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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

Page 19

by Candy J. Starr

  I sniffed. I would not cry over this. I wouldn't. But it seemed that my heart was overflowing. I hadn't told Savage how much the camera meant to me but he'd just known.

  He arranged to have it fixed up and shipped to us. I kept sorting through the gear he'd plonked on the counter. I didn't even know what half this stuff was myself. Then I looked up.

  "I don't need this new camera then," I said.

  "Yes, you might want to take some photos on tour. But not tonight. Tonight, you're just going to watch me play."

  "You're a lucky girl," the woman said to me. "He thinks the world of you."

  "I sure am."

  "You bet she is," said Savage. "I'm one hell of a man."


  WALKING OUT ON STAGE had a magic that I'd missed on the last couple of shows. Having Alice watching added a whole extra dimension. I wanted to make her happy. This whole night was for her.

  By now, I'd played the songs enough times to know what worked. The nerves had settled. I'd proved my worth. People came to see me play, not to see me fail.

  I gave her a hug before I walked out. Having her on tour with me was as close to perfect as it could get. I just wished the circumstances that had brought her here had been different.

  I stood in the darkness, drinking in the energy from the crowd. Then the spotlight hit me and the cheers started. That sound lifted me so high.

  When I began playing, the excitement that had buzzed through me spread out through the crowd. Some nights are just magic and this was one of them. My music became more than the sum of its parts. The guys played better than they ever had and my voice came out so smooth.

  This night could not get any better.

  About halfway through the show, I turned to the side and saw Alice smiling at me in the wings. She shone brighter than the spotlights. I wanted to bring her on stage and introduce her as my girlfriend. More than a girlfriend. That word seemed so weak. She was my soul mate. The woman I belonged with. A sudden announcement wouldn't be fair on her, though. I'd need to run the idea past her.

  Maybe, one day soon, we could do that.

  We finished the show with the new single. Already people knew it and sang along. I thought my chest would burst open. A song people loved, a killer show and the woman I loved all together.

  I grinned at Gregor, his shenanigans from the other night forgiven. The guy really could play guitar like a bastard.

  The cheers sounded as if they'd never end when I walked off stage. They wanted a piece of me. I'd go out for an encore but I needed to be with Alice first. She grabbed me as soon as I got near her.

  "You're just getting better," she said.

  "That's what women always tell me."

  She punched me on the arm for that crack, just lightly. I deserved it.

  "Quit fooling around," Buzz said. "You're here to play, not sex up some woman."

  Even if we didn't go public with our relationship, I needed to tell the band. I'd kept it hidden from them up until now but I wanted some recognition for Alice as the only woman in my life. I'd tell them after the show.

  "Get back out there," Alice said, giving me a shove. "That guy is right."

  Buzz gave her the finger guns and went back on.

  I went back for the encore, my heart swelling even more.

  I was invincible.


  THAT NIGHT, SAVAGE introduced me to his band as his girlfriend. The guys who'd seemed so rude when I'd joined them at the rehearsal studio for the photoshoot, now became all friendly.

  "Yeah, well no one told us you were together," the guitarist, Gregor, said. "Or we'd have been much nicer."

  "You should be polite no matter what," Savage said.

  "I can't believe it, I just can't believe it," the drummer kept saying. "The day Savage becomes a one-woman man, I never thought I'd see it."

  "Write it in your calendar, mate, because it's a day to remember," Savage told him.

  I got the impression that he'd never introduced someone as his girlfriend before.

  I just laughed. Of course they were going to stir him. It all seemed good-natured, though. Buzz even got me a drink and made sure I had somewhere to sit backstage.

  "Guess I'm going to have to remember your name," Gregor said.

  "It's Alice," Savage said. "You'll remember it because I might get it tattooed all over my body soon."

  I wasn't sure if he was joking or not but it was kind of awesome.

  "We're leaving soon," Savage said.

  He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. That was really embarrassing with everyone watching us. I kept my body stiff but Savage was having none of that. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

  When he put his hand on my knee though, I slapped it away. It'd start on my knee but wouldn't stay that way for long. I wasn't a prude, I just didn't like fooling around in front of the other guys. Even though Savage liked to tease me, I knew he felt the same.

  "Oh, of course, you're 'leaving' soon," Buzz said. He winked at me.

  God, they'd know we were leaving to have sex. They'd know everything. That made me blush. Thankfully, they didn't know we'd had sex in the toilets at the rehearsal space that time. They'd never let us forget it.

  Still, I snuggled into Savage, relaxing at last. Or more like hiding my face in his neck so that no one could read what I was thinking about.

  The drummer still muttered under his breath. Then he looked up.

  "Oh, this is going to mean so many more groupies for me." He grinned to split his face.

  "Not likely," Gregor said. "It's your ugly face that puts them off, not the competition from Savage. You really need a good skincare routine."

  "Do you think?"

  I laughed at these big, tattooed guys discussing skincare. Gregor wasn't wrong about the drummer's skin though. He could definitely use a moisturizer.

  "So, why are you kids even hanging around? I'm sure you want to be alone."

  "That's for sure," said Savage. "I'll be leaving as soon as we get the all clear to go out. Otherwise, I wouldn't hang around you ugly bastards for a minute longer than I have to."

  Before we left, I got a nice surprise. Frankie walked into the back room.

  "I got kicked off the Molloy tour," he said, "so I'm joining Savage."

  "Good thing too," Savage said. "I need someone to keep these animals in line."

  Frankie sat down beside me.

  "Sorry I didn't let you know I was keeping an eye on you."

  I smiled at him.

  "Good thing you were. You rescued me and I'll be grateful to you forever for that."

  "Anyone would've done it."

  He could say that but I wasn't totally convinced that the other band members with Molloy hadn't heard me scream. They'd just walked off, though. Still, I didn't want to dwell on that night.

  "Did you at least get a few days off to spend with your family?" I asked Frankie.

  "I sure did."

  He pulled out his phone and showed me a bunch of photos of his daughter while we waited.

  It was nice having an ally on the crew.


  "I'LL BE BACK IN A MINUTE," Alice said. She got up and headed out to the bathroom. It was a bit of a way down the corridor. I checked my phone and waited for her to come back. A moment later, she rushed back to me. Her face was flushed and her chest heaved.

  I pulled her down beside me.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yep," she smiled but that smile didn't disguise the fear in her eyes. "False alarm."

  Like hell it was a false alarm. She'd been alone in the corridor and freaked out. She'd never admit it but any fool could tell that's what had happened.

  I should've offered to go with her. She'd hate being babied like that but she had every right to freak after what she'd been through. I'd shadow her everywhere she went, if it made her feel safe.

  She leant her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. It made me wonder how much she'd b
een covering up. She kept saying she was okay but now I wasn't so sure.

  As I held her tight, the tremor in her body subsided.

  Soon, Gary came in and said we could leave. I held her hand as we walked to the car and kept hold of it all the way back to the hotel.

  "Make sure you're up bright and early tomorrow," Gary said. "You've got the video filming, remember?"

  I barely had time to nod an acknowledgement to him in my rush to get out of there.

  Alone at last. This was the cherry on my perfect day. I was still riding high from the show and then making my relationship with Alice all official with the guys in the band. I couldn't think of anything better, except maybe ordering one of those delicious burgers from room service after a round of sex with Alice.

  I grinned at her.

  "I know what you're thinking," she said.

  All that fear from earlier was gone from her face now. Her eyes shone with lust.


  "You are so not thinking hamburgers." She flopped down on the sofa. "Unless that's the term for some strange sexual fetish that I don't know about."

  "Nope, but we could make it one." I winked at her.

  "I don't need any weird fetishes. Regular sex with you is perfectly adequate."

  I collapsed beside her. "Adequate? Adequate? I don't think so, love. Mind-blowing, maybe. Life-changing. World-shattering.,"

  She snuggled into my side. "Yeah, it could be that too."

  I cupped her face in my hand and drew her to me, then nibbled on her bottom lip. I really wanted to ask more about how freaked out she'd been earlier but I didn't want to bring those feelings back.

  "Okay," she said when I pulled away. "Definitely mind blowing."

  I smiled at her. "So, sex, then burgers?"

  "Works for me," she said.

  "Bed or sofa?"

  "Sofa." With that, she climbed on top of me, straddling my lap. I liked that. I liked that a lot. I locked my arms around her waist, drawing her body to mine. The heat and softness of her overwhelmed me. She looked so perfect like that.

  We kissed gently at first then more frenzied. My hands crept down to cup her butt.

  She moaned as I kissed her neck.

  Her hands inched under my t-shirt, pulling it up and over my head. She ran her hands down my chest.

  "I like this," she said. "It's one of my favorite bits."

  I grinned.

  "I bet you do."

  I pulled her t-shirt over her head then unhooked her bra.

  Once she had all that off, I ran my fingers over her belly.

  "This is one of my favorite bits," I told her.

  "It's flabby." She tried to push my fingers away.

  "It's soft and lovely." I put my hands each side of her waist so my thumbs could caress her belly skin. "If I wanted to touch a six-pack, I'd just play with myself."

  She squirmed.

  "It tickles."

  "Good. I like to have you squirming on my lap. That could actually become one of my new favorite things."

  "Just the squirming?" She raised her eyebrows.

  "Well, you need to get rid of those jeans," I told her. "That would definitely make it a million times better, your sweet flesh against my cock."

  She hopped up and unzipped her jeans, pushing them to the floor. The panties followed. Then she unzipped me. I arched my hips and slipped my jeans off. Then she climbed back on my lap.

  I kissed her like I never wanted to let her go. Hell, I never did want to let her go. I loved having her like this, with full access to all her body.

  She put her hands on my shoulders, moving her pussy over my cock. Before she could go any further though, I slipped my hand between her legs. I wanted to see her face twisted in ecstasy. I wanted to hear her scream my name. Making her come made me happier than coming myself.

  When my finger connected with her swollen clit, she gasped and recoiled a little.

  "Is that okay?" I asked her.

  "Fuck, yeah," she replied.

  With my other hand, I stroked her belly, making her squirm again. She squirmed and she bucked while her fingers dug into my shoulders.

  God, she looked glorious.


  SAVAGE SURE KNEW HOW to work my body. He seemed to hold me on the cusp of orgasm forever. I bucked against his hand, wanting to come but that wave never seemed to break. And, while it was heaven, I needed a goddamn release.

  "Are you ready?" he said, shooting me that roguish grin.

  "Yes, I'm fucking ready," I screamed. Bastard.

  He laughed and pressed his fingers against me so that my entire world filled with sparks. As my body exploded, he took hold of my hips and guided me onto his cock. The throbbing pleasure inside me increased as he filled me. I rode him like my life depended on it.

  We belonged together. I knew that. The deep pleasure he gave me was so much more than physical. I trembled when he touched me and ached when we were apart.

  I watched his face as I moved on his lap, every expression heightening my pleasure.

  Savage raised his hips to meet my every thrust, his body rising up, almost lifting me with it. His hands twisted in my hair, pulling my mouth to his. His kisses had a brutal edge, but then so did mine.

  I shuddered with pleasure and he gave one intense thrust before slumping back to the sofa, both of us fully pleasured for the moment.

  His fingers danced lightly over my skin.

  "So, burger?" I said.

  "You call them. I can barely move."

  "Poor baby." I shot him a sarcastic grin but got up to phone room service.

  "No onion on mine."

  "Wow, I learn something new about you every day."

  After I gave the order, I got a robe to put on and threw the other one to Savage.

  "We don't have to get dressed," he said. "This robe is wasted on me."

  "Well, I'm sure not answering the door naked when our burgers turn up."

  "You're such a prude."

  "Hey, it's just good manners."

  I sat back down and he cradled my foot in his hand, gently rubbing the sole.

  "Room service is slow. We could go another round before they get here."

  If he kept rubbing my foot like that, we definitely could. I was too lazy to move, though. I just wanted to lay back and enjoy my foot massage.

  "That's so nice," I said.

  "You are almost purring."

  "Life is pretty damn good at the moment. I mean, eventually I'm going to need to make some pretty major life decisions but right now, I don't even care. I just want to bask in some good times."

  He grabbed my other foot.

  "Good times are my forte."

  "Yeah, that's the word on the street."

  He laughed. "True. So, you have no thoughts about what to do with your life?"

  "Nope. But screw it. I've not taken a holiday in three years. Not even a week off. Maybe I need this."

  Before I could say any more, there was a knock at the door.

  "We definitely wouldn't have had time," I said.

  I pulled my robe tight around me and answered the door. Now the burgers were here, I realized how hungry I was.


  THE ALARM RANG. WHY? Mornings could go fuck themselves. I turned it off, then wrapped my arms around Alice, snuggling into her back.

  "You have to film a video this morning," she said.

  "Damn. I wonder if they can manage without me."

  I nibbled her neck. That would make her forget about the video and think about better ways to spend our time. Better ways being sex. If I was going to be awake, then sex was definitely what I wanted to be doing.

  "I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work," she said.

  "I bet it's working a little."

  She laughed. It was totally working. She'd forget about responsibilities in just a minute, but she turned away from me.

  "This is why you have a reputation for being unreliable," she said.<
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  "It's also why I have a reputation for being good in bed," I replied.

  She turned and tried to give me a stern look but the corners of her mouth twitched. I knew being reliable was a good thing, in theory. It was the practice of it that I had issues with. Maybe because I'd always had managers telling me "go here, do that", so evading them had become a game. But now it was all down to me. This was my career and my life.

  "I'll give you ten minutes," she said.

  "Ten minutes?"

  "Yep, do what you like for the next ten minutes, then you can get up and be responsible."

  "You have no idea what I can do in ten minutes," I told her, with my sexiest leer.

  "Actually, I think I do."

  Because, before she'd even gotten those words out, I had her legs spread and had crawled between them. I'd lick her into a such an orgasmic frenzy, she wouldn't only forget the ten-minute limit, she'd forget that time even existed.

  She was wet for me. Of course she was. She was always wet for me. I only needed to touch her to get those fires started. That sweet wetness was all I needed. I wrapped my hands around her thighs as I lowered my head close to her pussy.

  She shuddered, but before I even touched her, I teased her with my breath along her lips. I wanted to see that beautiful squirm she did when I teased her.

  Even if this was only ten minutes, it'd be the best ten minutes of her life.


  I WANTED ALICE TO COME along while I filmed this video. She was pretty curious about the whole process too.

  Gary came to pick up us and briefed me on the way there.

  "They have a lot of live footage and are going to cut that with the stuff we do today. It should only take a few hours, if you don't screw around. Either way, you have to be out of there by four at the latest."

  Alice stifled a giggle.

  "I do not screw around. Well, not like that, anyway."

  Alice and Gary exchanged glances. The giggles were even less stifled now. Damn them. Laughing at me. I'd show them.

  "Let's face it, Ash," Gary said. "Acting is not your strong point."

  "Hey, you're talking to the star of Summer Love Sensation and other such classic movie hits."


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