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Page 34

by Dwayne Gill

  I can see myself in you. And where science might have failed, leaving the three of you with deficiencies that couldn’t be corrected in some genetic code, heredity did the rest, ensuring you became the fine men you are.

  So, yes, you are monsters. I designed you that way, for your counterparts, Vinson and the lieutenants, are also designed but have no moral code like you. They will kill whoever stands in their way, and you, my sons, are the only ones capable of stopping them.

  It will take more than brute force, as you’ve seen. It will take the combined strengths of each one of you to overcome what lies ahead.

  Daniel—you were placed in a position, since you were born, that challenged your identity at every turn. I knew there’d never be a way to hide you away, so I crash-landed you into this world. You had to struggle at every turn, and for that I’m sorry. But look at you now. You’ve managed to go head-to-head with the beast that lives within and have forged your own way. Your protectiveness, your empathy, was all your doing, not the monster’s.

  It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to understand your role. But you are capable of more than you realize, and this darkness you bear will one day be a blessing, not a curse. You have the strength in you to destroy large numbers of men in close combat, especially when driven by your rage. Learn to harness it and you will be unstoppable.

  Cane—you had a lifetime of training to ready you for your purpose. We made Red Delta for you, and only you. You can kill any one man that you set your mind to eliminate. You grew up isolated from the world, and I know that this has left you with an emotional void. However, remember this: at the very core of you, you have one desire, which is to protect the ones you care about. This part of you was not programmed in; this is something you’ve created as a value for yourself apart from any genetic tampering. So, while you’ve wondered where your purpose truly lies, understand that as hard as I tried to make you one thing, you evolved into something much more. Embrace this, for because of your chosen path, you’re more dangerous than anyone could’ve ever designed you to be. There will come a time when the gifts you’ve felt cursed with become the one thing that is able to fulfill you. Never forget who you are.

  William—the path of your life was difficult, and most of it was unplanned. My neglect and falsely placed trust earned you the scars that cover your true identity. The DNA program failed miserably to make you into the man I hoped, but your own self-guided path led you here anyway. You learned the qualities you possess on your own, which makes you perfect for the role you play. You’re a natural leader, capable of out-thinking and out-maneuvering the most skilled men on the planet. You are Vinson’s true counterpart. The only thing left for you is to trust yourself, for someday you must defy the odds and make choices that may seem counterintuitive to others. This is your gift.

  Natalie—I’m sorry you’ve been caught in the middle of this. It was never my intention. You are my daughter, which makes Cane, Daniel, and William your brothers. Half-brothers, at least. After I met Dennis Bowman, he and I developed feelings for each other, and you were the surprise product of our love. It was far too dangerous for you to stay with me, or Bowman, so I found you a good home with parents I thought would cherish you so you could have a normal life. I know it didn’t turn out how I’d planned, concerning your parents or your normal life, but believe me when I say I had the best intentions. You have still turned out to be the wonderful woman I’d long ago hoped for, and your value to the team cannot be denied. Your brothers need you, and I have a feeling you’ll play a bigger part than you ever imagined. Forgive me for involving you in such a shocking manner at the hotel in Boston, but I knew Cane and Bowman wouldn’t let anything happen to you.

  For everyone else in this special group: just as you all at some point won the love and affection of Cane, Daniel, and William, so too have you earned mine. In the beginning I viewed you as distractions, but I’ve come to see just how important you all are. Cane would not be the man he is without Lynks, without having met Kristy, Helen, and even Mary, Tina, and the other children he saved. There’s no telling where or who Daniel would be without Layla, Taryn, and Calvin. April, Mercy, and Webb literally saved William from a life of bitterness and hopelessness. You all have played a pivotal role in my sons’ lives, and for that I felt like I owed you my life. Please stand by them and support them, for they’ll need you even more in the days to come.

  I’m not forgetting everyone else who has sacrificed so much. Hart, Barkley, Bowman, Plumber, Mathis, and Blake: you’ve all put trust in my sons and in the process have endangered your own lives and careers. I hope that you’ve already seen enough to be sure your selflessness has been very worth it, and like the others, understand your roles will be needed even more.

  I know these men; Vinson, assuming he’s still alive, will not fade quietly into the night. He’s smart and cunning, so do not underestimate him. He has an army of marked men at his disposal, spread all over the country, and it will take the combined effort of every one of you to stop him. Use your talents wisely, and never forget you may be monsters, but you’re my monsters.

  I said before that a storm was coming.

  Be that storm.


  No one made a sound as the tape played its signature static ending, for there were no words adequate to describe what they had all just heard. Thankfully, Shaw took the initiative and stood before them with one last announcement.

  “She left a thorough diary behind, detailing most of her life after Written By Blood, the research project. I don’t presume to know how each of you feel, but if anyone’s interested, you’re welcome to read it.”

  Cane didn’t display any emotion, but he was the only one. Everyone else in the room looked shocked, saddened, curious, or all of those. Bowman had his head down, and it looked like he was crying. Calvin watched Natalie walk over to him and kneel, wrapping her arms around his neck. William held his dad in one arm and April in the other, while Daniel looked around him like he was in a dream. Calvin would love to know what was going through his friend’s head, but he figured he’d know soon enough.

  For Calvin, the fact that the three were brothers wasn’t a huge shock considering their similarities, but hearing it stated officially carried extra weight. There was no predicting what impact the disclosure would have on Cane, but Calvin imagined he was probably relieved to have some of the mystery pulled away from his shady past.

  For now, it was best to let everyone process things their own way and let it soak in. Calvin shook Shaw’s hand and walked over to Jordyn and Taryn, who greeted him with big hugs. Both had been crying.

  Calvin knew this: if no one else was interested in Marcene’s diary, he surely was, and he couldn’t wait to unpack the goodies inside.

  Epilogue: Red Omega

  October 10, 2028

  8:00 p.m.

  Lafayette, Indiana

  Cane sat on the back patio of the mansion, trying to gather his thoughts. He felt like he’d been on a roller coaster ride the past week with so many things happening so close together.

  He’d already known Marcene had created him a monster, but now it was official, and everyone knew. All the time he’d spent struggling against his identity had been an exercise in futility, for he’d never had a chance to become anyone other than the killer he was. However, Marcene was right. He’d spent so much time abhorring his own nature that he’d forgotten to look at how it might serve him now, with so much at stake for the ones he cared about.

  Then there was Marcene and her manipulation. Cane had invested a lot of emotion into being bitter about what he didn’t know about his past. Now that he knew, or at least more than he had before, he felt strangely unfulfilled. Even the revelation of Daniel and William being his brothers hadn’t been a complete shock, for it had changed little. The three of them still had a job to do, and he would have done it the same way regardless of his relation to them.

  The biggest storm raging in Cane, though, was because of the nea
r death of Kristy, Lynks, and the others. He felt a measure of guilt for his absence during such a crisis, but his primary emotion was anger at the ones who continued to help the marked men. Cane didn’t care what anyone else thought about his methods; he would spare no one who was culpable in the plot against the country and the people he protected.

  Cane could feel himself slowly withdrawing from the rest of the group, including Lynks and Kristy. He was slipping back into his nature, shedding his illusions of ever becoming a normal person or having an ordinary life. In fact, he felt silly for ever considering he could be anyone beside who he’d been designed to be, especially considering what was on the horizon. No one here needed him to make them laugh or smile, to be a shoulder to cry on, or any of the things that the normal people here at the house could offer. They needed him to kill, so why fight it?

  People approached, interrupting his inward journey. He’d seen the back door open but had hoped they were looking for someone else. A moment later, Mary Swelling came into view holding Tina, who looked like she was doing much better. The little girl smiled when she saw Cane, thrashed to escape Swelling’s grip, and hit the ground running. Cane readied himself as the kid barreled into him with a hug, and afterward, she looked him in the eye. “I have to go,” she said. “I’m going home to see my mom.”

  Cane felt his suppressed emotions try to surface as he looked at the poor girl. She’d been through two unspeakable ordeals and would battle the rest of her life to overcome their effects. He considered what he would’ve done to avenge this girl’s death had Vinson killed her. There would’ve been no bounds to his rage. “Your mom will be happy to see you,” said Cane.

  “I talk to you at night when I think there are monsters around,” said Tina.

  “No monsters will bother you again,” said Cane. “Wanna know why?” When Tina nodded, Cane said, “Because they’re too busy hiding from me.”

  Tina smiled widely and walked back to Swelling, who was smiling too. “No one could have said that any better,” she said. “I think I’ll even sleep better tonight after hearing that.” Swelling still bore bruises on her face from Travis, which only made Cane more determined to see to the man’s fate personally. “I’m coming back,” said Swelling. “I hope you don’t mind me joining the team.”

  Cane nodded. “I’m sure you’ve earned your way in.” He was also willing to bet the retired cop knew she’d never feel safe in her own bed again, but she’d be a useful asset.

  Tina gave one last wave as they left the patio, but Daniel exited the house and walked toward him right after, sitting next to him by the far end of the pool.

  “So I guess we’re brothers,” said Daniel. “I’m older than you, by the way. That makes me your big brother.”

  Cane looked at him and nodded. “It’s not a huge surprise.”

  “What’s your deal?” asked Daniel, looking irritated by Cane’s demeanor. “I get that you’re pissed about things. I am too. We both almost lost everything we loved. I also get your no tolerance policy. I’m with you on it. But you’ve been acting really weird lately. Talk to me, bro.”

  Cane glared at him for calling him bro, but it would never stop Daniel from saying it from now on. In fact, it would likely ensure he’d refer to him that way for the foreseeable future. “I’m just keeping things in perspective,” said Cane. “I’m not like you, or anybody. I don’t smile and joke around. I’m just not built that way.”

  “Screw that,” said Daniel. “You sat in front of me recently and told me to rein in my beast. Well, I said I’d try. Little brother, I’m telling you to rein in yours. Be a killer when you need to be, but allow yourself to be happy when the assassin sleeps.”

  “I can’t,” said Cane.

  “That’s what I said for years,” said Daniel. “And maybe I can’t. But at least I try. This is me, trying.”

  Cane shook his head but could see Daniel’s point. The big man wasn’t done. “You said you wanted a normal life, to be someone other than an assassin. Well, welcome to life, little brother. You now know who your mom is, who your dad is, you have two brothers, a sister, a girl inside who loves you, and a house full of people who are concerned about you. What else do you want? If you want a life without shitty things happening, and things that are irritating, then you don’t want real life. This is it. Life. Shitty things have happened to all of us. Stop dwelling on yours.”

  Cane had never experienced an epiphany so quickly, but Daniel couldn’t be more correct. Cane had been so consumed by the things that made him feel so different that he was missing the reality of the surrounding situation. This version of his life didn’t have a picket fence, a wife, kids, and him having a normal job, but what he had was far more than he ever thought possible. However, there was one thing nagging at him. “I know who my dad is?”

  Daniel grinned. “No, you don’t, but I do. Calvin has been digging into Marcene’s diary. You’re missing everything.”

  “Who is he?” asked Cane.

  “Oh, he’s a science nerd,” said Daniel. “Real buzzkill, right? He was one of Marcene’s research partners. He was just a sperm donor, if that’s any consolation.”

  Cane had to smile. Only Daniel knew the right buttons to push. “Now can you come inside, so we can enjoy the great company before the next apocalyptic event?”


  Inside the house, the somber mood had shifted from mournful to celebratory, although Marcene’s finale was surely still forefront in everyone’s thoughts. Calvin had a crowd gathered around him in the den as he was combing through Marcene’s diary and assorted documents. Kristy jumped up, greeted Cane, and they both sat on the floor in the den. Cane saw Bowman sitting with Natalie; the two were enjoying their newly discovered relationship.

  Cane nodded at Bowman, who smirked. “I’m not your daddy,” he said. “So don’t be getting any funny ideas of calling me papa like your brother over there.” He was pointing to Daniel where he sat beside Layla.

  “Hey, it was an honest mistake,” said Daniel. “You’re Natalie’s dad, so it just made sense. Can I still call you pops?”

  “Find your own dad,” said Natalie, smiling and hugging Bowman. “Oh, that’s right, you found yours. He’s a nerd.” Daniel showed her his middle finger, but they were both laughing.

  Taryn, Jordyn, and Lynks were helping Calvin sort through old documents, and occasionally Calvin would release a nice nugget of information. “Anyone want to know Daniel’s middle name?” asked Calvin.

  “Oh, let’s hear it,” said William. He was lying on his back with his head in April’s lap as Mercy climbed on him.

  “Don’t you dare,” said Daniel.

  “Mercury,” said Calvin. “Daniel Mercury Verriday.”

  “Like the god?” asked Daniel. “Kick-ass!”

  “Like the toxic liquid found in thermometers,” said Taryn, laughing.

  “The betrayal,” said Daniel. He turned to Layla. “How did you settle on the name Ara?”

  Layla smiled and pointed to Mercy. “I made a new identity when I was hiding. Mercy had trouble pronouncing my new name, though. It was Arya.”

  “Arya Stark,” said Daniel. “How appropriate.”

  “On a serious note,” said Lynks, “We think we know what happened at our old hideout.” Cane didn’t realize what he was referring to at first. “Shaw said Marcene met Vinson in person and wired herself with explosives. Remember how I said we saw charges in the walls of the house in Naperville?” He was looking at Cane, who nodded his understanding. “The two detonations were linked. If she blew herself and Vinson up, she would have blown us up too. She warned us, told us to get out. I think that was when she was making her final play with Vinson. She was giving us time to get out of the house and to safety.”

  “Vinson must have stopped her before she knew we were clear of the explosion,” said Calvin.

  Cane almost shivered at the thought of how close that would have been. Marcene had gambled with their lives yet again.

“In the end, she chose you all,” said William. “She could have ended Vinson’s life but chose not to.”

  Cane realized the truth of the statement, and for a moment he wondered if he would have made the same choice. For the sake of all the innocent people in the country, killing Vinson would have been the best choice, despite the sacrifice. “She looked out for the ones she loved first,” said Cane, almost shocked that he’d said it aloud. “I sentenced that FBI agent to death for doing the same thing. He was just looking out for his own, despite what it cost a lot of others. Marcene did the same thing.” Cane looked around the room. “And I would’ve made the same choice.”

  Hart, who was sitting on the other side of the room beside Barkley, made eye contact with Cane and they both nodded. “I’m sorry for your friend,” said Cane. Hart nodded again, and this time there was sorrow behind it.

  Cane thought of another question that had gone overlooked. “Vinson mentioned something about Marcene killing his father. Do we know anything about that?”

  “You killed him,” said Bowman. “Remember Speck? That was him.” Cane thought way back to the Red Delta mission and remembered it clearly, wishing he’d known how significant the kill had been at the time. As far as he’d known, it was an ordinary assassination, but he could see the difference in it now, thinking back. Though most of his missions were covert by nature, this one had been especially hush-hush.

  “I remember it,” said Lynks. “He was a terrible man.”

  “You probably have one of his eyes in storage, along with the others,” Daniel said to Cane. “Oh yeah, I know about your eye fetish, weirdo.”

  Cane fought back a smile. “I only do that to access sensitive information. Some things are only available by a retinal scan.”

  “So you’re saying you have the guy’s eye?” asked Daniel. When Cane paused, Daniel shook his head. “Weirdo.”


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