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Page 20

by C J Singh

  I think they will want to, but they know that they don’t have much chance of getting out alive.

  She dropped the necklace and turned over to face the wall. With her back to me, she pulled up the blankets to her earlobes.

  Yeah. You’re probably right.

  I will get you out, Eden.

  She didn’t respond and the walls of her mind went up. I hated it when she blocked me out. I looked over at LaRae. She was watching me. We locked eyes, and I felt she wasn’t like Zane. She didn’t like being here or doing any of this, but what choice did she have? I turned away as the frustration built within me. Letting out a scream, I punched my pillow, imagining it was Zane’s cocky face.

  Chapter 45


  My fever disappeared two days ago, and I was feeling better. David had been talking to LaRae periodically through the day and both of them were noticeably agitated. Much more than I would expect since I survived their little experiment.

  I looked over at Jace, who was struggling to stand from his bed. He sat upright with his legs over the side and his hands resting in the long metal crutches. He pulled himself up to standing, careful not to put any pressure on his injured leg.

  You did it!

  He tried not to grin too much, and my heart fluttered at the single dimple in his right cheek.

  Of course, I did.

  The smile on my face fell when Zane strode through the door. David and LaRae stood, dropping what they were doing to turn to him. Zane must have been the source of their anxiety.

  Rising slowly, I sauntered to the window and leaned on it, never taking my eyes off Zane. He only showed up if he had a good reason, and usually, that involved me.

  I leaned the side of my forehead into the glass to make it look like I was relaxing, but it really was so I could hear their muffled voices better. I wanted to hear what Zane had to say. Jace hobbled to the empty chair near the glass in his cage. He had the same idea, but it may be more difficult due to his injured leg.

  Zane studied the paperwork LaRae gave him before speaking. “So nothing happened?”

  LaRae shook her head. “No. Nothing of significance. She spiked a fever for two days, but that was about it. It reduced and she’s fine now. Fever free.”

  Zane glanced at me before looking back to the papers. “Her blood didn’t change?” I looked down at the bandage on my arm from when LaRae took my blood. The pinprick hole still throbbed from the needle.

  “No,” David replied.

  Sighing impatiently, Zane dropped the papers on the table. “Do it again.” He turned to walk out the door but stopped at David’s words.

  “I’m sorry . . .again?”

  “Yes, again.” Zane took one intimidating step toward David. “Infect. Her. Again.”

  “But—” LaRae protested but backed down when Zane turned his burning eyes toward her. She dropped her gaze to her feet. “Understood. Right away.”

  “Good.” Zane adjusted his jacket and left the room. He gave me a side glance through the windows of the lab wall as he walked down the hall. When our eyes met, I saw nothing but emptiness.

  Well, great.

  Jace watched me as he rested his forehead on the glass. I could feel his unease, but I knew in my heart it was the only way.

  Beats the other option.


  Stop, it will be fine. I’ll survive.

  Jace closed his eyes, but after a brief second, he banged the glass to get David and LaRae’s attention. They looked over at him but ignored him to turn toward me.

  David looked at LaRae. “You got this?” LaRae nodded, and she shuffled the papers together, putting them in a folder. “All right, good. I’ll check back tomorrow.” He left the lab, ignoring Jace’s calls for attention.


  He ignored me.


  He ignored me again. He never ignored me, and it made me feel... rejected. He must have sensed my emotions because he dropped his head, then looked at me.

  Eden, you don’t need to do this. We can find another way.

  His eyes were wide with desperation, but I shook my head.

  You know Zane won’t go for any other way except killing you.

  What would that get him?

  I paused, blinking in thought at his comment, but then shook my head.

  No. I won’t risk it.

  It’s my life!

  Right, and I can’t lose you!

  My cheeks warmed immediately and my words echoed in our minds. I looked away and slowly walked to my bed, keeping my face out of Jace’s view. What I said was true. I couldn’t lose him. I have lost too many people I love, and I won’t lose anymore.


  His voice soft and caring.

  Forget it.

  I grabbed my necklace, rubbing my thumb over all the bumps and grooves of the butterfly. I wished Ellie was there to lean against and brush my hair. We could gossip about Jace, and she could give me advice. A sad smile grew on me as I lay down doing my best to avoid Jace’s burning gaze. Keeping the necklace clutched in my hand, I stared up at the bright white ceiling.

  For the record, I can’t lose you either.

  A tingling rushed through me at his words, and I had to count my breaths to calm my pounding heart. The bond we were building was strong, much stronger than I have ever felt outside of family.

  LaRae entered my cage right when I decided to look over at him. Instead of watching me, he managed to move to his bed and lie down, his eyes staring up at his ceiling.

  I turned back to LaRae. “Let’s get this over with.” Keeping my eyes away from the needle that pinched my skin, I felt the Fever infect me once again.


  The Fever didn’t hit me as hard this time around, but my body was still weak. My legs gave out when I stood to get a glass of water. I grabbed the bedside table, knocking the chair over in the process. Closing my eyes, I focused on steadying the spinning room. Confident that I could stay upright, I pushed away and slowly walked to the table that had the pitcher of water.

  The lock clicked and LaRae walked in. “Eden, let me—”

  “Get out!” She froze, watching me hunch over and growl from deep in my throat. I took a step toward her. “I said GET OUT!” The thumping of her heart filled my ears and the smell of sweat and panic poured from her skin. I repeated, do not charge, do not charge. Every muscle in my body was tight as I fought the urge to protect my home. I needed her to leave so I could relax.

  “All right. I’m leaving.” She held her hands up and slowly backed out of the room.

  Turning back to my water, I drank another cup. Then another. I’ve never felt this thirsty. My body shook with adrenaline.


  Pausing with the glass halfway to my mouth, I turned to the voice. Jace. He was in the cage across from me and his face was etched with concern. Ignoring him, I drank my water.

  Eden... look at me.

  His voice echoed in my mind again, but my body was weak. I didn’t feel like talking, so I ignored him again and slowly made my way back to my bed and lay down. Pulling the blanket to my chin, I closed my eyes.

  Eden, please.

  I opened my eyes at the desperation in his voice and looked over at him. He sat on the side of his bed watching me. I smiled slightly before closing my eyes to sleep.

  Chapter 46


  The cool water dripped down my face and I leaned over the sink, watching it slide down the drain. The pain in my belly had reduced to a subtle ache that hovered just below annoyance. Grabbing a towel, I dried my face and neck before leaning back to stretch. In the small mirror over the sink, I caught sight of my gold hair that had grown out to a pile of messy curls. I usually kept it short, but without Ellie and being on the move, I hadn’t done anyth
ing with it.


  Eden. Not knowing what was happening with her was driving me crazy.

  Closing my eyes, I leaned on the sink again, grinding my teeth together. I kicked the base of the sink and screamed. My voice hit the metal walls and rang in my ears. I needed to get out of this prison.

  Moving to the window, I leaned my shoulder on it and watched Dr. Hahn shuffle through papers on his messy table. I scanned the pile of papers and dirty mugs strewn about the table and floor. He had to be the most unorganized person I have ever met, even if I haven’t met many people. I knocked on the window to grab his attention and motioned my hands like I was drinking. He quickly moved to a small corner table, picked up a mug, and filled it with steaming dark liquid. He has given me a mug of coffee every morning, and I have come to crave the warm richness of it.

  Unlocking the door, he handed me the mug through the crack. “So sorry, so sorry. I didn’t realize the time.”

  I took the mug, licking my lips in anticipation. “Not a problem, Hahn my man. Not. A. Problem.”

  He shut the door and headed back to his work as I sat and sipped the hot liquid. Before the rebellion bombing that pushed me, Tate, and Eden to the woods, my father would drink a mug of coffee every morning, sometimes two. I always loved the smell, and as I smelled my mug now, memories of my birth father came to me. Memories I had long forgotten. Including one memory I wished to forget forever, my father’s hand in mine, turning cold as he died.

  I drained the last bit of coffee just as Zane walked into the lab. The sight of him had me fisting the mug so tightly I thought it might crack. Dr. Hahn jumped up from his work, spilling some coffee on his already-stained white lab coat. The thickness of the glass inhibited me from hearing what Zane said to him, but he nodded and moved to my room, unlocking the door. Zane marched right in, turning to watch Dr. Hahn shut the door after him.

  “Morning, Zane.” I lifted my empty mug at him and gave him a closed-mouth, annoyed smile.

  “Morning, Tristan. Enjoying your coffee?”

  I gave Dr. Hahn a quick glance over his shoulder. He stood in his usual nervous flurry, wringing his hands as he watched us. “Very much so. Dr. Hahn is very kind to give me such a luxury every morning.”

  “Well, I’m glad he’s being so... accommodating.”

  “What can I do for you, Zane?”

  He examined his fingernails before speaking. “I would like you to give me some information.”


  “Yes.” He met my eyes, waiting patiently for my reply.


  “I need to know what Eden did to Jace.”

  “What? I have absolutely no idea.”


  “Really, really.” Crap, I did it again. Dr. Hahn was rubbing off on me.

  “No idea. None at all.” His eyes never left mine, and I found his stare unnerving. His eyes prickled along my face like a hundred spiders crawling, but I didn’t look away. I wouldn’t; it would show weakness, and I am not weak.

  “No, I’m sorry. Honestly, I am. All I know is he was dying, almost dead, then the next morning – bam – he’s alive and just like... well just like her.”

  He let out an annoyed sigh, rolling his head in a circle. I heard his neck crack, and I cringed.

  “If it’s not too much to ask, why do you need to know?”

  He looked right back at me. “Because if I find out, I will have the cure to the Fever.”

  The blood rushed from my head to my feet, and I almost dropped the mug in my hand. “But you said that Eden had the Fever.”

  “I did. She did, but she recovered. No one recovers, except her.”

  My mouth went dry, and I wished there was a tad of coffee left in my mug. I trained my face to stay neutral at the knowledge Eden had survived even though my heart fluttered at the thought. I still had time to get her out. Save her. “What about Jace?”

  He laughed, giving his head a small shake. “I don’t want to risk him... yet. He’s been very useful in getting Eden to comply.”

  I squeezed the mug again and pursed my lips. The way he talked about controlling Eden made the coffee in my stomach boil. “She’s a lot stronger than you think.” My words surprised both of us, but I kept my face serious and strong as his eyes traveled over it.

  “Oh. I know. I’m counting on that. Why do you think I have kept you?” He stood and brushed off his suit jacket. “It was nice chatting, Tristan. Enjoy your coffee.” Unable to respond, I watched Dr. Hahn unlock the door and Zane exit the lab. The coffee in my veins helped my adrenaline pump my heart and a cold sheen of sweat formed over me. I was being used. If Eden doesn’t comply and Jace’s use runs out, then it will be my turn. Crap.

  Chapter 47


  I cowered on top of my bed, tucked as far back into the corner as I could get. Small prickles of warmth covered my body, and I twitched and rolled my limbs and head to stop it, but it just continued persistently. My jaw hurt, hands hurt, everything hurt. The sounds and smells of everyone in the building filled my head, so I covered it with my arms, attempting to keep them out. Nothing worked. People continuously tried to invade my home even though I told them to leave. I screamed, lashed out, and threw things, but they still continued. A pile of items I had thrown lay on the floor in front of the door.

  Growling low, I watched two people prepare to enter again. I rolled my shoulders, worked on taming the warm tingling sensation, and watched as they readied their small weapons that threw darts wherever they aimed. They have tried to use them before, but I fought them off. I will do it again. Clenching my fists and rolling my back, I prepared for the invasion.

  Relax, Eden. It’s all right.

  The voice moved through my head and I tugged at my hair to get it out. I don’t need a distraction right now. I needed to protect my home. Protect myself.

  Get out! Leave me alone!

  Eden... look at me. Look through the glass.

  Letting go of my hair, I lifted my head. Through two panes of glass stood a young man with short black hair. He leaned on metal sticks and favored a bandaged leg. Tilting my head, I searched my memory because there was something familiar about him. He smiled and a small ping deep in my stomach hit me.

  It’s me, Jace.

  Jace. I know him. Our eyes met and his smile grew, showing one dimple on his right cheek.


  He nodded frantically, pushing himself against the glass. If he could walk through it, he would.

  Yeah. It’s me. Eden, you need to relax or they are going to sedate you.

  At the sound of the lock, I snapped my head toward the door. Intruders. They were coming for me again. I jumped to my haunches and bared my teeth, ready to attack.

  Eden, please! Just relax; don’t attack them!

  Quiet, Jace. They want to hurt me.

  No, no, I won’t let them.

  As the humans entered my room, I glanced over at him. His voice had an honesty to it, and I wanted to believe him. So badly. My gaze sunk into his, and I felt he would do anything in his power to protect me. But... he was there, behind glass, and I was here. He may want to protect me, but he couldn’t. I had to protect myself.

  He flicked his eyes away for a second toward my door. “No!”

  The sharp sting of a needle hit me in the neck, and I let out an echoing roar. Holding my hand to the needle, I looked up into Jace’s face then blacked out.

  Chapter 48


  I clench my teeth at the sight of Eden lying unconscious. Her response to this round of Fever has not been typical. She is an... animal, literally. Lately she hasn’t been blocking out her thoughts, so I hear and sense everything going through her, and it’s not her. I grind my teeth together at the frustration. I need to help her.

aRae and David approached her carefully in case the sedative didn’t work. Everyone was always careful around her now. LaRae knelt next to her and went to work immediately. Since her metabolism has increased, the sedative wears off much faster.

  “You take her vitals. I’ll get her blood. We have five minutes,” LaRae said. David didn’t argue. He adjusted his face mask before he started his work.

  As my adrenaline slowed, the throbbing pain in my leg returned. Using my crutches, I limped to the chair I had dragged near the glass. I sat, letting out a sigh at the relief to my leg, and watched Eden’s still body be poked and probed. I should have kept my mouth shut that night in the woods and not told her anything about me or the city. I had given her hope that she could better the world, and now they were taking everything from her. Smashing my fist into the glass, I screamed.

  LaRae and David stood and quickly left her cage when they finished. As they worked at the table, I knocked on the glass to get their attention. David looked over at me and my breath caught in my throat. I have committed to not calling him my father, but he had a certain look that brought back memories. Memories of when I was happy and life seemed easy, but I don’t think it was ever easy for him. He just made it seem easy for me. My heart tightened at the thought, but it didn’t change the fact that he discarded me, like trash.

  “Come here.” I motioned to him. Pausing, he watched me a moment, then came to my cage and LaRae followed.

  “How is she?”

  “She’ll be fine. We haven’t had time to analyze anything yet, so we don’t know details, but her vitals were good,” LaRae responded.

  I nodded, looking down at my clasped hands. “I would like you to stop using her and use me instead.”

  Silence followed my request and they both blinked at me.

  “Did you hear me?”

  David cleared his throat. “Yes. Ummm... we heard you, but—”

  “No but. I want you to leave her alone and use me.”

  “Jace”—LaRae’s voice was quiet—“that would be difficult. We would have to start over with our baseline, with—”


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