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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

Page 52

by Candy J. Starr

Elijah and Matt were standing in the hallway behind me. Matt smiled apologetically, then slipped off. Not Elijah. Of course not Elijah.

  I'd forgotten we were in the hotel lobby with a whole audience looking on.

  "Damo." Elijah shook his head and clicked his tongue. "Damo. We heard there was a commotion down here, but we were not expecting this. Is this any behavior for a professional musician? In front of a bunch of fans, too."

  He tried to sound stern, to mirror my attitude, but it was Elijah. He couldn't help his mouth twitching into a smile.

  "It's a behavior," I said. "Anyway, Polly isn't a random groupie." I glared at him to emphasize the difference. "We're together."

  As I said that, Polly reached out and linked her fingers with mine, squeezing tightly. We both had that thrill of being officially a couple for the first time flooding our bodies. I could almost forgive Elijah for interrupting us just so I could feel that thrill.

  "Are you going public?" he asked. "Because I don't think you can get much more public than this."

  I looked around. Those crazed groupies had watched everything. The hotel staff had seen it, too. This would be all over social media in an instant... and I really didn't give a damn. All I knew was that I loved Polly, and I wanted the world to know about it.

  Before the police came, before the world went mad, I swept her up and carried her to my room. We needed some time alone.


  WHEN WE GOT UPSTAIRS, Damo treated me like I was a fragile doll. Sure, it hurt a bit where those bitches had kicked me, but I wasn't exactly made of fine china. I could handle that shit, and more.

  He sat me on his knee and kissed me gently. I wanted more than gentle kisses, though. We'd been apart too long.

  I got up and pulled him into the bedroom.

  "We can go easy," he said.

  "Sure, we can, but I don't want to." I threw him onto the bed, then climbed on top of him.

  Straddling him with my knees each side of his hips, I took off my top. The way he sucked in his breath was more than just him being impressed with my body. I looked down. I had a massive bruise on my side.

  "That doesn't look good," he said. "Maybe we should ease off for tonight. We've got the whole tour."

  An incredible smile spread over his face at that.

  "Nope. No way. I'm not in pain. Well, maybe a little bit of pain, but that's nothing compared to how I felt when we were apart. Let's get this relationship consummated. Well, re-consummated."

  He ran his fingers softly over my ribs, tracing the bruise.

  "I can't believe they did this to you."

  I shrugged, more interested in how hard his cock was growing beneath me than anything else.

  "They were nuts. Are you really pressing charges?" I asked him.

  I removed his t-shirt while he was talking.

  "Hell, yeah. I'm sick of being held for ransom by possible bad PR on social media. People can't get away with doing what they like. It'll be a pain in the ass, but screw it. Those bitches are going down. Hey, what's that grin for?"

  "I like it when you get a bit emotional and irrational," I said. "It's cute."

  He laughed, then threw me onto my back.

  "I'll show you irrational," he said.

  Fiery Damo was even better than emotional Damo. Especially with his legs between mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting him as close to me as possible.

  "That's nice," he said, "But it'd be even nicer if we took those panties off."

  He had a good point. Damn panties.

  He unwrapped me, then eased my panties down. That still did us no good while he had his jeans on. I flicked the button, then got that zipper undone, making sure I caressed his cock in the process. Man, I loved that cock.

  "Hurry up," he said.

  Ha. I had him right where I wanted him.

  "Oh, sorry. I'm too injured to move fast," I said, looking up at him with my best wide-eyed expression. "I'll have to take this really slow."

  With that, I very slowly removed those jeans, making sure to keep my mouth very close to his crotch, my hot breath on his cock.

  "Polly, this isn't funny," he said in a strangled voice.

  He had a point. Teasing was fun, but sex was even more fun.

  He was just as teasing, though, when he moved his fingers inside me. All the tension of the past few days left my body as I became a big mess of wanting him. I bucked against his hand, wanting to come but wanting this pleasure to last forever too.

  He smoothed my hair away from my face, kissing my lips, my nose, my forehead as I thundered into one hell of an orgasm. The world turned black, then multicolored, then just a beautiful stillness.

  "Fuck," he said. "We should hurry. I still have that mess downstairs to deal with."

  Damn. I wanted this to go on forever. But it'd only be a temporary break, and then we'd have all night.

  I wrapped my legs around him as he entered me, filling me as my pussy tightened around his cock.

  He'd only just started when his phone rang. We both paused, looking at each other and knowing we couldn't stop now. Not this close to ecstasy. Damo shook his head. His fucking turned into a frenzy of pleasure and impatience. I cried out with the pure joy of his cock inside me.

  He took me right to the edge again, ramming hard as I dug my fingers into his back. He'd forgotten about me being a fragile doll. I'd forgotten too. All that mattered was us together like this.

  Damn, he felt good. Perfect. I couldn't imagine anything better than this. No matter what happened between us in the future, I knew I'd fight with everything I had to keep us together. We had something magical.

  I could barely think as another orgasm rocked my body. I'd thought it couldn't get any better? My screams pierced the night as the pleasure wracking through my body became more than I could stand.

  Just as I reached the peak, Damo shuddered into his own orgasm.

  "I love you, Polly," he whispered.

  "Yeah, well, it doesn't count when we've just finished fucking," I told him. "You have to tell me that every day, every moment."

  He nuzzled my neck. "Don't worry. I will."


  SHE WALKED INTO THE sound check like she owned the place. Leopard-print fake fur coat, fishnet-covered legs, sunglasses covering her eyes, glossed-up lips and that "fuck me" attitude.

  No, she didn't walk. She swaggered.

  I stopped the song.

  "Polly, I told you. Don't distract me during sound check."

  She shot me a grin. A very self-satisfied grin. "Tough shit, babe. You're going to have to learn to deal with it. Now, get your shit done so we can get onstage."

  Hell, yeah, I'd get through this sound check. The faster we finished here, the faster I'd have her back in bed.

  I didn't want to lose my focus on the music, but I could afford to slacken the reins a little. We were playing one show here in Gelsenkirchen before moving on. I couldn't even pronounce the name of the place, but it was going to be huge, a much bigger arena than the one we'd played in Berlin. All those people didn't want a second-rate show because I was too busy with my sex life, but I could hardly walk onstage with blue balls, either.

  Elijah turned to Crow to shoot him a grin, but Crow didn't grin back. He wasn't staring at Polly but just beyond her.


  She didn't seem Crow's type. I'd never really thought about Crow having a type, but that crazy ball of energy was definitely not the type I imagined him being with. I hadn't spent much time with Fay, but I knew I'd only be able to handle her in small doses. Putting her with Crow was like putting a kitten with a lion.

  Polly scowled. She didn't like the way Crow was looking at her cousin, that's for sure. But what could she do about it? The heart wants what the heart wants. I'd learned that much.

  We finished up, and Wreckage got onstage. Polly had thought about changing their name now that they'd dumped Miles, but Fartstard had talked her out of that on the tour bus coming here. Too much trouble t
o change all the promo material.

  I grinned at her as she got up onstage. Just one glance from her, and I wanted to stop everything and fuck her senseless. I needed to get a handle on myself--at least hold it together long enough to get through their sound check and back to the hotel.

  They ran through a couple of songs. At least the sound techs here were so on point that it didn't take long.

  I hadn't wanted Polly to do that stupid audition. I didn't need it. I'd been a bastard even suggesting it, but she'd insisted. Even with the bruising and the soreness, she'd played like a demon. The three of them together had something amazing that had been lacking with Miles as front man. Tonight would be their first show, but if Polly had any nerves, she didn't show it. She was too busy getting me stirred up.

  "Back to the hotel," I said to her.

  "Oh, I thought we'd do some sightseeing," she said with a cheeky grin.

  "I checked the tourist guides. There's nothing to see here. Nothing at all. In fact, the recommended sightseeing spot is our hotel room," I told her.

  "Eww, you two are so gross," Fay said. "Come on, Jax. We can find some fun in this town and leave the old people to fool around."

  I was more than happy for them to do that, so Polly and I headed back to the hotel. I wanted to lose myself in her.

  "We have three hours," she said. "Then we have to get back. Let's not waste any time."

  My life might be crazy and full of drama with her around, but I didn't want to lose a minute of that. Elijah had been right: the fuss in the media had died down almost at once.

  I grinned. "We have forever," I said. "I'm never letting you go."

  She twisted her hand in mine, and everything was just perfect.



  I WASN'T SURE IF THESE girls were actual twins, or if they just looked a lot alike and played it up. I mean, they barely spoke English, but who cared? One of them sat on my knee and the other on the arm of my chair. A pair of beauties. Both of them blonde and leggy with huge tits. Red lips with dimples, and 'fuck me' attitudes. One in jeans, the other in a skin-tight dress. They'd walked into the backstage room and settled on top of me like they owned me. Of course, no woman owned me, but they sure could rent me for the next few hours.

  My night was made. We'd played a brilliant show here in Amsterdam. The band had been on fire, burning up that stage. Things had been going from good to better to out of this world. Our music was selling in numbers I couldn't even comprehend. We'd had to put on a few extra nights here because tickets had sold out so fast. Every magazine wanted us on the cover. We got offered opportunities I'd never imagined. And now, twins.

  Even Damo had settled the fuck down now that he'd paired up with Polly. Instead of being the insane control freak he'd been, he actually relaxed occasionally, and that had made his playing better. When he played better, the rest of us played better too.

  I couldn't imagine life being any better.

  "Drink?" one of the twins asked.

  "Yeah, why not?" I grinned at her. Okay, life could be slightly better with a cold beer in my hand.

  While she was gone, the other twin grabbed my face and kissed me. A little too much tongue and a bit sloppy but, hey, I wasn't complaining. I loved this life. I could see it stretching out in front of me forever. Playing awesome shows, screwing awesome chicks, drinking and fooling around. Who could ask for more?

  The other twin came back with beers.

  "Cheers," I said, raising my can.

  "Cheers," they replied in unison.

  Across the room, Polly's cousin Fay chatted with Crow. Man, she was a little firecracker. Too young for my taste. I wasn't into the barely legal stuff, and anyway, she only had eyes for Crow. The two of them tried to pair off every chance they got. Polly wasn't having any of that, though. She hated the two of them together, and I didn't blame her. Crow wasn't the man I'd pick for any of my relatives, either. We'd been in the band together for five years, and I still only knew him on a surface level. We'd play together and go out drinking. He never picked up chicks, he never got too drunk. He was a quiet one. And they're the ones you have to watch, not fun guys like me. All of me is on the surface. What you see is what you get. I might be a player, and I might be a jerk sometimes, but I'm always upfront.

  The other twin kissed me. She was a slightly better kisser than the first one, and as she leaned across, she rubbed her tits against my chest. They were some A-grade mammaries. I wasn't sure if they were real or not, but who cared? They were huge and pressing against me.

  The twin sitting on my knee got antsy and pushed her away. They glared at each other.

  "Hey, girls, no fighting. There's enough Elijah to go around."

  "And he sure does go around," Damo said, walking over to us.

  The girls just laughed.

  "Hey, I live life to the fullest. Is that a crime?" I said, then took a swig of my beer. "Maybe you'd be better off kissing your woman so she'll leave Crow and Fay alone."

  Damo rolled his eyes. "I'm not getting in the middle of that."

  One of the twins jumped up and threw her arms around Damo. "You're cute too," she said, rubbing her body against his.

  Damo unwound her arms from his neck. "Stick to Elijah," he said. "I'm taken." He nodded to Polly, sitting over in the corner.

  "But she's not looking," the twin said.

  Damo gave her a look of disgust that she ignored, and he walked off, leaving me with a sulky twin.

  "She's not even pretty," the twin said. "I'm much prettier, right?"

  I agreed because I'd be a damn fool not to, but I hated that kind of petty jealousy. Damo was with Polly, and no way would he fool around on her. I respected that. And, to be honest, Polly was a damn hot chick. Not just hot, but awesome on the bass, and she never got all nasty about other chicks.

  But who cared? These girls would be gone before daybreak, and I wasn't interested in their personalities.

  "He's no fun," the rejected twin said, flopping down beside me.

  "Yep. That's what they call him. No Fun Damo. But me, I'm all fun."

  With that, I settled my hand between the legs of the one on my knee. I really should ask these girls their names, I thought, but I'd just forget five minutes later and have the embarrassment of asking again. My hand really liked being in that warm crevice, but I should've tried it on the one in the dress. Much easier access.

  I could get away with a lot backstage, but if I started unzipping jeans, I'd have Damo on my case. Even worse, Polly and Fay would kick my ass to the curb. Chicks on tour were a fine thing until you wanted to get up to some backstage shenanigans. Then it was all about keeping things decent.

  I guessed that would just help build the tension until we got back to our hotel room. Nothing wrong with a bit of teasing before the main event, and the main event would be spectacular. I'd always wanted to try it with twins, and whether they were true twins or not, it'd still be fun.

  And, oh hell, the two of them kissed each other. The one in jeans edged my hand up so it rubbed against her mound, and I had a tittyfest going on right in front of my face. Sweet. I'd become the filling in a boob sandwich. Another life dream to tick off the list.

  I leaned back and watched the show. Was there a man in the world who didn't want to be me right now?

  I ran my free hand up the back of the twin in the dress. That dress would look amazing pooled on my hotel room floor. The two of them naked, both writhing in pleasure in my bed--that was what tonight promised.

  "I think you need to take this show somewhere else." Fay's voice broke through my enjoyment.

  "Come on, Firecracker. Give me a break."

  Fay hated it when I called her Firecracker, but the name had stuck, and I meant it in the nicest possible way. She was fast becoming like the little sister I'd never had. Sometimes, the little sister I wished I'd never had.

  "Who is she?" the one in the dress asked.

  I didn't like her tone, to be honest. She spoke as
though she had more right to be backstage than Fay did. If she wasn't careful, Fay would set her straight about that.

  "She's on the tour with us," I said. "In the opening band."

  The twins both gave her a look that was meant to wither her. They didn't know Fay that well if they thought that would work. Nothing withered Fay.

  "Look, Lij, go back to the hotel if you wanna get down and dirty. Oh, and keep the noise down tonight."

  If anyone else called me Lij, I'd kill them, but Fay got away with it. Her suggestion of going back to the hotel worked for me. After all, they were twins. They'd take twice as long, if I knew anything about math.

  I pushed the twins off me. "Just a moment, girls. We'll go somewhere more private."

  I looked around for Fartstard, the tour manager. He was the one organizing the van back to the hotel. I needed to make sure he'd have that van ready to take us as soon as possible.

  As I scanned the room, I saw her.

  Her? No way. Not possible.

  I had to be hallucinating. It was pretty fucking trippy to think my high school English teacher would appear backstage at a show in Amsterdam.

  Miss Jones. Hell, I'd rubbed myself raw way too many times, thinking about that woman. Most of my high school life had been spent thinking of the ways I could get her panties off. I never had, of course. But, hell, thinking about it had filled many pleasant hours.

  It couldn't be her. Not here. Amsterdam must be getting to me.

  I looked again.

  One of the twins slapped my arm, but I ignored it. Then the woman looked my way. She gave me a sweeping glance, taking in the twins. Then she smiled with a tinge of regret and left the room.

  It was her. I'd never forget those eyes.

  I pushed the twins to one side and raced after her. There was no way I'd let her get away from me. Not when all my high school dreams might come true.


  MISS JONES STRODE DOWN the hallway to the exit.

  "Wait up," I called.

  She turned. "Elijah. I thought you were busy."

  I'd forgotten that husky, sensual quality to her voice.


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