Alphas Confess All
Page 14
Gideon snorted. “You’ve had me. You’ve had me and a handful of girls we’ve shared over the years.”
Reid cuddled closer. He remembered the night they lost their virginity to each other. It had been messy and slightly painful, and they’d come a long way since then. His heart was filled with love for his man. “Like I said, I’ve chosen quality over quantity, but I know the two of you. We need to make her comfortable. If she believes we love her, she’ll come to us. She won’t let social pressures stop her. She’s full throttle. If she loves us, she won’t ever stop.”
Gideon nodded. His hand found Reid’s hair and stroked him. “She’s like someone else I know. I love you, Reid. I’ve spent a lot of time apologizing to Jessica, but I haven’t said the words to you.”
“You don’t have to.” He didn’t need them.
“Yes, I do. I’ve hidden you for years. I was going to marry a woman I didn’t love to hide the fact that we’re lovers so I could keep my asshole father happy with me. I thought I couldn’t have the career my father wanted me to have as a bisexual man. In the end, what Anna did freed me. I don’t have to worry about disappointing my father, because he’s completely cut me out of his life. I know who my family is. It’s you and Jessica. I promise, I won’t ever deny you again.” Gideon pulled him close and without regard for anyone watching, planted a long kiss on his lover’s lips. “And thank you for bringing her back to us.”
“I didn’t let her get very far.” He’d been on her doorstep the night she quit, and he’d seen her almost every day since.
“No, you always watch out for us,” Gideon murmured.
“I have to,” Reid replied sincerely. “You get lost sometimes. If I let you, you would wander out into the cold and never come back.”
Gideon swallowed once, giving away his emotional state. “I’m never cold when I’m with you.”
“That’s not what you say when I steal the covers.”
Gideon’s hand slipped into his and his smile was warm. “I’ll have to warn Jessica about that habit of yours. Maybe she’ll be warm enough in between us. We’re going to need a bigger bed. I think we should stay at my place.”
Reid stopped. Everything seemed to get quiet, and the world narrowed down to Gideon. He looked amazingly sexy in tight leather pants and a shirt he hadn’t bothered to button up. Though he was supposed to be playing the Dom at this conference, the sub in Reid wanted to be dominated by Gideon tonight. “What are you saying? I thought Jessica would move in with you, and I would visit.”
Regret was plain in Gideon’s gray eyes as his hand traced the line of Reid’s jaw. “No. Like I said, no more hiding. I don’t intend to announce to the world that we’re a polyamorous threesome, but I’m not going to force you to live by yourself, either. I’m certainly not going to live by myself. And my place is bigger than yours. I told you, I’m serious.”
Reid was floored. He hadn’t dreamed Gideon would be willing to live openly with him. He’d accepted a long time ago that Gideon would never be comfortable openly loving him. He’d made the painful decision to accept it. He’d known Anna would be the lovely wife, and he would be the dirty secret. He’d been thrilled at the prospect of Gideon loving Jessica as much as he did because it opened a world of possibilities. Not one of those possibilities had been this one. To live with both Gideon and his sweet Jessica, to have them in his bed every night, it was almost more than he could believe.
Gideon looked unsure all of a sudden. “You can redecorate. I know my place looks like crap.”
Reid pulled him into a hug. “Your place is crap. We’ll buy something new, and I’ll take care of the decorating. Jessica and I will have a blast shopping.” He looked around and noted that one of the aftercare rooms was wide open. “Come on. I need you now.”
Reid acknowledged people he knew as he pulled his boyfriend along. He gave them passing nods, but his only real thought was on getting Gideon alone in that room. His need was riding him.
Gideon was already unzipping his pants when Reid slammed the door shut. He pushed Gideon onto the comfy chair that had been dragged down from one of the suites. His attention to detail always came in handy. Gideon freed that big, gorgeous cock of his and stroked it up and down. His eyes were hot as Reid got on his knees in front of him.
“Suck me,” Gideon demanded.
Reid leaned over and swiped his tongue across the already engorged head. He enjoyed the salty taste on his tongue. He teased him for moment, licking at the sensitive V and then running his tongue all the way to the base of Gideon’s cock. He lapped at Gideon’s heavy balls.
“God, if you don’t suck me soon I’m going to die. Stop teasing me or I’ll put you over my knee.” Gideon’s voice became hard and commanding. “We’re in private now. You follow my orders, sub. You take me now.”
“I’ll let you be the Dom with me, but I get to top Jessica, too. From now on we play those games with our girl together.” Gideon couldn’t help it. He was what he was, and Reid wouldn’t change him for anything. He winked up at Gideon, and then ate his dick in one long swallow. Gideon’s hands twisted in his hair. Reid loved the way Gideon filled him. Reid reached down and cupped his lover’s round balls. He moved his mouth over and over the monster, opening his throat a bit more with each pass. He sucked strongly when he felt the cock twitch in his mouth, a sure sign Gideon was ready to blow. Reid let his throat go soft.
“Oh, yeah, take me all the way.” Gideon’s hips pumped up, forcing his dick further in.
He heard Gideon gasp as he gave him the barest edge of his teeth. Gideon lost control, which had been the point. While he loved being dominated by Gideon, he also loved these moments when all that mattered was the passion between them. Gideon fucked into his mouth ruthlessly. He shoved his dick to the back of Reid’s throat, and Reid pointedly swallowed around him.
“Yes,” Gideon hissed as he came. “God, you give the best head. There’s nothing else like it.”
Reid swallowed, drinking down every ounce of the salty stuff erupting from his partner’s cock. He made sure to take it all and then gently began to lick Gideon clean.
“Oh, shit,” Gideon said suddenly. He pulled away.
Reid looked up and realized he really should have locked the door.
Jessica knew she was screwed the minute Erik tangled his hands in her hair and masterfully held her still for his kiss. She allowed herself to go submissive beneath him. What came naturally with Gideon, however, she had to think about with the handsome, dominant man currently sitting on the sofa with her. He’d been pleasant to talk to, and on a purely physical level she was attracted to him. He was darkly handsome and reeked of authority. He was in complete control of himself. She found that incredibly sexy in theory…
Erik gently forced her head back and took her lips. She tried to relax as he took control. His tongue surged into her mouth, but all she could think about was Gideon. While Erik attempted to seduce her, the only vision in her mind was one of Gideon standing over her, his hands pulling her up and into his arms. She could hear his dark voice demanding things from her.
And Reid, leaning over and touching his forehead to hers, connecting to her in a way she’d never connected to another human being. Not even Gideon.
She pushed away, suddenly unable to be in Erik’s arms for one moment longer. It felt wrong. Crap, it felt like she was cheating on them. Them. She had to get that thought out of her head.
“What’s wrong?” It wasn’t so much a question as a demand.
She shook her head. “I can’t.”
Erik sat back and looked disappointed. His eyes were kind, though, as he watched her. “It’s Master Gideon. I thought the two of you were just friends, but you’re in love with him.”
She fought back the tears that threatened to take over. She was hopelessly in love with Gideon. The trouble was she was pretty sure she was in love with Reid, too, and that was hopeless.
“Jessica, are you sure? I understand you’re
submissive, but do you also like to share? I get the feeling you’ll be doing an awful lot of sharing if you get involved with Master Gideon. I’m willing to make you my only submissive,” Erik offered.
“Gideon doesn’t have a girlfriend right now.” According to Reid, he hadn’t dated or slept with a woman since the night they’d spent together.
Erik’s dark hair shook slightly as he sighed. “Oh, sweetheart, they have you fooled, don’t they?” He stood up. “Well, I’m in an awkward position. I have information that could change your mind, but I think it would make you hate me. It would also be a blatant violation of the rules to gossip about it. Just know this, I am very interested in you. If you need someone, give me a call.”
He walked out, leaving her a bit flummoxed. She supposed it was possible that Gideon was playing around with some of the women in the clubs he went to. Maybe Reid either didn’t know or didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She had a hard time believing it. She needed to ask him. She wasn’t going to make assumptions anymore. Reid had been right. She’d walked away far too soon. She wasn’t a doormat, but she should have demanded answers from Gideon.
Her decision made, she stood up and strode to the closet. She quickly changed into jeans and a sweater, slipped on ballet flats, and made sure her hair wasn’t too crazy.
She couldn’t blame him if he had been fooling around. It wasn’t like they’d been together. If he had, then Gideon wouldn’t be playing around anymore. She was going to find him and they were going to sort this out. She pocketed her key card and started toward the conference rooms. She knew that tonight was couples’ night, but if things went as planned she and Gideon would be a couple soon.
Jessica pushed open the doors to the conference room. It wasn’t hard to find. The rest of the place was quiet. She supposed it was one of the advantages of having the entire resort to themselves. She slipped in.
She was definitely overdressed.
She stared at the scenes going on around her. She stopped for a moment and watched a Domme as she spanked her trussed-up sub. He was bound to a whipping chair and his strong voice counted it out.
“Fourteen,” he shouted out as the crop struck his muscled buttocks.
She felt herself get warm as she watched. There was no question she was submissive. Everything about the dungeon got her hot and bothered. The only problem was, she only wanted one Dom.
A mental vision of Reid spanking her whispered across her brain.
Stop that. Gideon might be within reach, but Reid certainly wasn’t. The man was picky. In the years she’d known him, he hadn’t had a single boyfriend despite the wealth of hot guys who checked him out. There was always something wrong with them. She knew exactly the excuse he would use on her. She was female.
She turned from the arousing scene before her and glanced around. There was a small doctor’s office scene being played out close to her. A lovely woman was laid out on a gyno table. She had electrodes attached to some super-sensitive parts of her body and her Dom was turning up the dial to some sort of machine. Her muscles jumped.
“Jessica, what on earth are you doing in here?”
Jessica turned to find Kelly staring at her. The Domme had a frown on her face. “I’m looking for Gideon. Or Reid.”
She suddenly realized she truly shouldn’t be in here alone. Gideon was going to be mad at her for running around a sex club without a collar. For that matter, Reid had played her Dom often enough that he might tie her to a St. Andrew’s Cross and whip her ass until she couldn’t sit. Damn, the thought of that got her wet. She turned her attention back to the woman staring at her.
Kelly reminded her a bit of a school teacher with an unruly student. If said school teacher wore a scarlet PVC minidress and thigh-high boots. “I believe they went into the aftercare room.”
“Did they have a sub?” She didn’t like the idea of her men taking care of some pretty submissive thing.
Kelly shook her head. “No. I think they were looking for someplace quiet, if you know what I mean.”
It was loud. She was having a hard time hearing Kelly so if they’d wanted to talk they definitely needed a quiet place to do it. She thanked the nice lady with the whip and strode across the room. Ignoring all the delicious naughtiness going on around her, she made her way to the aftercare room. She took a deep breath and opened the door, ready to confess her feelings.
“Oh, yeah, take me all the way in,” Gideon growled.
It took her a moment to register what she was seeing. Reid was on his knees in front of Gideon. His dark head worked up and down. From Jessica’s vantage she couldn’t see his mouth, but there was zero question what he was doing. Gideon’s hands fisted in Reid’s hair, forcing him to take more.
Gideon’s handsome face was flushed as he watched his lover give him serious head. She wondered if he’d watched her like that when she had performed the act for him. She remembered how big Gideon’s cock had been. She’d struggled to take him, and when he’d reached the back of her throat, she still only had about three-quarters of him in her mouth. Reid didn’t seem to have the same problem.
They were beautiful together. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched them. It explained a whole lot. She’d always wondered why Gideon was marrying someone as obviously wrong for him as Anna. The beautiful blonde had been a distraction. Gideon wanted to be a judge. You didn’t get voted into office in Alabama if you were a gay man. It was a conservative state.
Gideon’s blond head fell back as he groaned.
“Yes.” His hips pumped up as he came.
He told Reid how good he was. She knew she should walk out, but she found herself incapable of moving. She’d wondered why Gideon suddenly decided he wanted her. Now she knew. It made sense. He needed another distraction. She would provide the perfect one. She would be obedient and easy to deal with. She’d proven she would do almost anything for him. All he had to do was screw her every now and then, and she would fall in line.
Anger flooded her system. It warred with the horrible embarrassment she felt. Reid was in on it. He’d been her rock, her closest friend in the world. He’d worked hard to convince her to give Gideon another chance.
“Oh, shit,” she heard Gideon say.
Reid’s head came up. His mouth was swollen and red. He looked stunningly decadent.
“Jessica.” Gideon sat forward trying to right his clothing. There was a panicked look in his eyes.
She shook her head. She didn’t feel panicked at all. She felt old, all of the sudden, like her body weighed more than it did, like it would drag her into the earth. They’d lied to her from the very beginning. “No, don’t worry about me. I understand completely. You know the funny thing is, I wouldn’t have cared. Oh, I would have mourned the loss of both of you to heterosexual females everywhere, but I would have stood by you. How could you lie to me? I thought we were friends.”
“We’re more than friends.” Reid’s voice had taken on a hard edge. He got to his feet. His normally perfect hair was a mess, and he looked all the hotter for it.
She shook her head as her tears began to fall. It felt like the world was falling apart. At least through all of the pain, she’d thought they were honest with her. “No, we’re not anything at all. I can see that now.”
She turned and ran. She would not let them see her cry. She fled, trying to avoid the crowds of people watching scenes. Her eyes blurred and suddenly the room seemed too hot. She couldn’t breathe. She made it to the door.
“Jessica, are you all right?”
Vaguely she registered that Erik was looking at her with something akin to pity. This was what he’d been talking about. Reid and Gideon were lovers and probably had been for a long time. All the time she had been their friend, they’d hidden it from her even though they had to know she wouldn’t care. She would have been so supportive. She wouldn’t have judged them. The only reason she could think of to hide it from her was in order to use her.
“I need some air.” Jessica ru
shed past him. She couldn’t stand to see the look in his eyes a second longer. She must seem pathetic to someone like him.
She ignored Reid’s shout. She found the first door that led outside and pushed through it. The cold hit her like a tidal wave. It rushed across her skin and filled her lungs. She kept running though the snow was above her ankles. Her little flats weren’t much protection against the cold snow. It didn’t matter. She might never be warm again.
A strong hand caught her elbow and pulled her around. She nearly fell, but Reid dragged her into his arms.
“Stop, Jessica,” he said, his voice softer now. “Please stop for a minute.”
She pushed against him. She wasn’t going to let him charm his way out of this. “Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Too bad,” Reid said, but his voice was so sad. “I’m sorry you found out that way. We were going to tell you tomorrow night.”
Her laugh was anything but humorous. “I’m sure you were. I’m sure you were going to come straight out and ask if I would serve as Gideon’s beard.” The word was bitter on her tongue. It perfectly described the relationship they wanted with her, though.
Reid looked stunned. “No. That’s not what we want at all.”
Sure it wasn’t. “What about Anna? Are you trying to tell me Gideon had a real relationship with her?”
“No, you’re right about her.” Reid’s hands tightened on her as though he was afraid to let go. “Gideon intended to marry her strictly for career reasons. He knows that was wrong. He was trying to fit into his family. He’s not trying to do that anymore. He’s trying to make his own family with you and me. He loves us both. You didn’t see the look on his face when he realized you were watching. He was devastated. He thinks you’re going to turn from him like his family did. Please don’t do it.” Reid pulled her close. “I love you, Jessica. It’s not only Gideon I love. I want to be with you, too. I’ve loved you for years. I can’t let this fall apart now.”