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Kept From the Deep: Venora Mates Book Two

Page 17

by Octavia Kore

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Once you all get a little taste…” Telisa’s brows wiggled suggestively.

  Brin bit back a laugh and shook his head. “I suppose you aren’t wrong.”

  “My mom used to say men will stay around for three things: fighting, fucking, and food. I don’t imagine Earth food kept you around, and there isn’t much fighting going on when you’re hiding out, so…”

  He wouldn’t deny that he’d stayed on Earth for Jun, and if she’d given him any indication she wanted to fuck him, he wasn’t sure he would have hesitated.

  “Oshen is a very good friend of mine. He left Earth with his female to protect her from the Grutex who were hunting her. I stayed to find a way to warn humanity.”

  “What were you all doing there in the first place?”

  Brin opened his mouth to respond, but clamped it shut when the heavy footsteps began to echo down the corridor.

  “Press the panel back down! Don’t let them see it.”

  The humans in the cells across from them scurried into the corners, huddling together as if it did something to hide them. Two Grutex appeared, coming to a stop in front of Telisa’s cell. One of them he recognized from the day they’d come for Jun. The Kaia had called him Erusha.

  He was smaller than most of the Grutex Brin had met, but even so, he towered over the humans. The other male, a warrior by the look of him, deactivated the force field and stepped inside. He reached down, snagging Telisa by her upper arm and yanking to her feet.

  “Let go of me, you asshole!” Telisa yelled, kicking out at the male’s body as she twisted away.

  The warrior turned toward Erusha as if asking what he should do about the wild display of defiance. “Pick her up,” he ground out. “That’s enough out of you, female.”

  With hardly any effort at all, the larger male hoisted Telisa up and over his shoulder as if she were nothing more than a doll. She continued to fight, pounding on the warrior’s exoskeleton and screaming for him to release her.

  Brin stepped up to the forcefield, his hands fisting in frustration as he watched the scene, knowing he could do nothing to help her. Erusha moved past them, not even sparing her a glance as he swiped through something on his wrist comm.

  Brin listened to her shouts and threats all the way down the hall, until they eventually faded away. He lowered himself to the floor, closing his eyes as he let his head fall back.

  He wouldn’t call himself religious, not after everything that he’d gone through in his life, but Brin had spoken with the goddess on more than one occasion since his crash landing on Earth and now, more than ever, he hoped she could hear his prayers for Jun’s safety.

  It was nearly impossible to tell how much time passed as he waited for his mate to return. Humans, both male and female, were brought in and out of the cells, their eyes wide and fearful. Was Jun feeling the same things they were? Was she afraid? Was she being tortured?

  Brin toyed with the panels, digging his claws between them and picking at the screws like Jun and Telisa had done. When he finally managed to lift one side, Brin was not surprised to find nothing but welded metal plates beneath it. No useful wiring like Jun had hoped for.

  Watch over her, he pleaded to the goddess and her mates one more time as he stared up at the ceiling. Keep her safe. Protect her.

  Chapter 19


  Jun stayed safe within the healing gel for two day cycles as her body adjusted to the bionics. While he hadn’t ever personally known them to fail, Nuzal refused to take any chances where she was concerned.

  More than once he’d stood at the entrance of the corridor that led down to Brin’s cell, struggling with his desire to reassure the male that she was safe and well cared for, but each time he forced himself to turn away. If he was caught comforting the Venium, he might come under fire.

  Nuzal hadn’t spoken with Erusha since they’d shared a meal in the common area, but he hadn’t found much time to seek him out.

  If he wasn’t checking on Jun’s progress, he was poring over the mysterious journal. The pages contained valuable and shocking information that Nuzal wasn’t completely sure what to do with.

  He looked down at his comm as he closed the book and sighed wearily. He’d been putting off the start of Brin’s testing for far too long, and if he didn’t send out samples soon, he feared Erusha, or even the Kaia himself, might become suspicious and investigate.

  Pushing back from his desk where he’d sat reading, Nuzal passed his wrist over a spot on the inside of the wide leg, revealing a hidden compartment. He slipped the journal inside before pressing it closed, listening for the sound of the lock moving into place.

  It was well into the day cycle by the time Nuzal stepped out of his room. He made his way through the busy halls, avoiding any and all conversations, but most of the males seemed to sense his irritation and stayed away.

  The thought of having to bring the Venium into the lab for testing had him in a foul mood, and the fact that it was even bothering him to begin with did nothing to ease it.

  A persistent voice inside of him told Nuzal this was wrong, that he should refuse, but what good would that do? He would be punished and removed from the project, and depending on how much it annoyed the Kaia, he risked having this life ended and a delayed rebirth. Who would be there to protect them if he was gone?

  These strange emotions were foreign to him. Anger, indifference, contempt, those he understood, but these softer things? They made him uncomfortable, and he felt exposed, as if anyone who looked hard enough could see what was happening inside of his mind.

  At the last minute, Nuzal banked to the left, deciding to check on Jun one more time. The least he could do before taking Brin into the lab was to give him an accurate update on her recovery. He’d worried over her throughout the entire night cycle. Humans were fragile beings, and even the healthiest among them had expired unexpectedly.

  Nuzal input the code into the pad on the wall and stepped through the door into her private room. A glance at the log where her vitals were recorded told him that it was safe for her to be removed from the gel. He keyed in the command and waited patiently as the substance retreated, leaving Jun’s nude body exposed to the cool air of the room.

  The small incisions on her side from her previous surgery had faded considerably, and the ones he’d created during the transplant only a few day cycles before were healed and had faded to a pinkish brown.

  Although the gel had kept her body clean and free of harmful bacteria during her recovery, Nuzal doubted she would enjoy waking up to the slimy film that clung to her skin.

  A quick tap of his fingers on the bed’s display screen brought the forcefield up. Warm cleansing fluid swirled around her, tangling her long hair as it began to cover her limbs and torso. He filled a small basin with warm water and took one of the cloths from the cabinets beneath the counter. As the cycle ended and the fluid receded, Nuzal disabled the force field and began to gently clean her face with the soft cloth, running the material over her brows and the bridge of her nose. Within his chest, his heart raced, pounding like the old drums of battle he’d once marched to.

  He brushed a bare knuckle over her cheek, marveling at the colors that flowed over the smaller plates on his fingers. No matter how many times he witnessed it, the display never failed to amaze him.

  “My mate touches my body, leaving a trail of shimmering color in her wake. It is beautiful and terrifying to know she is mine.”

  The words from the journal echoed in his mind as he pressed his palm to her skin, watching the color flow like water. “Beautiful and terrifying,” he murmured.

  This tiny, fragile being was his mate, and since Brin was bound to her, they too were bound. The shock of reading the journal entry, of realizing what he was experiencing with Jun was something ancient and most likely lost to them, hadn’t worn off just yet.

  He knew now that this was something he should cherish, a gift from the gods, but the
joy was overshadowed by fear that the Kaia would discover it, and the shame over what he had done in this lifetime. His mates would never accept him, and as he thought back on all of the things he’d had a hand in, Nuzal couldn’t say he would blame them.

  The fact that Jun was his mate mattered little, he tried to convince himself as he slid his claws through her hair, gently tugging at the knots that had formed during the cleansing process. Nuzal was imperfect, flawed in more ways than one. He would not be permitted to pass these genes on to a new generation of Grutex. The idea of having offspring had never interested him, but now, as he looked down at his female, at his mate, Nuzal wondered what having one might be like.

  Behind the plating covering his groin, Nuzal felt his inkei grow hard, twitching and pulsing with desire. Like Nuzal, most of the Grutex had not engaged in sexual intercourse for lifetimes, possibly ever. His body wanted her just as much as his mind did. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to slow his breathing and bring himself under control. Nuzal had seen the warriors violate the humans while they slept, and had been instructed to turn a blind eye to their activities, but he could not imagine harming his mate in such a way.

  When his claws were able to pass through her hair without catching, Nuzal wrung the excess water from the strands before twisting them into a damp knot at the top of her head. He patted her skin dry with a towel he’d found, careful to avoid scratching her with his claws as he moved from her head, down her chest, and over her belly. Nuzal spread her legs, running the cloth lightly over the dark thatch of curls at their juncture and the insides of her thighs.

  “Brin…” she groaned softly.

  He jerked his hand away as his gaze swung toward her face, relief rushing through him when her eyes remained closed and her breathing evened out. Still asleep. The touch, even as innocent as it had been, reminded him that she had someone waiting for her; someone who must be worried about what was happening to his female.

  Nuzal dried her legs and feet before turning her on her side to make sure her back received the same treatment. A clean dressing gown, the same ones they used for all of the humans after the awakening procedures, was hung on the wall. He brought it to her bed, slipping her arms through the holes of the garment. As carefully as he could, Nuzal lifted Jun into his arms, pressing her body against his upper body as he tried to figure out how to clasp the binding at the back.

  “Wha…” Jun hummed, her breath huffing out against the side of his face. “What the hell?”

  The pounding of her pulse could be felt against his plating, and Nuzal rumbled softly in his chest, hoping it would calm instead of frighten her further. “Be still. I’m trying to dress you.”

  “I had clothes on before you took me!” she hissed, shoving weakly at his shoulder. “Didn’t I? God, I can’t even remember.”

  “You were taken for surgery three day cycles ago,” he told her, struggling to find the binding as she twisted in his arms.

  “I was naked.” She narrowed her dark eyes on him, the accusation in her voice clear. “Why?”

  “Did you want me to make the incisions through your clothing?”

  “What exactly was this surgery for?”

  Nuzal grunted as she pressed her elbow into his xines. “To save your life.” With a frustrated growl, Nuzal set Jun on her feet, dropping to one knee as he spun her around. “I fixed you.”

  “Fixed me? How?” Jun twisted, grabbing at his hands as they moved over her back.

  “Stop that,” He grumbled, swatting gently at her hands as he began to fasten the bindings. “I replaced your damaged organs.”

  “You—you replaced my kidneys?”

  “Yes. The only remaining one was damaged beyond repair. Your heart is also functioning much better now that the gel has had time to work through your body.” Nuzal fastened the last of them and turned her around. With him crouched as he was, they were nearly face to face. Her lips were parted slightly and her eyes were wide as she stared at him.

  “Why would you do that?” she asked him. “I’m human. I thought we were disposable to the Grutex.”

  “You are not disposable to me.” The way her brows furrowed had him biting his tongue. He was going to say more than he wanted to if he wasn’t careful. “I wanted to save you, and I did.”

  The inside of his wrist lit up, a reminder that he still needed to get Brin into the lab before the end of the cycle. It was something he was sure his mate would not soon forgive him for.

  “Thank you.”

  The soft words halted his movement. Tears formed in her eyes, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she fidgeted with the material of the gown. Had anyone ever thanked him before?

  “Are you in pain, female?” he asked, gently wiping away the tears as they fell from her eyes. “Is it from the incision?”

  Panic… That was the feeling that made his chest tighten uncomfortably.

  Jun shook her head. “They’re just tears. Haven’t you ever seen a human cry?”

  More times than he cared to admit, but he ignored the question. “Is it from pain?”

  “No.” She shook her head, stepping away from him. “I just… I never thought I’d be healed, not completely.”

  “The valves of your heart still show small signs of the damage, but it is my hope you notice a considerable difference.”

  A selfish, delusional part of him wanted to keep her tucked away in this room, hidden from the others, but he thought of Brin, of the fear and uncertainty he must be feeling, and he scooped Jun up into his arms.

  “Hey!” she squeaked, clutching his xines as he spun toward the door. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you back to Brin.”

  As soon as the door opened, Nuzal stuck his head out, making sure none of the other males were standing around. The lights shimmered as her hands moved over his chest and he gritted his teeth against the pleasure it brought him. It was dangerous to be out in the halls with her.

  “Is he okay?”

  “I haven’t seen him since your surgery. Your health was my priority.”

  He swiped through his comms features, bringing up the ships grid. Thousands of small dots appeared within the ship, but he narrowed its focus on the path he planned to take back to the cells. Most of the males were in rooms with patients or gathered in the common areas.

  “Oh.” She frowned down at his screen. “What is that?” Jun asked as they approached the corridor where Brin was being kept.

  He heard it too, loud shouts and growls as someone struggled in the hall. Nuzal took off, running to see what was happening as dread sank like a weight within his stomach. Something inside of him whispered that this wasn’t good. One of the guards, a male he recognized, stumbled out of the cell with his arms wrapped around Brin’s legs. The Venium was struggling, lashing out at the male who was attempting to restrain his arms.

  “Hold him!” the guard at his feet was growling.

  Brin hissed as one of their barbed tails dug into his side. His lifeblood trickled from the open wound as he twisted free, but the male who had dropped him recovered, raising his foot and slamming it down onto Brin’s chest as hard as he could.

  Nuzal felt something within him snap at the sight. Jun slid down his body, her feet barely touching the floor before he lunged at the male who had injured the Venium. His body responded as if it knew instinctively what to do, and Nuzal supposed that after so many lifetimes as a warrior, it actually might.

  His fist slammed into the guard’s face, cracking the plating above his middle set of eyes. He snaked his arm around his neck, cutting off his air supply as Brin twisted in the other guard’s grasp, bringing him down to the floor before wrapping his legs around the male’s head.

  Both Grutex guards clawed and flailed, but as they began to lose consciousness, their struggle faded. When the one in Nuzal’s arms went limp, he carefully laid him down within the cell before pulling the other one from Brin’s grasp.

  They were unconscious, but alive.
  “What is going on here?”

  Nuzal turned to see Vodk and Raou storming down the corridor toward them. “I requested the male be brought in for his tests!” Vodk growled. “You are interfering!”

  “They were damaging him.” He pressed his hand to the Venium’s side, trying to stem the flow of lifeblood.

  Jun rushed toward him, and he didn’t miss the way Raou’s eyes tracked her movements. “Brin!” she gasped, pushing Nuzal’s hand away so she could inspect the damage.

  “You’re alive,” Brin whispered, his fingers brushing her face.

  “You doubted me,” Nuzal murmured, leaning in close so the others wouldn’t hear.

  “Of course I did,” Brin spat. “It’s nothing but a scratch, Shayfia. Leave it. Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”

  Jun turned her face up to stare at Nuzal for a moment before shaking her head. “I’m okay.”

  The look she gave him nearly stopped his heart. She was the most gorgeous, perfect being he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “You injured two of our guards in defense of the Venium?” Vodk demanded. “Have your flaws blinded you so completely that you would allow them even the smallest opportunity to escape?”

  Nuzal sneered up at the male, but he couldn’t afford to be questioned like this. Careful to touch only the areas where Jun was clothed, Nuzal nudged her to her feet.

  “Into the cell. I will be with him. Do as I say.”

  Jun opened her mouth, but whatever she had planned to say died on her tongue as more guards, drawn in by the noise, began to arrive. He deactivated the forcefield on the neighboring cell containing the female she’d been in with before, waiting as she stepped inside and turned to watch him bring it back up. Guards hauled Brin to his feet before securing cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Nuzal moved to follow them, but the hand around his arm stopped him.

  Raou’s red eyes stared into his, and the grin that tugged at the male’s mouth made Nuzal wish he could bash his face into the flooring. “The Kaia has requested a meeting with you. Immediately.”


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