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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

Page 10

by Candy J. Starr


  TO BE HONEST, I HADN'T even thought of asking Savage to help out with Muffin. That was something you'd do with a boyfriend or a partner. Savage wasn't that. He should not go acting like we were something more than we really were. I didn't want to rely on him, I didn't want to get too close. Sex was one thing but this was not something that would last.

  I could barely hold it together for the afternoon though. When Savage said it was time to wrap things up, I nearly jumped with joy. This session had gone on way too long. I needed to be alone with him.

  He left before me so that we weren't seen leaving the studio together but I sped to his house. Well, sped as fast as I could while keeping an eye out for stray cats.

  I'd barely got in the door when he had his arms around me.

  "I've been waiting all day for this," he said, pushing back against the wall.

  "Me too."

  He pressed his body into mine, grabbing my thighs and lifting me.

  "Why the fuck are you wearing jeans?" he asked. "This would be much simpler if you were in a skirt."

  "I can't make it too easy for you," I replied and nibbled on his bottom lip to shut him up.

  He rubbed himself against me, the length of his cock obvious through the fabric of my jeans. That was way too much constriction for my liking.

  "Are you going to fuck me in the hallway?" I asked.

  "In the hallway, in the kitchen, in the living room. In the room that doesn't have a function yet but might end up just being the fucking room."

  It made me glad he had so many rooms in his house.

  "This isn't going to work unless you let me undress," I said.

  He winked and loosened his grip on me. Then reached over and undid the zipper on my jeans so that they fell in a pile at my feet.

  Then he went for my panties.

  "Are these panties wet?" he asked. "They'd better be."

  He ran his finger along the length of them. He knew full well how wet I'd be. I'd thought of nothing but this all day.

  He took off his jeans too and I stroked his hard cock. I wanted to touch every bit of him, I wanted to take it in my mouth and feel it twitch as I tongued it. But that could wait. I needed fucking hard first.

  He grabbed my thighs again but, before he could pin me to the wall, a voice came from the back of the house.

  "Ashby, is that you?"

  His hands dropped and he shook his head.

  "Jesus. That's all I need."

  It was a woman. Who was she and what was she doing in the house? Maybe it was the housekeeper.

  He walked off, leaving me standing in the hallway with trembling legs. A heavy weight descended on my stomach. I pulled on my jeans and followed him. Interrupted twice in one day. This would be the death of me.

  A woman stood in the kitchen. At first glance, she looked not much older than me but a second showed she was older. She looked very comfortable with the place too, as she shot me a pointed look.

  "Mother, what are you doing here? We've talked about this."

  Aha, she was his mother. That explained it. It didn't explain the look of pure anger on Savage's face though.

  He hated her. His own mother.


  WHAT THE FUCK WAS SHE doing here? I'd told her she could come and deal with the plants in the conservatory but she wasn't to access the main house. I wasn't even sure why she wanted to work with the plants. It was more an excuse to come over than anything. She could tell people about me, get some kind of validation or some shit.

  "Is that any way to greet your mother?"

  I didn't want to greet her. She knew that. The house, the allowance I paid her and every other perk she got was reliant on her staying out of my life.

  She studied Alice's face. From the mussed-up hair to the disarray of her outfit, it was obvious that we'd been about to have sex.

  "You didn't introduce me to your friend," she said.

  "And I'm not going to. You should leave."

  Alice's mouth dropped. She glared at me.

  "You shouldn't speak to your mother like that," she said.

  I shrugged. I knew enough to not give that woman even the most basic politeness. You did that and she'd push her way in. It'd been hard enough getting her out of my life to start with.

  "I need to speak to you in private."

  "If you want me to give you money for plastic surgery or a holiday with your toy boy, forget it. I've given you enough."

  I walked over to the fridge and got out a beer. I needed one to deal with this.

  "But Ash..."

  That voice, that wheedling voice, made me want to slap her.

  "I've given you enough this year. You have your allowance. If you need more, go out and work for it."

  I opened my beer and took a deep swig.

  "I really shouldn't be here for this. You need time to talk in private. I'll see you later."

  God, this would ruin things with Alice. Our relationship was at such a delicate stage, a tiny bud that needed to be nurtured to grow.

  "Don't leave. This woman will be the one leaving."

  She glared at me for that. I couldn't explain what a nightmare my mother was in front of her, though. Not without hysterics and tears and more fuss than I wanted to deal with.

  Alice ignored me though. She extended her hand to my mother.

  "Nice meeting you."

  My mother shot me a triumphant look. That was exactly what she wanted. Any other woman in my life gone. She wouldn't get a cent out of me though. The main thing I wanted to do now was save this situation with Alice. I didn't want her thinking I was a heartless bastard.

  I raced after her as she left the room.

  "Sorry about that, love. Stick around and I'll get this situation sorted out."

  "She's your mother, Savage. She's not a situation you sort out."

  If only Alice knew. But there was no way I'd dump the whole screwed up mess of my life on her now. She could be spared that.

  "It's more complicated than you think."

  "You were really nasty to her. Surely you aren't that sex-crazed that you think it's okay to act like that when you're interrupted."

  That's what she thought? That I was pissy because we'd been cock blocked?

  "It goes much deeper than that," I said.

  I reached out to stroke her hair but she pulled back from me.

  That movement tore at me inside. Her trust was too much to ask for but surely, she could at least reserve judgement until I had a really chance to explain. I wouldn't let it go that easily though.

  "I'll call you later then," I said.

  "Please yourself."

  She shrugged and then she was gone.


  I'D REALLY THOUGHT that underneath all the rumors and talk Savage was a decent human being. But then he'd been so nasty to his mother. It must've really hurt her to have him speak to her like that.

  The only positive stories the press seemed to run about him was that he was so close to his mother, but even that was a lie. He'd just been playing a role for the cameras. If he could dismiss her so easily, then how would he treat me once the initial lust wore off?

  On the way home, I called in to check Muffin was okay. When I got there, she jumped around like she'd never been injured at all. That made me feel a little better.

  "Are you okay?" Muffin's owner asked.

  She seemed full of concern but I was hardly going to pour my heart out to a complete stranger. There weren't many people I would do that with.

  After that, I continued home. Maybe it'd be good to have a break from Savage. He intoxicated me, stopping me from thinking rationally. I needed to pull back and work out what I wanted.

  When I got home, I put my phone on silent and got to work editing photos. It didn't make it any easier when I had to constantly stare at Savage's face though. Thoughts of him buzzed through my brain and I ached with longing. I needed a break.

  I got up from the computer and began tidy
ing up. My apartment was a disaster. I wasn't exactly house-proud but it hadn't taken long for the place to become a pigsty. I didn't have a single clean dish and I really needed to do laundry. Something smelt a bit off when I opened the fridge too.

  Eventually though, I ran out of things to do and had to get back to those photos.

  I never got caught up like this with my subjects. I went in, took the photos and got out. In all the time I'd been doing this work, I'd never once slept with someone I worked with. That was the smart thing to do. I didn't need this emotional crap going on inside me.

  Soon, this assignment would be finished and I'd probably never see him again. This was a temporary diversion. A bit of fun. I could not let that man get under my skin.

  I made a coffee and tried to figure out what I needed to do. But I was kidding myself. As soon as the sex was on offer again, I'd jump at the chance. Already, I was tempted to message him. Holding onto my pride had no value. I'd already done things I'd never even imagined I'd do.

  I loved that he challenged me. He made me do those things that I could only do with him. And, I had to face it, he made me happy. That was the best thing and the worst thing. Worst, because it wouldn't last.

  Even if he said this would last longer than the assignment, I knew the score. The one thing he was known for was his short-lived relationships with women. I'd be the biggest fool in the world to think that his feelings for me were any different.

  Two days left and then it'd be goodbye. Or, if not a blatant goodbye, a promise to keep in touch that was never followed up. He'd move onto someone else. I'd see their photos together in the magazines, while he'd have even forgotten my name.

  But I wouldn't sit around waiting for him to call. I wouldn't drive myself crazy like that. I'd untangle my feelings and walk away unscathed. Sure, the sex was good, but I needed more than just good sex.

  I just had to edit these photos without thinking about the touch of his hands or what he'd done with his mouth. And I'd definitely not think about his cock.

  Already, looking at the shots from today, compared to the ones at the beginning of the week, you could see how my feelings for him had changed. To me, it was a neon sign saying we were shagging. Would other people pick up on that or was I reading something that wasn't there?

  He sure as hell knew how to put all the vulnerability and hurt into his eyes and hurl it at the camera. Some of these photos made me want to reach for my phone and check if he was okay. But then, how real was that look? It was something he turned off and on.

  I got halfway through the photos, when the urge to phone him hit hard. I needed him, my flesh crawled with longing for his touch. I'd just check if he'd messaged me. I would not call him. Surely, he'd have contacted me by now. He said he would when his mother left.

  I picked up my phone and there wasn't even one lousy message.

  The back of my throat hurt. I'd been stupid, believing him when he said he'd message me. He probably had other things on. Far more interesting than spending time with me.

  I took my phone and hid it away in the kitchen drawer.


  ALL I WANTED TO DO was get things sorted out with my mother so I could get back to Alice. I needed to explain to her exactly how things stood. It wasn't something I ever I wanted to talk about but she needed to know.

  But, once Mother knew I wanted to rid of her as quickly as possible, the more she refused to leave. She wanted money. I refused to give it to her, no matter how much I wanted her to go.

  "It's not like you don't have it," she said.

  "That's not the issue. I've given you enough."

  She did the pouty face but we'd been through this a dozen times since she got here. She could take no for an answer and leave but instead, she dug her heels in.

  "Who was that girl?" she asked.

  "None of your business."

  She sat down at the counter.

  "Don't get comfortable. It's time you left."

  "And what are you going to do about it? Call the police to remove me? That will do your image no good."

  I weighed up my options. I could leave the house, leave her alone here until she got bored and left. If I did that though, she'd go through my stuff. She wasn't above stealing from me. That had been proven in the past. That'd probably been her plan this time, thinking I wouldn't be home.

  I could get security in. But, yeah, I didn't need the publicity.

  A normal person would see sense and leave but she'd never do that.

  I'd ring the security company tomorrow and get the locks changed. She should never have been able to get into the main part of the house.

  "I am not going to give you the money. Get that through your head. You can stay or you can go but either way, you won't get what you want, so stop wasting your time."

  "We used to be so close once. When did that change?"

  She said that like she had no idea. Even though she was the one who'd become increasingly more grasping. Her grabby hands wanted a piece of everything I had.

  She hadn't even told me what she wanted the money for. I didn't want to know. Maybe some idiotic investment scheme that she knew I'd laugh at.

  I had to get tough with her or she'd never leave.

  "We were never close. You saw me as a meal ticket and nothing more. Now, if you don't leave, I will cut off your allowance and sell your house. It might damage my image but maybe if I tell people about how you tried to pimp me to that movie producer, I'll look more sympathetic."

  "But, Ash, it was for your career."

  "I was fourteen years old."

  She picked up her bag and walked out of the house. Finally. I wasn't sure if she'd just got bored or if she did actually have a touch of guilt about that. I didn't really care.

  I grabbed my phone and tried to call Alice but she didn't answer. I tried a few times. She'd answer eventually. Maybe she'd been caught up in another animal tragedy again. I hoped not, she'd been awfully upset last time.

  I got another beer, then put it back in the fridge. Maybe it'd be easier to drive over there. I couldn't do that if I drank too much.

  I'd just grabbed my car keys when the phone rang. I ran for it, thinking it was Alice. When I answered, it wasn't her though.

  "Savage, I'm in trouble. Come and pick me up."

  It was Fiona. I hadn't heard from her in ages and then she rang me when she was wasted and in trouble. Typical.

  "I'm busy. Call someone else."

  "There is no one else. That's why I called you. I've tried everyone else."

  The temptation to hang up and let her deal with things herself was strong. I couldn't let her keep calling me to bail her out for the rest of her life.

  "Just get a cab and leave the club." I knew it was a club from the background noise.

  "No, I can't. They won't let me leave."

  Hell, what kind of trouble had she got herself into now? She started explaining but I could make no sense of her drunken ramblings. The whole thing sounded like a mess.

  "Okay, give me the name of the club."

  She told me the name.

  "What the hell are you doing at a place like that?"

  But that just triggered more raving. I hung up. I'd go to the club, get this sorted out, then get back to Alice. It wasn't even that late.

  I tried Alice's number one more time just to be sure. She didn't answer.

  Fiona and I went back, a long way back. We'd been an item once, worked together a lot and were still friends. Friends only. The chemistry died out there a long time ago. So, I hit the club, ready to charge in like a knight in shining armor to rescue her from whatever she needed rescuing from.

  It wasn't the normal kind of club I expected her to go to. It was in a seedy part of town and, when I got inside, the club was even seedier. I didn't want to stick around too long. I sure as hell didn't want to be seen in a place like this, and I didn't like the way a few of those guys at the bar eyed me off. This place had all kinds of shady shit going on.
  I needed to find Fiona and get out of there.

  I'd asked the bouncer on the door but he'd had no idea what I was talking about. The barman was no help either, so I searched the place myself.

  I found her in a corner, totally trashed and not even capable of remembering her own name. Her dress rode up around her waist and her legs sprawled out in front of her. Wine stains covered her dress and lipstick had smeared around her mouth.

  "Let's get out of here, darling," I told her.

  "Ash. No. Everything is fine now. Fine."

  She waved me away but her voice told me she'd be crying in the next five minutes. God, I didn't want to deal with this, but then I couldn't leave her in that place alone. She'd end up in the white slave trade or something.

  I put my arm around her and carried her out. She struggled in my arms, wanting to stay, but no one paid the slightest bit of attention, proving what a bunch of dodgy bastards they all were. Security in any decent place would want to know why I was carrying out a struggling woman.

  "Come on, Fi. You don't want to stick around a place like this. You're far too good for this lot."

  Her head shot up.

  "I am, aren't I?"

  Then she slumped back down into a semi-coma. Hell, she might be stick-thin but she was a dead weight. I hoisted her up by the waist again. It wasn't far to get out and I'd parked nearby. So long as my car hadn't been stolen or trashed.

  We got to the door and not even the security guard gave a second look at me dragging her out. Bastards.

  Only, when we got to the door, I tripped. The pair of us took a tumble and that's when they took the shot.

  The flash blinded me as I fell. Of course, there'd be photographers outside. The one time that I wasn't trashed and wasn't on the make. You could bet your arse that I looked my worst too.

  "Oopsies," she said.

  Oopsies, all right. She could giggle. I had more serious concerns. Those concerns were cleaning up my act and launching a serious career. Fiona's major concerns were scoring drugs and not eating. No wonder I'd avoided relationships for so long. Every woman around me was more screwed up than I was.

  Except Alice.


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