Alphas Confess All
Page 18
This felt right.
Willow leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Before it could go further, she took a step back. And he followed, down the darkened hall into her bedroom lit by a single lamp on the nightstand.
“Are you…?” His mouth dried up and he couldn’t finish the sentence. What if she said no?
She stopped in the open space between the door and bed, tipped her chin up, and just looked at him. “The best man I know just told me he likes me.”
“I do. That’s all I came here to tell you. I’m not expecting…”
“Yeah. I’m not expecting sex just because I told you I like you.”
She licked her lips. “What if we get to have sex because we both like each other?”
It was becoming harder for Keegan to think rationally. For him, when he pictured a woman in his future, it was her. In high school other girls hadn’t interested him. During college he kept comparing women to her. If he was being honest with himself, he’d only ever wanted her.
Willow grasped the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up his chest.
From the moment he’d decided to do this, to tell her how he felt, he knew things would be different.
He lifted his arms and his shirt came off.
Willow stepped in close and laid her hand over his sternum, then kissed the large burn scar on his left shoulder.
Like his face, the rest of him showed the scars of his survival.
In a way, he was glad for that brush with mortality. It had made him realize that there was more to life, things he wanted. Like her.
Willow tugged off her sweatshirt, letting it fall on the floor next to his shirt. Her bra was a simple, cream satin creation, cupping her full breasts. There were still summer tan lines on her chest and arms. And then there were her shorts.
Keegan had seen her in bikinis before. It wasn’t like she’d been shy about showing off her body, but this was different. She was sharing herself with him.
“Are you a boob or an ass man?” she asked.
“I’m a you man.”
She chuckled and took his hand. “Is that so?”
“Yeah.” He was beyond hiding that fact. It was pretty obvious.
She lifted his hand to her face and, while looking into his eyes, sucked his index finger between her lips. Her tongue swirled around the pad of his finger, causing his cock to throb. She let him slip from her mouth, a knowing smile on her face.
“Want to know what I like?” she asked.
She tugged one bra cup down and guided his finger to her breast, using his now damp skin to gently circle the pink flesh of her areola.
“I like teasing touches,” she said softly.
Her guiding hand eased its grip. He watched in fascination as her nipple grew harder, more erect.
Willow shrugged her bra off, freeing her breasts.
He wasn’t a monk. He’d seen boobs before, but this was Willow.
She grasped his wrists and brought his palms up to cup the weight of her breasts.
“A good grope is never a bad thing.” She sighed and slid his palms up and down, her nipples prodding him. “Bare skin always feels good, don’t you think?”
“Yeah.” That one word was rough, torn out of him.
She tilted her head back and arched her back. He ducked his head, licked his thumb, and used that on her other breast.
“Oh, yes,” Willow sighed. “You always were a good student.”
His body was too hot. His skin felt too tight, but not like it had when his wounds were healing. This was different.
Her grin was sensual, her eyes sparkling. “Want to see how much I like what you’re doing? You have to use a word that’s not yeah.”
She chuckled and once more took his right hand by the wrist. “Remember what I said about teasing touches?”
“You like them.”
He watched her guide his fingers down over her stomach to the waistband of her shorts, then past the elastic and into her panties. The fabric stretched, accommodating both their hands. He felt her soft hair, then slick skin.
Their eyes locked. He swiped his thumb over her nipple and slid his other fingers along her damp skin.
“Oh, yeah.” Her eyelids lowered a bit. “See? I’m wet.”
His head spun a bit. She was wet because of them. Maybe not exactly him, but he didn’t think this was a reaction she could fake. It was genuine.
“What else do you like?” he asked.
“A good finger fuck.” Her hips rocked against his hand. “There.”
His index finger slid inside of her. Her muscles tightened around him and she gripped his shoulders. Her mouth sealed over his in a desperate kiss. He thrust his finger into her, gently, learning her body.
She let go of his wrist and gripped his shoulders, pulling him toward her. They walked toward the bed. Or at least he thought they did. His eyes were shut and he was focused on her warm skin, the texture of her nipples, the little noises she made.
Willow planted her hands on his shoulders and shoved. Startled, Keegan took a step back, ran into the bed, and sat down.
“Hey, what the…?” He frowned at her grinning at him.
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” she said.
There was honest joy on her face.
Was it possible she’d had feelings for him, too?
He doubted she was in love with him, but he’d take what he could get.
She grabbed one sneaker and pulled it off, then the other.
They were going to have sex.
His gut knotted up. He wanted it, her, everything. But was he ready? Could he do this?
Willow leaned in and kissed him as her nimble fingers tabbed his jeans open. He hissed and leaned back, pushing her hands away. His dick was too hard to just go pulling at zippers. At this point he was going to have marks from the zipper. Willow grabbed his jeans and tugged, pulling them down his body before he got completely unzipped.
“In a hurry?” he asked.
Wait. Could there be a reason for the rush?
She yanked his jeans and underwear down his legs and off, then stood there, looking at him as if she’d won some sort of prize. “I’ve waited years to have you in my bed, so yeah.”
Her gaze slid down his body and once more her grin seemed to just get bigger. Her inspection stopped at his erection. She reached out and wrapped her hand around his length, no hesitation in her touch. He sucked in a breath, his mind going blank.
“Is it wrong I’m glad no one else has had this cock?” she asked.
“Good.” Her hand slid up, then down. “There’s only one rule when it comes to sex, Keegan. You do what feels good, okay? So if you want to touch me because I feel good, that’s fine. If you want to move a certain way because that feels good to you, do it.”
He’d used up all his words. His mouth wouldn’t work, so he nodded.
Then, because he wanted to and she’d just said he could, he reached out and hooked his thumbs in her shorts. She straightened a bit. He pushed her clothes down her hips to her thighs and she did the rest, shimmying out of them until she only wore knee-high socks.
Willow let go of him, but only so she could straddle his lap. This close her heat felt as though it were going to sear him. He gripped her hips. Her arms draped over his shoulders and she smiled down at him.
“Ever think we’d be here?” she whispered.
He’d dreamed it, wanted it, but hadn’t thought she’d be interested in him like this. How much time had they wasted? How many years?
Willow bent her head. He met her in a kiss, their bodies sliding against each other. Her hips shifted, trapping his dick between him and her pubic bone. He barely dared to breathe as he shifted one hand from her hip to cup her breast.
“That’s it,” she muttered against his mouth. “You want to?”
They were so close he could see little flecks of darker color in her brown eyes. “To what?”
“Do you want to be inside of me? See how it feels?” Her words dripped with sensual promise.
“Lie in the middle of the bed.”
She swung a leg off him and kneeled on the mattress at his side.
Keegan believed in letting people’s skills shine. He was only a little self-conscious about his lack of skill. Everyone started somewhere. He shifted back, until he lay in the middle of her bed.
Willow pulled open her nightstand. “Wow. I was almost worried for a second. I couldn’t remember if I had condoms. I haven’t needed these in a while.”
Keegan let her words wash over him, but he didn’t focus on them. All that mattered was them and this moment.
She ripped the condom open. When he went to reach for it, she pulled it away from him. “I get to be in charge this time.”
This time. Because there might be a next time?
He watched her roll the latex on him, admired her fingers, the way her body swayed with the movements.
She’d changed in the years since he’d last seen her in person. She’d always had a shapely body, but since joining the local police force, she was leaner, stronger. The outside simply matched her insides now.
Willow straddled his thighs once more. God, she was beautiful in the lamplight.
“You can look at the rest of me, too, you know?” She stroked her hands up and down his chest.
“I know. Your eyes are just my favorite part.” He’d always been able to tell her moods, what she was thinking, from her eyes. Others might not know her that well, but he did.
For a moment she just looked at him.
“Oh, Keegan.” She sighed and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his mouth. “I’m going to fuck you up, you know that?”
“I think I volunteered for it.”
“You did.” She chuckled and sat up, taking his hands with her and placing his palms on her breasts. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
Her hand wrapped around his erection. She lifted her hips and he watched as she guided him to her entrance. He watched, mesmerized by the sight of her pink folds touching him. She pressed down on him, her body yielding to the penetration.
“Oh...Willow?” His throat tightened up. He squeezed her breasts.
“Yeah?” She panted a bit.
“God.” He lifted his hips, wanting to get closer.
Willow moaned.
He froze.
She was still breathing heavily. “You can totally do that. I highly encourage it.”
For a moment he didn’t move. He was too busy processing the sensation of her body, the intense desire he had to wrap his arms around her and never leave this bed. But he also wanted to move. He wanted something.
Willow leaned over him, her hair tickling his shoulder. Her breasts coasted against his chest as she moved. His cock slid out of her, almost to the tip. Her eyes locked with his and she eased back down. There was an intensity in the way she looked at him.
In that moment, he’d never felt closer to her. After all these years, they were here. Together. He didn’t care about the path they’d taken, only that they’d arrived.
Keegan let her lead. After a few strokes, when she sat back, he thrust up.
Her head tilted and she did another one of those moans, the throaty ones. He followed her rhythm, moving in time with her, all the while his skin felt tighter and tighter. He slid his hands down to her hips and had to look away. The sight of her swaying breasts, their bodies joining, and her smile was too much.
Willow pitched forward, her hair falling around his face.
“Go on,” she whispered. “Come. I want you to. I want to feel it. I want to watch you, Keegan.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist, needing her. Her hips kept working, stroking and hugging his cock.
“Will,” he groaned, not ready for this to be over.
Keegan’s body had other ideas. The base of his spine prickled. He pressed his toes into the mattress. A zing of electricity raced up his spine. He dug a hand into Willow’s hair, bringing her down for a kiss as his orgasm erupted, shattering his world into colors he could taste and feelings he could smell. And all of it was wrapped up in this woman. This precious, amazing woman he loved.
Holy shit.
Willow sucked in air. It wasn’t the duration or even the pace, it was the intensity. Her body throbbed, desire still pounding in her for this man as she watched the last bits of his pleasure leach from his face, leaving him relaxed and dazed looking.
She wasn’t sure what she’d feel after sex. Regret was her biggest fear for both of them. She should have been afraid of love. Looking at him, she was nearly overwhelmed by the need for this to be the rest of her life.
Keegan stroked a hand over her hair and muttered, “Sorry.”
“No sorrys here.” She leaned down and kissed the corner of his mouth. “I’m not sorry about anything.”
“I pulled your hair.”
Had he?
She nuzzled closer, letting her body cover his. “I like a little hair pulling.”
His fingers curled around her hair, tightening his hold until she felt the prickling of her scalp.
“That’s good,” she purred.
Keegan lifted his head and kissed her with that talented tongue of his making love to her mouth. She groaned and squeezed him with her internal muscles. His body went tight, no doubt his orgasm-sensitive cock not ready for more attention.
He leaned back, a frown making the scar on his chin crease deeper. “Did you, um…?”
Her heart warmed. The man was incapable of being selfish, even now.
“No, and that’s okay,” she said. “This was about you.”
His frown deepened. He didn’t like that answer.
Willow considered the alternatives. She kept things fairly simple in the bedroom, not that she was opposed to being adventurous. She liked sex for what it was and didn’t need much when it came to extras. But every girl had a vibrator.
If she pulled it out, would he get weird?
“I don’t want this to be about just me,” Keegan said.
“You want to see what other things I like?” she asked.
“Yes.” No hesitation.
She reached over, opened the second drawer on her nightstand, and pulled out a drawstring bag. Keegan watched her sit back and reveal the small vibrator.
“Where does that go?” He reached for the purple device.
“On the outside. Ever touched a clit before?” She knew the answer; it was just too much fun to say forbidden words to him.
Sure enough, Keegan’s face went just a tiny bit pink.
“No,” he answered.
Willow took his hand and guided it to her mound. She shifted her hips until she felt his finger on the bundle of nerves. His face was the best part. He stared, brow furrowed, completely focused on her.
“That’s it?” He flexed his finger, stroking the nub.
“Oh, yes.” She let her head hang back.
“I just turn this on and put it here?” he asked.
“Yeah. The tapered end has a button.”
A moment later she heard the familiar buzz and braced herself for contact. As aroused as she was, she didn’t think it was going to take much. Not with Keegan using it.
Tonight was a night of firsts for both of them.
He slid the vibrator between their bodies, but he didn’t take his finger back. The pulsing of the toy teased her mound, causing tremors deep inside of her, all while he treated her clit like he’d done to her nipple. He circled her clit, applying more and more pressure.
“Oh, fuck,” she muttered.
Willow planted her hands on his shoulders and shifted her hips, working them in a circle, grinding against him. His lips pressed kisses to her neck and shoulder, lavishing atten
tion on her.
She should have known better than to expect Keegan to lie there and take. He was a giver, always had been, so it made sense he would be a generous lover.
Her lover.
In this little bubble, that’s what he was. What he always would be.
Keegan’s hips lifted, and for a moment he hit the trifecta, filling her, rubbing the spot deep inside of her, and her clit all at once. She moaned as her body reacted, shuddering a release so deep a tear squeezed out the corner of her eye.
He hugged her to him, his lips kissing her mouth and cheek.
She wasn’t entirely coherent enough to know where the vibrator was, nor did she care since it wasn’t on. Keegan reached over and flipped the throw blanket over their bodies, wrapping them in this perfect moment.
“So that was sex,” she muttered against his shoulder. “It gets better with practice.”
“That was pretty damn good.” His hand stroked down her back.
“I’d give you high marks.” She turned her head to watch his face.
It didn’t matter how many scars he had, under all of it he was still her Keegan. The man she would never be good enough for. No part of her doubted his words or motivations for coming here, but it didn’t change the facts. She’d been indiscriminate when she was younger and taking charge of her body. And he’d been there for all of it.
Willow wanted this to be good, to last, but she knew she wasn’t worthy of him. No woman would be.
A phone began to ring from the floor.
Keegan’s body tensed. “What time is it?”
“Uh.” She glanced at the clock. “Eight.”
“Shoot.” He groaned.
“Hot date?” The surge of insecurity surprised Willow.
“I was supposed to pick my mom up from church. I’m borrowing her car.”
“Oh.” She sat up.
Keegan looked up at her, his face tortured. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“Don’t mention it.” She leaned down and kissed him gently. “Might want to brace yourself.”
She eased away from him, his cock sliding from her.
Keegan’s eyes widened and she saw a twitch at the corner of his jaw.
Willow gathered his clothes while he used her bathroom first for a quick cleanup. She’d hoped to revel in the moment longer, to enjoy it before returning to reality. What they’d done, how it changed them, it wasn’t over yet, and that was what she was afraid of.