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Page 18

by C J Singh

  David stood and turned toward me. His eyes moved between me and Jace, then back to my blood. After wiping a hand down his face, he grabbed the small white gun that LaRae now kept out on her table and walked to my cage. Jace banged the glass, keeping his eyes on David.

  “Don’t touch her!” he yelled through the glass.

  David ignored him as he walked through the door of my cage. LaRae grabbed his arm, “David—”

  “It’s fine, LaRae.” He pulled his arm from her grip. “I’m just going to talk.”

  She watched him as he shut the door on her and sat down on the chair across from me. Jace paced back and forth in front of the glass, eyes focused on his father.

  “Eden.” David set the small gun next to him on the table.


  We watched each other in silence. He worked at looking steady and confident, but fear poured out of every pore in his body. I could almost taste it in the air. He pressed his lips in a line, rubbing his fingers together nervously.

  “Do you know what you are?” he asked.

  I stared at him, keeping my face neutral, but my heart leapt. Every cell in my body screamed for him to tell me, but I remembered what Jace had told me. I just stared at him.

  Jace stopped pacing and watched us through the glass. LaRae sat at her table, fidgeting with the cord of the phone. No doubt preparing to call for help.

  “A chimera,” he said.

  Before I could stop myself, I furrowed my brow.

  He smiled. “I can see by your reaction that you don’t know what that is.” He sat back, the look of power on his face. Crap. “Well, a chimera is a being who has DNA from two different organisms. You happen to have it from an animal and a human.”

  My brain worked hard to remember Sarah’s words. She explained that DNA is what is in blood and makes living beings what they are. I sat up, “Ok, what of it?”

  “Well...” – he clasped his hands together on his lap – “we have never actually seen one, not one that’s like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “More human than animal.”

  A twinge of insecurity hit me at his words. I was part animal. Animal. I knew there was something different about me, but an animal?

  Don’t let him get in your mind, Eden. You’re fine.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “How did you make, Jace?”

  Don’t tell him. Let them squirm.

  They will hurt you.

  They can’t. I’ll be fine.

  Jace started pacing again along the glass. I nodded slightly at him, turning back to David.

  “Why? If you know what I am, you should know how to make me.”

  He tugged his earlobe and sighed. “It’s not that simple. Just because we know what you are doesn’t mean we know how to do it. But you do.” He looked over at Jace with raised eyebrows.

  Tell him nothing.

  “And... why would you think I would help you?”

  He scoffed. “Well, if you don’t, then you know Jace will be... be hurt, maybe killed. And if he dies, I will make sure during your days here, you will wish you were dead as well.” His voice was clipped and cold.

  Jace smashed a hand into the glass with a snarl, and David jumped but didn’t turn to look at him.

  I cocked my head at him. “Why? You said it yourself, he’s not your son anymore.”

  A brief flash of anguish moved over his face before he was able to steady it. “That”—he pointed a thick finger toward Jace—“may not fully be my son, but part of him is. He has his memories. As a father, I”—he dropped his hand—”I can’t in good conscience let anything happen to him if I can help it.”

  Jace banged on the glass again, his muffled cry barely audible in my cage.

  “So that’s why you sent him out of the city... to die.” I let the last two words hang in the air a moment before continuing. “Because you’re a good father. Doing everything you can to save your son.”

  David’s face reddened. “You know nothing about what happened. If I hadn’t done that, he would have been a subject... a number, and he would be dead now. I did that with the hope... the hope he would survive!” His voice broke and his eyes glistened. “I didn’t know that he would turn into that!” He waved a hand toward Jace again.

  I feel shame in the air, not from David but from Jace.

  “Get out,” I said quietly.

  “Eden, lis—”

  “GET OUT!” I lunged forward.

  David jumped back, knocking over his chair. He took a moment to steady himself, then grabbed the gun in a shaking hand. He pointed it at me unsteadily and backed out of the cage.

  I glanced over at Jace, who was still leaning on the glass, but his eyes were vacant. Hurt.

  Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t understand.

  Jace looked up at me.

  Neither do I.

  I sighed as I sat back on my cot.

  Then we’ll figure it out together.

  He said nothing, only nodded.

  Chapter 40


  Leaning forward with my elbows on my knees, I gazed over at Eden on her bed. She slept so peacefully that it almost didn’t seem like we were locked away in cages. Dropping my head, I ran my fingers through my thick, short hair. I hate that it was cut off, but it will grow back.

  The door lock clicked and LaRae walked in with her nervous twitches. “Hey, Jace.” She shuffled her feet forward, almost unsure if she was coming or going. “I just need to get some blood from you.”

  Dropping my hands, I looked up at her. “You already got Eden’s. Why do you need mine?”

  “We want to analyze it against Eden’s. See how it compares.”

  I blinked. “We?”

  She cleared her throat. “Yes, David... your father... and I.”

  Dropping my head again, I sucked in a breath. “He’s not my father.” I heaved myself up and sat at the chair next to the table, laying out my arm. “All right then. Take what you need.”

  As she prepared her supplies and drew my blood, I watched Eden, still asleep. I can’t explain the feeling I got when my father went into her room with a gun. I was ready to take down the glass, rip him or anyone else that threatened her to shreds. I have never felt that before, about anyone.

  “She’s pretty.” LaRae’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. She put a bandage where the needle pricked me.


  She smiled, nodding her head toward Eden. “Eden. She’s pretty.”

  I blinked at her, then gave Eden a quick glance, still sleeping, “Yeah. Yeah, she is.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Know what?”

  Smirking, she gathered her supplies. “That you like her.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter, does it?”

  She stopped at the door and turned. “Why?’

  “Because I’m going to die.” I didn’t let myself blink as my eyes burned into hers.

  “You don’t think she...” – she shook her head – “she wouldn’t let you die. Would she?”

  I resumed my position, elbows on knees. “I hope she does.”

  “What? Why?” I can hear her heart increase; I still haven’t adjusted to my hyper senses.

  “Because if she lets me die, then I know she’ll be all right. She won’t become a subject. Poked, dissected, and discarded like a piece of trash.” I smell the guilt flow from her, but I keep her eyes with mine. “That’s more important to me than my own life. I want her safe.”

  Her eyes glistened and her chin began to tremble before she quickly looked away. “Right then.” She sniffed, wiping her cheeks. “Well, drink water and rest.” The lock of the door echoed in the silence of my cage.

  When I glanced back at Eden, she was still lyin
g on her bed, but staring right at me.


  I wake as the familiar smell of soap fills my nose, my father. I see him, talking to LaRae near her work table, but there is a third individual with him. Someone I had hoped I would never see again. Zane.

  Zane towered over David and LaRae by a few feet. He adjusted his suit jacket before leaning in to look in the spectacles of the microscope. Both David and LaRae were visibly uncomfortable, twitching and rocking on their feet. Zane stepped back and turned to me. Locking eyes with mine, his mouth twitched as he walked toward me. David jumped up after him, obviously unsure of what he was doing as they both entered my room.

  “Jace! My boy!” Zane’s voice reeked of fake familiarity.

  “Zane! The bane of my existence!” I gave an exaggerated, mocking gasp. “Hey! That rhymes! Zane, bane.”

  He chuckled softly, taking a seat in the chair. David hovered uneasily near the door, but I didn’t give him any attention.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  He leaned back, examining me, top to bottom. “Well, I was hoping you could help me convince our girl Eden to cooperate with a little experiment I wanted to try.”

  I bristled at his words. “Our girl?”

  He chuckled again. “Yes, our girl. Eden is special. Has been since she was a baby. I never thought I would see her again, but thanks to you, here she is.” His eyes twinkled as he watched my expression. My stomach dropped and the grip on my knee tightened. He thought I brought her here on purpose.

  Looking away, I glanced through the glass at Eden. She sat, knees tucked into herself on her bed, watching our conversation. I didn’t know if it was loud enough for her to hear, but like me, I’m sure she could feel our emotions. She was scared. I didn’t like it when she was scared.

  Why the long face, Eden? My stomach fluttered as she perked up at my voice in her head.

  What’s he saying? Her voice was desperate, nervous.

  I gave her a small reassuring smile. Nothing important. You don’t have to worry.

  I turned back to Zane. “I won’t help you.”

  “You do know what will happen if you don’t. Correct?” He raised an eyebrow.

  I looked down to examine my fingernails. “You will torture me and probably kill me slowly and painfully, blah blah or something like that.” I looked back at him, seeing David’s face blanch behind him. He always hated it when I never took Zane’s authority seriously, but Zane was a bully. I don’t like bullies.

  “Interesting,” Zane replied, looking over at Eden then back at me.

  I stifled the growl of possession that built in my throat. I didn’t like the way his eyes roamed over her.

  “So, you don’t care what happens to you?”

  “Jace—” David said.

  “No. If it protects her, then I’ll do what I have to.” I dropped my feet to the ground and sat forward, meeting Zane’s eyes.

  He looked down a moment, nodding his head in understanding. “Very well.”

  His hand moved so fast I didn’t have time to register what happened. Then pain hit my ears from the loud gunshot that echoed through my room. I couldn’t hear myself scream in anguish as I pushed my hands onto my thigh, trying to hold in blood.


  I looked over at Eden. She was screaming and banging on the glass, tears streaming down her face. That look hurt worse than my leg. I never wanted to see her like that. I moved my eyes back to Zane, who stood outside the glass with a look of disinterest. Bastard shot me.

  David stood behind him, wringing his hands together with tear-stricken cheeks.

  The ringing in my ears died down, and I now could hear Eden’s screams and bangs on the glass. She fell to her knees, crying, “I’ll do it! I’ll do it!” She sobbed. “Just help him and I’ll do it.”

  “No,” I groaned out, trying to stand only to end up on my back on the floor.

  Eden, no. I’ll be OK.

  I’m sorry. I can’t watch you get hurt or possibly die. I can’t lose anyone else.

  Zane smiled in triumph. “Well, that wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.” He adjusted the sleeves of his jacket. “Right then, LaRae, you may begin. Do what we discussed.” I watched him stride out of the room.

  LaRae and David rushed into my room, supplies in hand to help me. I turned my head to see Eden on the ground crying out my name before David gave me a shot and I blacked out.

  Chapter 41


  Squishing my face to the cool glass, I watched LaRae and David work on Jace’s leg. My eyes were blurry and I clenched my jaw. The pop of the gunshot echoed in my head. I could still taste my fear and guilt when I had sat helplessly on the floor. It was just his leg; he would be fine.

  Jace? Jace, you’ll be OK. You have to be OK.

  My eyes never left his unconscious body. David had injected him with a sedative immediately, so LaRae was able to pull the bullet out of his leg. She worked on him so confidently that I almost forgot how skittish and unsure she usually is. My legs turned numb under me as I watched, willing Jace to show any sign he was OK, but I told myself his lack of response was from the sedative.

  LaRae sewed up the wound and bandaged it; then David helped her move him to his bed. After they cleaned up the pool of blood on the floor, David watched his sleeping son for a moment before locking the door. His eyes were rimmed red and tired.

  Sitting up onto my knees, I banged the glass to get their attention. “Hey!” I yelled, unsure if they were able to hear me with their human ears.

  LaRae saw me and paused before walking over to the door. “How is he? What happened?” I bombarded her with questions before she was fully inside.

  Her eyes were tired as she looked at me. “He’ll be fine. I got the bullet out. The bone isn’t broken, so he’ll just need time to heal.”

  “I need to see him. Please, let me go to him.”

  She stepped in front of me, blocking my path. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” Her eyes quickly darted to the far corners of the room before connecting back to mine.

  The cameras. We were always being watched. I groaned.

  “Please, LaRae, I said I would cooperate. I just need to see him, talk to him.”

  She bit her lip, examining my desperate face, then she moved close to me and whispered, “Midnight. Be ready.”

  She was out the door before I could respond. Turning back to the glass, I pulled up a chair to guard Jace as he slept.


  The click of the lock at my door startled me awake. Crap! I fell asleep. Jumping up, I knocked my chair to the ground.

  “Come. You only have five minutes,” LaRae whispered.

  I was out the door behind her without hesitation. She unlocked the door to Jace’s cage, and I almost knocked her over to get to him.

  “Jace. Jace. Talk to me.” I sat on the side of his bed and framed his face between my hands. “Jace.”

  His cheeks were warm and a good color. I could hear his steady heartbeat and breath. He was alive. I let out a long breath and the tension released throughout my body.

  “He may not wake up. I gave him another sedative to help him sleep. I didn’t want him agonizing in pain all night.”

  “Thank you.”

  Smoothing back his thick black hair, I stroked his right cheek where his dimple is, and his eyelids fluttered. “Jace?”

  He managed to open his eyes and stared up at me. “Eden?”

  “Yeah. It’s me. Eden. How are you feeling?” I clutched his hand and leaned toward him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Turning to LaRae, I said, “Grab him water, please.” She moved right to his cup and pitcher, and I turned back to him. “I had to see you. See that you are all right.”

  His mouth twitched, and I saw the twinkle in his one blue eye.
He would be OK. LaRae handed me the cup of water, and I helped him take a few sips.

  “You like me,” he drawled after he finished drinking, his voice sounding stronger already.

  I rolled my eyes, but a chuckle escaped me. “Oh please.”

  His chest rumbled in soft laughter, but his stare quickly turned serious. “Why Eden? Why did you give in?”

  My smile faded and I looked down at our clasped hands. His hands were warm, and he held mine tight. I felt secure, safe. “I couldn’t watch them hurt you. I’m sorry. I just can’t.” I met his eyes. They were calm and understanding. “And they wouldn’t just hurt you, they would kill you, and I can’t let that happen.”


  “No, Jace. It’s my choice. Please understand.” I turned my head to look away, but he caught my chin, turned me to face him, and wiped a tear.

  “I do. I understand.” His voice was quiet as his thumb stroked my cheek. “I’m not going to lie. I’m happy they won’t torture and kill me.” He smirked and I chuckled. “But I don’t like that they are going to use you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I can handle it.”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Promise me something.” He dropped his hand to take mine again. “Promise me that if it gets to be too much, you’ll refuse. You’ll tell them you’re done. No matter what they say they will do to me.”

  I stayed silent and looked into his eyes, his beautiful eyes. The brightness was so striking against his dark hair and olive skin.

  “Promise me, Eden.”

  “I promise,” I whispered, but I vowed to myself that nothing will be too much.

  “Eden, we have to go,” LaRae whispered from the door.

  My hand automatically clutched his harder in the anticipation of leaving him. Leaning down, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and drew in his fresh scent of spicy citrus. I wanted to pull it inside me and lock it away, so I could pull it out whenever I needed to feel him. Feel safe.

  “Eden,” LaRae whispered again.

  Pulling away, I hid my tear-covered face and followed LaRae back to my cage. Once inside, I glanced through the glass at the dark shape of Jace on his bed. Putting a hand to my cheek, I remembered the feel of his fingers there moments ago.


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