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Claimed by her Daddies

Page 3

by Roberts, Laylah



  She’d just sat down at her desk, sans panties, and with a burning ass when the yell came from down the hallway.

  Fuck. That was Aric and he sounded pissed.

  Seemed like now might be the time for a strategic exit. Maybe she’d take her lunch break. Sure, it was only ten a.m. and between Satan’s bride and Tavi she hadn’t gotten any work done, but that didn’t matter.

  Not with her life on the line.

  Jumping up, she grabbed her handbag from under her desk and high-tailed it to the side door. This door was exit-only and led straight outside.

  She’d just opened it.

  Only to freeze. Because Matek was standing on the other side.

  Seriously. How did he do that?


  She winced. Aric never roared like that. Not only because he was the most easy going out of the four of them, but princes weren’t actually supposed to make a spectacle.

  At least she didn’t think they were. That was probably a rule, right?

  “Matek, I need to leave.”

  He just crossed his arms. Did he . . . did he just smirk? Wait, no. That couldn’t be right. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and looked back into his serious face.

  “Now, I’m seeing things. I’m going mad. It’s all the sugar. Got to cut down on the sugar. Will you please let me past?”

  He shook his head slowly.

  “Why not,” she found herself whining. Part of her was horrified at the sound. She didn’t whine. Well, not in front of other people. Maybe in front of Vivi. But definitely not in front of a freaking prince.

  What is wrong with you?

  “He’s going to kill me,” she pleaded with Matek. “You have to let me past.”

  Slowly, he shook his head.

  “Fine! But if he murders me, I’m coming back to haunt you . . . you oversized meatball.” She stomped her foot. She’d never stomped her foot in her life . . . tantrums wouldn’t have been accepted in her house. Likely, her father would have just ignored her anyway.

  And had she really called him an oversized meatball?

  That’s it. She really needed to get used to wearing orange. She’d pranked one prince, let the other one spank and finger fuck her, and then she’d called this one an oversized meatball.

  Her only saving grace was that Kassim knew none of this. And she prayed he never would. Otherwise she knew she could kiss this job goodbye.

  “I’m going to look terrible in orange,” she complained, turning away just as Aric stepped into the room. Wow, he must have been yelling for her from halfway across the palace. She was vaguely aware of the door shutting behind her and the heat of Matek’s body. He felt so close, she wondered what it would be like to lean back into him.

  No. Bad Pippa. Stop it.

  Her mouth dropped open as she took in Aric. In all his green glory. His shaggy hair had a green tinge to it as did his face. Then he held up a hand, pointing a finger at her.

  “Pippa Jones, get your butt over here right now.”

  Her eyes widened. Nope. Not happening. How was this happening? He wasn’t supposed to act like this.

  Also . . . damn, he looked funny.

  If she wasn’t so worried about his reaction, then she knew she’d be laughing her ass over this.

  “Get. Here. Now.”

  She shook her head. Oh no, that wasn’t happening. Besides, what right did he have to be so mad? This is what they did, right? Pranked each other?

  “Pippa, I am not playing around with you. Come. Here. Now.” He slapped the side of his thigh, making her jump.

  Suddenly, she found herself staring at a wide back. Um, what just happened?

  Was Matek . . . was he standing between her and Aric? Why? Did he think he had to protect Aric from her? She had a jar of preserves in her cupboard that was four months old because she couldn’t unscrew the top.

  Did he really think she could do any damage to Aric? Besides, she wasn’t going anywhere near him.

  Dude looked mad.

  This was a bad idea, Pippa. There is having a bit of fun, and then there is turning a prince green.

  “Matek, damn it, I’m not going to hurt her,” Aric complained. “You don’t need to protect her from me.”

  Matek was protecting her? Aww. That was sweet. No, wait, it wasn’t. Because it was his fault that she hadn’t escaped before Aric arrived.

  She poked at his back in frustration.

  Turning, he frowned down at her.

  All right then. Don’t poke the bear. That was noted. Good and clear.

  “I was just going to spank her,” Aric complained.

  She squeaked. Spank her? Um, no he wasn’t. What was this? Spank Pippa day?

  “You are not going to spank me!” she managed to get out, trying to peek out from behind Matek’s shoulders. Damn man was built like a brick wall. How big was he? Six-six? He had to be at least a hundred and fifty kilos, right? Wait, what was that in pounds? Like close to three hundred?

  Sheesh. Any woman who had sex with him would want to be on top, riding him.

  “Like a cowgirl. Yee-haw.” She slammed her hand over her mouth. What was wrong with her? Seriously? Was someone drugging her? She was always careful with what she said.

  Please, someone save her.

  In times like this, she could only think of one thing.

  What would Batman do?

  Hmm. Likely knock everyone out and make a strategic exit.

  Yeah, she was more likely to knock herself out.

  Suddenly, she noticed everyone was quiet, and Matek had half-turned so that both men were gaping at her.

  “Um, gotta go, bye!” She spun towards the door. Why hadn’t she thought to sneak out while Matek had his back to her?


  She let out a squeal as a large arm wrapped around her waist. She kicked her feet back in panic, managing to hit his shins. Although the bastard didn’t even flinch. Was he even human?

  “Let me go!”

  “What is going on out here?” a deep voice demanded.

  Oh shitballs. How had she forgotten about Kassim? She slumped against Matek. Kassim hadn’t raised his voice, but the command in it was clear. Nobody denied him. Nobody.

  Let him have mercy on her.

  “What is all this noise? What is going on?”

  Matek turned to face Kassim. But the bastard didn’t set her down. So she was held against his body, her feet dangling off the ground.

  Wow. This wasn’t embarrassing or anything.

  She could feel her face blushing bright red. She felt like an unruly toddler whose parent had caught them trying to run in front of a car.

  “Matek, put me down,” she commanded quietly.

  He just tightened his hold on her. What was wrong with him? She’d never seen him touch another person. Or talk to anyone who wasn’t related to him.

  “Well?” Kassim asked, staring at them all with his stern, gray eyes. “Someone best tell me what is going on. I’m trying to work.”

  “Yes, and you all interrupted a very important meeting.” Satan’s bride pressed up against Kassim, making it clear what sort of meeting she was talking about.

  Pippa growled. Yep, actually growled.

  Matek jiggled her up and down. What the hell? Was he trying to make her throw up? What was that about?

  “Of course, Aric and Matek, you are welcome to join us at any time.” She ate Matek up with her gaze, making Pippa growl again.

  This time, Matek patted her head. What was going on with him?

  Then Adele’s gaze moved to Aric and her eyes widened. “Aric? What happened? Did someone do this to you?”

  She could feel Aric’s gaze burning into the side of her head.

  Please don’t tell on me. Please don’t tell.

  “Seems my shampoo was faulty. It dyed my hair and skin green,” Aric said through gritted teeth.

  “A shampoo malfunction?” Kassim asked skeptically.

p; “Yep. Rather unfortunate when I am supposed to go out with Derik and Jonan tonight.”

  Derik and Jonan were two of his cousins. Nice enough guys, but they were definitely players.

  “Pippa, did you remember that I was supposed to be going out tonight?” Aric asked through a tight jaw.

  “Me? Why would I remember that? I only keep track of Kassim’s diary, not yours.” She sent him a sickly-sweet smile, while he glared back at her. “Gosh, I hope you can get the green out in time. I’m not sure that’s a very good look for you.”

  “Why you little . . .” He took a step towards her, murder in his gaze and she squeaked, trying to get away. Only problem was, Matek was still holding her with one arm.

  Wasn’t he getting tired by now? She wasn’t exactly a lightweight.

  “Aric,” Kassim said firmly, making his youngest brother pause. “Perhaps you should go and try to clean yourself up.”

  “I’d be happy to help you, Aric,” Satan’s bride offered.

  What the fuck was up with this bitch?

  “Calm,” a deep voice muttered in her ear. She froze as she realized that voice was Matek’s. He’d just spoken to her. Wait. What? Were pig’s flying? Was it the apocalypse? Was she dying?

  And why was he telling her to calm down? She wasn’t doing anything. Oh wait, were those her hands strangling the air, imagining that they were around that bitch’s neck?

  Yep, that just might be the case. Whoops.

  She dropped her arms and put a wide smile on her face as Kassim looked over at her. “Would you like coffee, sir? Maybe a cupcake?”

  He blinked as he stared at her, no doubt wondering why the hell she was offering him coffee when she was dangling from his brother’s arm.

  She was kind of wondering that herself.

  “A cupcake?” Satan’s bride gasped.

  Seriously. What was her beef with cupcakes? Had one hurt her in a former life?

  “Kassim will not be putting that poison into his body,” Adele added.

  Kassim turned to her, an eyebrow raised. “I don’t think that Pippa is trying to poison me.”

  “And if I did, I wouldn’t use my cupcakes to do it, far too obvious. Nah, I’d probably slip something into his tea or maybe his dinner.”

  Okay, now everyone was staring at her like she was crazy.

  “What? Everyone is going to suspect the cupcakes.”

  “Well, they will now.” Aric grinned.

  She slumped. Oh thank goodness. She didn’t want him to be too mad at her. She knew he was just joking about the spanking stuff. Friends didn’t spank each other. That was for a far more intimate relationship.

  Like you have with Tavi?

  Except she had no idea what sort of relationship she had with Tavi. That stuff was confusing as fuck.

  “Matek, is there a reason you’re holding my personal assistant like that?” Kassim asked.

  Matek just made a grunting noise.

  Kassim frowned, looking pained. “Please set her down.”

  For a moment she thought he wasn’t going to do it. Then he set her on her feet. Her legs kind of wobbled and she leaned back against him before she realized what she was doing and then she forced herself to straighten. She tidied up her clothes with hands that trembled. Shit, thank goodness she wore a longer skirt. How embarrassing would it have been if her skirt had ridden up to display her panty-less ass?

  “Right, does anyone have something they want to tell me?” Kassim asked.

  They were all silent. Then Satan’s bride had to pipe up.

  “Aric, are you sure this was an accident?” Adele asked. “If you think it was deliberate, you should report it to security. I’m sure there are cameras that could pinpoint the culprit.” She stared right at Pippa when she said that.

  Pippa was practically vibrating with fury. How dare that bitch accuse her of doing that to Aric?

  Of course, she had done it to him, but still, how dare she.

  “Easy.” The deep voice came from behind her and a large hand rested on the small of her back.

  What was going on? Was she still dreaming? Please, let this be a dream because if it was reality then she was so screwed. Aric was mad at her. Matek was touching and talking to her. And Kassim . . . was probably about to fire her ass.

  “No, I don’t believe that anyone would be stupid or foolish enough to do this to me,” Aric replied.

  Ooh, that bastard. She glared at him, her hands curling into fists. Matek sighed from behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder and squeezing.

  Okay, she got it. Sheesh, the man didn’t have to say anything to get his point across, did he?

  She was calming the fuck down. Maybe.

  “Let’s just get this sorted. Aric, why don’t you call someone and see if they can help you get rid of the green. And if you could please refrain from screaming for Pippa from halfway across the palace next time?”

  “Why were you yelling for her?” Satan’s bride asked in a falsely sweet voice. “It’s not like she could help. She’s a secretary.”

  “Adele,” Kassim said in a warning voice.

  “Yes?” She stared up into his face then swallowed heavily, obviously seeing that she’d overstepped.

  How do you like them lemons, bitch?

  Okay, maybe she needed to calm it on the swearing, even if it was just in her head.

  “Watch the way you speak to Pippa.”

  Her heart soared at those words.

  “All I meant is that she has other tasks which don’t involve helping Aric get cleaned up. But I would be happy to help you, Aric.”

  “Think I’ve got it, thanks,” Aric replied dryly. “Could I borrow Pippa for a while, Kassim?”

  She sucked in a breath. Shoot. Nope. Her ass couldn’t take another spanking today. This wasn’t fair. He’d put flour in her shoes, after all.

  “Actually, I need Pippa right now. We have some work to discuss. Matek, could you please escort Adele out.”

  “What? But we’re not finished Kassim,” Satan’s bride whined. She wrapped her arm around his and sent him such a falsely sweet look that she almost threw up. Actually, she kind of did a little in her mouth.

  “Are you well, Pippa,” Kassim asked with concern.

  She looked round and noticed everyone staring at her. Even Satan’s bride, although she was staring at her in disgust.

  “Ah, yeah.” Crap, had she made a noise? Or pulled a face? “Bad taste in my mouth.”

  “Probably reflux from eating all that sugar,” Adele suggested. “I’m sure you’d feel much better if you cut out all carbs and sugar. And just between us girls, it does wonders for the figure.”

  “It’s not just between us when everyone can hear you,” Pippa told her.

  Adele gasped, her eyes going wide.

  Oh, whoops. Did she say that out loud? Kassim sent her a sharp look. “Pippa, my office. Adele, I shall see you soon. Aric, go remove the green from your hair and skin.”

  Kassim turned away while Matek moved towards Satan’s bride. She gave the big giant a nervous look but moved out of the office after sending Pippa a scathing look behind Matek’s back.

  “Well, I don’t think we’re going to be best buds,” she muttered. She tried to step quickly towards Kassim’s office, but Aric snapped out a hand, wrapping it around her wrist.

  “Not so fast, brat.”

  “Aric, I don’t have time for this. Kassim wants me in his office. He could come out here at any minute.”

  Please come out here at any minute.

  “Green dye in my shampoo? Really?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied primly.

  “I’m talking about you sneaking into my bedroom and putting green dye in my shampoo bottle,” he replied.

  “What makes you think it was me?”

  “Because only you would be so brazen, brat. You’re going to have to pay for this.”

  “I will not!”

  “Oh yeah. I hope you�
��re not fond of sitting comfortably, because you’re going over my knee.”

  “You put flour in my shoes!” she snapped back. “Do you know how many pairs of shoes I had to throw out! Do you know how long it takes to get flour out of your shoes? You owe me three pairs of shoes.”

  “And you owe me a new head of hair.”

  “I don’t know. You kind of look like a giant spearmint leaf. It’s cute.”

  “Miss Jones!” Kassim called out from the office.

  “Gotta go, nice chat, see you later.” She slipped her wrist from his hold. Whew. Thank goodness for Kassim.

  “Oh, you will,” he said ominously, landing a large slap on her ass.

  She turned to glare at him. “You know that’s considered sexual harassment.”

  “I’m sure any jury would be on my side. Just look at my hair.” He glowered at her once more before leaving.

  Okay, maybe the green dye had been a bit much. And perhaps, she hadn’t liked the idea of him going out with his cousins, who were known to sleep around. That was selfish of her though. He wasn’t hers. They were just friends. He could sleep with who he liked. And he was very fond of his hair.

  But her shoes! Maybe she wasn’t the most girly girl. Growing up with just her father had meant she was a bit of a tomboy.

  However, she did have a thing for shoes.

  And he’d ruined three pairs.

  So yeah, she wasn’t going to feel guilty.

  Quickly, she made her way into Kassim’s office after remembering to grab a pen and paper. Kassim was old-fashioned about most things. He only used technology when it was absolutely necessary. His manners and expectations had taken a bit of getting used to. But she kind of liked the way he was. He always opened doors for her or pulled out chairs. He expected a high standard of professionalism and that’s always what she tried to deliver.

  Somehow, she’d failed today. But she’d try to get things back on track.

  Kassim gestured to a chair across the desk from him. She sat demurely, keeping her posture straight. There was something about him that just made her want to be better, to do better. He was always so in control. And while she pretended that she was cool, calm, and collected, she really wasn’t. She was a total mess.

  She didn’t even have any panties on!

  “I’m sorry about what just happened, sir.” He’d told her to call him Kassim, but it didn’t seem right to call him Kassim. So she’d settled on sir.


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