams receiving sexual training alongside her friend would produce beneficial results in both girls, and Mr. Oakes’ advice to Mr. Mead would, Dr. Brown knew, prove even more valuable than the physician’s own counsel.

  He wrote to Mr. Mead, for posting by the morning mail.

  Dear Mr. Mead,

  When I spoke with you last week, I am sure you took to heart my advice not to hope too fervently that Miss Perkins’ hand might be made approachable to a suit from you. I am very happy to report, nonetheless, that I have accomplished what I set out to do, with respect to the girl’s friends, and that they have consented to a marriage between you, and the establishment of you and your bride in a modest, though comfortable, situation in the country.

  I venture to say this news will please you very much, since I could easily divine the sincerity of your affection for Miss Perkins at our interview. I suspect that the further news I have to convey, that if you wish to secure this blessing you must come to my establishment this afternoon and begin training Miss Perkins as your submissive bride, will also be welcome. I did not disclose to you last week the full extent of my practice with regard to the marital felicity of men and their wives and mistresses, but I advise you now to be prepared to deflower Miss Perkins today, and to begin to provide her with the discipline required to render her happy.

  If you come to my chambers at one o’clock, we will be able to discuss the nature of the training you will give your bride before she herself arrives, and you will have the benefit also of the experience of Mr. James Oakes who has himself begun to train Miss Rebecca Adams, your Miss Perkins’ friend and schoolmate. I imagine you will not need very much in the way of persuasion to attend me and your prospective bride here, but should you be curious about the sort of training you will provide, Miss Perkins will learn to please your penis with her mouth and her anus as well as with her vagina. As her husband, you will guide her in her duty both in the marital chamber and outside it, spanking and whipping her when necessary to correct faults in her conduct. As a natural man, you will exercise your masculine rights over her body as you choose, beginning today when you acquaint her with your erect penis for the first time.

  Though Mr. Oakes and I will assist you in deciding how you will be best pleased to use Miss Perkins, the choice is yours, and I advise you to consider it before you arrive. Tenderness is advisable, but, then, so is a stern voice and a firm hand, especially with a flirtatious and even occasionally immodest young lady such as Miss Perkins. Should you choose for example to spank the girl immediately, simply to instruct her, over your knee, in your intentions for her, that would represent as natural a choice as a warm embrace, though I am certain your instincts would stir you to the embrace after the spanking, as the penitent young lady confesses her faults and promises amendment, held safe in your arms.

  Confessing himself interested to see your choices, when you take your rightful place as Miss Perkins’ master, I am your obedient servant,

  Reginald Brown, MD

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Rebecca could not understand, at first, what Mrs. Rand had just told her.

  “But why should Thomasina come with me to… to that place?” she asked, blushing and learning anew about constructive modesty.

  “I do not think that I am at liberty to say even the little I know,” Mrs. Rand said curtly, handing Rebecca her candle so that she might make her way to bed. “After all, I do not even know what you do there—what you did there, today—except that it has something to do with my former footman and your… well, in the eyes of the world…”

  Rebecca could see that some aspect of her situation had annoyed her old friend, and she felt powerless to recover the matron’s good graces. Was Rebecca not doing as her father, and her father’s party, wished? She felt her face crumple, and she saw by the light of their two candles that Mrs. Rand immediately softened.

  “Oh, Rebecca, I am sorry. It is just that I had hoped to be of such service to you, and now things have turned out so very differently from what I expected. I know that Mr. Oakes is a fine man, and I know that he has very great prospects, with the support of your father and of Mr. Rand. But…”

  In Mrs. Rand’s eyes Rebecca thought then that she saw the true source of her friend’s frustration, and the realization made Rebecca’s own eyes go wide: Mrs. Rand felt envious of Rebecca! She must know that what happened at Dr. Brown’s society in Knightsbridge had something to do with voluptuous matters, and with young ladies learning to give pleasure and have pleasure given to them, and for a moment it seemed to Rebecca that a yearning for the flowers of vice bloomed in Mrs. Rand’s eyes.

  Rebecca thought of the terrible harness she wore underneath her petticoat and drawers, and of the discreet but knowing looks given her by Greta, her new ladies’ maid, and blushed even more warmly. At the same time, as happened every time she remembered that her loins had been bound by James, her little flower opened by him, she grew distractingly warm also in her bare cunny, longing for the time, so soon now, she might lie down in her bed and fulfill his command to touch herself and think of his hard cock moving inside her.

  The envious expression vanished, though, from Mrs. Rand’s face as quickly as it had come.

  “But I will do all that I can for you, my dear,” she finished in a brusque tone. “I owe your father that, for all the assistance he has rendered to Mr. Rand. And though it will perhaps be a long while before you are received in Tory houses as Mrs. Oakes, you will always be welcome here.”

  That made Rebecca smile, though she knew Mrs. Rand would find her mirth ill-placed. How could she care about the way the Tories saw her when as Mrs. Oakes she would have the pleasures of the world—of the country, at her father’s house at Panton in Sussex, of Paris and Rome, where James had said they would honeymoon. The way of the coquette had perhaps not led through the ballrooms and drawing rooms of the glittering members of the ton, as she had expected, but with James in parliament Mrs. Oakes would tread the corridors of power nonetheless.

  Mrs. Rand had noticed the smile, it seemed, and felt the r
enewed annoyance at it that Rebecca had expected, for she now simply repeated, “You may expect Miss Perkins to call after luncheon, and to ride with you in Dr. Brown’s carriage. Good night, my dear.”

  She left Rebecca, then, to wonder what it could mean, and to climb the stairs thinking of Thomasina and of her trouble with Mr. de Gerner. Surely Mr. de Gerner was not a natural man, like James, for whom a girl might be trained?

  As she did finally doff her gown, her corset, her petticoat, and at last even her drawers and shift, to don finally the night rail handed her over the dressing screen by Greta, who indeed had not seen the harness though she clearly knew of its shameful presence, Rebecca found herself thinking of Thomasina and her stable boy nearly as much as she thought of James. As she turned, self-conscious and blushing despite the light being out and the quiet darkness having enveloped her, onto her front, and raised the hem of the night rail to run her hands over the leather straps, the cuffs, the belt, she wondered if Thomasina might have to wear a harness too, as outlandish as the notion seemed.

  She did her best to obey James, and to keep her mind upon his hard cock, to imagine what it would be like when he replaced the trainer in her bottom with his thrusting manhood. She put her left hand behind her to press gently upon the plug’s smooth base and make herself whimper at the feeling of fullness and openness, held inside by the straps he had fastened to ensure his bride could not expel the reminder of his lewd intent to violate her most private place. Her right hand, in front and under her belly, rubbed more and more firmly, so that Rebecca had to stifle her whimpers in her pillow as her hips bucked against her own hands, rode them the way she had ridden James’.


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