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A Viscount's Heart for Christmas (Book 5, Age of Innocence)

Page 12

by Debra Elizabeth

  “Who do you think you are? You dare to threaten me? I outrank you and you’ve no claim on Lady Courtney. I shall secure her hand with Wetherby immediately.”

  Both men turned as Wetherby stepped out on the terrace. Edgerton stepped aside as the duke stalked to Carlisle, towering over him and pinning him with the glare that would intimate most men. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve heard enough. Your suit for my sister’s hand is no longer welcome.”

  Carlisle’s eyes widened at the duke’s pronouncement. “Pardon?”

  “I’ve heard some rather disturbing news concerning your activities of late,” Wetherby said. “I’m sure you’d rather not have that information circulated among your peers.”

  Carlisle straightened his jacket. “I cannot imagine what you’ve heard, but I assure you my intentions toward your sister are sincere.”

  “I believe your interest in her dowry is sincere. I repeat: you will not pursue her or ever mention her name again. Do I make myself clear?”

  Carlisle opened his mouth to object, but closed it without another word. Edgerton watched as a number of emotions flashed across his face before Carlisle finally realized it would be foolish to make an enemy of the powerful Duke of Wetherby. Without any recourse, he stalked from the terrace, heading back into the parlor.

  “He was trying to compromise her,” Edgerton said.

  “So I gathered. I’m grateful for your quick action.”

  “I wonder what his end game is and what else he’s hiding.”

  “It might be worthwhile to explore his connections in the north more fully.”

  Edgerton nodded. “I agree. I’ve already told Red Knight to continue his investigation. Shall we return?”

  Both men entered the parlor, and it gave Edgerton great pleasure to see Carlisle so agitated.

  Seeming not to notice, Katherine said. “There you are, Lord Carlisle. I’m hosting a small recital tomorrow evening featuring both Lady Courtney and Miss Violet and would love it if you and your sister could attend.”

  Carlisle glanced behind him to see both Wetherby and Edgerton walking his way. “Thank you, Your Grace, but I’m afraid I must decline. I’ve pressing business at my country estate, and I’m afraid we’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow.”

  Lady Arabella stared at her brother and opened her mouth to speak until she saw the agitation on his face.

  Carlisle turned to their hostess instead. “Lady Tisbury, as always, it was a pleasure to see you this evening.”

  Lady Tisbury nodded. “Lord Carlisle, I do wish you a pleasant journey.”

  “Do tell us when you’re back in Town again, Lord Carlisle,” Katherine said.

  Carlisle bowed. “Thank you, Your Grace. Come along, Lady Arabella.”

  Arabella curtsied to Lady Tisbury. “Thank you for a lovely dinner.” She took her brother’s arm, and they left the room.

  Edgerton felt sorry for Arabella. Though he didn’t care for the lady, he had no doubt Carlisle had dipped into her dowry to purchase the land in the north. Unless he wed an heiress, it didn’t look likely that Arabella would be returning to London for another Season.

  Chapter 18

  COURTNEY COULDN’T STOP SHAKING, TEARS streaming down her face as she entered the library. Carlisle’s actions on the terrace had terrified her. She would be forever grateful for Lord Edgerton’s sudden appearance, saving her from a scandalous encounter. Her heart was pounding in her chest—not from passion, but from the realization of Carlisle’s true nature. If he felt so little affection for her that he’d secure her hand by compromising her instead of through courtship, what kind of life would she have had as his wife? He would have had total control over her, and she had no doubt he would’ve exercised that control with brutality if it pleased him. An uncontrollable shiver traveled through her body at her narrow escape from a life of misery.

  She swiped the tears from her cheeks while taking deep breaths, trying to calm her erratically beating heart. It was a few minutes before she felt ready to rejoin the party. When she opened the library door, Violet was exiting the ladies’ retiring room across the hall.

  “Courtney, what are you doing in there?”

  Courtney nearly burst into tears once again. “Will you come to the retiring room with me?”

  “Of course. Are you well?”

  “No.” When they’d made sure they were alone, Courtney told Violet what had happened out on the terrace.

  “Oh no! What a vile man. Let’s sit for a moment until you’re recovered,” Violet said, holding her friend’s hand. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “Thank you, Violet. I’m ever so thankful to your brother for his quick actions. I believe he saved me from a disastrous marriage.” With Violet’s quiet comfort, Courtney’s heart steadied once again and she was ready to join the party. “I’m better now. Will you stay with me? I don’t wish to be cornered by him again.”

  “Of course,” Violet said as they made their way back to the parlor.

  The footmen had pushed all the furniture to the sides of the room, moving the pianoforte to the corner. Courtney looked around the room, but didn’t see Lord Carlisle or Lady Arabella in attendance. She sighed in relief. “He’s no longer here,” she whispered to Violet.

  “I wonder what happened.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m glad I will not have to see him any more tonight.”

  Lady Tisbury looked at Hannah. “Your Grace, will you play this evening?”

  Hannah stood. “Of course. I’d be delighted.” She sat on the bench and started to play a tune suitable for a country dance.

  Courtney smiled when Edgerton approached her. “Lady Courtney, may I have the honor of this dance?”

  “I’d be delighted.” Courtney lined up opposite Edgerton, unable to keep a smile from her face. The weight of being cordial to Lord Carlisle after what happened was lifted now that he was gone, and she planned to thoroughly enjoy herself for the rest of the evening. She glanced to her right to see Violet enjoying the dance with Lord Alesbury. She made a mental note to ask Violet about him the next time they were alone together.

  After several dances, Hannah stood to a round of applause for her exquisite playing and the evening drew to a close. Courtney was disappointed there hadn’t been an opportunity to talk privately with Lord Edgerton, but dancing with him had been almost as wonderful. She felt warm and safe in his arms.

  After they said their goodbyes to their hosts, Camden handed them up into the carriage before climbing in.

  Courtney turned to her mother. “Mama, I didn’t realize there was to be a recital tomorrow evening. When did that come about?”

  “I know it’s quite sudden, my dear. I was talking with Lavinia, and we thought it would be delightful for our families to spend Christmas Eve together. You and Violet have such beautiful voices, we wanted to highlight you both.”

  “Thank you, Mama. It’s a lovely idea. I haven’t seen much of Violet’s sisters since they’ve come to town. It will be good to see them again,” Courtney said. She hoped the recital would give her a chance to steal a moment or two alone with Lord Edgerton.

  “Hannah dear, you don’t mind, do you? I should have consulted you first,” Katherine said.

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea. If there’s to be a gathering, then we must decorate the downstairs parlor to be more festive,” Hannah said.

  “I don’t wish to tax your strength. I’ll take care of arranging for the greenery,” Katherine said. “It’s most unfortunate that Lord Carlisle had to leave so abruptly and cannot attend.”

  Courtney kept her opinion and the earlier incident with Lord Carlisle to herself, glad he wouldn’t be in attendance. If she never saw him again, she’d be happy.

  They arrived home, and after divesting herself of her outerwear, Katherine bade everyone a good night and headed up the stai
rs. Wetherby stayed in the foyer to inform Hester of Katherine’s need for greenery tomorrow and the next evening’s festivities.

  Hannah reached for Courtney’s hand. “Will you stay a moment with me?”

  “Of course,” Courtney said and followed Hannah into the parlor. When they were seated on the sofa, she asked, “Is there something wrong?”

  Hannah shook her head. “No, not at all. I only wanted to say how sorry I am you had to endure Carlisle’s unwanted attentions this evening. That isn’t how a gentleman courts a lady or secures her hand.”

  “Did Camden tell you what happened?”

  Hannah nodded. “It seems he was in need of your dowry and sought to compromise you into a speedy marriage.”

  Courtney felt the sting of tears behind her eyes once again. “I was terrified,” she whispered as tears leaked from her eyes. “He was so strong and I couldn’t get away from him.”

  Hannah pulled her into a hug. “You’ll never have to endure his presence again. Camden has decreed his suit unwelcome.”

  Courtney sat back and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’m so relieved, but what about Mama? Does she know what happened?”

  “No. That’s strictly up to you if you wish to tell her. I do apologize that I couldn’t arrange for you to speak privately with Lord Edgerton this evening.”

  “Perhaps tomorrow evening will work better,” Courtney said.

  “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Wetherby strode into the parlor.

  “My darling, it seems Courtney would like to speak privately with Lord Edgerton, but tonight no opportunity presented itself.”

  “She does?”

  Courtney wrung her hands, uncertain how her brother would feel about her interest in his best friend. “Camden, would you approve…I mean…I would like…”

  Wetherby smiled. “My dear sister, if you have your heart set on Edgerton, you’ll have my blessing to pursue a courtship.”

  “Mama favors Lord Carlisle. She’s told me repeatedly that it’s my duty to the family to make the best match possible.”

  “You need not worry about him. Carlisle will not be pressing his suit any longer.”

  “But Mama—”

  “I’ll take care of Mother. Rest easy on that score. No go and get some sleep. It’s been quite an eventful evening, and I wish to spend some quiet time with my beautiful wife.”

  Courtney jumped off the sofa and hugged her brother tightly around the waist. “Oh, thank you, Camden. You’re the best of brothers.” She broke the embrace and turned to Hannah. “Good night, Hannah,” she said before hurrying from the room.

  “That was nicely done, my darling,” Hannah said when they were alone. “Although I’m curious why Lord Carlisle wanted to compromise Courtney this evening. It seems rather outlandish for such a well-respected gentleman even one only interested in her dowry. He could have courted her openly and see if Courtney accepted his suit.”

  “Perhaps, but his tactics this evening showed a side of him that repulses me. He shall not get near my sister again.”

  “Shall we retire, my darling? I wish to express my gratitude for making Courtney so happy.”

  Camden chuckled. “I’m your ever-willing servant, my dear. Lead the way.”

  Chapter 19

  THE NEXT MORNING DAWNED BRIGHTLY, the bitter cold of the past few days abated. Courtney was looking forward to gathering pine boughs to decorate the parlor for tonight’s recital. She wanted to find some mistletoe as well, hoping for an opportunity to kiss a certain lord. What would it be like to kiss Lord Edgerton? Would his lips be soft? She wanted his to be her first kiss and banished Carlisle’s brutish behavior from her mind. She’d often dreamed about what her first kiss would be like. The idea of kissing him warmed her insides as she dressed in a warm woolen day gown and sturdy half-boots.

  No one was in the dining room when she entered and took a seat at the table.

  “Tea, my lady?” Thomas asked.

  Courtney nodded. “I’m excited to collect the greenery today.”

  “Yes, my lady,” he said, leaving the room.

  Courtney prepared her tea with a splash of milk and some sugar and inhaled the rich scent. There was nothing better to stave off the cold than a hot cup of tea. After several sips, she went to the sideboard for a bit of breakfast.

  It wasn’t long before Camden and Hannah joined her.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Courtney. Did you sleep well, my dear?” Hannah asked as she took her seat.

  “I did indeed, and I’m looking forward to today’s adventure. Where shall we go to collect the greenery?”

  “Richmond Park. It will be a lovely ride once we clear the congestion of Town,” Wetherby said.

  Hester opened the door and announced, “Lord Edgerton, Miss Violet, Miss Emma, and Miss Julia.” He stepped aside to allow the guests into the dining room.

  Courtney jumped up from her seat. “What a wonderful surprise,” she said, hugging Violet. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”

  “We’re here to help gather the greenery,” Julia blurted out. “Won’t that be fun?”

  “It will indeed,” Hannah said. “Please sit and break your fast before we venture out.”

  The girls went to the sideboard and filled their plates. Violet took the seat next to her and whispered, “Are you well today?”

  “I am,” Courtney said, nodding. She looked up when Lord Edgerton took the seat opposite her. He looked especially handsome this morning in his buff breeches, brown waistcoat, and a dark green jacket that fit his broad shoulders to perfection. No man had the right to look so beautiful and she couldn’t tear her gaze from him.

  “Good morning, Lady Courtney. I hope you’re well this morning,” Edgerton said.

  “I am, thank you, my lord.”

  There was no time for any more conversation as everyone dove into a breakfast of eggs, sausages, bacon, and biscuits. It was another hour before everyone had breakfasted and they were ready to depart. After handing his sisters and Courtney into his own carriage, Edgerton climbed inside the ducal carriage. “I don’t think I would survive with my hearing intact if I had to listen to Julia’s chatter for the next two hours,” he said.

  Hannah chuckled. “She’s a passionate young lady.”

  “You have no idea.”

  In the Edgerton coach, Courtney sat with Violet while Emma and Julia took the backward-facing seat.

  “This is our first time collecting greenery. Mother never lets us go with the servants at home,” Julia said.

  “Well, I’m glad you could come today,” Courtney said.

  “It was Edgerton who insisted Mother let us come,” Julia said, then proceeded to keep up a constant chatter until they reached Richmond Park. “Look how beautiful it looks,” she said. “Not anything like the dirty snow in Town.”

  Most of the snow on the ground had melted, but there was still plenty on the fir branches. Thomas put the stairs down, opened the door, and handed each young lady down.

  Courtney glanced at the first carriage to see Edgerton step down. Her brother was next, and he handed down Hannah. “Where shall we begin?” she asked when everyone had gathered.

  “I don’t want anyone to wander off on their own,” Wetherby said. “Believe me, you don’t want to get lost in the woods.”

  “We won’t,” Julia said, dragging Emma toward a stand of trees with Thomas in tow, carrying a knife to cut the boughs.

  Hannah took Wetherby’s arm, and they set off.

  Edgerton offered his arm to Courtney. “Will you collect boughs with me?”

  Courtney slipped her hand in the crook of his arm. “I’d love to.”

  Edgerton slowed his steps to let Hannah and Wetherby walk ahead. “How are you faring today, my lady?”

��m well, thank you. Thank you for rescuing me from that horrid situation with Lord Carlisle.”

  “I only wish I’d arrived sooner, before he put his hands on you.”

  Courtney squeezed his arm. “I’m grateful you came out on the terrace when you did. Frankly, I’m ashamed I ever agreed to step outside with him. He said I looked flushed and fresh air would do me good. I thought him a gentleman, looking out for my welfare.”

  Edgerton stopped walking and tipped her chin up, looking into her expressive blue eyes. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Carlisle took advantage of your inexperience and sweet nature. He knew exactly what he was doing.”

  Courtney was mesmerized by the concern written on his face. “You’re so very kind to say that, and I appreciate the sentiment.”

  Julia and Emma wandered near them and while she enjoyed their company, she had wanted a few more moments alone with Lord Edgerton. Once again, the moment passed.

  “Good. Now shall we go and collect some greenery?” Edgerton asked.


  Before they had taken more than a few steps, a snowball came flying through the air and hit Edgerton in the chest. “What?”

  Courtney looked around and saw Julia getting ready to throw another one. No wonder she had gotten closer to them. She bent down and gathered some snow, molding it into a snowball, and launched her own. “Snowball fight,” she shouted.

  Soon, everyone was making snowballs and launching them at each other. After much merriment, they got down to the business of collecting pine boughs. The men carried the branches back to the carriages, and Wetherby secured some to the ducal carriage while Thomas secured the rest to the back of the Edgerton carriage.

  “That should be enough greenery to make the house festive,” Hannah said once they were inside the carriage again.

  Wetherby chuckled. “I believe that will be enough to make every house on the block festive, my darling.”

  “Charles, I’m sure the girls will have a grand time decorating your home,” Hannah said. “Julia said this was her first time collecting greenery.”


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