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Alphas Confess All

Page 49

by Shayla Black

  “Rage?” Shock softened her voice as she lifted her hand and cupped my cheek. “You’re real?”

  Her touch blasted me like lightning. The current humming through me set every fiber of my being on fire and melded me to her soul.

  I sank my fingers into her silky hair, experiencing the same exhilarating sensation I saw dancing in her eyes. “Yeah.”

  She cupped her slender hand around my nape and dragged me closer. We were a mere breath apart, and the damp heat of her exhalations skipping over my mouth was as tempting as the plump bow of her lips. I ached to crash my mouth on hers and taste the sweetness I’d spent years denying myself.

  When a flicker of uncertainty darted over her face, I reined in my fervor and slowly erased the space between us, giving her ample time to back away. She didn’t. My heart pounded as I brushed a barely there kiss across her warm lips.

  The contact ended as quickly as it began, but the impact to my system felt massive. Fireworks exploded. A shudder quaked me. It took all my willpower not to devour her whole. Instead, I held back, waiting to see if she still wanted me…and was brave enough to take it now that she was of age.

  I didn’t have to wait long. Katiana gripped me, cried out with a kitten-soft moan, and pressed her lips to mine. Instead of two planets colliding, like I’d always imagined it would be, our mouths melded together in a slow, passionate dance. I cupped her cheeks and stroked my thumbs along her slender jawline as arousal seared me. Cock stretching and straining against my zipper, I teased the seam of her lips with my tongue.

  Katiana shyly parted, and I swept in deep. Her soft, wet heat overwhelmed me. Yet she tasted exactly as I’d always dreamed, like sunshine and wildflowers…but with a hint of something more womanly. I didn’t rush and I didn’t press her for more. I simply took my time learning every dip and crevice of her exotic mouth and branded her soft, sweet textures to memory.

  Long minutes later, she gently writhed against me and offered me her tongue with an endearing but unpracticed thrust. I knew then that she’d never been kissed—or rather, been kissed well—before. That realization was equally euphoric as it was breathtaking.

  A part of me wanted to believe that she’d saved herself for me, but that was ridiculous. She thought I was dead. Still, I didn’t believe in coincidence. Whatever had brought us together—fate, divine intervention, or the answer to my prayers—Katiana was here in my arms, giving me her innocent kisses. Nothing else on earth mattered right now.

  Snaking my tongue with hers, I dragged, tugged, and sucked, silently coaxing her to experiment. To let her primal desires run free. And a long, hesitant moment later, she did.

  Our tongues frantically tangled; our ragged gasps and moans filled the air. Breathing in her heady, feminine musk, my head swam as I continued pillaging her soft, wet mouth. Heart chugging, I wanted to strip away her clothes and her inhibitions, show her how alive she’d made me feel again.

  Softly sinking my teeth into her bottom lip, I gently tugged. She whimpered and dragged her fingernails across my shoulders.

  That’s what I wanted—her natural, unbridled response.

  Suckling her plump flesh deep into my mouth, I nipped it with my teeth, then eased from her lips. Katiana moaned dolefully as she lifted her heavy lids to reveal dilated pupils and an unfocused stare. She looked both stunned and stunning.

  Her sensual innocence blindsided me.

  “Rage…” she whispered breathlessly.

  “Right here, sweetheart,” I murmured, stroking her satiny tresses.

  “I don’t understand. You’re dead. This must be a dream, but…you feel so real.”

  “Shhh.” I brushed away the tears that fell down her face. “You’re not dreaming. I’m right here.”

  “I-I don’t understand…” She lifted her hand from my cheek, taking her warmth with her. “We had a funeral for you and—”

  “I know. Victor told me. He said you took it hard.”

  “Hard? Hard?” she screeched, batting my hand away and launching upright. “I was devastated. Crushed. This whole time… I’ve been crying myself to sleep, and you’ve been here, playing mountain man?”

  I wasn’t playing at anything. My life was over. I’d sealed my own fate. But Katiana didn’t understand. And I didn’t want to vomit up my ugly truths.

  She’d never look at me the same again.

  “I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  She reared back as if I’d slapped her. Though I’d never raise a hand to her, or any woman, the pain etching Katiana’s face told me I’d landed a killing blow. That she’d never forgive me. And why should she?

  I’d done the unforgiveable.



  That was all he had to say for himself? I’m sorry?

  Oh, hell no.

  “You’d better start talking Rage…err, Ryder, or whatever the fuck your name is. I need a damn explanation.”

  He sent me a lopsided smirk. “You’re still adorable when you get all pissy, Katiana.”

  “My name is Kat, asshole.” I glared.

  His smile fell. He narrowed his eyes in warning. “Stop cursing. I don’t like it.”

  “So fucking what? You’re not my father. I don’t give two shits whether you like my language. Why don’t we talk about what I’d like? Starting with…oh, I don’t know…the truth! And it better be good, because your piddly-assed ‘I’m sorry’ isn’t going to cut it. I spent the last three years mourning your sorry, lying ass.”

  “You been grieving this whole time?”

  “How could that possibly shock you? Jesus, Ryder… I did everything but strip my clothes off and lie spread eagle on the practice mat for you.”

  He scrubbed a hand through his freshly cut hair. It was now the same spiked style he’d worn before. The damn man still looked as hot as I remembered. But I couldn’t afford to let old cravings and memories distract me.

  “Christ, Katiana, you were a kid. I was a grown man. I wasn’t about to risk jail time or betray your father.”

  “I might have fantasized about you, but I knew you’d never fuck me,” I growled. “But it would have been great if you’d stopped telling me to go find a nice boy.”

  “That’s what you should have been doing instead of hanging out in a gym with a bunch of sweaty, horny men.”

  “You’re missing the point. I didn’t want anyone except—” I snapped my mouth shut and closed my eyes.

  Around Ryder, I’d always felt pathetic and foolish. Even though he’d kissed me just now, I still did. Sure, the seconds in his arms sat at the top of my best-moments-ever chart and were permanently etched in my buzz bank. They had meant everything to me.

  To him? Not much. He’d probably just been glad to see an actual female. But not me. I still didn’t mean anything to him. I never would.

  “Never mind,” I mumbled, dismissively waving my hand. My day had literally been a wreck. I couldn’t risk him rejecting me now or I’d totally crumble.

  “Katiana,” he whispered, eyes brimming with sympathy. “You do deserve a good man. One who’ll—”

  “Drop it,” I barked. “So whose ashes are in the urn on my mantel back home?”

  “You kept the ashes?” He blinked in surprise.

  “You didn’t think we’d just throw them away, did you? Yes. I have the ashes. Well, I have someone’s ashes. Clearly, they’re not yours since you’re here talking to me. So who’s in the urn at home?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “I imagine it is, but since my Jeep is stuck in the rock face… Well, I assume it’s still there.” When Ryder nodded, I couldn’t miss the mirth dancing in his eyes. Bastard. “And since the snow is coming down hard enough to snuff out the fires of hell, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be here a while. So start talking.”

  “You’re right; we do need to talk. But like you said, the snow might not stop for days. It will take a week or two before a tow truck can make it up the mountain. We have lots of time
to sort this out.”

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “I’m worried about you. You were in a wreck, sweetheart. I’m fairly sure you’ve got a concussion. We’ve both spent enough time at the gym to know you need rest and quiet so you can heal. I’m simply suggesting that we wait and talk about this. When you’re better, we will. I promise.”

  I hated that he was right, but my head was killing me, and my body felt as if I’d been tossed into a blender. Still, I wasn’t about to roll over and play dead. Placing my palm on his chest, I shoved him back on his heels.

  Ryder’s eyes grew wide, and he had to catch himself to keep from landing on his ass.

  Yeah, I was small, but I was strong. Thanks to Papa.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, asshole. I wouldn’t trust your promises if my life depended on it.” Without giving him another glance, I swung my legs off the couch and stood without wincing.

  As I made my way toward the door to collect my things, Ryder followed. I felt his body heat. When I reached for the handle on my suitcase, he wrapped his hand over mine, sending a shiver of need up my spine. Dammit. I had no idea how to sever his insidious hold on me. I had to figure something out—and quickly. I wasn’t going to last two days, let alone a solid week, in this tiny cabin with him. I certainly couldn’t let him think I still craved his kiss, his touch, and his cock…even though I did.

  “I’m going to make it my mission to prove you can trust me, sweetheart.” A slow, sensual smile kicked up his lips. “What do you think you’re doing with the suitcase?”

  “Taking it to my room.”

  “So you plan to sleep in my bed, huh?” His raspy voice spilled over me like warm syrup.

  The puddle in my panties was instantaneous, but I’d be damned if I’d let him see me melt. I swallowed tightly and summoned my anger again.

  “You can sleep on the couch. It folds out into a bed. Papa used to sleep there. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

  “For tonight.” His confident wink both dug under my skin and stroked my pussy.

  Don’t be a twit. He lied to you. Remember?

  But had he? I’d no reason to doubt my father when he’d told me Rage had committed suicide. And since he’d clearly allowed Ryder to stay here, he must have known the truth…and kept it from me.

  Why all the subterfuge? Why was the man hiding in the woods?

  Too many questions without answers. My head thundered.

  Taking the suitcase from my hand, Ryder smiled. “Let me carry this for you. While we’re there, I’ll change the sheets. I’m sure you wouldn’t want my scent all over you.”

  Yes, I would. Oh…I really, really would.

  Especially if they smelled the way he did now, like clean soap and that spicy fragrance that was uniquely Ryder.

  Living under the same roof with the man who played the starring role in every orgasmic fantasy I’d ever had was going to be torture. I needed to stop letting the memory of his kiss turn me inside out, get my head screwed on straight, and deal.

  But…what would we be doing now if I hadn’t opened my big mouth and started asking him questions?

  I was better off not knowing.

  Unfortunately, nothing stopped my body from humming with insistent need as I followed him into the bedroom.


  I had no idea flirting with Katiana would be such fun.

  While she seemed a lot more headstrong, sassy, and sarcastic than she’d been at fifteen, her pretty brown eyes still broadcast her every emotion. She tried hard to make me think she was furious, and she was…a little. I couldn’t blame her. After all, even if it hadn’t been intentional, I’d hurt her.

  Her real struggle wasn’t with me or my decisions…at least it wouldn’t be until I confessed why I’d abandoned the human race to seek solace from my sins. Katiana wouldn’t press me for answers today…but I wouldn’t be able to hold her off for long.

  Eventually, I’d have to lay everything on the line, including my heart.

  Katiana couldn’t slip through my fingers again.

  When we entered the room, her gaze flew straight to the sheets tangled in a heap on the bed. I watched the pulse point at the base of her neck hammering. She swallowed tightly. Her pert little nipples poked through the thermal shirt hugging her sinful body. My mouth watered and my cock jerked, but I banked my gnawing need and placed her suitcase on the dresser.

  After I got Katiana settled in, I’d toss on my buckskins and brave the blizzard. If chopping a couple cords of wood didn’t put my anxious dick to sleep, I’d go into the bathroom and take matters in hand.

  I began stripping off the sheets while she turned in a slow circle, her gaze scanning the room.

  “I haven’t changed much around here. Your dad…” I didn’t finish my sentence. The memories of Victor rescuing me and bringing me here that fateful night crowded my head instead.

  “It looks the same. But being here is…”


  “Yeah.” She stroked her fingers over the faded curtains.

  “I assume Victor wanted you to spread his ashes here.” It would explain why she’d even attempted this perilous drive in winter.

  “He did.”

  Stepping toward the photo on the wall, Katiana wrapped her arms around herself as she studied the image of her and Victor holding up a couple of massive rainbow trout and grinning at the camera. She traced the tip of her finger over her father’s face.

  “I always smile when I look at the picture,” I said, trying to comfort her. “You two must have had fun landing those big bastards.”

  She gave me a watery laugh as she wiped away fresh tears. “We did. When I was reeling my fish in, Papa saw how big it was and got so excited that he waded out with the net to scoop it up. But before I got it close to the shore, he slipped on a mossy rock and came up sputtering and cursing a Russian blue streak. I laughed so hard I almost dropped my pole.”

  When she tossed a grin over her shoulder, Katiana’s face was glowing. Happiness danced in her eyes. My heart nearly stopped. That same expression used to light up her face every time I walked into the gym.

  “You two shared some amazing times.” I managed a tight smile as I balled up the sheets in my fist.

  She was injured and in no condition for me to even kiss her again. That didn’t stop me from wanting to. I had to get out of here before I did something stupid.

  I hoped we’d have later for that, like maybe the rest of our lives.

  “We did,” she whispered as she turned to the photo once more.

  I darted out of the room and tossed the sheets down the hall before grabbing a set of clean ones from the linen closet. While she unpacked her suitcase, I quickly made the bed.

  “Do you need something stronger for your head?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  “Okay. Get some rest,” I instructed from the doorway. “I’ll wake you when dinner is ready.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I can help cook.”

  “Not today. We’ll see how you feel tomorrow.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip, looking as if she wanted to say something more. Instead, she swallowed it and nodded. “Thank you.”

  You won’t be thanking me later, sweetheart.



  Katiana and I spent the next three days dancing around each other, trying to ignore the sexual tension swirling in the air. It didn’t take long for her to realize I was tossing her the same sort of heated stares and explicit suggestions she’d sent me years ago. Yesterday morning, she started zinging them back. The carnal tension was beyond thick now. Anticipation made the air heavy, like a living, breathing premonition that something life-altering was on my horizon. Or maybe that was my own wishful thinking.

  I’d been spending a lot of time in the woods, braving the blizzard that refused to end. When I came inside, I jacked off in the shower, trying to get my cock to stay down for five fucking minutes. But it was hopeless. The
minute I saw or smelled Katiana, I was hard enough to chop wood without an ax, like now. I’d just come back from retrieving her cell phone, dead battery and all. And I was sporting another relentless erection.

  Peering over the top of the suspense novel I’d plucked off the shelf, I watched Katiana flutter from window to window, checking the weather. She’d always been a bit of a tomboy, but she moved with the grace and style of a ballerina.

  With a scowl, she grabbed the blanket off the couch, wrapped it around her, and stepped onto the porch. I went back to reading. A few seconds later, she slammed the heavy door, shook the snow from the blanket, and rushed to the fireplace to warm up.

  “Thank you for going to all the trouble of bringing me my phone. It’s charging now.”

  “Sweetheart, there’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you.”

  She bit her lip. “Do you really mean that?”

  Marking the page I was reading, I closed the book and set it aside. “I do. Why? What’s going on in that beautiful mind?”

  “I thought maybe we could talk.”

  My gut clenched. I knew I wouldn’t be able to avoid this much longer, but I’d hoped to have a few more days to steel myself. “Haven’t we been?”

  “About surface stuff, like the weather, my stupid cell phone, what wild animal we were going to cook for dinner, but…”

  “What do you want to know?”

  I didn’t miss the sudden shaking of her hands or the apprehension clouding her eyes. Finally, she licked her lips and drew in a deep breath. “You came up here the night Oscar died, didn’t you?”

  That was my girl. No beating around the bush, but going straight for the jugular. I tamped down my rising angst and swallowed tightly. “You mean the night I killed him? Yes.”

  “The commission and the police ruled it an accident. Papa told you that, right?”

  “He did.” I nodded.

  “Then why did you stay here?”

  “To atone.”

  “You didn’t need to. Besides, you signed your winnings over to Oscar’s wife and kids. They don’t blame you. They never did. You’re not responsible for—”


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