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SWORN TO PROTECT: An Everyday Heroes World Novel

Page 22

by Readnour, Kimberly

  “Now, bring me to bed and prove it.”

  His head tips back in laughter. But then he swoops me up and carries me over his shoulder until he deposits me on the bed. He stands back and eyes me.

  “God, I wish you could feel just how much I love you.”

  But I can. With every tender kiss. With every caressing touch. With every thrust of him pushing inside me, he lets me know how much.

  This man.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  “I never want to leave this spot.”

  “You sure know how to stroke a guy’s ego.” My eyes flutter open to a sight I want to see every morning for the rest of my life. Mackenzie’s long auburn hair laying in a wild mess as those green eyes stare over at me from her side of the bed. I smile at that thought. We’ve been here one night, and she already claims a certain side of the bed.

  “I’m pretty sure you stroke mine enough.”

  “I just like stroking you.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Oh, yeah.” As if to prove my seriousness, I run my palm along the curves of her frame. Her soft, smooth skin is so damn inviting. No matter how hard I try, I can’t keep from touching her.

  Her eyelids close, and she mewls. The sound travels straight to my already hard cock.

  “I could get used to this.”


  Her eyes reopen and stare right at me. “Thank you for going after my brother. I never got a chance to thank you properly.”

  “You don’t need to. I’d do anything for you.” I’m dead serious when I say that. This woman makes me want to walk through flames to be near her.

  “Still, you didn’t have to take that risk. I wouldn’t think Jordan would harm you, but I didn’t think he’d steal from me either.”

  “Trust me. I’ve been in worse situations.”

  She slaps her hand over her face. “God, I know. Sometimes I forget you’re a soldier. What made you go after him?”

  “It wasn’t right what he did. You’re working your ass off and for him to take what belongs to you and the kids . . . no way. I wasn’t going to let him get away with it. When Detective Malone told me the corporation’s name was Plymouth Rolling Rock, I knew it sounded familiar. But it didn’t connect until your mom mentioned your dad would be paroled. My dad was almost transferred to the Rolling Rock penitentiary. After finding out your brother’s car was a Plymouth, I knew he was responsible.”

  “What sucks is the small withdrawals he made help fund his car repairs.” Sadness coats her features. “Isn’t that nice? I paid for my own robbery. I feel like a damn fool.”

  “You’re anything but a fool.”

  “I feel like it though—especially the way I handled you.” A tear slides down her cheek. I rub the back of my finger against her cheek to wipe it off. Her gaze locks with mine. “When I told the detectives about your computer access, I never truly believed you’d steal from me.”

  I slide my hand to the side of her face and tuck the unruly strands behind her ear. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It matters to me that you know I fully trust you.”

  “Thank you.” Her words make my heart swell, and I know I’m not supposed to be anywhere else but here with her. “You know, I came so close to leaving town in the beginning. You seemed like you had everything together, and I thought you were set financially. But the truth is I was fighting my attraction to you.”

  “Little did you know how destitute I was.”

  “Not until you told me. I wasn’t going to let your brother get away with it. Nor was I going to depend on some other jurisdiction to handle the investigation.”

  “What happened? I shouldn’t be surprised you have a hero complex, Ranger Boy—or should I say Superman?”

  “Please, no. I’m anything but that.” This is what I love about her. She can still make light of a heavy situation. She’s truly remarkable. “Do you really want to hear the details?”

  “I think I need to.”

  “Okay, but you’re not going to be impressed after I tell you what happened. This had to be the lamest sting operation ever recorded.”

  “I’m surprisingly okay with that. If something had happened to you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

  “Everything turned out fine. All I did was sit outside the prison and wait for your brother to show up. It wasn’t too long after he arrived that your dad walked out. Your brother tried to hug him, but your dad waved him off.”

  She huffs. “Typical. He never was one to show affection.”

  “Once they got into the car, I followed them to an apartment where they laid low. I thought they had settled in for the day, but a few hours later, they came out carrying suitcases. I followed them until they broke the parameter for parole, and I called it in. I also called Malone. I tailed them until the cops took them down.”

  She blinks back another round of tears. “Thank you.”

  “I don’t know what they did online, if anything, but they didn’t have a chance to spend any money. I’m pretty sure you’ll get most if not all of it back.”

  “That would be good, but I’d rather have you safe.”

  “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Grace.”

  The corners of her mouth lift to a grin. “And I couldn’t be happier.”

  “I’m glad, but I know something else that makes you happy.”


  “Oh, yeah.” I move on top of her and press our bodies together. I’ll never get used to the way her naked body feels beneath me. “I seem to recall a certain maneuver you liked last night.”


  I don’t try to stop the smirk. “Anytime. I’m all yours.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  I thought coming clean to Mackenzie would be the hardest conversation of my lifetime. I was wrong.

  “You knew my dad?”

  Those steel-blue eyes stare up at me and bear the same resemblance to Ethan. It’s almost comforting. I hate trudging up hurtful memories, but Mackenzie agreed it would be good for them if I told them the truth. Minus the gory details, of course.

  “I did. When we first met, your dad told me all about his two sons and how proud he was of them.”

  “Why did you hide that?”

  “That’s a long story, but basically, your dad had asked me to keep my identity a secret.”

  “But that doesn’t make sense.”

  “Now it doesn’t, but I think he just wanted to make sure you were taken care of. I think he feared you guys would push me away if you knew he sent me.” As much as I hated to, I burned Ethan’s letter after Mackenzie said she didn’t want to hear the reason behind the secrecy. There’s no way I want her or the kids to stumble upon those words. If I have to embellish his love for his kids more than what he told me, so be it. It isn’t as if I’m lying. He did love them, that I’m sure of.

  “I suppose you’re right. Mom wouldn’t have let you help if she knew Dad sent you.”

  I chuckle. “Nah, she just doesn’t like being told what to do.”

  “So, my daddy died a hero?” Nick asks. He’s been pretty quiet this whole time, sitting with his arms wrapped around his legs.

  “Yes. Your daddy saved my life. He’s the bravest person I know.” That puts smiles on both of their faces. The last thing he said to me was to take care of his family. That is one promise I’ll keep until the day I die.

  “I knew he was like Aquaman.” Nick crosses his arms and lifts his chin, smug defiance in every facet of his expression.

  Liam rolls his eyes. “Captain America.”

  Mackenzie’s soft laugh trickles into the great room. I wonder how long she’s been standing there. She gives me a gentle smile, with a silent thanks weighing heavily in her eyes. I return my own appreciative smile.

  “How about you get ready so we can go,” she says as she hands Liam his crutches. They comply without hesitation.

  “You don’t think
they hate me?” I ask, not realizing until this moment how badly I need their approval.

  “They could never hate you. Thanks for doing that.”

  “Of course. How did Jill take your news?” I ask, steering the conversation back to a more neutral ground. Today is supposed to be a fun day. We’re taking the kids to the zoo so Nick can see the penguins he’s been fascinated with of late.

  “Surprisingly, okay. I think she’s sad to see me go, but she certainly understands.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

  “Most definitely. It will free up more time for my classes. I won’t feel like I’m drowning.”

  “If you want to drown in me, I won’t complain.” I wrap my arms around her waist, and she melts into me. God, I love the feel of her warm body against me.

  “You won’t, huh?”

  “Never.” I stare at those lips of hers but restrain. “I talked to Mercy-Life earlier today.”

  “How did that go?”

  “I’m now officially employed. You no longer have a deadbeat boyfriend lying around the house.”

  “Damn, you mean you won’t be at my beck and call anymore?”

  “I’m always at your mercy, and you know it. But I told them I could only work a few days, and never the night of your clinical.”

  “I appreciate that, but Mom is more flexible now that Stan’s back to himself.”

  “Nope. Two or three days a week are all I need. I’m retired now, you know.”

  “That’s right. I keep forgetting I’m with an old man.”

  I draw her closer and murmur against her lips, “I’ll show you an old man.”

  “Ew, are you going to kiss Mommy?”

  We break apart from Nick’s question. The pink tingeing Mackenzie’s face makes me smile. That look will never get old. She clears her throat.

  “Are you boys ready?”

  “Yes, ma’am. We have everything,” Liam says.

  “All right then,” I say. “Let’s go see those penguins.”

  Nick squeals and runs out the door toward the truck. “I can’t wait.”

  This right here is all I could ever want. I glance over at Mackenzie. Well, this and to make our arrangement permanent.



  A year and a half later.

  “Congratulations, you did it!”

  From all the delivered speeches during my nursing pinning ceremony, “You did it,” is implanted in my mind forever. A sense of accomplishment seeps in as I scope the people mulling around our house’s back patio. I run my finger across the nursing pin displayed so proudly on my nursing cap. I did it. I actually did it.

  “Are you ever going to wear that sexist symbol again?” Jill eyes my nurse’s cap as if it single-handedly caused women’s suffrage.

  “Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.” I laugh. I set the cap on the counter and accept the wineglass she offers.


  “But no, this atrocity won’t be sitting on top of my head ever again. It’s only for show.” Thank goodness. Those old-time nurses had to have bald spots from all the bobby pins it takes to hold it in place.

  “When do you start your job?”

  “In three weeks, but I don’t think I’m out of the woods yet. I still have to pass my boards.” I start at Sunnyville General’s emergency department as a registered nurse licensing pending. My ultimate goal is to join the Mercy-Life family, but I need more experience first. Nate suggested starting in the ER department, which Grayson backed up.

  “Please. You’ll do fine.” Her eyes soften. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

  “Thanks. I’m pretty proud of myself. I didn’t think I’d ever reach this point.” I take a sip as I spy on Nate talking to Mark. He tosses his head back and laughs, causing me to smile. He wears a carefree look well.

  “As you should be. You’ve accomplished a lot.”

  Not taking my gaze off Nate, I say, “I couldn’t have done it on my own.”

  Nate believed in me right from the beginning. He helped me work through the guilt of not feeling more remorseful over my husband’s death. He never judged.

  “Sure, you would have. It just would’ve been harder. That’s all.”

  “You’re right. I’m a badass bitch.”

  “Glad you finally came around to seeing that.” She winks and takes a drink. “Is Liam looking forward to starting on the Strikers?”

  “Yeah, I’m glad he can play again. He’ll have to build himself back up, but he’s been practicing. That boy is determined.”

  “Hmm, I wonder where he gets that from?” She gives me a sideways glance.

  My lips twitch. “Lead by example, right?”

  “True that. So, are there any specific plans during your vacation?” She quirks an eyebrow, and I know what she’s thinking.

  “Hate to disappoint you, but nothing that involves anything white or licensing. This trip is pure relaxation.” I steal another glance at Nate. He catches my gaze, and the smile he shoots spreads warmth clear to my toes. I can’t wait to have him to myself.

  “Well, that’s not fun.” She pretends to pout while I take another sip.

  I wonder if he’ll ask me to marry him now that school is over. We haven’t spent much time discussing marriage. Schoolwork complicated things, and he didn’t want to push or add pressure.

  “Between you and me, part of me wishes he would, while another part doesn’t think. . . Oh, who am I kidding? I’m hoping he’ll propose when we’re in Kauai.”

  “The way he keeps eyeing you, I don’t think you’ll be waiting too long.”

  “I guess we’ll see.”

  “Mackenzie, dear, Stan’s getting tired. I think we’re heading home.” Mom officially shuts down Jill’s and my conversation.

  “Thanks so much for coming.”

  “We’re so proud of you.”

  The genuine appreciation displayed in Mom’s expression warms my insides. I love my mom with all my heart. I can kid myself all day long that I don’t need her approval, but it sure is nice when she gives it. I give them each a kiss on their cheek before they leave.

  The party lasts a few more hours before breaking apart. As the last guest leaves, I turn to my family. “All right, guys. Time to get ready for bed.”

  “No. We can’t go to bed yet.” Nick’s face pales as those big eyes stare at me in horror. What the hell?

  “Okay,” I drag out the word. “Did you need to do something first?”

  “Yeah, we haven’t—”

  “Nick!” Liam shouts his name as a warning. Liam shakes his head and motions for Nick to be quiet. Something’s up. My kids are officially acting weird.

  “What exactly is going on?”

  Mum is the word as both boys zip their lips while trying to be stoic. But it’s my precious baby, Nick, whose facial expression cracks first. He glances past my shoulder, and his mouth stretches wide. Nate chuckles behind me, and the deep throaty sound has me twisting to seek some sort of explanation. The moment my gaze lands on Nate, my jaw slackens. I cover my mouth, more out of shock. I’ve seen Nate in some incredible poses that consist of his glorious body naked either above or below me. Either choice works. But damn, Nate down on one knee, holding a black velvet box, is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever witnessed. My heart races as tears prick my eyes.

  “Mackenzie Gillman. Ever since I pulled aside the road and you gave me hell, you’ve touched my soul like no one ever could. I love everything about you. I love your stubborn streak that keeps me on my toes. Your drive to go after what you want. Your determination to be the best mother, provider, and caregiver these boys will ever see. But most of all, the love you show me every single day makes me feel as if I belong here with you and these boys. You showed me what it means to be a family. You once asked about my roots. Well, my roots are right here, right now, with you. Nothing would make me happier than to make us official.”

  Nate opens the box. Nick gasps. Liam
gently smacks him and whispers to be quiet. Nate’s lips twitch, and his sexy ass smirk competes with the sparkling princess cut diamond. But if there’s a competition, Nate’s the winner by a long shot. Although the wedding set comes in a close second.

  “Mackenzie Gillman, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  I blink back the threatening tears and nod. “Yes. God, yes.”

  He lifts to full height and closes the distance. Next thing I know, his arms wrap around me, and his mouth locks to mine. When he pulls away, the smile coating his lips is one sight I’ll cherish forever. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him so happy.

  “He asked our permission, and we said yes,” Nick says. His enthusiasm and cheeky grin make me laugh, but I’m overwhelmed. He asked my boys for permission.

  “I’m very thankful you agreed,” I manage to say through the bubble in my throat.

  “Yeah, well, who else buys us ice cream?” Liam says while shrugging. He’s trying to play coy, but the sheen to his eyes gives him away. He’s beyond thrilled.

  I turn back to Nate. “Thanks for including the kids.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Neither would I.”

  He brings his lips back to mine in a soft, slow kiss. His way of telling me I won’t have to face things on my own, and he’ll always be here for me emotionally and physically. Something I never experienced until he entered my life.

  I silently thank Ethan for sending me this big, broody man. Nate had sworn to protect me, and that’s exactly how I feel—loved, protected, and cherished.

  Our future starts now. And I sure like how it looks.

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