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Tidal Magic

Page 17

by Janelle Peel

  As the conversation stretched on, my mind wandered to thoughts of Skye.

  He came back for me.

  Bex bumped me with her shoulder. “Hey. Earth to Riva.”

  Luna laughed. “Give her a break, Bex. She’s obviously preoccupied.”

  My cheeks heated. Fidgeting with my now pink hair, I diverted. “So much has happened in such a short amount of time, I’m still processing. Hey. What’s going on with the Rune Gate?”

  Bex nodded. “Blaze bartered with a barge that arrived yesterday. The plan is for Mason to travel to Ireland. With the help of Luna’s guard, they’re going to raise the Gate and bring it back here.”

  Confusion shot through me. I’d been trying to find the Gate for so long, and they were going to retrieve it without my help?

  Lifting a brow, Bex touched my knee reassuringly. “The ship won’t leave without you, Riva. Mason can use all the help he can get.”

  I smiled in relief. “Okay. Yes. I’d like to go.”


  Standing on the dock, he watched the barge become a speck in the distance.

  The wind alerted him of her presence before she landed. Bright light flashed as she shifted to human. The tread of her boots rang out on the weathered planks.

  Bex was not happy.

  Rounding on him, she glared. “Why the fuck are you still here?”

  Crossing his arms as a barrier, he muttered, “I was not invited.”

  She barked a quick laugh. “You’re either naïve or stupid. No one could find you to ask. Quit your moping. I packed your bag personally. You’ll find it in the cargo hold.” A mischievous grin graced her face. “It’s hot pink.”

  His brow furrowed. “I am not moping.”

  Exasperated, she threw up her hands. “Really? No one has seen you since Riva awoke. You’ve been hiding from her, haven’t you?”

  He sighed. “No. I just don’t know how to handle this.”

  The tense line of her shoulders softened. “I understand, but you have the perfect opportunity to figure it out. The ship will take weeks to get to the Gate. Go to her.”

  Somberly, he shook his head. “What if… she doesn’t feel the same?”

  The slap came out of nowhere. Rubbing the sting from his cheek, he glowered.

  She snorted. “It’s worse than I thought. You really are stupid. Do you know how many single Shifters are onboard that ship? Riva seemed very interested in a few of them. Not to mention Mason. I mean, he cuts a pretty trim figure in his fatigues.”

  He knew she was baiting him, but her words had the desired effect. Riva was his.

  Seeing his decision, she grinned. “Good call. I’d hate to have to beat any more sense into you.”


  The rumble of my stomach drew my attention. I’d been staring at the horizon for hours.


  Shoving aside the disappointment, I made my way to the galley.

  Mason looked up from a map spread out across the table. His cobalt eyes assessed me with a critical stare. “You missed dinner, but Rowe made you a plate. She’s playing cards in the dining area. By now I’m sure she’s robbed everyone blind. She can show you how to reheat your food.”

  Though I had no idea what cards were or how anyone could blind someone with them, I nodded. “I appreciate that.”

  I pushed through another door, and hoots and hollers met my ears.

  A deep laugh rang out. I instantly recognized the Bear named Jonas. “Damnit, Rowe! That’s the third straight you’ve played!”

  Flipping her platinum ponytail, Rowe grinned. “Pay up, big boy.”

  Shaking his head, Jonas plucked two chocolate bars from a pile near his elbow. “Goddess, it hasn’t even been one day and my supply is running low. Syn is going to kill me. I’m calling it a night.”

  Gathering her bounty, Rowe met my gaze. “Hey, Riva. You want to play?”

  Glancing at the large crowd, I shook my head. “Maybe another time. Would you mind helping me with dinner?”

  She beamed. “Sure.”

  Her fingers flew across a strange display. “Then you just press start. Easy peasy.”

  Frowning, I peeked through the small window as the plate began to turn. “What makes it spin?”

  Wrinkling her nose, she shrugged. “The generators I guess. They produce power, or electricity, and make the microwave work. Damnit, Jim. I’m not an engineer.”

  As she broke out in a fit of giggles I gave her a queer look. Who was Jim?

  Reading my reaction, she sobered. “Sorry. It’s an old TV show.”

  Before I could ask what the hell a TV show was, the microwave beeped.

  Tugging the door open, Rowe grabbed the dish with a flourish. “Dinner is served. Where will you be dining this evening?”

  Assuming she was joking again I smiled. “My room, please.”

  Finished with my meal, I curled up on the small bed. As per usual all thoughts immediately turned to Skye. He hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye. I couldn’t figure out what I’d done wrong.

  A soft tapping sounded on my door.

  Heaving a sigh, I stood. It was probably Rowe again. I had no desire to be around people in my current mood.

  Tugging on the handle, I stilled.

  Holding a pink backpack in front of him like a shield, was Skye. He cleared his throat, and the tips of his pointed ears reddened. “Hey. Can I come in?”

  Anger and elation flickered through me in equal proportions. Mutely, I stepped aside.

  Without meeting my gaze, he entered and closed the door. His girth made the tiny suite seem smaller. Turning in a circle, he settled the pack on a lone plastic chair.

  I leaned against the cold hull, and warmth leeched from my exposed shoulders. “What do you need, Skye?”

  Running his fingers through the short lengths of his cerulean hair, he sighed. “I’ve been stupid, Riva. I need to apologize.”

  I snorted. “You flew across the ocean just to say sorry?”

  “Yes. No.” Motioning toward the bed, he groaned in frustration. “Can we talk, please?”

  Unwilling to give an inch, I fisted my hands. “You can talk from right there.”

  Pivoting on his heel, he began pacing. Three steps, turn. Three more, repeat. On the fifth circuit, he addressed the wall. “I’ve been alone for so long, Riva. This thing between us terrifies me.”

  Sarcasm laced my reply. “Thing?”

  Taking a deep breath, he continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “It’s been pointed out that I’m being incredibly stupid. Well, knocked into my head actually. I almost lost you, Riva. I couldn’t bear it. In my heart I know you’re the one I’ve been waiting for.”

  Stunned by his honesty, I froze.

  “Please say something.”

  My mind refused to respond.

  Hanging his head, he moved to the door. Softly, he whispered, “I’m sorry, Riva.”

  My pulse skyrocketed at the thought of him leaving. “Wait!”

  He startled at my shout.

  Straightening my spine, my voice cracked. “Look at me.”

  Tears shimmered on the edges of his lashes. Grief lined his face as if he’d already lost me.

  My chest pinched, but I pressed on. “What are you trying to say?”

  “You’re my Mate, Riva.”

  The words were barely out of his mouth before I slammed into him. Joy ran rampant through my veins with wild abandon.

  As his lips met mine I was lost.


  Cradling her face in his palms, he begged entrance to her mouth. Slipping inside, his tongue danced with hers.

  A tiny moan of approval escaped her throat.

  He felt as if he would drown in her sweet taste.

  Looping her arms around his neck, she pressed the buds of her breasts against his chest.

  Groaning at the sensation, he shifted his grip to her perfect ass.

  Hungry for more, she scaled his frame with ease and wrapped her thighs around his h
ips. Through the thin material of her shorts, she ground her heat against him.

  Desperate to have her, he moved to the bed. Bending, he set her down gently.

  She mewled before realizing his intent. Relaxing her hands, she trailed her fingers down his chest. Her aqua gaze latched on to the tent of his pants. Grinning, she flipped the buttons and reached inside.

  Skye nearly fell over as she palmed his hardened girth.

  A sultry chuckle rolled past her lips. “Strip.”

  Peeling his shirt over his head, he murmured, “Yes, my Queen.”

  Satisfied, she watched for a moment before turning her attention to her own clothes. The teal tank hit the floor in a disheveled heap. Lying back, she rolled her black shorts down her toned thighs.

  His mind stuttered to a stop at the thin patch of hot-pink hair speckling her mound.

  Never again would he let her go.


  I had no desire to rule, but this was awesome.

  Skimming over the thick muscles lining his torso, I commanded, “Are you disobeying an order from your Queen?”

  An adorable blush lit his cheeks. “No, my Queen.” Hurriedly, he tugged his jeans down.

  I gasped. He’d felt large inside my palm but, fuck!

  A single drop glistened on the tip. Leaning forward, I caught it with my tongue. Salty and masculine, I rolled his essence around inside my mouth. Delicious…

  Before I could go back for more, he gripped my chin. Gazing into his eyes I let him press me back against the thin mattress. Utter devotion reflected inside their mismatched depths.

  Slowly, he got to his knees and joined me. It was a tight fit, and the frame squealed in rebellion at the added weight.

  Chuckling, Skye shifted to his side and began kneading my breasts into firm peaks. Heat pooled between my thighs as his hand drifted lower. Skimming over my mound, he lowered his lips to mine.

  My lids closed as his finger slipped inside. Lightning shot through my core.

  Greedily, he swallowed my pants and waited for me to adjust to the invasion. Repeating the motion, he slid across my swollen nub.

  Something began building. The cabin seemed to sway as he increased the tempo. Gods, it felt so good.

  I wanted more.

  Tugging his hand away, I pushed him onto his back and straddled him. His member pressed against my slit and tore a moan from my mouth. Yes…

  Leaning forward, I braced my palms against his pecs. A breeze whispered against my neck as my hair fanned out around us.

  “You are so beautiful, Riva.”

  My heart sang as I lifted my hips. Arching my back, I slowly sank on to his shaft. Pain and pleasure ripped through me.

  Gently, he ran his fingers up my thighs. “Relax, Love. It will pass.”

  Encouraged, I lowered my pelvis to his. It felt as if I was going to split in two.

  Gripping my hips, he lifted me with ease. My core ached with the loss. Drawing back, he entered my sheath once more. I shuddered in delight at the full sensation.

  “Just like that.”

  The pressure from before returned with a vengeance. Each stroke brought me closer to the edge. Increasing the beat, I moaned my readiness.

  Holding my waist, he shifted my hips back a fraction of an inch.

  I gasped as my swollen bud dragged across his length. It was too much. Without warning, my channel trembled and I came apart with a scream.

  Digging his fingers into my flesh, he roared. Another orgasm rocked my core as he spilled inside of me.

  Drifting in a haze, I caught sight of his eyes. No longer mismatched, they both swirled like clouds across a blue sky.

  I swear my pink cheeks matched my hair at this point. The catcalls and whistles were endless.

  Skye preened under the congratulatory pats on the back all throughout breakfast.

  Rowe dropped her food beside mine with a wink.

  I rounded my shoulders, and my forehead hit the table with a thud. “Does everyone know?”

  Taking her seat on the bench, she giggled. “Of course. What, you thought all that boat rocking would go unnoticed? Seriously, Mason and Jonas had to stay up half the night to make sure you didn’t capsize the ship with round two.”

  I groaned. Gods, how embarrassing.

  She sighed wistfully. “It’s cool though. I believe some appreciation is in order. I’m walking bow-legged. Whatever you two did sent Inari and his Fox into a frenzy.”

  Tipping my chin, I peeked up at her questioningly.

  Grinning from ear to ear, she wagged her brows. “My Mate. It was fucktastic with a capital F. You did good, babe.”

  The nape of my neck prickled suddenly. Lifting my head, I glanced around for the source.

  Syn glared daggers in my direction. Her eyes flashed from green to amber.

  Rowe tutted. “Don’t mind her. She’s just jealous she didn’t get any.”

  Squaring my shoulders, I reached for my well. The water from my cup instantly lifted. Dribbling through the air, it twined around my fingers.

  Syn flared her nostrils before looking away.

  Rowe smirked. “Mermaid two, Panther none.”

  A week into our journey I sprawled across Skye’s chest without a care in the world.

  His deep bass vibrated the small hairs inside my ear. “What are you thinking about?”

  Walking my fingers across his abs, I sighed in contentment. “That I’m insanely happy.”

  He chuckled. “And why is that?”

  I struggled to put my feelings into words. “Because this, being with you…”

  Capturing my chin in a tight grip, the clouds lining his eyes began to turn. “You will never be alone ever again.”

  Then, he kissed me.

  Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this book as much I have enjoyed writing it, please leave a review on Amazon!

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  Atlanteans: Mer who reside in the Atlantic Ocean

  Riva: Firstborn Princess of the Atlantic, Sister to Bex and Luna, Mermaid, Water Elemental, Fae

  Luna: Second-born Princess of the Atlantic, Sister of Riva, Mermaid

  Nanu: Queen of the Atlantic, Mother of Luna and Riva, Mermaid

  Pacifians: Mer who reside in the Pacific Ocean

  Titus: Prince of the Pacific, betrothed to Riva, Pacifian Male Mer

  Gideon: Pacifian Male Mer, Leader of the Pacifian Guard, Seer

  Chessa: Pacifian Mermaid, Niece of Gideon

  Arcticians: Mer who reside in the Arctic Ocean

  King Berin: Ruler of the Arctic Ocean

  Jin: Firstborn Prince of the Arctic

  Collin: Second Prince of the Arctic

  The Clutch: group of Vampires and Shifters

  Sora: Leader of Tabula Rasa, Mistress of the SoCal Cutch, Mate to Blaze; Mage, Dhampir, Hybrid, Chosen

  Blaze: Vampire, Master of the SoCal Clutch

  Lila: Mage, Daughter of Sora and Blaze

  Bex: Wolf Shifter, Water Elemental, Fae, Sister of Riva

  Nat: Mate to Kane; Mage, Wolf Shifter, Earth Elemental, Fae

  Jackson: Brother of Blaze, second in command, Vampire

  Viv: Mate to Jackson, Vampire

  Julian: Head of the House for the Clutch

  Mason: Lead Protector for the Clutch

  Mel: Wolf, Pack Alpha

  Lillin: Mate to Mel; Demon, Human

  Rowe: Fox, Omega to Mel

  Kane: Wolf Shifter, Pack Alpha

  Kai: Fae, Fire Elemental

  Skye: Fae, Air Elemental, Angel

  Syn: Felidae, Panther

  Gazardiel: Angel who remained on Earth


  The Sundering: when Hell reigned on Earth

agerie: group of humans within the Clutch who takes care of the day-to-day things

  Retainer: blood servant on rotation who is paid for their services, also a part of the Menagerie

  Protector: human who regularly drinks the blood donated from Vampires, giving him or her enhanced physical attributes and a longer lifespan

  Pack: a mix of every Shifter

  Felidae: a mix of feline Shifters




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